…what would you do if

October 29, 2012 5:59am CST
Somebody tells you that the life you are living now is not it is meant to be? For a little back story, my friend dragged me to see a psychic person. I already heard from this because my friend already went to him once and she told me in great detail what he said to her. Although I reluctantly went with her, she suggested that I let him do a reading for me. I agreed because like many people, I ma curious about my future. I have to say, most of what he is saying is spot on. He identified my insecurities and he did foray something in my present. I wasn’t exactly trust him on the future but I have enough sense to keep what he said as advisory. I guess what really rocked my world is that when he said that my success doesn’t really on my current job which I really love. Meaning, I will get y money but in a work completely alien to me. Presently, I cannot comprehend that and it isn’t sinking yet. Perhaps, time will tell if this true or not. In the meantime, I’m shocked. But who really knows?
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8 responses
• India
29 Oct 12
A nice experience to live anyway. I would not say to believe all his words straight away but I think your approach as the right one. Keep things in mind but do not rely on those statements. In your case he is actually saying that you would not get success in the job you love doing. That could be a demoralizing statement though. But still it leaves you with a anxiety for what would would turn up!! It is good upto this extent. Certainly I would recommend not to trust him to an level where you leave the work you love doing. And I thinking you are doing it the same way. So Good Luck.
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Thanks for the luck. I'm gonna need it. Anyway, it have always been pragmatic about this things because I really cannot tell. He did a good job by confirming my issues and perhaps, helped to make a decision on one. However, it may not work on everything. it's hard to rely, as talented as he may be, to these things.
• India
1 Nov 12
I can imagine your situation. Its a nice time to live. Live it to the fullest. As I said, even I have had such kind of palm reading when I was a child. Surprisingly I remember most of his words. You know every thing seems connected, Questions come to mind, why do I, so precisely remember those words???? Being a logical person I have an answer to this question as well but sometimes it feels I am just trying to convince myself over not to believe him. Since his forecast things have turned up more or less the way he predicted. He also predicted a unique charactersic of mine, rather a problem I would say. I live that problem now. Keep finding a solution. But then, I do not believe all these to an extent at which it will upset me.
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
30 Oct 12
I do not believe they're saying these people, and calling them liars. And if they ratified what they have to say, it will be of pure chance. Because he did not know the future only God.
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Thank you for your opinion. That's a good thing to consider.
@GemmaR (8517)
29 Oct 12
I think that it would be very hard for me to understand what was meant by this, because I have always been the type of person who thinks that the life that you're choosing must be the life that is meant to be, because of the fact that everything happens for a reason. I don't think that I would believe something like this, because I am very dubious about the opinions of a psychic anyway, so I would probably go just a bit of a laugh with my friends or something, but it certainly wouldn't be something that I would take all that seriously.
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
I have given it a thought but not a serious one. I guess it also helps when a person outside of your immediate circle sees you and tells you what you are. With regard to the future, it's anybody's game and we can determine it ourselves. That the reaosn I am taking the future part under advisory. If it happens, I guess I was forewarned but if it doesn't it's not gonna be a big deal either.
• Greece
29 Oct 12
It is dangerous to visit a psychic person and even more dangerous to act on their advice. First of all you must ask yourself where they got their information about your life. It is true that some people are better than others at picking up information, they can read things from our body language and often a client helps by providing it without realising, just to help them along. If this psychic person is getting their information as a medium and not merely as an observant sympathetic person, then they are entering a realm we know nothing about. I know a medium well, he is part of my family. He knows things and he hears them by opening his mind to a spirit. This is forbidden in religion, particularly the Christian one. We believe that it is possible for a spirit to take over a human but both the human and the spirit are being disobedient to God. Such a human is vulnerable to the spirit and the spirit is evil. Stay clear, warn your friend and go and see a priest.
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Thanks,I guess. I think that he is a good medium (he was prating the same stuff to my friend as he did 9months before and I don't believe he has that excellent memory (or maybe he does). But I am-not baiting to everything that he says hook, lien and sinker. It's better to keep an open approach to these things.
• United States
29 Oct 12
Although there are some people that are more in tune to things and peoples feelings than others, I don't put a whole lot of stock in what psychics say. A psychic knows how to work people and they know how to ask questions or make comments to acquire enough information from you to tell you things about your past and present. You may unknowingly tip them off. As far as the future, no one really knows what's in store for you in the future except for the almighty. Tarot cards and runes can give you a reading, but nothing is written in stone and you can change the outcome. I read tarot cards, but I tell the people that I do a reading for that anything in those cards they can change. You actually make the changes in your life yourself. A tarot reader or psychic gives you a reading, then you act on it. Power of suggestion. If I was in a job that I liked I'd stick with it unless something I liked better come along. I wouldn't quit my job on the word of someone else unless I thought it was the best thing for me to do. I don't do readings for monetary gain, mostly if I'm asked by someone for(like the psychic hotlines say) entertainment purposes only. Use your own judgement.
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
I might and perhaps, I did it unknowingly. Thank you for providing a good input from someone who also do this practice/I tihnk he did mentioned it once but he was speaking so fats in many time,s that i might missed it.Anyway, He did a good job on reading me but I still skeptical about the future part.Gave me advise but I don't know if I can use it anyway.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
29 Oct 12
Even someone who claims to be a very good psychic is not always spot on. Either way if you were meant to find something that makes you even happier and more money then your current job I'd say that's a bright future. I would of never have guessed in a million years that I'd be doing what I currently do for a living. Or that I'd be planning on becoming a nurse in a few years. For me thoughts and experiences have changed my life goals. I realized that I really like helping people so my career started to shift that way.
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Thanks for sharing your experience. Although that I have an inkling that I will end up with my current job, I wasn't exactly sure if I should pursue it. It was only in the latter phase of education that I began to consider it as a possibility. I was still open to other profession but I think I really liked to be in this industry. Of course, it has its pains but what work hasn't?
@francesca5 (1344)
30 Oct 12
psychic people can usually read people very well, so he may have picked up your insecurities because in some way they may be more obvious than you realise, and maybe what he said about your present life was obvious from something about you, but then again psychics are very sensitive people, and some are quite genuine. but my instinct is to assume that his comments on the future are just intended to make you more interested and want to go back, and they sound quite vague, to me it sounds like he was just trying to give an impression of seeing your future, rather than really seeing it. and there are an awful lot of people out there who don't enjoy their jobs, and want a better future, so he may have taken a calculated risk that you are one of them. however, on the other hand, there is nothing wrong with someone opening up the idea of you doing something else in the future, as in the current economic situation people do often end up changing jobs and careers, so keeping an open mind on these possibilities is a good thing, and he was offering a positive view of change, as a way to earn more money, so that's not a bad thing.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
29 Oct 12
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well i am sure u must be very much puzzled after he said those words, i am u must be having a tough time to digest the fact that u will not get enough success from your current work which u are enjoying the most. I think it is on your part whether to believe him or not but i would like u to carry on with your work, do good at your work place and success will automatically follow u. What say?
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
I will carry on my work because I do like it and I think that waiting for something, whether it will be successful or not, is kind of a lazy thing to do. I feel don't receive much success at least I can say to myself that I wasn't a slob or a freeloader. But I still hope I ca gain some success from it.