Should elder brother get married first before sister marriage

@ravisivan (14082)
November 5, 2012 9:46am CST
a number of candidates from all over india are known to me as candidates appearing for bank recruitment examination. They read my blogs, Out of the so many one candidate --let us call him X got introduced to me in June 2011 while I was staying in USA with my son. This candidate - a boy -- he completed his MBA after graduation in commerce. I guided him for bank interviews. He was lacking in communication skill snd to an extent I guided him to improve. Thanks to God he got recruitment in one of the subsdidiaries of SBI initially and subsequently in one of the nationalised bank. He is working there for nearly one year. I got a message from him --he wanted to talk to me. I called and talked to him. His mother has died a few years back. He has one younger sister who is doing M Phil and another brother. this boy is around 25 years age now. He told that his father expired on 1st october. He was concerned about their family -- He was telling is it right for him to get married first so that himself and his wife can perform the marriage of his sister. I suggested that he should get his sister married first --after her getting a lecturer job and thereafter he can get married. It is because if a new girl comes to the family as daughter in law and this girl may not be able to get along well with the new guardian. This is my view. what is your view regarding this. please share.
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19 responses
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
5 Nov 12
hello ravi sir, elder brother's marriage usually happens after the girl in the house is married off. This is the norm that is being followed in most of the Indian families, and it is the same thing that is being followed in my own house too. But the times has changed now and people are changing. For instance, in my house after too much of arguing and making my parents understand, they are getting my brother married first. These system came into existence mainly because of 2 reasons, one thing is that obviously the place constraint. Not all people live in 2-3 BHK houses. Other reason could be that, our parents usually don't trust the new girl coming to the house to take the responsibilities of their daughters. They are all scared that the son might start becoming conscious about the marriage expenses and things like that once he have a family of his own. And considering the big fat Indian weddings, no doubt they're scared of it.
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
mahi In a few families they may get the boy married first if he is well placed -- probably to get some money (not dowry) and using that they may get the daughter married afterwards. You have rightly stated about 2/3BHK concept. the new girl will take time to mix up with others and in between the daughter will have problems in getting used. Also a sort of envy will be prevalent when the boy goes with his new wife and he will become closer to her obviously. simple things like boy will get jasmine flowers for his wife and not for sister--these things cause a lot of problems.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
In case the girl is employed to some extent problems will be less because she will go out of house for a few hours. otherwise the girl staying in the house 24 hours -- and if the daughter in law goes on duty outside -- lot of issues.
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
6 Nov 12
True that there will be cases of egoes making rounds between them, when suddenly a girl's brother is giving more imporatance to a new girl than her. As you said, I agree that there will be less of these things if the daughter is working as she goes out and she is not all looking for these little little things.
@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
hello... for me for that situation, out of practicality, let those couple be married because they are all ready and not because of obligation. but i guess partly, they should consider that thing too. if the time required one pair to wed, then so be it. they just need to weight things which is which and what is what. thorough forum is recommended between the siblings so that anyone can make point of views and what is their say of the matter. thanks for this sir ravs :) hope you are all doing well...
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
missjahn: You are from philipines. the system there is people get married after getting a child also. system in India is different. In your case also you are not married, is it not--you are already 30+?
