Do Jesus Christ have favorites???

October 19, 2012 8:31am CST
In the book of St. Matthew 10:5 Jesus Christ send forth his disciples but (strictly) commanded them to, "Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter you not". Their mission exclusively will be just for the, "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" verse 6. Why is this so?
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10 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
19 Oct 12
Jesus had to give a thorough witness to to the chosen people, the nation of Israel, so he focused his ministry in the land of Israel. He taught his disciples to do the same. Would it always be that way? Notice his instructions before he returned to heaven: Acts 1:8 King James Version (KJV) 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
21 Oct 12
True, it was God's will that eventually any one of any nation could become a disciple Of Jesus Christ. Yes, Paul brought the good news to many nations, Jews and non-Jews. Jesus foretold that this would happen. Matthew 24:14 Today's New International Version (TNIV) 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 28:19-20 Today's New International Version (TNIV) 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
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20 Oct 12
Greetings 1hopefulman. You are absolutely right my friend. Jesus ministry was focused in the land of Israel or to his own people. So does his chosen disciples, their preaching of the gospel was limited to their own people as well (as instructed). Even the commission to preach and to be witnesses as written in Acts 1:8 is still limited to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. However, as it is the will of God to saved all men, Jesus appointed another apostle in the person of Saul or Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles. Gal. 2:7, "...when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision (Gentiles) was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision (Jews) was unto Peter". All the best mangtony.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
19 Oct 12
Hello my friend mangtony7451, greetings, You asked do Jesus Christ have favorites. May I reply that according to my knowledge and belief, Jesus Chris mission was limited to the Lost Sheep of Israel (the Jews) and that is why he instructed his disciples to not go into the way of the Gentiles.
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@urbandekay (18278)
19 Oct 12
You have misunderstood Naseem, Jesus commanded his disciples to teach all nations. In the case cited, Jesus is sending his disciples out for the first time, simply put it is a training run all the best, urban
20 Oct 12
Greetings Naseem00. I think you have a point in here. From the very words of Jesus himself, "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Mat.15:24). Jesus mission was centered on his own people, so does his chosen apostles. It was only after 25 years more or less, that the preaching of the gospel was brought to the Gentiles through the apostle Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles. I believe, Jesus Christ is working on a master plan (Acts 15:18) by the will of God to have all men to be saved (I Tim.2:4).
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Oct 12
Jesus makes it plain that he is for all nations, in his own words And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore[a] and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, all the best urban
@peavey (16936)
• United States
20 Oct 12
Since God had chosen Israel as a people who could understand and present Him to the world, they were indeed, first. "But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile" (Romans 2:10) First, He went to Israel, but never did He leave the Gentiles out in the cold. Jesus was intended for all peoples who would accept Him. In the very next verse, it says, "For there is no respect of persons with God." (Romans 2:11) Israel was first because they had the lineage and the history, the culture and the religion that encapsulated the message of the Cross. No other people would have understood it at all. Those Israelites who accepted it could understand it in a much fuller way than Gentiles who didn't have their background. It was not a matter of favoritism, but one of extreme logic from a wonderfully wise God.
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20 Oct 12
Greetings peavey. Your interesting comment is very much appreciated. What could I add for more except that God probably is working on a master plan of salvation, He has devised from the foundation of the world ( Acts 15:18).
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Oct 12
It is a specific instruction for a specific time and people, he is sending his disciples out for the first time, of course he doesn't want to send them out to gentiles, since he wants to make it easy for them all the best, urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Oct 12
Blessed is he who comes in the Lord and Blessed is he who suffers in the Lord's name all the best, urban
20 Oct 12
Hello urbandekay, greetings. First I would like to ask permission to use your familiar phrase "all the best". I hope you won't charge me of plagiarism (lol). Your comment gave me the idea of how much the apostle Paul suffered so much, when Jesus sent him to be the apostle to the Gentiles. All the best mangtony.
• United States
19 Oct 12
I don't think I would call them "favorites", more along the lines of chosen. They are chosen, they are called to spread the gospel of Jesus, not to be his favorites. God doesn't curry favor, he blesses those who follow his word and apply it to their lives. I also don't think its about works, works without faith are useless and if those works don't involve love then its all for naught.
20 Oct 12
Greetings gitfiddleplayer. It has come to the word "favorites" because of Jesus' instruction to his disciples to preach the gospel of salvation to the lost house of Israel only. But the plan of God does not stop there. Years later, Jesus appointed another apostle in the person of Saul or Paul, to be the apostle of the Gentiles. Works and faith, law and grace, love and obedience always go together. All the best mangtony.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
20 Oct 12
Christ did tell His disciples that they would do greater works than He did. The earliest fulfillment was when, at Pentecost and soon following they brought salvation to thousands of souls, whereas Jesus Christ had "merely" fed their bodies. Later was the bringing of salvation to the gentiles, putting them on the same footing as Jews when it came to the way of salvation. In His lifetime Christ was only sent to the house of Israel. However, there were exceptions, as there had been in the history of God's dealings before Him. "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" was said immediately before one of these exceptions. He came as Son of David. In that title He was limited to Israel. However, when He was somehow appealed to as universal Lord, exceptions occurred.
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@JohnRok1 (2051)
20 Oct 12
After Pentecost, the first gentile convert recorded is the Ethiopian eunuch, followed, I think, by Cornelius. I don't think these were exceptions; I think they were the first fruits of the opening up of the Kingdom to the gentiles. Following Cornelius's conversion, other disciples started preaching to gentiles in Antioch and elsewhere, and then Paul came on the scene as the apostle to the gentiles.
20 Oct 12
I have a different scenario. The eunuch of Ethiopia mentioned in Acts 8 was not a gentile but an Israelite. (see verse 27c). He is going to Jerusalem for to worship. Also, other disciples preaching in Antioch are not preaching to the Gentiles but to the jews only (see Acts 11:19). Cornelius and his household were the first gentiles convert, that it takes a supernatural event (vision) for Peter to receive or to mingle with them.
20 Oct 12
Greetings JohnRok1. You surely presented a very interesting comment. Speaking of exemption, the case of Cornelius (Acts 10) who was called by God from the Gentiles. And then years later, Jesus appointed another apostle in the person of Paul to be an apostle for the Gentiles. God is faithful, He will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. All the best mangtony.
@garson (884)
• United States
29 Oct 12
This particular verse relates to Romans 1:16. It tells that the message of God goes to the Jews first. Why? Israelites/Jewish had been God's chosen people. God wants to set Israelites as an example for any nation. Whether Israelites have committed adultery, sin, unfaithfulness of any kind, God would show wrath or any kind of punishment as an example or message to other nation about God's message.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
I don't think so. Because I believed that he all treat us equal. :)
20 Oct 12
I believe so, toxic-lifestyle. As far as salvation is concerned, everyone has equal opportunity. As far as treatment is concerned, "And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors, and teachers" (Eph. 4:11).
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
For me, God doen't have faves in mankind. We are created equal in his eyes.
25 Oct 12
Hi Shavkat greetings.You are right in saying that God created as equal. He created man first, then out of the rib of the man, God created the woman. Male and female He created them all. It was the sin of the first woman (Eve) that made man (Adam) to have higher authority over the woman, "...and your desire shall be to your husband, and HE SHALL RULE OVER YOU", (Gen. 3:16c). All the best mangtony, Have a nice day.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
19 Oct 12
I think the lord treats everyone equal. God bless you there. Have a great weekend.