Enlightenment about each of our different journey in life

Our Life Journey - Our life journey is not easy with many ups and downs
@joycseer (845)
October 26, 2012 4:46am CST
Today i have a friend who sent me a mail, she highlighted the below to me. I feel really refreshed by the encouragement and comfort as we all surely would face this in our journey in life. It is just a matter of time, and each individual has different life journey to take. "As you journey through life and its Roads and Paths..." There may be some steep hills to climb, Some times when the road seems treacherous and you are not sure which turn to take, Times when you feel like you are on the brink of falling, and there may be many curves in the road, As you make your way through the ups and downs daily, May you know God's presence is with you through each tunnel, every steep climb, every curve, in the beautiful mountaintop experiences with Him, and through the slippery storms of life, May He walk with you down through the valleys and up the mountains, take your hand and guide you through to the light, put a hedge around you to keep you safe, help you to find joy and excitement in the roller coaster ride, and fill you with amazement at the beauty He provides along the way. Take time to smell the flowers, To admire His handiwork along Life's railway, And may His love flood over you, fill you, and overflow in praise to Him for all He has done, does and will do! He is our Amazing God! "WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES; it takes away today's PEACE."
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10 responses
• China
27 Oct 12
Sadly I am experiencing dozens of stupid unnecessary worries.Every time I came across others' joy and excitment and took their's and mine for comparation,disappintment rises in my mind.I can not find my confidence as before,neither can I climb beatiful mountains, search for greatest scenery from grand spots. Without any doubt and hesitation,life should never be taken by mindless worries and superfacial troubles,life should be enlighted by courage and delight. From now on,go straight to sense the life's varions tastes,AND surely will it make a real difference!
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
Hi dama594275, i agree towards your turn in seeing life. It is never too late for you to take courage and joy in life despite the anxiety around you. Things for us to worry is too much, and we will never have enough time to finish worrying over things and matters in life. Hope that you will not be troubled over mindless worries, and take things positively in life. Do try not to worry our petty matters, but take courage that you can achieve that in life too. I believe you can do it! ^_^ Grace of the Lord be with you always.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
1 Nov 12
Well said, dama594275! You have my full support! Go on, and life a proper and meaningful life. Everyone has dreams, and some starts from a dream. With a dream, it can be your motivation to success. Hope you will do well in campus, and All the best to you! God bless. =)
• China
29 Oct 12
Agian and agian I had thought about my mindless troubles,I find that it all came about I did not own taht self-recognition.Hardly can I find my position as a student in campus,living a monotonous life without ups and downs.I am always dreaming there will be one day I circling around the golbe.Life should be filled with chanlleges,from the point of a yoong and determined heart. As time passes by,eventually will I lead a right and meaningful life,with the best wishes of you,to achieve the dreamy desirations from the inner heart! Behave as a real man,never trapped by that penny trafles,live a simple life. Thank you...
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
This year has been such a roller coaster ride for me full of great memories and hard trials. At the end of it all I feel that I have become enlightened and now faces the direction to the path I'm supposed to take. Thank you for sharing such a great message. God bless!
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
Sometimes God's will is not that apparent and we just have to keep our faith and believe that this is the way it's supposed to be and someday we'll understand.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
Yes, that is true. We need to exercise our spirit to enjoy Him all the time. So that we will experience His resurrection power in us in difficult times, and at these times we will not be troubled and affected, but rather we can still be happy and joyful.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
Praise the Lord. Wish you the best in everything ahead. Especially in hard trial, do remember the Lord is there for you. Sometimes things may happen not to our liking or interest, but to God, it is good for us. For example, i heard this story from somewhere before. Early morning when Mr.A is rushing to work, but his car suddenly break down. He is already late for work. So, what do he do? I am sure most of us will be frustrated and worried in such situation. However, if we think positively. Does Mr.A knows that if his car had not break down, and he rush out driving to work as he is getting late, he is going to meet an accident which are before him? There is a huge truck coming fast towards his way and lost control at a junction. But because Mr.A's car broke down, when he fixed up his car and drove out, he only saw the ambulance performing first aid to save the accident victims. Hence, there are many things not within our control and thoughts. So, i really enjoyed and enlightened with it too. =) God bless!
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
That was a really a good way to start a day! It has given so much emphasis on how we should value what God has given us. We may stumble on bumpy roads but we would surely be headed on a much better place to enjoy life that it is. Thanks for sharing, joycseer! I love it!
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
You are very much welcome, jenny1015. =) I am glad you love it. Yes, that is life. Real life is a narrow and difficult way if we realized it. But when we reach the goal, everything is paid for. We will enjoy at the ending and there we can rest. Nothing comes free and easy. So, surely we do stumble at times, but we must know how to rise up and start again and continue our journey. God bless.. ^_^
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@natliegleb (5173)
• India
27 Oct 12
for sure our journey takes us somewhere to peace and may be good place where god is,i like the quotes,have you experienced it?