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
hello ravi, I understand that this is about culture differences sir. Here in our country, it doesn't matter who get married first. I understand that, this boy is worried about his sister's future particularly with the marriage thing since it is the brother's duty to secure his sister's future since their parents are not around anymore. Here in our country, although siblings look after each other in the presence of their parents or not- but, it is not the brother's main responsibility to look for his sister's husband or search for a husband. One big difference here in our country and your country is- it is the boy/groom's responsibility to pay all the expenses for the wedding and- dowry is not observe here. It is an option if the girl or the bride will/want to share the wedding expenses or not. I guess you are right with your advise, the brother should look/search for his sister's husband first before he settle down.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
I reported the other post sir- it's double posting so I ask the Admin for deletion. Anyway,there are culture and tradition in your country that I can hardly digest- not because I am not an Indian- but some of it I find it really hard to understant no matter how I tried to put myself in. There are cultures and tradition in your country that I admire a lot as well- and I consider amazing
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
jaiho: 'there were two responses of yours similar manner. I posted my reply on one of them and that was also deleted. no problem. you are able to appreciate the cultural difference between the two countries. you have learnt more about this through personal contacts and also mylot friendship. yes. expenses for marriage has to be borne by girl's family. it is a big budget affair. success lies in identifying a suitable match and spending within one's ability.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
6 Nov 12
Things are different here in America (at least on the surface). Some girl tells me that her fiance`'s/husband's parents don't like her, I'm not hearing that she is somehow any 'lesser in society.' In America, a person is considered "good" if they are 'connected to' (either 'making' or 'married to' or 'inheriting' or 'winning') a steady income. Me; I'm good enough for me, but not good enough for me & a wife & a child-or-two. (Oh, lots of myLotters tell me 'women don't care about income as long as there's 'love'"; and maybe--out their with their unicorns and their pot-of-gold rainbows--those myLotters are right, but here in REALITY I'm still single---even though I've got more love ALL ALONE than I know what to do with!) And as for 'sisters before brothers': females marry younger than males. So if her mating-time comes up before yours, let her go. People only have a brief time to get married while they still think it's a good idea (kinda like playing football before you find out about all the long-term damage you're doing to yourself).
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
6 Nov 12
Maybe THAT'S WHY I'm alone! Because I deal the truth too bluntly! (They should have a 'eureka'-smiley---with a light-bulb switching on over its head!) You're right about the 'retired from active service,' but I never got married or had children. And not really 'retired from-' but more like 'never went into-active service.' (We're talking about 'having a job,' yeah?) My philosophy (derived from the 'Law' that the shortest route between any two points is a straight line) always was something-like 'if your goal is just "to finish," no harm in taking a shortcut' ... a philosophy that earned me the nickname "Speedy*." *I earned that nickname when--as part of 'initiation into the fraternity of the drum-line' in my freshman year of high-school--all the freshmen had to run a race through the park across the street from the high-school. When the leader said "Go!" I turned and made a bee-line for the finish while the rest of the freshmen ran around the curvy track. You could say I've applied that philosophy to my life: as we all end up 'living in peace off the bounty of the land,' I just skipped-ahead to that part. (Granted, it takes a 'lifetime' of work to "earn" the right to such bounty; but I was kinda forced to skip that by conquering a brain-injury, and feel I deserve the bounty as much as Stephani Angelina "Lady Gaga" deserves the bounty she takes from her ingenious creativity!) Anyway, the point of the babble is this: standing back away from 'active service' (whatever it is we do to keep busy---work, church, school, hobbies etc.) gives one clearer sight of larger truth. One often can't communicate that truth to those still in active service, as they won't hear it unless it profits them (or endangers their profits). And people are afraid to 'join you in standing back,' as they then lose "ownership" of the things they are given for their active service.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
7 Nov 12
nicely written reply/response. good. your narration brought to mind this story: In this story also Ganesha one of the two brothers went round the parents and said he has covered the world and claimed the Mango fruit as reward and he was given. (father and mother are considered as world.) I go with your views because i am 62+ and am of the view whatever happens is pre-destined. I always pray that good things shall happen to me, my people and all others also.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
mythociate yes. conditions in USA/Canada are different from what it is in India. In your country it is not necessary for people to get married to live together and get children. many people live without marriage and there are thousands of single mothers on account of this trend. For you to get married -- yes you have income then you can get married provided as per your custom you must find a match. In India it is parents' responsibility mostly to get a partner for girl/son. (there are exceptions). For that you must be more appealing to girls -- I have seen a lot of your posts are on religion and spirituality-- normally girls desirous of getting married may not like such ideas. Your ideas are suitable for elderly people--those who got married and have grown up children and are retired from active service. this is my view. i may be not correct in your assessment. I know only a minute fraction of your personality.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
5 Nov 12
Sorry but this is the most rediculous thing I ever heard of. It's 2012! People should get married if they are ready to it plus found the one they want to spend there life with. This has nothing to do with being elder or younger. Marriage is about love, being able to take care of the person who loves you and respect. If the sister is not ready to get married yet there is no reason to stop other siblings to do so. BTW if the daughter in law is not able to get along well with the rest of the family this problem will exist anyway. It has nothing to do with getting married first. I also find it strange the eldest daughter has to get married first (leaving the house) because of that reason.
