Has reading a particular book changed your life in any way?

October 24, 2012 4:28am CST
I have just finished reading 'Cider with Rosie' by Laurie Lee. The author describes his childhood in a village between 1900-1920. It is written so well that one feels and smells and experiences what life was like in those days. It opened my eyes to a world that is no longer in living memory, a simple and very hard way of life when people lived their lives in an area restricted to how far a horse could travel in a day. Have you read any book that have taught you something new and changed your outlook or your life in some way?
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9 responses
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
24 Oct 12
Of course reading the Bible has changed my life a lot. A book that has made a big change as to improving my heath as of late is "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by F. Batmanghelidj Is there a reason why the earth is about 70 % water and so is our body? Lot's of water for thought there!
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• Greece
24 Oct 12
That sounds like an interesting read hopeful one. I'm glad you also mentioned the Bible which is the book that has changed most lives in the world.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 12
I remember a wonderful, yet heartbreaking book I read many years ago, I haven't got a copy now, but I must check the library, it's so inspirational, so many wonderful messages in it that at the time I thought wow, if this person can go through so much as a child and come out strong then I can learn something. The book is simply titled 'It' by David Pelzer, how he struggled through insumountable odds and lived to tell the tale, he has also written follow books and all are very useful in changing the way you think about life, but certainly the first book really makes you see the world through his eyes and how life was simply hell from the word go.
• Greece
24 Oct 12
I've just done a search and David Pelzer has a web site and he sells his books there - 'It' is the first of three autobiographical books and available to buy on line! I hope to find time to read some of these special books you are all writing about. I wish I'd started the discussion weeks ago...
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Oct 12
There were several books that I read that has changed my life. I read Where the Red Fern Grows after the author came to my school and told us how he had worked so hard to get his hunting dog and the adventure they had together. What a wonderful book! Then i was turned on to Edgar Rice Burroughs who wrote Tarzan and the Mar series. I can remember taking Princess of Mars to the parks, laying down under a tree and spending the entire day reading that book. It was astounding how well he discribed this world and the adventure. I knew then that I had to write. I had to write about a world and make it come to life like that. And finally I read A Boy Called 'It' and it really woke me up to alot of the torture and abuse kids go through in this world and made me try to be even more loving to my daughter and grandkids.
@maurya83 (923)
• India
24 Oct 12
Hello, I cant say any particular book changed my life but I love reading books and i learned a lot from them..about life, about different perspectives and also about different cultures. I have just finished reading "Aleph" by paulo coelho and I got a different and new idea about spiritual part of my life..
• Greece
24 Oct 12
Thank you for your response, it was interesting for me to hear about Alepho by Paulo Coelho. I have looked him up and he is a very famous writer! I learn so much on MyLot. He certainly has had a very unusual life and Alepho is his autobiography. I shall look out for it.
• India
24 Oct 12
Hi friend, good to hear about this book. I am also interested in reading books and read a lot of books previously. I am impressed with some good books and following the good things mentioned in the book.
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@iamm12 (68)
25 Oct 12
Even i read a lot of books and have a good interest on them but i don't think its a good help of changing are life but ya we can learn a lot of things from them but i think it can help more in studies that means life only but ya it is a good help in changing are life.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
25 Oct 12
Yes indeed a book has changed the way I think and that is written by Rhonda byrne.. I love the book so much that I have read it almost 10 times because I can't have enough of it. I Have not read the one you did but I guess it took you back and where you are able to imagine every single thing means the author has really done excellent job. I love to read those kind of books as well. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
24 Oct 12
I have read many books in two languages, but I can't really say that there has been just one that has really changed my life. I have taken note of yours though, as it sure seems interesting! I would not have gotten very far in my travels if I had been limited to how far a horse could travel in a day!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
25 Oct 12
I love to read good books. Somehow I could learn some good lessons from them that I can actually apply in some areas of my life. But of all the books I've read there is only one book that changed my life completely. You know what book is this? The greatest book of all....the Holy Bible.
• China
25 Oct 12
In my opinion, not only can a particular book but also an only sentence change one's life. When reading i often encounter a good sentence which makes me think a lot.As time goes by, the sentence has a deep influence on me.when seeing a film of a TV play a certain scene lets me understand a lesson which confused me for a long time.