share your experience of keeping a pet ?
By naveed00
@naveed00 (58)
October 21, 2012 2:53pm CST
i am thinking of keeping a pet, a dog basically, i have a vacant space in my back yard. Do they need a lot of attention? share your experiences.
4 responses
@GemmaR (8517)
21 Oct 12
I have always enjoyed keeping pets, because it is like having a good friend who will never let you down. I would very much like to own a dog, but I know that this is something that I would not be able to do because I cannot give the time that a dog would need so it certainly wouldn't be fair of me to get a dog with this being the case. Now I know that I would like a new pet because I haven't had one for a while, but I have not quite decided what kind of pet that should be, because I have so much that I can choose from.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Kitties are good for those with busy schedules that do not have a lot of time to give to a pet. Kittens or cats tend to be a lot more independent than a dog. They tend to want to have their own space.
Take my kitty Tigger. He likes to cuddle up me on the couch, and watch tv or snuggle on the bed. He also will spend time just chilling at the top of his tree house (his 6 foot tall scratching post. Trust me when I say he will tell you this is his I want to have time to myself space. Please do not intrude on my personal time. He does love to play, and when I am home he trully thinks my job is to entertain him sometimes, but he is also pretty resourceful. He will picky kitty pocket ponytails and other hair accessories out of the bathroom drawer. Any twist tie well it is his (he will tell you in a second). Paper or plastic bags he will play with either though he prefers paper. He even decided to go play in my jewelry box. I cam home to find my earrings, necklaces, and bracelets strung across the house in the carpet. Well, I manage to find almost all my jewelry. He still owes me a pair of cubic zirconia earrings.
Then, there was the time a couple years ago that we were preparing to move apartments. I went to Petsmart and bought like 4 mouse toys. His favorite. I gave him 2 mice toys to play with after going to the store, and told him I was saving the others for moving. That way he would have toys to play with in the car and new toys for the new apartment. Well, I decided most logical place to put them would be to leave the ones that I was saving in the plastic grocery bag, and put them on the front door knob. That way, it would be really easy to remember where they were at for moving day. So moving day came, I went to go get the mice toys out of the plastic bag. As I remove the bag from the door knob and reach into it, I realize there is a big hole in the bag. I look at Tigger. He looks back at me with this look like I am the smartest kitty in the entire world. He had wanted those kitty toys apparently before moving day, so while I was at work he had jumped up and used his kitty claws to puncture the bag. Then, gravity was Tiggers friend as the mice toys fell onto the floor, and he had been playing with all the mice.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
21 Oct 12
I think having a pet is like having another kid in the house. Ive had dogs for many years, and they need care just like a kid does. I cant see having a pet if you dont love them well.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Yes, I agree having pets is like having children. They need to be feed, cared for and given lots of love. Well, the only thing that might be a tad different is that there is no diaper changing. Rather you have a litter box to change or a yard to clean. Actually, the maker of Diaper Genie came out with a new product called Litter Genie for cats (seriously - have you seen the commercials).
When I got Tigger from Petsmart, he was just getting over the Kitty Flu. Well, I was assured that he just had sogme lingering sneezes that he was all better, and the kitty adoption came with a free pet visit for a complete check up. Well, I took him for his kitty check up. He was in good health, he just had dirty ears with ear mit debries. Actually it was kind of funny. The vet got him purring so loud that she could not listen with the stethoscope properly. She was trying to figure out how to get him to stop purring. Her thought was put him by the sink. I looked at her, and said I'm not sure that will help he likes water. A couple days after the vet appointment, we are sitting on the couch together. All of a sudden I hear this sneeze. I feel something in my hair. I reach up to the back of my hair, and I end up pulling out dark green mucuous. Yep, Tigger sneezed right into my hair. Well, me biggest concern was for him. It was the weekend, and I spent the next day (Sunday) closely monitoring him. Called the vet on Monday to get him medicine. Trust me Tigger just like a little kid, he hated taking his medicine. He was one of those little kitties that was Mister squirmy pants. It was like you have one shot to get in my mouth mom, and you better make it happen in less than 30 seconds. Then, there were little kitty ears to clean. Oh, I can tell you kitties do not like having their ears cleaned. Well, like any mommy with a sick little baby what did I do research. After some research that the baby nasal spray can help you bet I was at Walgreen's buying Baby Ayre for his little stuffed up kitty nose. He was not super thrilled with the nasal spray, but it did help clear out all the mucous out of his nose. The down side is little kittens do not know how to cover their noses. So, pretty much where ever I looked there was kitty snott on the walls, on the bedding.
