Share poems! Good bad dont think just type :)

United States
October 3, 2012 9:29am CST
Random poem i made just now what do you think of the poem :) Your turn to share, one poem at a time planted inside my womb, is a seed a mysterious growth nevertheless a very promising small little seed that i have nourished deep within one day it will no longer be just a seed it will one day be an artist, an inventor something far more extraordinary than i could have ever imagined a seed is never just a seed just as music isnt just a sound
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7 responses
• Philippines
4 Oct 12
Nothing would come out. No emotion, no thoughts. Nothing. I am in pain. Yes, I am in pain because of you. You have conquered my thoughts. I know this is just a game to you. I know I am just one of them. But you will never know how you wounded me, inflicted pain upon me, caused tears to pour out like flowing water from my eyes. You will never know how this feeling inside me screams, and how I call out your name in the midst of myself. And you will never know how you made me smile, how you made me breathe. So I play pretend in front of you. To you, I seem heartless enough to freeze water before me. But inside me screams this feeling undaunted, this merciless voice that calls to me every night. A face that never leaves me even in my dreams, a voice constantly lurking everywhere I go. Your mere presence causes great tremor upon me. The sound of footsteps that you make, I even have a name for. You don't know. You will never know. Perhaps you may never know.
• Philippines
5 Oct 12
thank you. Yes, there was a time that I was really hurt so much that I was compelled to write about it just to get it out of my system. Writing about my feelings makes me feel a little better.
• United States
4 Oct 12
Wowwww this definitely comes from a place of hurt I can feel the realisticness of it all great work!
• United States
4 Oct 12
whispers in the wind i hear music in the air, so softly it almost isn't there, is it part of the everyday din, or is it echos from within, like whispers in the wind. i hear a woman crying, she sounds as if she may be dying, is it because she played and didn't win, so she despairs from within, making whispers in the wind. i hear a man groaning, sounds like he is mourning, for a life wasted in sin, so he hurts from within, making whispers in the wind. i feel the wind in my face, and i wonder to what place, it will carry the emotional din, of errant tides within, all those whispers in the wind.
• Greece
4 Oct 12
that is a very nice poem, one that I can understand and one that you have given a lot of thought to. I like a poem to have some pattern to it, I'm not into random thoughts. Sometimes a poem looks as though it was created by someone throwing a lot of words into the air and just copying them down in the order in which they fell. There are some fine writers of modern verse but when you examine the poems you see that they have been crafted. The sentences flow together, they may use alliteration to good effect and they have a pattern of some kind knitting them together. I hope you keep writing and sharing it on MyLot.
• United States
4 Oct 12
Wow that was very beautiful I would love to hear your thoughts on why you wrote this poem its truly a masterpiece. :)
3 Oct 12
I enjoyed you thoughts, though I must admit I've always struggled to get along with free verse. I like the idea of writing a random poem, though I suspect I'm too much the perfectionist to actually let one lose without checking it over at least a couple of times, that can be a challenge for me to pick up another day. Did you ever watch who's line is it anyway, they had a round on there where they had to make up a song on the spot, given a style and a topic, this is very much like that, I used to really enjoy that bit. If I get chance to run one off I'll drop it back here, won't be today though, too busy.
• United States
3 Oct 12
i love whose line is it anyway i did alot of inprop in highschool :) Yah i write different kinds of poems, just thought id write something random :) and please do i love to listen to poems.
4 Oct 12
A poem full of randomness a page of scrawl, what a mess my pencil lies discarded by the paper where I did try To write a poem in 60 seconds and this is where that poem ends (Seriously random, maybe it was two minutes)
@riyauro (6421)
• India
4 Oct 12
I like it very much. I guess there are some good writers among us. well i say good try. Keeping try and you will do very good. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
• United States
4 Oct 12
thank you vvery much :)
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
4 Oct 12
This is such a beautiful poem , it tells me how a mother carries her baby from a fetus to grow up child. Because of her love and care you grow as a beautiful person. I love reading and writing poem.. Here's one haiku for you.. Ovum , sperm met life unfolds so divinely life , a sacred gift.
• United States
4 Oct 12
AWWWw thank you so much. Wowwwwwwww that is just wow seriously i love short poems that have more impact than writing a thousand words wow you think I could steal this one to write in a baby diary?
• China
4 Oct 12
Indeed, I have also made a poem in May. It is about parents. All of my classmates wrote one or more and recited them in a square. It is a exciting experience. When I finished my poem, I felt comfortable and thrilled. And I believe you share the same feelings with me.
• United States
4 Oct 12
AWWw I'd love for you to share it :) I bet you wrote an amazing poem
• Philippines
4 Oct 12
I love Max Ehrmann Go placidly,Amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there maybe in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid load and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others,you may become vain and bitter, for always there would be greater and lesser person than yourself.
• United States
4 Oct 12
wowwwwww that poem was so moving thank you for sharing it