Is this the wrath of God on America ?
By samar54
@samar54 (2454)
24 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
31 Oct 12
Why not?
If folks still believe in it, despite what we solidly know today, then it might as well be.
It's god when you win an award or do well at something or when you pull through something tragic. It's god's mysterious ways when you can't explain it. So a storm, earthquake, WMD, drought, famine, etc, may as well be added to the resume.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
3 Nov 12
matersfish, Forget what we've learned about the earth and weather and everything else. If people believe it's a god, have at it! It may as well be.
just a thought.. Does learning about earth and weather amounts to denial of their creator?
If you are really that much learned, would you care to tell me the number of planets in the milky way!!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
1 Nov 12

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
1 Nov 12
matersfish, how does "what we solidly know today," disprove divine retribution?

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Nov 12
My apologies but that's one of the silliest notions I ever heard.
The world has weather both good and bad and the weather is certainly no judgement of man's behaviour. Maybe environmental conditions can be laid at the door of mankind but the wrath of God?? Oh puhlease!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I have been praying for the usa to repent for all the little sacrifices it has made to satan.. namely the barbaric rite of terminating preborn babes. If most sane folks knew what the procedures of these were they would cease. Some nurses after experiencing aiding in them have refused to ever do so again! I will not get any more graphic than that, suffice it to say, my big tough harley biker and semi truck driving husband weeped like a baby in his truck one day as a retired doctor described some of the procedures. So yes, I do believe the wrath of God as they say (consequences and results) is coming and not just to the usa, but I am hoping the Godly folks still outnumber the God rejecters, bless their hearts, I used to be one of them, as we all were! (Unless learning and understanding about the Lord very early on in life.)
All blessings..

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 Oct 12
So the innocent get damned Just because they are American? This is suppose to be a wake up call ? Really? Well it isn't going to work. People will Still not believe in global warming. There will always people who will hate All foreigners. And there will be more hurricanes! No It isn't G-d's fault but man's We have messed with the climate and now we have more disasters. And No American isn't damned by G-d . It is more like America is damned by not being able to put the dots together and get that climates are changing rapidly. And Allah/G-d/Jesus Was there During Sandy. That is why there were so many survivors.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Samar, I didn't think you question was blasphemy.It could be seen that way outside the U.S.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Nov 12
andy77 has the view of many Americans so if this was a sign from G-d It wasn't clear enough.

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Nov 12
Hi samar, This is not the wrath of God, there have always been storms and other natural disasters. Do you really think that God is going to concern himself with American foreign policy? We are meant to work things out for ourselves, no matter how long it takes. Man can destroy all life on earth, and make the planet uninhabitable for thousands of years and the rest of the universe will continue as usual. Eventually the earth will renew itself and life in some form will return. Blessings.
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
6 Nov 12
Pose, sure God is concerned with American forein police, particularly when if affects Israel. I don't know if he'll let man destroy all life on Earth either but the Bible makes it clear that he will allow some use of nuclear weapons.

@urbandekay (18278)
1 Nov 12
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
all the best, urban

@urbandekay (18278)
1 Nov 12
No, Jesus states natural disasters are not the wrath of God
all the best, urban
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
6 Nov 12
urbandekay, can you give the Bible reference for that? This seems to be clear contradiction of the Old Testament so I can't beleive that Jesus would really say this. "Some natural disasters are not the wrath of God," maybe.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Nov 12
ABSOLUTELY not. I cannot believe the ignorance of anybody who thinks a natural disaster is in ANY WAY a sign that 'God is mad' or more specifically, some sort of punishment directed toward a particular country or group of people.
What else can I say? Hurricane Sandy happened because of certain weather patterns which occurred too close to land. There's really no FAULT to be pointed at here. We don't control the weather. The weather is not something controlled by some higher entity who is having fun either. It is what it is and all we can do is try to predict it and then try to deal with it.
I also have no idea where you are getting 'foreign policy' or 'double standards' from. One has nothing to do with the other, and neither has one iota of anything to do with a hurricane.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
I think this is not because all the countries of the world suffer the same. Even the countries here in Asia, suffer disasters that killed many lives.
There is a prophecy in the Bible that due to our transgression and not listen to what teaching to us. At this time there are many troubles to come. Famine, floods, wars and many other natural disasters.

