Religion doesn't matter...
By lady Di
@lady1993 (27224)
October 26, 2012 7:24am CST
right? No matter what a person believes in,as long as that belief turns him into a better person. So we should let them be and not try to convert them. i am tired of people convincing others too much to join this or that and discriminating or belittling other religions. All o us can be saved as long as we are good people.
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18 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
26 Oct 12
No, I disagree, what is done by man alone, despite good intentions, enviably corrupts.
all the best, urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
28 Oct 12
No, you misunderstand, without religion man's efforts are in vain, since however good the intention the result will come to nothing because man will inevitably corrupt it
all the best, urban
@I_am_yours_06 (185)
• Philippines
26 Oct 12
Religion is not important but the faith.. It doesn't matter what religion you belonged but how you practice your faith and apply it in your everyday life.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Oct 12
I think that spirituality matters alot more than religion. I question all that religion stuff anyway. Although some need it to fall back on because they no back bone. I am a agnostic with alot of questions. I think God and Jesus would have alot of questions too if they came here to Earth.

@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
29 Oct 12
@ lady1993- I do agree that the spirituality would be more important. But I do tend to disagree with the statement you make about if God came to Earth he wouldn't have time to ask questions since billions of people here have lots to ask him. I feel that God wouldn't appear to Earthlings right away and that would give him time to pick who he spoke to and what things he would do when here. That would give him plenty of time to ask questions and get his barings.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
@celticeagle and lady1993: Good news! There is a world-renowned evangelist today who answers questions of faith. His name is Brother Eliseo Fernando Soriano, the executive minister of the Church of God International.
With humility and confidence in God, I trust that you can have your answers through this man. He has a blogsite ( and a personal website ( where you can read his various religious discussions on matters of faith that no other preacher in our time has ever done. You may also try to send your questions through

@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
26 Oct 12
I call it forgetfulness, or just overly believing in religion that we forget what other people feel or think. I believe in God, and His magnificent work he does for humankind, I agree with you! Well, it is a competition out there, with every religion trying its best to acquire more followers. The question is, why do we have so many channels (sub-groups) in a certain religious group? Another thing, why is it that religious books are interpreted differently within a certain religion? Actually, God is the only who knows that characters of people who worship him truly. Religions are just vessels directing us to a common goal, and we should respect other people's choice in achieving that target.
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@eiram23 (421)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
I totally agreewith you. I also hate the idea that soem would even debate about their religion comparing to others. Some would even argue telling their religion is the real one and yours is not. It's totally awful. We are just praising one God and we should not be debating over this matter. Go to where you can feel spiritually satisfied. As long as you have faith in him and as long as you believe in Him then you are alright. We are all sinners and for us to be saved we should learn to ask forgiveness from Him and obey what He commands.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
"We are just praising one God"? Really now? The god of the roman catholics and mormons have images of man depicting presence of flesh and blood. The god of the church of christ of felix ysagun manalo of the Philippines has a mortal son. The god of born again's is a confused being of the father, son and spirit, a literal interpretation of being one.
"Go to where you can feel spiritually satisfied." Did your god tell you this or just a fragment of your conviction/belief? Is this Scripture-based?
"We are all sinners and for us to be saved we should learn to ask forgiveness from Him and obey what He commands." Forgiveness is the first step to salvation mind you BUT there's more. I suggest you read the Bible. Obey what He commands? Yes, but how will you be able to faithfully obey when the religion you are in does not teach you all you have to know to abide in truth and follow in the same intent God wants you to follow Him?
@akmmedhi3 (41)
• India
27 Oct 12
Religion .... as far as I am concerned... I think it has been created due to the need of it in the prehistoric age. In the present era religion serves a good purpose in uniting good and evil forces under its banner. For me personally religion doesn't matter at all. It doesn't mean that I couldn't feel the presence of the sovereign, all powerful element in this world. I know that there is an element which has created this beautiful world and made us for being happy. I always lost myself when I think of this powerful element, of it's vastness and creations.But it just means that when you grow up in a country like India and witness all these riots in the name of religion then someone might detest the traditional views that are related to it and prefer being a humanitarian rather.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
I am saddened that because of the condition in your country you have lost your confidence in religion. Why don't you explore other religious teachings? Try for one to visit these sites:
May God give you light and understanding in your search.