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
Eldest daughter should get married is the norm adopted and it is right also. If the girl gets married first she will go to another family. there will be less problems and probably she may be a cause of problem in another family? Even when parents are alive we normally follow a system of getting younger sister married first and then go for son's marriage. of course in India it is mostly arranged marriages and less of love marriages.
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@arunr175 (1678)
• India
6 Nov 12
It all depends on how the brother looks at the things, if I was the elder brother I would see to it that my sister get married first ... It's just my opinion ...
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
arun you have told your views. that is right. that is also my view. let us viers ew what others think about it. many people from our country are also of this view. but the views of foreigners is different.
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• Canada
23 Dec 12
Hi.i am from iran.i dont understand why aboy must wait till his sister marry.whats problem if brother get marry before his sister.may be sister doesnt want marry and she want to wait and find a good husband,why she must marry by force just for old customs.its not progress and india still has stayed in the past.look around yourself and attention to serious problem.these customs and traditions doesnt allow your children have a good choice for their you think about what they like or want?or just u want they do what you say them.something you heard from your grandmother and grandfather not live in present not past time,plz forget the old india and allow your son and your daughter decide for their destroy their life with this doesnt matter which one first get marry,just wish they will be happy.plz attention to this i said and save your kids from old rules.WISH A BEST LIFE FOR ALL BRIDES AND GROOMS.SONIA RAJABI
• India
29 Nov 12
I think in India the sister gets married first then the elder brother gets married. In my case also my sister got married and I am still in search for matches. But your view is correct that new member may not get well with sister.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Dec 12
thanks for your response. yes. it takes a lot of time for the girl to adjust with the new family. hence it is better for the girl to get married first before her brother.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
I used to believe in this before since some of our elders also have the same practice. The elder child should be the one to get married first. But now, the way I look at it, this is no longer happening in our community. For as long as the person is in love and they are prepared, then they can marry anytime regardless whether they are the eldest or youngest child in the family.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
you are from philipines. I was told by other members from philipines that the culture is different. yes. if the boy is in love with a girl then he can get married quickly.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
6 Nov 12
I can understand your concerns and the observance of traditions with your advice. But, I hope that you would be able to look beyond customs and traditions especially when your young charges are educated and raised overseas. To me I feel that you should try to understand the practicality and have confidence that his sister is educated enough to know how to relate and adopt positive family values to be able to relate with her sister in law. Personally, a person's character, upbringing and learning of life's lesson that determines his/her ability to get along and be approachable, not some customs or traditions. Besides, avoiding is never an assurance that a family or relationships will be without problems. A marriage's success or failure does not evolve around an in-law or who gets married first or observing customs and traditions.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
artemeis You have narrated nicely. you have explain in an interesting way. In Indian conditions many marriages are marred on account of relationship with in-laws. here the boy has extra responsibility of a parent also to see that the girl is settled in life. it is easily said but very difficult to decide.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
23 Dec 12
In most of the community the parents want to marry the daughter first even she younger and brother is elder. But some time this is wrong decision because it is happen with our family. My mother think first daughter marriage should perform then son and I get married but still my brother waiting of his wife. Because in our community girls are less or more educated and she not wants to get marry with a businessmen. I think if first proposal came for brother then brother should get marry dont think about sister. No my brother is 37 years of age. Business is good, looks are good but girls wants to education and he is only B.SC I
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
23 Dec 12
surekha: i wish your brother gets married early. For that you must be able to register with matrimony sites for your caste. Also reduce the education requirements for girl-- If you look for a match with a girl studied +2 or so he will get married early. Do you think situation would have been different if your marriage is postponed to succeed your marriage. I do not think so.
• India
22 Dec 12
Ravi, most of the Indian parents also have the same view, so only they will conduct their daughter's marriage first before their son's marriage and their is nothing wrong in this activities. Surely it takes time for a new girl (DIL) to mingle with the family, so he must first finish his sister marriage before conducting his brother marriage. I fully agree with your suggestion
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
23 Dec 12
Vidhyaprakash: thanks for your response. I think in your family also they believe in the same pattern. this is necessary because we do not have sufficient number of private rooms in our residences.
