Discipline a Child

October 19, 2012 6:43am CST
In our country their is a certain law that would punish parent or guardian if they spank or beat their children even they are doing wrong. Now, we know that most of the children nowadays are more disrespectful and more rude. If this law restrict parents in somehow disciplining their children, does this contribute or affect the attitude of children, then how do parents should discipline their children given they did wrong.
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11 responses
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 Oct 12
How a parent disciplines there children does affect how they act when they are older as well as what they might do as parents themselves. I don't spank my kids because there are other ways to discipline a child. Time out works very well as well as taking things away and then giving them back when they are acting better.Child act not only how they feel but also what they see. If they see you hitting someone even themselves when something is done wrong then they are very likely to think it's okay to hit other people when they have done something wrong.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
3 Nov 12
shybear: Physiologists, sociologists, pyschologists, and psychiatrists all rely on statistics. There is no doubt that children mimick what they see, but do not think that my children will grow up to be abusive towards their children because I spanked them. My children understood what they were being spanked for and why it was wrong. There is a difference in spanking and beating a child.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
"How a parent disciplines there children does affect how they act when they are older as well as what they might do as parents themselves." I would strongly disagree with that, Yes, of course parents has the greater influence with their child, and promise, whenever you will see statistics about children it will always attributes to their parents.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
21 Oct 12
I don't fallow statistics because they almost always wrong. They do not reflex human choices and behavior. Statistic is a stupid number. If statistics where right then my children wouldn't be right about my children when they are not. What human's see is what they do. There is a small amount of people that do the oppisit of what is done to them. If a parent hits there child they are more then likely as an adult to do the same when they are adults. You may disagree all you want but I do not agree to what you say because statistics is just a number it's not physiology.
@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 12
I don't agree on spanking or beating a child in order to make him or her discipline. I believe if one beats the child, the child listens and not repeat the behavior or action again, that's because the child is afraid of getting punished or making the parents unhappy, but not really learned to be disciplined. Although sometimes talking to the child nicely, he may not listen, I believe he will slowly understand. I have to confess that sometimes I do scold and use "walk away" method. Sometimes when I know I really can't accept what my son did, and after several times talking nicely to him, and he still didn't listen, I'd walk away from him for awhile, or keep him away from me, after I have calmed down, then only I went back and talked to him. I have actually tried several methods when I was angry, but all did not take effect at all. At last, I still think keep talking to the child, keep telling him, and he will understand. My son did understand some that I've told him, he did not listen at the moment is just because he really feels like doing something, and he doesn't understand the consequence of doing it, he is still too young to judge. But, I believe he understands and he will be good disciplined.
@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 12
Forgot to mention, I think if we treat our children with love, and they will feel it. Of course, setting a good example is important, as child always imitate the adults, especially the parents.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Well, thanks, I think we should start the spanking parents then... hahaha, My point it should start on the parents..
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
20 Oct 12
I think giving them a warning and distracting them usually works. A slap on the hand when they touch something dangerous like pit a fork into a light socket should be the only spanking necessary and if your country fines you or puts you in jail because you prevented your child from being electrocuted, it is crazy. So a slap on the rear is usually not necessary and after many warnings, but most of the time it works better by time outs or not allowing the child to do something he likes works. If you do multiple spankings, it soon happens that the intensity of the spanking increases and it becomes ineffective.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Well this statement " If you do multiple spankings, it soon happens that the intensity of the spanking increases and it becomes ineffective. " would be so punishable thou I think spanking a child should not be intensify but be minimal as possible, just to show them that they are wrong and a bit of spanking, would do. thanks :-)
• United States
19 Oct 12
If your child did wrong and are being bad all you have to do noe a days since you can hit them is to take thinks away, take things away like there tv maybe there cell phone or an ipad or something big that they like so they can learn the lesson and to learn waht they did wrong. I believe its the only thing now a days thats going to work. If they play sports tell them there not going to be at the next game and there playing because he messed up and is going to have respect for what he did.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
But I think this will create rebellious acts, don't you think? since the more you take away the more curious it will be for them..
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
3 Nov 12
lologirl: What do you do with the child who is determined to take his things back? Mental health experts want to blame soiety for the misbehaviors of children. They want to blame parents for not teaching children to behave, but at he same time, they are telling us we cannot spank our kids. They tell these kids that they have all these rights and should be free to do as they please. In essence, they are stepping over the line and taking options away from parents. I say if they want to dictate the proper forms of discipline, then they need to come get my kids and support them. Taking things away from younger children may work in most cases, but teenagers today think they are entitled to do and say whatever they wish. They do not think their parents have the right to take their possessions, even if mom and dad paid for those possessoions. So what do you do with them?
