pampered youth of today
@realistic_miss (7)
October 8, 2012 10:11am CST
im a mother of 4 and i have made sure in raising my children i met there needs instilled them with morals and tried to make there childhoods were comfortable only in my later years ( 35 lol ) have i reached the conclusion that we pamper our youth we can meet all physical and mental needs but respect in this day and age is lacking.... the youth of today don't experience the hardships we did growing up so they don't respect what they have and they have so much but they see these things as there god given rights to have .. for really now in hindsight i feel that to respect what they do have they must experience having nothing but as a parent you dont wich your children to experience having nothing .. im in conflict !
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10 responses
@GemmaR (8517)
8 Oct 12
I think that there are far too many parents who are spoiling their children these days. I know of a lot of people who don't make their children earn their own money and instead just give them money without having to work for it. So this means that the children aren't interested in doing well at school because they just think that they can slack off and then still get handouts from their parents. I am glad that my parents didn't spoil me to this extent because it at least means that I have a grasp on what real life is like.
@realistic_miss (7)
8 Oct 12
I agree with you 100% as i have just stated on a previous comment in hindsight i now encourage my younger children to earn their spending money to give a value of money to them .
And i too was never pampered as a child we were a large family i watched how hard my parents worked to keep us we had very little and respected everything we had , i openly admit i fell into the trap of saying my children will never know hard times.
That was my flaw as those hard times are what make us
@JijiXcebu (129)
• Philippines
9 Oct 12
It's something I'd like to call "everything is fastfood" nowadays. Which means children and the youth today enjoy a better and faster way of life with all the technology going on and the innovations or what not. With that said, the world is too focused on enhancing our youth in other aspects, sometimes neglecting the core manners that the world is used to preach.
I guess what I'm saying is that, generations evolve, along with their technology, way of life and traits/manners/behavior.
@realistic_miss (7)
9 Oct 12
Yes i'm going to agree with you too in the fact that generations evolve along with technology
the core manners are something to be taught at home alongside morals and values , you hit the nail on the head with your "fast food" comment which you dont even need to wash dishes after fast food... its lazy its fast its easy and its short lived.
which unfortunatly is more apealing than hard work
i try to teach my children that anything that comes easy is not worth having
that the achivement you feel after earning something working for it makes it much more satisfying
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Definitely not going to argue with you on this one.
Children are definitely pampered. I think that they have it easy compared to children in my generation. They have more technology, more treatments for health problems, more toys and television shows, more stores for them, and you name it.
I was born in the 1980s, and I didn't have nearly the things that children today have. I was also born with health problems that had very few treatments available, and now there are several ways to treat what someone has. We didn't have cell phones, or fast computers, laptops, flat screen televisions, blue-ray, and tablet computers. I didn't learn how to use a computer until I was 7 or 8 years-old. I remember the old computer buses. Now, there are computers everywhere. There are as many computers as there are televisions, and they aren't all that expensive if you know where to shop. Again, children have no idea how good they have it.
@realistic_miss (7)
9 Oct 12
I agree with your comment the evolution of technology has played a part in the pampering process , in my youth 1 computer per household was the norm . Now its one each ! the must haves in there eyes .
but again as a parent you want your children to have what they need without just buying to keep up with the latest trends its a fine line we walk
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
8 Oct 12
I have an only child so it is hard for her to not be spoiled. She is the only grandchild on one side and the only girl on the other side.
I am working on teaching her manners and respect (she is not even 4 yet).
As a teacher, I see the respect for adults diminishing year by year. I have witnessed students tell of the principal, and then have no consequences at home. I have had parents ask me what I did, when a child started yelling and screaming at me during a lesson. Many students do not learn to be accountable for their actions and that there are consequences for their actions.
@realistic_miss (7)
8 Oct 12
I have a respect for you as a teacher because you have to deal with the children without consequence knowing you can do little to change that .Yes those morals of accountability and responsablity are things that should be taught at home.
My children are respectful to adults and they have good morals they get to a certain age teenage and seem to lapse respect for money or how hard we have to work for it.
