I have not ride an LPG taxi yet..

LPG taxi - such a good conversation but some are not swift
October 19, 2012 4:15am CST
Hello Lotters, It's really been a while since I've rode a taxi. the last time i rode one was back when I was taking our maid to the bus station so that she can go home. how ever, people say it's the best ride because it doesn't spread smoke and more saved money to the driver. However, the secretary of Health thinks that it's causing health problems to some drivers because of the exposure of the gas. some are experiencing chest pains. there had been dialogues already with the health department and the Association regarding this matter. My opinion is that there should be inspection of the assembled LPG taxis because maintenance is a must. you may never know that a leak could cause an explosion in the taxi.
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19 responses
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
Hi, I also heard about the health problems this LPG gas can cause to taxi drivers and their passengers. I think that this study should have been made before they allowed the public to use LPG in their taxis. It is like when you're doing an experiment over something that is new, you do gather data, perform some test and analyses, and would definitely study the pros and cons, and would consider many things like environment and health. This study shoud have been done beforehand. Well, I don't know how this LPG taxis started but I don't think they can just use it without proper permit. Who gave them permit to use it?
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
Hello Paper_Doll, they have permits but they lack maintenance and inspections, they should know that it's wrong if there's something smelly on their taxi's. they shouldn't let it go, what happens if there's a spark inside the car? like what julyteen said, both passenger and driver could die in the explosion, he's right
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
They should have not let them use LPG if there's a possibility like this. I think that an exploding taxi with a driver and passengers in it is a valid reason not to allow them to use it. It is extremely dangerous. Like what has happened to the nuclear power plant we have, they say it is dangerous and can cause future dangers to us so they did not allow it to operate. LOL I think I am exaggerating things here. Anyways, if those taxi drivers and operators would do proper maintenance and inspections, is there a possibility that there would still be a case of having an explosion inside the taxi? Thanks.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
23 Oct 12
If the taxi encounter trouble on their LPG, both passenger and the driver will also explode
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Oct 12
I was phobia with taxi after I was billed almost 500 pesos from NAIA-3 to Las Pinas. Very strange in our country. I understand I was paid 25 SAR (around 270 pesos) from the hotel I've work before to the place where I will meet lots of Filipinos in Riyadh. If that distance compared here in our country maybe we can only pay 50 pesos. Cost of living in Riyadh is quit expensive compared to us here.
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
Hello Julyteen, i don't know but i don't think that would be funny when it really happens. kinda make you think twice riding a taxi like that. LPG's can be so destructive that it can destroy some of the glasses near buildings or other vehicles. anyways, be careful out there too, am sure when your abroad already the taxi's are way better.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I heard before when they tried to encourage the use of LPG is because of the lower cost of it as compared with gasoline price. They also added that it is more environmentally friendly since they produce less carbon as compared to diesel and gasoline. But there is also some politics behind this one since this is one of the businesses Arroyo is engaged. If you would remember this was promoted under the Arroyo administration and there was even a party list that sprouted because of this. Now that they are not in control of everything the negative side of this one product is starting to show up. Although DOH has not totally saying that LPG is really bad. It was the controller or the machine that was installed in the tank that is poorly installed causing the fumes to leaked out affecting the health of the drivers that is exposed to it in a prolonged period of time.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Actually heard this story from a tax driver he was complaining about the smell actually. Then he mention about the LPG was being endorsed silently by FG Arroyo because he has a big interest in this industry. I have no real proof behind his story on this one actually.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Rsa101, this is trouble, there was politics behind this? at the price of both drivers and customers who wants to save money and time riding a taxi? so the issue here is maintenance and installment. if that's the reason, then the liability would be to the drivers who needs to have continuity of the maintenance of their LPG taxi. maybe it should be the responsibility of the customers not to ride on the taxi and smell it thoroughly.