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
It is really difficult to discipline kids, lest hold your anger when the kids made something real bad. Psychologists would suggest that constant communication with our child can help them to open up to their parents and are less likely to do wrong things. But not all parents ca be really good parents. So our kids sometimes pick up traits of their peers that leads them to doing things that make their own parents mad. Hitting or spanking to discipline a child really doesn't help. It will only cause your child to stay away from you. It is not fear that they feel, but anger towards you.
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
"Hitting or spanking to discipline a child really doesn't help. It will only cause your child to stay away from you. It is not fear that they feel, but anger towards you." I disagree with you, if you spank too much your child that will surely bear hatred but spanking a child when he/she does wrong it will communicate to them, thus, it means that you are loving and yet one that corrects wrong with authority, the thing is Parents are above their children...
• United States
20 Oct 12
I was spanked as a child and I spanked my son when he did something he was not suppose to do. I rarely had to discipline my child because he knew that when I said no, I meant no. I didn't have to worry about my son begging for toys or having a temper tantrum when we went shopping either. He walked along beside me and never wandered off. He was raised to respect his elders and he said yes ma'am and no ma'am. My nieces and nephews, when they were at home, they were very unruly and run amok, when they came to my house it was like they were totally different kids. It was yes ma'am and no ma'am and please and thank you. I won't tolerate unruly behavior. The way some kids are disciplined these days it's not a wonder that they are so many juvenile delinquents on the streets. I've got a little nephew, he's in 1st grade, he did something wrong at school one day and was put in time out. When the teacher turned her back he ran out of the class and they had to chase him across the playground to catch him. He was running away from school. He was expelled. His mom brought him over that evening and was telling us about it. I asked my nephew did I need to go to that school. He said no ma'am. He told his mom not to send me to send his granny. Kids need to be taught that they will be punished if they do something bad. When they get out on the street and do something wrong, they're not going to be put in time out.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
Thanks for sharing, you are a firm mother then but how do you spanked your children, to what degree then? Or is there a follow words after you spanked them?
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
19 Oct 12
Every child is different so something that works for one child will not work with another one. Sometime the surprise of a swat on the behind will work a lot better than a weeks worth of time outs. I raised four kids with a few spanking and they didn't turn into the violent hitting kids that spanking is said to cause. It depends on how often and for what a spanking is give for. I gave a spanking for things that they were told many time about that could cause them, real harm. Spanking was always the last resort.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I could not agree more, I think your children is well mannered...
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
3 Dec 12
Well I Am not a child abuser[I have 4 children all grown up now] and I have to say I did smack them every now and then! when nothing worked I found a good whack on their bum did work wonders! once they were in the teens years we learnt to discuss and have arguments which could go on for days some times until we all agree to compromise somehow...but I had the upper hand and they knew it. We can't let them forget we are the parent I believe a child who respect his/her parent at home will have respect for another human been in any situation where ever they are in life.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
3 Nov 12
I think that the law and school systems should stay out of childrearing practices except in cases of abuse and neglect. They all want to tell parents how we can dscipline our kids but also want to blame us when our kids no longer listen to us and get into trouble. Outside interference from "authorities" does have a negative impact on the attitudes of children. Kids now think that they don't have to do as they are told and if they are spanked for misbehaving, then all they have to do is go tell the school counselor and cause trouble for mom and dad. I always let my kids know if they pulled that sort of thing, they would definitely need the authorities to come rescue them. When we were being raised, my siblings and I would not have dreamed of talking back or disobeying our parents because we knew that dad would tear our behinds up. I am now 44 years old and have not forgotten from whence I came. I still make sure I am respectful to my father when I speak to him and I make every effort to accomodate the requests that he makes of me.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
19 Oct 12
in our India, parents can beat the children as much as they want. so much freedom is there here. but now a days every thing is becoming globalizing, so they are saying instead of beating.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Cool, but how does the new method of handling your children in India? does it effective?
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I would talk to my kids on a calm fashion, in that way, those sentiments will not be miscontrued as a violent thing which is not acceptable to them. I hope I can be a good disciplinarian to my kids in the future. For I would not spoil them, too much is not good. Thanks
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Well, I hope you could be, so many children I could see that grown us spoiled has been proven not good for children...