I guess getting up at 5am is good for me..

United States
September 26, 2012 12:20pm CST
I don't know why, but I woke up at 5am today. There was no reason. Nobody else was awake. I just opened my eyes at 5am and couldn't close them again. This never happens to me! I'm not a morning person. I'm the type that hits snooze over and over again then wakes up in a panic because I snoozed a bit too long! Not to mention, I wasn't even supposed to be to work until 11am so other than getting the kids on the bus, there was no reason for me to be up early at all. So, I spent the wee morning hours doing some school work. I completed an assignment so now only have a quiz left for school work this week, which I might do today. Then I got the kids and hubby up to get them ready to go, but one of my kids was sick so I had to call into work. So, I've spent my day doing laundry, going through the younger 2 boys' bins of winter stuff and pulling out the long pants and sweaters they'll use this fall and winter. Then I organized their dressers and put away the shorts and summer clothes. I cleaned up my upstairs closet, which wasn't terrible. Then I slowly started to organize some of the junk that's piled up in the hallway outside the closet. Most of that is just stuff we never unpacked and nothing important. Stuff I had in desk drawers or whatever that no longer has a home in the new house.. and may have even already been replaced since it's been sitting up there for more than 6 months untouched. Some of it is also our holiday stuff from Halloween and Easter, as well as photos both from our old house as well as those of my in laws that I wanted to keep. So organizing all that stuff will be my next big project, though I'm not sure I'll get to it today. It seems a bit overwhelming right now and I'd like the kids to help.. but they have soccer tonight so we don't have a whole lot of time. So I feel like I got a ton accomplished today, and that feels great! Not sure what else I can do because I'm running out of energy, the kids will be home from school soon, and we have to get ready for soccer before too long. Have you ever had a productive day after waking up early? Or would the early hour wear you out so you don't get anything done?
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17 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Sep 12
I get up early every morning as I leave for work about 10 minutes after five. I wouldn't have to get up so early but I do a bit of straightening up before I go so when I am done with work I come home to a nice clean house....then I can take a nap without feeling guilty! LOL
• United States
28 Sep 12
Wow that is early! In the past I've been very leary of taking jobs that required me to be in too early because I was always afraid I'd oversleep. I've had jobs where I had to be in at 7 and I'd oversleep. When I get really tired I can easily sleep right through an alarm.
• United States
27 Sep 12
How smart u are. Maybe u need to get up early alot more, lol. I have always been an early bird & not a good sleeper so i'm liable to be doing most anything at any hour of the night.My dil brought me a bucket of apples & i couldn't sleep that night so i was peeling apples at 3am. duh!
• United States
27 Sep 12
Oh gosh I don't think you'd ever find me doing that sort of thing at such an hour! LOL
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
26 Sep 12
I get up early to go into work. It is my most productive time, and I wish I could do the same at home. At their house I get lots of cleaning and stuff done and fix breakfast for as many as four different clients. I like being able to whip through everything. Now I need a nap. You should take one as well before your kids get home.
• United States
26 Sep 12
I had the little one home with me all day so a nap didn't happen.. now all but 1 kid is home. I've gotta do dinner soon, then take them all to soccer.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
26 Sep 12
i have fibromyalgia and i like to get up early but if i get up too early, by lunch time, i am beat. i do work part times, in the morning, in fact, three mornings per week and i find that my mornings are my most productive times but i would love to be able to sleep in just a little (i have to be at work by 8:30).
• United States
26 Sep 12
I am most productive at night for some reason. I get my second wind when everyone else falls asleep and I feel like I am most energetic at that time.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
26 Sep 12
Getting up at 5am will probably a bad day for me... I get ver irritated if I don't get enough sleep. My 2 little ones get up multiple times every night, I go to bed as soon as thry go to bed around 9 or so and they get up around 6 -8am. Mostly I won't feel too engetic to be effective for the housework and stuff if I get up that early but tiring.
• United States
26 Sep 12
I don't miss those days at all! I had a set of twins, then my next 2 were 18 months apart and the 18 month old never slept through the night. I was a total mess back in those days.
• United States
26 Sep 12
Well you seem to be a s tay at home mama today that is very busy. I work 8.5 hours a day and am pretty busy throughout my day. Until about 30 minutes ago today i was swamped with work and i havent checked my email in about 20 minutes so im sure there is something else in there waiting for me to do again, but ill get to it as soon as i can. My bosses left me so im on mylot trying to get in a few responses in so i can get something on here for today. Im not very active lately on here but am trying to be. Lately i have been working like crazy and running around for work and most of the time my bosses seem to be here so i cant get on as much as i used to. I dont do tomuch of this at home because im usualyl tired and busy when i get home. Glad to here you got stuff done today around the house. I hope to be moving into my own house soon and im excited and nervous at the same time. But time to grow up and be responsible.
