If you don't like it,go elsewhere!

United States
November 9, 2012 7:21am CST
I was glad to see the election over with. Unfortunely I keep hearing and reading how alot of people are pissed off that Obama won! I am now sick of that! Get over it! If you don't like how our goverment is run,move to a different country! Maybe then the complainers will stop their complaining and realize how good they had here in the USA! This is a political rant!
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14 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Nov 12
I don't think any response could be as good and succinct as Forever_The_Lamb, but I'll take this from another angle. Businesses who don't like it ARE GOING ELSEWHERE. How you do you like that? Does it make you feel good that businesses are going to China, Taiwan, El Salvador, India, etc. to find employees? I hear people on the left whining about it constantly, and yet here you are, TELLING them to go elsewhere. Clearly these businesses are more than happy to take your advice. Perhaps we should just raise more taxes on businesses. That way we can get more of them to leave.
3 people like this
• United States
9 Nov 12
Yep. It more expensive we make it for businesses to operate here, the more that will find other countries to operate in. We are shooting ourselves in the foot.
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• United States
13 Nov 12
I was talking about people who aren't happy with the election results! Like my boos Mark and our friend Jeff! I got the idea form them and Hank Williams Jr who posted on Facebook that our country is in doom because we didn't electic Romney! I was not talking about companies who have lefet the US and gone elsewhere like China! I got am sick of people moaning and groaning that Obama was re-elected! We are not a perfect country but if people,not companies,are not happy they move elsewhere! Even if it is across the border to Mexico or Canada! The job sitaution is awhole other story!
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Nov 12
I COMPLETELY agree with both of you! We are so screwed. =( This country is done for. It is so horrible how many people are being laid off and companies are leaving. How the H*ll are we getting more jobs here for the people that are STILL out of work???
• United States
9 Nov 12
We have the right of free speech. So people can belly ache all they want without having to leave the country. Don't like it? Then don't listen to them.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Nov 12
just remember while you belly=ache and call us democrats names we are all Americans and we had the right to vote as we pleased so just gnaw on that a bit then go right on slinging mud maybe youj will even insult someone here and get deleted. have fun
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
2 people like this
• United States
11 Nov 12
It is hard not to listen when I see and hear it all around me! The more I read the replies here the more I realize I created a monster! I am glad I did! People are voicing their opinions and that is a good thing! I would like to thank my boss MArk,my friebd Jeff and Hank Williams Jr, for the inspiration for this discussion! Without them this discussion would not of be started!
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Although I don't like the fact that Obama won,I do have to accept it. I also have to worry about the fate of our country. When a majority of the people can re-elect the worst President in our history,we are in trouble.
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• United States
11 Nov 12
Obama is not my President. Just because you don't care about this country and voted for that idiot again doesn't make it sour grapes. I don't support a man that doesn't care about the American people. All he cares about is the power the Presidency gives him. It's not whining when it's a fact. After 4 years of spending,borrowing and making the country a much worse place to live,you wanted more of the same. What are you and the majority of the people in this country thinking? Do you just not care? You earn respect!!! You don't just get respect for who you are or your position in life. Obama has not earned my respect.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Nov 12
do you call that acceting? I call it sour grapes the majority of the people might just not be so bad as you think just because you lost. suck it up and quit whining. why not try supporting our president and expecting him to do better these four years?aslso respect the President Of the United States for goodness sakes.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Nov 12
TECHNICALLY, yes, he is our president. But the GREAT thing about AMERICA, is that we don't get drawn and quartered for disagreeing with our leader. We can THINK, SPEAK AND WRITE what we believe. And I find it pretty devisive that the concensus here is that those who do disagree are told to leave in one breath, and then a call for unity amongst Americans in the next breath. How can you hold to both opinions? Either we are ALL Americans and have the same right to our opinions or we are not. So, are you telling me I'm less of an American than you just because I exercise my right to speak freely, to think what I want and say so? Respect the OFFICE Of president is what I was taught, the man is after all, only a man and not a god. And I am remembering the hate and venom spewed against Bush, where was the respect for the president then? When you all didn't like who was president, you said so and WE had to listen to it.
@celticeagle (172471)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Nov 12
I think we have a right to our opinions. If I could move to another country I certainly would. Sure we have it alot better than alot of countries. I didn't vote and I won't be voting until we have someone that is worth voting for. If you are happy with Obama then that's just great! I'm one of the ones that isn't.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Really, the whole world's going to h3ll in a hand basket.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
9 Nov 12
See!debrakcarey There you go again spreading fear and contempt stating that the world is falling apart, you losers should get over it.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
and opinions aren't going to mean shite once we go over that cliff folks. So what if Obama won, doesn't mean it is over.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
So when all these folks move and quit paying their 'fair share' what will happen? I've read several articles of companies laying folks off, businesses closing their doors cause they can't afford the 'Affordable Healthcare Act', people living in tents and crime stats rising. You guys wanted him, but unfortunately those of us who didn't will suffer right along with you.