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
Yup! Your right, my friend. But the problem now is that more people not aware about it. People are busy doing their regular activities daily and don't think about these signs. As what happen in the time of Noah, where people didn't believe that there is a judgement day.

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I am fully convinced that Katrina was a judgement from G-d.
Whether this storm was, is unknown. Often judgements and acts of nature, are confused. I'd have to see some evidence that our government was involved in something that would require, or cause G-d's judgement.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
5 Nov 12
I believe there's a God but I don't believe any specific storm or event anybody can point to is any 'retribution from God'. I have no idea how any of you can try to claim this or prove this, as there is no proof and absolutely nothing that would ever hold up in any court of your peers.
It's a good thing that not all people believe the same thing, isn't it? It is, however, entertaining to watch how many people seem to believe in things they can't prove in any way, shape, or form, and how squirmy you all get when asked to produce proof in order to get us to even consider your side has any merit at all.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I am not the first American to say that. There are millions who believe this. Not enough to show up on any political poll, and belief in G-d has decline so much, that if one were to make the national news, he would be completely dismissed.
There is a book called "Eye to Eye" by William Koenig.
There are dozens of such instances where I believe that G-d judges the people for a reason, not just America either.
Before I start off Forever The Lamb, there is no such thing as a person who does only what is right and good in G-d's eyes. We all have done evil, including myself. It is only by his mercy that we are not all struck down.
But to this specific instance:
First let's cover what G-d's word says.
In Genesis 12:2-3 G-d made this promise to the line of Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse"
Further, in Genesis 13:14-17 G-d says to Abraham:
"Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever."
Now that's an exclusive command. It doesn't mean it's now your land to give away, G-d is saying it's his land that he is giving to the Israel.
I believe this is why when Ariel Sharon tried to give away the land of Israel for peace, G-d allowed him to be struck down.
To continue G-d gave a warning in Joel 3:2
"I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land."
G-d does not want his land divided up. It is for Israel.
In 2004, The Bush administration pushed PM Sharon to stop housing construction and dismantle settlements. Sept 2004, Sharon agrees to evacuate settlements and dismantle them.
2005, August 15th, the Israeli Defense Force, delivered eviction notices to thousands of Israelis in Israeli settlements, on Israeli land. Many of these people had lived their for 35 years or more.
The process of removal was slow and drawn out, but by August 23rd, the forced removal of 23 settlements is complete.
August 23rd, a tropical depression forms over the Bahamas. In 48 hours, this tiny tropical depression goes from dropping a little bit of rain, to a Cat 1 hurricane, hitting Florida, killing 11 people, and knocking out power for a million people.
Unlike most hurricanes, which form from weather disturbances blown out to sea off the coast of Africa, and gather energy and strength as they trek across the ocean, Katrina formed from nothing, less than 300 miles from Florida. It went from nothing to a hurricane in 48 hours, ironically the same amount of time the Israelis were given to leave their homes. It gained strength into a cat 5 hurricane in under 5 days.
Just as Israelis were perched on the roofs of their homes, to avoid being evicted, thousands of people sat on the roofs of their homes in New Orleans, waiting to be rescued. Some news papers even had photos of the Israeli evacuations, sharing the front page with photos of New Orleanians waiting for rescue.
So why New Orleans? Well... if you read about what goes on in New Orleans, there are more than enough possible reasons, and sure G-d could have chosen another location just as well.
So is it coincidence? Possibly. Obviously G-d does not feel any need to meet our petty human demands for golden tablets with his judgement written on them... but then again, it's not like that was the first time.
Does anyone remember the outrage over the only plane flying in US air space after 9/11 was the Saudi Royals? Everyone was mad, but no one bothered to ask why they were here to begin with.
Saudi prince Bandar bin Sultan, was in America meeting with President Bush to finalize a middle east peace agreement. On September 10th 2001, Bandar and Bush had made a final agreement, with the intention of making the land for peace deal public in a televised announcement the following day.
Bandar later recounted that on Sept 10th, he was "the happiest man in the world", and the following day "it fell on me... like the whole house collapsed over my head" when he realized most of the hijackers were Saudis.
The rest is history. No peace deal was ever mentioned. Coincidence? Perhaps.
October 1991. Bush meets with Soviet Gorbachev, and invites Israel and the Arabs to discuss land for peace, in Madrid.
Less than 48 hours later, October 20th, the Oakland Firestorm starts. 25 people die, hundreds injured, and nearly 4,000 homes and apartments wiped out. Coincidence? Perhaps.
Bush continued his peace talks, telling the Israelis that the US would not support Israeli settlements in the West Bank. November 1st, the Perfect Storm hits.
The storm was the remains of Hurricane Grace which had gone up the coast, and blown itself apart heading out to sea. But then combined with another small storm system, and actually turned around and started back towards the mainland pushing 100 foot high waves. It nailed several areas along the coast including Bush Sr. home in Maine.
Pictures of Bush walking through the wreckage of his home, shared front pages of news papers with up coming one-on-one talks with Israel about a peace deal.
Coincidence? Seems unlikely to me.
I am a firm believer that G-d is still G-d, and that G-d judges sin. And I believe that when any country messes with G-d's land, the land of Israel, that G-d "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse".
That land is not ours to touch. We have no right to it, we have no say in it, and the harder we fight to divide up that land, the more G-d will curse us.
Now the danger in this, is that some people look at every single bad thing that happens, and assume it's all about G-d. The opposite is that because one thing isn't a judgement, then none of them are.
I believe some are judgements, and some are not. When we mess with Israel, it's a judgement for sure. I am convinced of this. There is simply too much evidence, to be all coincidences.

