God does things to touch my heart at times. like this one

@bunnybon7 (50973)
Holiday, Florida
October 11, 2012 9:04pm CST
I read about a lady that found a kitten in her barn that was near death and her Pekingese nursed it back to health. started producing milk for the kitten even after several years of not having puppies now this is a God happening it seems to me. heres a link. NOT A REFERRAL http://www.mnn.com/family/pets/stories/dog-nurses-feral-kitten-back-to-health
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13 responses
• China
14 Oct 12
It is really a story that warms our hearts. I have heard that a dog nursed a wolf cub.I think that made sense in the view of genetics.However it is a far cry between the dog and the cat.It was a very kind-hearted Pekingese.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
14 Oct 12
they are very sweet gentle dogs. one lived with us for a while
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
15 Oct 12
• China
15 Oct 12
The kitten was fortunate enough to run across this kind of dog.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Oct 12
yes a female animal will nurse any animal it is the mother in us. Scientists have seen that over and over again.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Oct 12
forgot to say that it is the first time I heard of an animal who is not nursing herself doing it though
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Oct 12
yes that was miraculous in its self. i think thats where God comes in.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
13 Oct 12
Personally it is always good when you see and hear stories like this, as it does help and shed some light on how great God is, and that miracles can happen, even from animals sometimes when you least expect it. I heard about this one, and it is amazing for sure. How touching as well.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
yes its quite wonderful. Gods grace
@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
13 Oct 12
Oh my word, I was SO touched when I read this story. I sent it to several people I know.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
me also including you all you are welcome
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
15 Oct 12
Hi bunny, I followed your link. I like it. Yes animals also have affection. Sometimes their behavior is more humanity than humans.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Oct 12
you sure have that right. I think God gave us animals to love and enjoy
• United States
13 Oct 12
It always amazes me that things like this happen. You don't see this very often. I think Zhou I'd brety much on control of things and he can use other animals to breathe life into a sick animal of another species.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
zhou? is that your god? guess he can
@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Oct 12
What a sweet story! Another part of the miracle is that the kitten is doing so well on dog's milk. They two different animals, after all.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
i did wonder about that but i guess they are similar enough as ive heard of the oppisite also.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Awww, that is sweet. I've had animals over the years and never seen this happen. But occasionally do see a news story about it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
i enjoy share with my friends that might cheer them a bit.
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Oct 12
That is a sweet story. I have heard several of these down through the years. Animals are either at each other's throat or bending over backwards to work together. They are selfless and nurture with a big heart. It is always impressive to see how animals interact. Take elephants for instance. All the women mother the babies and help out. They are one big happy family!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Oct 12
wow even elephants show their sweet motherly side. thats wonderful
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 Oct 12
Hi bunnybon This confirms my belief that the one who gives me life will take care of how I survive no matter what the others plan or think. I should say thanks for sharing such a wonderful article and making me smile
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Oct 12
you are welcome and thats why i shared it. it brightened my day i do believe that no matter when anyone or anything goes from this world its decided by God
• United States
12 Oct 12
God is Amazing!! I love stories like this. Milk is milk, when it comes to being a kitten it doesn't matter where it comes from. So sweet!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
actually cows milk or the kinds we drink dont usually agree with them. im surprised tho that a dogs does. but its happened a few times. thank god
@STOUTjodee (3573)
• United States
12 Oct 12
That is totally amazing! God definitely works in mysterious ways! Animals are so caring a very smart! I know God gave us our dog for a reason, I'm hearing impaired and our dog alerts me to noises when I'm by myself.
• United States
13 Oct 12
I have heard of things like this happening. Did you see the story a couple of years ago on, I think it was Animal Planet, where this lion found this abandoned calf and followed it around and kept it safe. The calf because it couldn't get any milk started to weaken, the lion would hide the calf and hunt,then come back. She even slept with the calf, but one day while she was hunting another lion came across the calf and killed it. The lion grieved for the calf. The story may have been on NatGeo. It's amazing how animals that have been arch enemies, not to mention natural prey, can come to another one's rescue. I used to raise pitbulls and I found three kittens that were probably 6 or 7 weeks old. I took them home and fixed them a warm place in my shed (it was more like a nursery and a hospital ward for kittens and puppies and sick animals). It was really cold, the weather was calling for an ice storm. When I got home from work that night, about 2 a.m., I went out to bring them inside the house. I couldn't find them anywhere. I was so worried, (not just because of the cold but because I had 25 pitbulls in the yard) but I went inside and went to bed. As soon as it got daylight I went back outside to find them. I checked all over the yard and was relieved that they hadn't gone out to any of the dogs. It had come a huge ice storm, everything was white and frozen over. I started calling them and when I did my dog Gripper came out of his house. I talked to him and kept calling. I noticed that every time I called the kitties, Gripper would look inside his house, so I walked over and looked inside. There my kitties were, all three of them, safe and sound. They had found a way out of the shed and had went in the doghouse with Gripper. I was amazed. Gripper had never liked cats, but he befriended those kitties and kept them warm and safe. You know God had a hand in that. If lions can lay with calves and pitbulls can lay with kittens why can't people get along? We could learn something from these animals. Great story bunnybon7. Thank you.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Oct 12
ooohhh! that is also an inspireing lovely story thanks.