• United States
26 Sep 12
I usually work too.. then have the kids and their activities after work in addition to dinner, homework, bath and their bedtime plus my own school work.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
27 Sep 12
When I was working, I had to get up early and be at work at 6 a.m. I had to stay productive the entire eight hours as I was working in a group home for DDp's and had to be alert all of the time. Over my career I've worked all of the shifts. But the night shift was my favorite. I'm not a morning person either. The snooze button was worn out. The evening shift wasn't too bad. Anything was better than the early morning. Most people want the day shift. But I was always glad when someone was needed for the evenings or nights. I seemed to get more done at home when I was doing the nights.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Sep 12
Yes, waking up early as in your case at 5am is good for you, you managed to get a ton of works done beginning at such an early hour. It has a positive productivity effect on you and enable you to accomplish so much today. I feel the same too if i wake up early at 5-6 am, i usually can get a lot more done in a day than when i sleep for an extra few hours until 8-9 o'clock. I prefer to wake up early and get myself moving forward every day.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Sep 12
Life begins so early in the Caribbean that most people are up by 6am. I used to get up at 7am but I guess with no full time job now I could make some coffee and get back to bed and watch the news or something You certainly accomplished a lot and it does feel good when we do this. Do you think that you will make a havbit of this or could it be a sign of stress that you woke up so early?
• United States
26 Sep 12
I'd love to be more of an early bird.. but exhaustion gets the better of me most mornings. If I do manage to get up early, I usually spend the better part of my morning doing nothing until I have to do something else, LOL.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Sep 12
I've been getting up a lot earlier through the last two weeks and that has meant that I have been able to get more done. However, I also have to admit that it really is wearing me out because of the fact that I do really like my sleep. I did, however, give in today and I went back to bed for several hours because I just didn't feel good between my back aching and my stomach cramps (my favorite aunt is visiting), so today, I'm feeling stressed because it is the end of the day and I haven't accomplished everything that I wanted to get done today. Oh well, I'll be heading to bed here in a few minutes and what I didn't get done today will wait until tomorrow.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
7 Oct 12
This morning was sort of the same for me. I usually have my alarm everyday at 5:40am, even on weekends. I would then decide that it IS the weekend and I don't have to get up. But today, Saturday, I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I did some laundry, fixed my son's closet, vacuumed a couple of rooms, and soon I saw that it was 9:30 already! And still I couldn't go back to sleep. Maybe I'll turn in early tonight.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
26 Sep 12
I always have had less sleep in the past 20 years about 2-4 hours a night. I always been most productive at night or early in the morning if everybody is still asleep. Since the past weeks I am not that active anymore. I also don't want to be that active anymore. I am still awake early (middle of the night) but try to learn myself to sleep more and relax more. I won't give in in cleaning the house in the middle of the night anymore. It's too bad for my health.
• United States
26 Sep 12
Not getting at least 6 hours of sleep per night can be very bad for your health. But sleeping too much isn't good for you either.
• United States
27 Sep 12
Getting up early can be a good thing. When I wake up early I seem to get more done. When I lived alone I would only sleep when I wanted to and usually would be up at like 3 in the morning because most of my online friends are from different time zones. But being up earlier I got more done.
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
In my side, I wake up early but can't get up and sleep again. It will happen 3 times then when I get up. It is a pain the back. I always wanted to get up early to do more work or to get more things going.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
26 Sep 12
I woke up this morning myself at 7:30, I was hurting a little though so I think that is what really woke me up. I've not done anything in the least productive but I have no idea where to start either. I'm glad you got a little bit done. I have two chapters and one more exam for this module to do, my other module should be shipping fairly soon if it's not already. I also want to study more, so much I want to do, I need to priortize.
@GemmaR (8517)
26 Sep 12
I think that getting up earlier suits me as well to be honest. I always feel the best in myself if I am able to get up at around 7am or perhaps a little earlier sometimes. I hate staying in bed for longer than I am supposed to because that often makes me feel even worse than I would have done if I hadn't had any sleep at all. Everyone is different and this means that the most important thing for you to do is to make sure that you are getting the right amount of sleep for your own body, and that might not be the same as other people would need.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
26 Sep 12
waking early is very good and yes lots can be done. I wake up early and I too do lots and finish all my work when i get up early. happy for you that you made good use of the time, the early morning time. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.