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I think I've experienced riding an LPG taxi twice. It dossn't make me more nervous than when riding a regular taxi. What I get nervous about is riding on a public transportation with a reckless driver be it an LPG/regular taxi, bus or a jeepney.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I guess you're right. We must also be wary of that. I have never experienced riding on one with a leak though that's why I never thought of that. Is there a way to tell if a taxi is using LPG fuel before you hail it? I never paid attention.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello silentwill, well a reckless driver is something we don't have to think twice when riding one, but you might think twice if your in a hurry to do so maybe the most threatening is when riding a leak tax with a reckless driver. better yet, avoid taxis that are old but LPG.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
It's very unhealthy LK I experienced it many times and I almost want to go out of the taxi. The smell of the LPG can get inside through the air-con and I think it is not healthy in our lungs.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
It is very hard to choose taxi these days specially when you are in a hurry and most taxi these days used LPG, I think even good installation of LPG still can harm everybody's health specially the commuters who are only standing on the road we can inhale the smoke of the LPG.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello lynboobsy, If it's not healthy for you personally when riding one, how much more to those who are driving one. they said that they don't experience this in hongkong, maybe it has something to do with the installation. better start avoiding the taxis. better avoid riding them or its gonna cost your health
@mrsuniega (786)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
hello letranknight even me i have not ride an LPG taxi yet. We have no taxi here in my place. the last time I rode a taxi was in 2010 and I think LPG taxis are not yet on the road. For sure the DOH will conduct a series of test regarding this since there are some who doubts these findings claiming that it's not true. there are pros and cons still coming out to these new issue.
• Philippines
21 Oct 12
Hello mrsuniega, Some of my friends who responded mentioned that it happened already back when it was introduced in 2008 and things weren't as god when it comes to health conditions. better be careful not riding into one of these taxi cubs because it could be fatal to your health. sad the drivers are doing their best to save money
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
The problem with this issue is not really about the use of LPG instead of gas in taxis, but rather how the taxi operators maintain their units. The newer taxis that have been converted are fine. But I have ridden really old taxis that use LPG and it does leak inside the taxi. I know because I'm more sensitive with such chemicals because of my asthma. I would know if the taxi I've ridden has an LPG leak, even if it's fairly new, when I get nauseous and have a headache when I get off. The main culprit here is that most taxi operators don't want to spend on the maintenance of their units. For them, rather than spending on maintenance, if their driver becomes sickly, they just replace them. That DOH report is nothing new. The health hazards of using LPG as a car fuel has long been debated as unsafe as early as 2008. The people behind it couldn't just bring out their report because the LPG or conversion of automobiles to use LPG was approved by then president Gloria Arroyo. As early as 2008, there have been reports of drivers getting sick. I only hope that with the resurfacing of this health hazard for drivers and commuters doesn't get shelved again.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Anne25penn, well this is definitely something new to me though probably it's not aired that much. well, you may have to avoid OLD taxi's but the problem most of the time is that some taxi drivers actually repainted theirs to make it look like new. we just have to avoid those taxis if you have asthma, better not ride them instead.
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
It does have its advantages. However, you are right. It can really be a health hazard also. One can really smell the gas inside and outside the car. I hope this can be remedied. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
21 Oct 12
Hello rainegurl, there's no difference because it share the same taxi rate pay the only difference is the smell inside the taxi. i don't know the gas tank seems to be pretty close to the passenger, so even if they are side with the driver the ga can still be smelled. better avoid taxi's then
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I have experienced it and I don't know how many times since I don't ask the driver if the car runs with LPG or not. but I have heard from taxi drivers itself that it is not really safe, it's risky and not good for the health- both the driver and the passenger. But I can say that, some drivers don't have any choice but to resort to this LPG due to high cost of gas and diesel.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Jaiho-sis, I wonder what would have happened a spark of any fire is struck w/ the leaking gas? they should have it maintained and then tested for smell over and over again. because at the end of the day the only sacrificed here is their health in the process. i hope one day we can have a pure energy that would not jeopardize our health
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I tried to ride LPG taxi and its just the same as the others, the only difference is the smell inside, i cant barely breath so Manong Taxi driver decided to just open the cab for me and since his nice i just decided to go ahead. Yes your right its probably can cause health issue so i don't think DOH will still allowed to continue using it. Since Taxi rate is still the same even if its an LPG Taxi.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello homeshoppers, okay, so the smell is really bad, huh? probably they are doing this because of livelihood. i don't like the part were they do this for money, when they get older tehy will have alot of complications in their health making them incapacitated to work in the future, they should stop using lpg i guess.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I have rode one before. I don't really experience any serious issue when I was inside the taxi. Although the hassle of the taxi looking for LPG refilling stations did get into me. The travel seemed to be smooth, or maybe the driver really is too talkative that got me entertained while traveling. But as far as I am concerned, I can't see any harm with them. Or maybe the harm is invisible to the naked eye. But my nose can't detect a thing too.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello AgentGulaman, Just imagine if some one would shoot the LPG refilling station or some one threw a smoke there. the harm is actually directly to your health as you breath and smell the gas if it's leaking. well, it's the job of the driver to be more talkative and then keeps you from getting bored. just observe the taxi you are using when ever you take the ride to.