As a learning curve from my elder child i now encourage my younger ones to earn there spending money via household chores . With the hope this instills respect for money before they learn how to spend it :)
I dont think there's anything wrong with making your daughter feel special at all i think parenthood's flawed in many ways we dammed if we do we dammed if we don't
so we do what we can and hope it's enough
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@MsControversy (446)
• United States
9 Oct 12
I agree. This generation of kids have no respect whatsoever. I remember when I was a kid, if I would have pulled half of the crap that I see some of these kids doing now, my dad would have took his belt off and tore our butts up. That's half the problem right're not allowed to hit your kids anymore. I spank my kids when they deserve it. People need to learn that there is a difference between spanking your kids and beating them. And that's exactly what some of these kids need, they need someone to take them over their knee and give them a good old fashioned whoopin. Another part of the problem is too many young, single moms. So many children are being raised in single mother homes with no father figure. A father plays such a crucial roll in a child's life and sadly, so many of today's young ones don't get to experience having a dad in the house with them. I pray for the children of the next generation, because they need it!
@realistic_miss (7)
9 Oct 12
I feel the same on the spanking issue i was raised old school and when we showed disrespect we were spanked we rarely showed it twice as the punishment wasn't worth it we learned quick and to this day i totally respect my parents and still wouldn't act in certain ways in the presance of my parents out of respect.
In certain cases there have been parents loose employment after "spanking" their children, the line is too fine on this issue of what we can and cant do with our children , i myself work with children so run the risk of loosing my job if i choose to "spank" my children in the eyes of the law . So i use the deny method my children disrespect or misbehave they loose there " must haves " ( computers ,phones )
and they loose there freedom too grounding is the best way i find . But then i no longer have the option to spank do i so its flawed ... society want us to raise respectful individuals then tie our hands up on how we can do this..
I know many single mums that raise their kids just fine as those said father figures were better off no knowing..
but yes i would have to agree that kids having kids without full knowledge of the commitment that entails is a problem we know that somethings wrong when a baby is a fashion acssesory
i only pray for the next generation because they fail to want to learn from the previous generation their belief that they know it all already will be there downfall.
the greatest minds of our time stood on the sholders of those before them they learned but then again in the minds of our children parents know nothing ... oh how little they know
@athena012 (20)
14 Oct 12
hello there :) if you're children can see that you're doing your best to give the they needs and wants. They will treasure it and be thankful for what they have.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Oct 12
I agree with you. You know why they are like that? They have everything done for them. push a button and look at what you can do! Hand held devices are a huge part of what is making kids lazy and disrepectful and even stupid as in no thought or imagenation.
We used to play the board game Monopoly...for days! We'd just push it under the bed when we got tired nad pull it out the next day and continue. dont' even have to have a person to play the game play against the computer. And most games are just press the button and kill the character and move on. Kids these days don't have to take responsibility for things they do. Ijust did a discussion about a school teacher that took a child brown bag lunch away from him and made him eat a school lunch because there was another child at the table that had an allergy to the peanut butter that was in the kids lunch. Now, let's not tell the kid with the allergy that he should move tables or stay away from the kid with the peanut butter or anything like that to make the kid with the allergy learn how to deal with society and his allergy and educate the kid about how things need to be to accomodate his allergy...let's just make everyone else change their lives to accomodate him. Nothing against either child...but it is just that instead of teaching the child how to deal with his allergy, we cover it up and make others accomodate it.
There are so many things in life today that kids are missing out that we "used" to do. We did them as that is all we had to do...but today..they dont do them as they aren't taught about them. Just press those buttons and keep the ear plugs in the ears and text aand insta gram...dont put any thought or imagenation or energy into doing anything.
ANd lets not forget about the tv...have you seen things for kids on tv these days? I mean, come on...Sponge Bob Square pants? Are you serious? No family sitcoms, nothing appropriate for kids on tv these days. But there they are...watching it.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
9 Oct 12
I am thankful that our daughter was brought up in a way that she is a fine young lady now. She is our only child, yet she wasn't spoiled at all.
That's because at an early age, we trained her by saying no when what she is asking is not necessary or when it's not within our budget.
Now, she is a thrifty and practical lady, simple in her needs. 

@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Oct 12
I am not a parent as yet and I would like to know all the parents views on this because I will need it in the future. I have seen hardships in life and I would not want my child to go through the same. But at the same time the more you give them the less it is. The demands are very high. I wish to balance it when I have kids of my own. Is there a formula where we can balance it?? Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead. 

@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
12 Oct 12
I'm a grandmother now and when my daughter got married I was amazed at the things she had! She started married life with a washing machine - I washed by hand. She had a refrigerator. I had a cold cupboard! She had a vacuum cleaner - I had a broom. I could go on but I think you know what I'm getting at. Each generation is materially better off than the one before.
They are bound to take everything forgranted because we do not harp on at our children telling them how difficult life was for us. I have no idea how it was for my mother but she got married just before WW2, so it must have been harder for her than it ever was for me.