• India
5 Nov 12
Feeling sorry for his condition and a sudden load of responsibilities he has to now bear on his shoulders. I do not know how well am I able to "live" his situation. But I too think your thinking correct in suggesting him to get married later. I do not know but it seems he wants to marry just to get his sister married. He is forgetting the other responsibilities he will attach to himself along with the initial ones. Likewise if we think, you can inform us better, but all the three members are educated and there seems no traditional issues with her marriage, and I am sure she would get a nice guy to spend her life along with. Things may get spoiled if done in hurry.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
Your suggestion that nothing should be done in a hurry. He must think calmly and take a solution. Ydes. getting married will add responsibilities. similarly sister's marriage will add further responsibilities like child birth etc.
• India
6 Nov 12
Exactly. Now things like traditional choice of husband is not given as important as it was done. I am not saying the practice was incorrect but it can be molded at times if that proves to be benefit. All the members are educated, hopefully their financial condition is also stable. He can afford to settle his mind instead of taking any step in hurry.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
5 Nov 12
Why should it even matter who gets married first?? Its not game or a contest. Just because one marries first isnt a good or a bad thing. I married before my older brother did. No big deal. if you or a sister falls in Love first and gets married thats a good thing.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
maria What has happened in your case is right. girl getting married before elder brother. in this case the boy and girl do not have parents. a new girl coming into the family guiding the sister may not go well. In India love marriage system is not that prevalent. It is the parents who arrange for marriage. Further the space available in the house may not permit also sometimes. true it is not a contest of games.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
Raja: you were confused about the way relations were in your family earlier. it is mainly due to ego. each one feels he is important and others are not important. that makes them treat others in a bad way. happy there are not problems now.
6 Nov 12
I feel somewhere down the line that, certain changes are really required in our Indian culture.Why should it even matter who gets married first?? In my opinion if the boy gets married first probably his mother will get a daughter in law who can take care of their home .In the same time when his sister gets a lecturer job she can also get married .so in this process that boys mother will not miss her daughter's absence even.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
yes. you are only 36 years old. your views are important. Boy's mother is not alive. you are of the view anything can be done. nice.
@pahak627 (5022)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
I guess there is no big deal as to who marries first. In this case that you brought up, it's a different situation. I just don't know what to say about this. How about waiting when the girl reaches legal age. She won't need a guardian by that time. What I can think of now is that the brother should choose a wife who can get along with his sister if he wants to marry before her sister reaches legal age.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Nov 12
PAHAK I think I have not made it clear. the girl is doing M Phil after completing post graduation and she must be around 21 years. she is already a major. for safety wise brother is guardian. In Indian situations this is relevant.
@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
14 Mar 13
Hi, Your view is right. I also think that his sister should get married first. After the sister's marriage when he got married there is no responsibility of sister's marriage. He can enjoy his marriage life with his wife. No tension for him and for his wife. They can perform all other responsibilities happily.
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
I don't think there is a ranking file of getting married, if the siblings are ready to get married. Then can go for it. Good day!
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
6 Nov 12
Shavkat yes. you are also from philipines where Jaiho is staying. good it seems the view in philipines is different. yes. siblings can get married when they are ready irrespective of whether he is old or young. I was concerned about the responsibilities for the boy after his sister gets married.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
29 Nov 12
I don't think so, it's not like that in my family and I don't know if there's some family here in my place that does that still. With my family... you can go get married as long as you know you are able to support your family. It doesn't matter if your younger or older. But I know as well that in India's culture it's not like that. Personally I don't think its wrong to get married if your younger and you still have a sibling who is older but is not married yet. What if he decided not to get married anymore? what will happen to you then who is planning to get a family of your own?
• India
20 Nov 12
I too agree with your view of sister getting married first, because there's no way we can predict his fiance's behavior before and after marriage. sometimes those two might be well understanding each other but in most of the cases it ends in disaster. so it's better to get his sister married first than he does.