@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I think as long as we are still asking the question, then we can be fairly sure that the wrath of God has not yet come. I think we will not feel His wrath until He returns to claim His children and rule the earth.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
6 Nov 12
samar, you're spouting blasphemy again, Jesus is the creator!
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
6 Nov 12
"you're spouting blasphemy again, Jesus is the creator! "
So you also want despoil this of your Creator ? , there is no power but from God Almighty , and I became disbelieved ? , if my faith with The Creator of the universe
disbelief in your opinion , I welcome with it , because it is the pure faith.

@livewyre (2450)
8 Nov 12
Have to agree Grap, Jer contradicts himself:
God apparently is not interested in politics, but sends a storm anyway...
Ant 'iniquities the American people have done' is an interpretation usually dependent on politics since the nation is governed by political parties.
I'm not saying that storms cannot be a warning or a sign, but if that is the case, surely it is not from an indifferent God?
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
6 Nov 12
JER, sorry but I'm sure God is concerned with politics and may do something if he doesn't like a countrie's politics. The Bible says that establishes and deposes kings.

@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
31 Oct 12
While I have no doubt the US has double standards, I think it is not the time for us to decide if the hurricane is wrath of God or not. Instead, if we can, we must try to help those people who are in trouble due to this natural disaster. The least we can do is to pray for their well being.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Nov 12
samar, the trouble is that there are lots of people in trouble. We only have so much time to prey and only so much money and time to give. Then there are situations where the best way to help is unclear or helping one person will cause problems for another.

@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
1 Nov 12
Hi, samar:
Many of these events appear in many places of the world, may be in that country is the true faith or other has no creed and unfair in his dealings with others.I'm in my belief that this is a punishment for some, and at the same time a test for others, and this test is to demonstrate the strength of their patience and their faith.
@francesca5 (1344)
1 Nov 12
the trouble with theories with the wrath of god is that there is a risk that in trying to interpret god's wrath we may project our own issues onto the event.
i read a news story yesterday about how hurricane sandy was impacting on the presidential elections, and how embarrassing it was for romney who had wanted to cut the hurricane relief fund.
so for all you know god may have done this to improve obama's chances of winning the presidency, it may or it may not be the wrath of god, but you cannot know what god is telling america, you have to leave that for them to work out.
but also some parts of the world have different weather patterns to others, if there is a part of the world that is more likely to have hurricanes than another, does that mean they have upset god more? and the same applies to earthquakes, some parts of the planet have more earthquakes than others, that's just a geographical reality, does that mean an earthquake is the wrath of god?