• India
19 Oct 12
this discussion really helps people to aware about LPG GAS KIT IN CAR. last week there was a blast in india. a maruti omni. the maintenance was really very poor. bus gods grace ,the passenger life is safe now.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Soorajsrs7srs, it's usually located at the back of the car, where you usually put your baggage in. i wonder what could have happened if the baggage contains something that can lit fire or they would put a bomb on it? because lpg can be a huge bomb in a car and any terrorist can have a twisted idea in blowing it up
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I'm a taxi rider and I may say that I'm quite hesitant to ride on those kind of taxis. For I know the feeling of having chest pains, asthma-like attacks. I hope the government can do something to make a strict inspection on every LPG taxis. Proper education to the driver, operators and to the commuters on matters regarding any indicator or signs of leakage, for it is so detrimental to our health. Thanks. Timely discussion there.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello mikyung, there should be a mandatory maintenance per month and pay at least 5 months per fix times of inspection and maintenance. because they are totally endangering the public, which means both the driver and the rider. there should be mandatory maintenance per month on these taxis.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Two years ago we had experienced it with my kids going to a birthday party for more than an hour trip,at first we didn't bother the smell but in the middle of the trip it stinks, the driver told us that that was the smell of the old tank that was replaced before we stepped in. The worst scenario was and my youngest son thowed up and felt very dizzy and sad to say he did not enjoy the party, we conclude he was poisoned by the air inside the taxi,thank God it's not serious though,i just gave him a warm compress after a long sleep at the mall. Sometimes we have no choice but to select a good one to hop in,but its not always happening especially if we are in a hurry.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Aliahnicole69, You should have wrote down the platenumber of the taxi because it's not assuming at all riding and paying a taxi like that. that is so serious, the driver was unintentionally poisoning the child, he could have gone to jail for that! never ride on lpg taxi ever again!
@anaknitatay (1335)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I'm not sure what measures are taken by the LTO but I think LPG vehicles have to pass a sort of inspection before they are allowed to run on the streets. LPG vehicle owners should have their vehicles checked if they notice suspicious smells it not only can harm their health but this is a health hazard as well.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Anaknitatay, It was the Land Transportation Office that required some of the taxi to renew their fuel source to lpg dependence. they should only convert those taxi's that are new and compatible with the taxi. they should keep having the inspections and maintenance because leaks can be proven very fatal to the customer and the driver.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
I have not tried that too. i don't even know that some taxis can run in that. I just saw it on the news.. I feel sad for the taxi drivers since it is very harmful for them. But they have no choice since i guess lpg is cheaper.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
hi, actually i don't ride in taxi it because the fare is really expensive depends upon the meter on how far the place is,especially the LPG taxi even they said that the fare is not that expensive and aside from that crime also included taxis now a days.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
hi LK, I already experienced riding in a LPG taxi well I think it's not good at driver's health though they say it is cheaper and I think it's also a risky one imagine if you meet an accident and the other car will bump at the back geez I can imagine the explosion and everything if ever. Even the driver told me that it's not healthy but he needs to work and have money to sustain for his family happy mylotting
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello Bhabycatch, I never thought of that before? I always wonder what could happen if a person smokes or there's a spike on the device he's carrying. there's always a possible threat to our health. how can a driver work so hard in sacrifice to his family? what happens if it really gotten to him and he couldn't work anymore? it's lessening his life
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Well I never had a chance or try riding in a lpg taxi. I heard in the news that there some health conditions occur to drivers and passengers of this kind of taxi. The lpg somehow affect them tht result in bad health condition. On going check and investigation should be conducted to avoid any harmful effect in out health.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Hello ardoy731, yeah that's why the head of DOH is already alarmed by this report coming from the LPG taxi drivers. well, there's no good inhaling a leak lpg taxi. some of them might not care for it at all. but as a passenger you should leave taxi like that most specially if there are not so good quality.