Trust me, Tigger did listen to part of the doctor's directions the part that said he was to get plenty of rest. He fell in love with the mattress. That became one of his favorite spots in the house. The only thing was the bed was just a little high for him to jump so he would jump up part of the the way then climb up the box spring and mattress. It was the cutest thing.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Yes, dogs need a lot of attention. As we got older as kids, we got a beagle puppy. Well it was his third home as he had been adopted twice before and returned. The reasons that he got returned were not his fault. The first time it was like the husband got the puppy and the wife was allergic, so he had to go back. The second time a couple adopted them right before having a baby well as the couple was to busy caring for a baby once again they ended up returning him.
When we got him, Tucker (beagle puppy) he was very anxious. It actually took a few days before he would eat. It was like he was nervous about being returned.
Tucker was a very cute beagle. Something, you have to know about a beagle is that they love food...I am talking people food. Well, I recall the first time we made dinner, and Tucker was in the house. We had made lasagna after serving the meal the dish was left in the center of an aisle counter top. We were eating in the living room, and all of a sudden we hear this noise. We ran into the kitchen to find that Tucker had some how scooted the pan all the edge and most likely about another 30 seconds he would have had the lasagna on the kitchen floor. From that point on, Tucker had two choices to go out on the patio or to the garage when it was dinner time. We did start giving him a small portion of what we made for dinner.
Tucker loved to wrestle with the older of my two younger brothers. He especially loved to play with stuffed animal toys. As we were all pretty much grown up, the puppy inherited a lot of old stuffed animal that he loved to play fetch with in the house.
He was a great puppy. I recall a time when I had started working that I was working late till like midnight. I came home exhausted, and had to go into work early the next day like in less than 12 hours. There was Tucker waiting for me to get home with quite the little puppy agenda. My mother had said that there was leftovers in the refrigerator that they had made steak. Being that it was midnight, I really did not feel like steak. I just wanted a snack. You should have seen the disappointed look on Tucker's face when I did not have leftovers from dinner. Keep in mind, he already had some steak when the family ate at dinner time around 6pm. He was expecting second helping when I got home that night. He was disappointed that I did not pick steak.
Well, keep in mind as someone else put it having a puppy is like have a little kid. They are going to get into mischief. One day the dog got into my room and chewed the toe portion of a brand new pair of heels and ate some makeup. I was not to happy with him.
A few jobs later, I was working in a professional type work setting. You know the type skirts, suits, pantyhose. Well, that morning I got dressed Tucker was in the house. He was in a playful mood. The next thing I knew I had a giant paw shaped hole in my panty hose. Well, Tucker had to learn the lesson. From that day forward he would not jump up if you were wearing a skirt or dress. It was kind of funny my older sister was over visiting one day, and she was wearing a dress. She kept trying to get Tucker to put his paws up on her lap (she of course did not have pantyhose on) but Tucker would not put his paws up because she was wearing a dress.
When I was working graveyard shifts coming home at 1am, Tucker would always wait for me to get home. He would great me at the door with his stuffed toy in his mouth. It was his way of saying that he wanted to play. Some nights I had more time than others to play. A lot of it depended upon whether or not I had homework to finish before morning college classes the next day. Tucker especially loved those nights that I would come home when I did not have class the next morning because that meant more play time.
Here is one more funny story. My brother (the oldest of my two younger brothers) met a girl over the internet. He decided much to my mother's horror that he was going to go back east to meet her. Well, my brother promised that he would bring something speciall back for Tucker. Well as it turned out, he forgot. He did bring home Krispy Kreme doughnuts this was like way before the big crazy hit (like when hardly anyone knew about Krispy Kreme). Well, my brother was sitting there eating doughnuts right in front of Tucker. Then, he got a phone call set down his doughnut (a whole doughnut) on the table next to the computer, and went to take the phone call. Well, Tucker decided that doughnut was his. He jumped up onto the chair and ate the doughnut before my brother got back. We kind of just looked at my brother and laughed you said you were going to bring him something back. Tucker just decided to help himself.
If you ask me, I would say pets just become part of the family. A lot of work, but wonderful rewards. You will never know a better best friend. Keep this in mind a dog will never disagree with you or make you cry. Their love is unconditional, all they ask from us is to care for them, play with them, and give them tons of affection.
I wish I could have a puppy, but seeing as I live in an apartment it just would not work that well. I am waiting to get a puppy until there is a yard for the puppy to play. Tigger (the kitty) and I keep talking about it. Someday, we will get a puppy. First, I said when I finished college. Tigger joking thought graduation present. Then, I said we need a yard. Well, I love puppies. Tigger (the kitty) really likes dogs too. It is odd he is completely calm around dogs. He even went right up to a dog, and sniffed noses. He was sitting on top of the table, and the dog's nose came up to the top of the counter (that was a big dog).
Yes, I do believe that pets communicate with us all the time in their own non-verbal ways. We just have to interpret what they are saying. Well, Tigger (kitty) is my little baby. Trust me, he would say I am an overprotective mommy.