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
Hi natliegleb, yes i have experienced God along my life path journey all the time. Life can be high up on the mountain at times where we are happy, joyful, feeling blessed; but life can sometimes go down to the valley where we are depressed, angry, sad, feeling disowned. Regardless which side you are in life, always remember that God is with you at all times. In any matter, you can always depend on Him. He never fails us, and He knows what is best for us. =)
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
Every walks of our life have a definite journey. It differs from person to person, the choices and the will to do it.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
Yes, that is true. Keep on going until we reached the finishing line. May we walk our life path in peace and joy. Thank you for responding to this discussion, appreciate your participation very much. =)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
Every now and then we have encounter ups and down in our life. Trials, tribulation, adversity or whatever you call it. There are great challenges ahead of us, giant opportunities to be met. I welcome that exciting prospect and feel to say to the Lord, humbly, Give me this mountain, give me this challenges. Most of our journey is not easy. If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
Amen! Praise the Lord. I enjoyed your sharing. Yes, we need faith in the Lord, because He is our faith itself. Without Him, there is nothing we can do. With Him, everything is possible. Just like you said, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing if we have faith in Christ Jesus. =) God bless you, mariemay. Have a good day.
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• United States
26 Oct 12
Very true! Our life is a journey, not a destination. I think most people try to solve their problems and forget that God is bigger than any problem they have and if they would just call on him, he would help them. Life is full of ups and downs and its only when we are down that we tend to call on God, and we should because he listens but we should also praise him when we are standing on the mountain so that others can see how great he is to us.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 12
Amen. I enjoyed your sharing very much. It is very true that many people only will think of God when they have problems. When they are happy, they forget about God in existence. We need to call on God regardless we are in good times or bad times. God is always there for us, in ups and in downs. We need to experience His all sufficient grace and His resurrection power to overcome all situations, matters and things. This is to magnify Christ and express Him despite the circumstances we faced in our daily living. Praise Him for everything. =)
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@GemmaR (8517)
26 Oct 12
I think that everybody has to go through a journey in life to reach the place that they want to be, but the most important thing is that we all understand the things that we need to do in order to complete our journeys, and also to understand what other people have been through. A lot of the time I don't think that we can fully understand what others have been through unless we have been through it ourselves, so we should always try our best to be sympathetic and help them in any way that we are able to.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 12
This is true that if we have not experienced it ourselves, it will be difficult for us to understand what others is going through. Just like a nursing mother, we need to be at the standard of a child to communicate with a child. We cannot use an adult way to communicate with a child as it will not be useful. However, not everything others is going through we have experienced it. But as an observer, sometimes they see things clearer than the person who is facing the problem. And this observer is able to view things in a more neutral and clearer way. Hence, able to give some valuable advise too. This is because the person going through problems will not be able to consider matters well as they may be too occupied in their emotions and thoughts. =)
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• Philippines
26 Oct 12
Life is just too complicated. For one thing, we get worried about the things that doesn't even matter. I worry about my coffee right before I go to work, as opposed to worrying about my brother getting his allowance, or giving my contribution for the bills or what not. We should definitely take time and see how beautiful the reality really is and enjoy it. Take time to breathe and smell the flowers. I bet it would make our lives more meaningful rather than operating everyday like robots going to work.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 12
Hi frontvisions, i am glad that this discussion is a help to you. Yes, i agree that you need to slow down, take your time to look around. Even during your way to work, do not be in a hurry, see the greens around you, the blue sky above you. No matter how worrisome you may be, take a deep breath few times, and loosen yourself up. Do not get yourself so worked up, but rather get yourself calm and peace. Besides, if you are so worried today, will your troubles go away? Anxious and anxiety is always there daily. It is just a matter of how we face it and handle it. If we are not careful, anxiety and anxiousness will spoil our day. Take care, dear friend. Wish you a good day ahead. =)
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@srjac0902 (1169)
• Italy
26 Oct 12
So beautiful, well articulated and very much true. In our practical life and when we meet so many difficulties, then I remember the saying of sages. The real query 2Who am I?" or "Who is suffering?" or Who is injured? and trying to find the real answer will free us from all our tumults. We need to do the self research. Ramana Maharshi used to say I am not the body, I am not in this not in that - neti neti.... When I come to understand that I am not the body but I am the part of the Infinit being, when I drop myself in thoughtlessness then all actions will have a different direction that is to be emerged in this Infinite. Then whether you walk on steep hill leading to deep valley or climb the steep mountains which narrow curves, you will proceed without any hesitation.
@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 12
Hi srjac0902, thank you for the appreciation. Indeed is true that the more we think and consider with our mind, the more difficult it is for us to move forward. Just for example, if a person fell into the sea, the more he strives and struggles, the faster he drowns. But if he let go, and calm down, stop his struggles, he will float and help will come. God just want us to enjoy Him, for He is our peace and rest. As written in Bible, Matthew 6:34 says, "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself; sufficient for the day is its own evil". Have a good day in peace. Gob bless you. =)
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