@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Oct 12
I totally agree with you. I don't believe in any religion. But I don't mind others have their own religions. However, usually those people will push you to join them. And everyone claims that his religion is the best. Why not give the free will in this aspect? People can choose any different religions. As long as you are a good person, that's good enough.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
I agree. As long as we are God-fearing, there is no reason why religion should matter. There is no hierarchy. No religion is above the others. Each has its own way of showing devotion to God. It is how a person worship and communicate with God that matters. It is how his everyday actions become a reflection of his belief in God which should matter.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
How should you have the right sense of fearing God?
"It is how his everyday actions become a reflection of his belief in God which should matter."? Really now? Consider this:
"They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules." -- Mark 7:7
God is not pleased in worshiping Him through rules made by men. God wants that He be worshiped in the manner He wants to be worshiped and should not be a reflection of what one believes.
"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth." --- John 4:23-24
@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
26 Oct 12
I agree with you. Me too. I am also tired seeing people discriminating other religions. Maybe they act that way because of extreme religious. Well, too much is not good.
@pahak627 (5022)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
Of course, religion doesn't matter. It's how we bring our life that makes us a good christian. Yes there are lots of religious groups who wanted to have debates on certain christian doctrines. It bored me too. If only all of us have a common religion there would have been no more arguments pertaining to religions.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
Debate on Christian doctrines is a way of identifying the true teachings of Christ. Just as Christ and the apostles have foretold of the coming of false Christs and preachers, there arise also false and misleading teachings that will drive away many from Scriptural truths.
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
26 Oct 12
I also believed that whatever the religion of the person doesn't matter as long as his a better person because of it. I don't think God will choose a particular religion I think He will choose a good person.
@kokomo (1866)
• Philippines
27 Oct 12
Yes, you are right.
Nowadays, most relationships ends because of religion issues. One instances is my friend, she is now very annoying because of what her boyfriend wants to be. Her boyfriend wants her to be converted into his religion but unfortunately my friend doesn't want that idea. Her boyfriend said that she doesn't deserve to be his wife if they have different religion and beliefs.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
The boyfriend of your friend is not in the true religion that Christ has established. Had he been taught rightfully in the religion he is affiliated in, his views would be different. Consider this:
"To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her." --- I Corinthians 7:12
I suggest you refer to your friend the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 7.
@Wendi81 (603)
• Indonesia
26 Oct 12
Yes, you're right. We shouldn't thinking our religion is the best and shouldn't thinking other religion is worst coz every religion teach good tuition to the that religion's follower. And in my religion, Islam, there is a word Lakum dinukum waliyadin or in english is for me my religion and for you, your religion
@papskie (85)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
I agree with you. As long as a person believe in the same faith. it doesn't really matter if they have different religion. But still we have to respect each ones religion for it is part of their life and it is theirs to deal with.
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
26 Oct 12
Of course, religion shouldn't matter. We're all people and we breathe the same air, we walk the same ground, why should we judge someone by what they believe in? We should treat everyone as equals.
@JER616 (545)
• Philippines
28 Oct 12
How can you be a better person by yourself? With all the influences of the environment and the people around us, how can we be guided to be a better person?
Consider these:
"Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." -- 1 Corinthians 15:33
"All a person's ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord" -- Proverbs 16:2
"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil." -- Proverbs 3:7
Is it really true that we can all be saved as long as we are good people?
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" -- Jeremiah 17:9
Whom will you turn to to guide you to be good?
"Show me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your paths." -- Psalm 25:4
How do you define religion? You speak of relationship with God yet you do not realize that this relationship is established through the same thing you despise all along-- religion.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
26 Oct 12
I could not agree with you more. People fought for years because of the difference in religion and beliefs. People also used whatever means possible in order to get someone into their religion. I do not think such action or behavior is right. As long as people believe in their own religion and they practice good values and become a holistic human being. We should just let them be.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
26 Oct 12
I agree with you religion doesn't matter. When i was in high school 5 in a group and all of us has a different religion. Were very good friends until now but we never convince each other to change our religion instead we support and respect each other. Also we do our best not to talk about our religion to prevent any misunderstanding because we have different point of views and beliefs.