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• United States
9 Nov 12
It is going to get worse. To save money because of Obama care and if taxes are raised they will lay off, and cut people to part time. They will protect their profits at any cost. That is businesses do. Which means overhead gets cut. Get ready for a rough ride.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Nov 12
I'm with Lamby! Don't be a hater! lilwonders,Obama care will not go into affect until 2020. I am not worried about it! As long as it doesn't affect my health insurance through work I don't care! I don't think the country is going to get as bad as you think lilwonders! Wish people would move on and get on with thier lives! It is time for that!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
We gotta laugh...
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@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
9 Nov 12
I think if someone lives in a democracy, they should accept that the majority's vote counts. Well, I do think that in my country (not the US), the government is crap, and the prime minister is more of a showman/speaker than a talented politcian but I'm not gonna say that it's unfair or they should die or rant about it constantly... just try to make the best of what I have and can do. I can have my opinion, everybody can have opinions... that's not wrong. But politizing everywhere, is just rude.
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• United States
9 Nov 12
We are a constitutional republic...not a democracy. There is a difference.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Mike, we are a Constitutional Republic or we used to be. we do not have one vote/one person. A candidate can win the popular vote and still loose the election.
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• United States
11 Nov 12
WOW! Lamby and Mike you explained it better then I could! Doroffee you are have a great opinion! That people who can't except the results of the election are being rude! I know they are still Americans who are still furious! I know one woman,who is a casual part-time worker where I work,who will have her say when she works again! She is a staunch republican and her husband always hears these totally false conspiracys about Obama! It was the same way when Bush was presidant! So I am lookling forword to why Romney should of been elected and hear more false stories on Obama! Yey! I am so looking forword to that! Not!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Nov 12
The operative word is "had". I am upset that many voted for him because of the entitlements and him being black. The ones who voted for him who did it by researching and believed that the democratic party was best for the STates, at least they were honest and did not vote out of envy or greed. unlike those who voted because of the Obamaphones and his being black. If one truly believes in party, one does not need incentives to vote for it. Oh by the way Canada is a lovely country. The climate here in Manitoba is almost the same as in North Dakota and Minnesota.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Nov 12
hop to it and I wou ld even help you pack where I were any place close.at least then i would not have to read all your hatred.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Nov 12
Oh brother! Sounds like some people don't like black people! Especially the one that is president! That is what I am getting from this reply! This discussion would not of happen if I had not heard my boss and a mutural friend talk abut how pissed off that Romney did not win! Same goes with country singer Hank Williams Jr. complain on Facebook,I would not of started this discussion! It is time to get over it and except it! This is why I said move to a different country if you aren't happy! People like that can move to Canada or Mexico,which are just across the borders! not long drives either!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Let's see, if I started walking next spring from the Ozarks in Missouri, how long would it take me.....
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Honestly, the arguing is tiring...I agree but we also learn from others opinions, I think.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Nov 12
Oh...I can be pretty stubborn and headstrong too. I just don't expect everyone to think and feel as I do. I am really ok with opposing views and if I get tired of the back and forth...I just back off.
• United States
12 Nov 12
Nice you agree on this! Just wish all people would learn from thier opinins but I know they won't! There are alot of stubborn people out there!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Nov 12
bravo blue65packer I wish I had that much courage as this needed to be said by someone here. I am so sick of it and all the complaining and all the horrible predictions. He won so put up or pack up and leave. Go to a different country and see how much better you have it in America.
• United States
13 Nov 12
Thank You Hatley!! I appreciate what you wrote! Years ago I would not been brave enough to start a discussion like this! I would not of been able to even discuss politics and voting with anyone,like at work or woth friends! I still can't with certain people who are so opinionated on their party it doesn't even pay! Same with my family! At least I can here and with some friends of mine at work! I still hear people groaning that Obama won and I still will say,If you don't like it move to another counrty! We aren't perfect but we are better they alot of other nations in the world!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Of course anyone who voted for another candidate isn't going to be happy that Obama won. What did you expect? I've heard more accusations of people being pissed off than the people who are being accused.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Nov 12
"If you can't keep your opinions to yourself!" Did you mean to say something more in this statement, because it isn't a full sentence?
• United States
11 Nov 12
I know not everyone is happy that Obama won! I knew people would not be happy but some people still can't except it! Like my boss and a friend of ours who are republican! Then I see it on Facebook form friends and Hank Williams Jr.,who is a staunch republican and one of my "likes" on Facebook. Now I see it on Mylot! I am just getting sick of this! I have excepted who won and it it time others to! If you can't keep your opinions to yourself! We have heard to many and it is time to move on!
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
10 Nov 12
People need to just realize the election is over.. And it is time to get back to life; getting our objectives completed every day.. This country can not continue to be left wing; right wing.. Obama won.. We need to live untied and in peace.. In four years a lot can change.. Lets all just put this nonesense to rest..
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• United States
13 Nov 12
I wish the nonsense would end! I still hear groaning over the election! Some of it is hear on Mylot! Some is on Facebook and I know friends and family who are not excepting Obama won and not Romney! I have gottan over it and gottan on with life! I just wish more people will,which they should of allready!
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
9 Nov 12
I have to agree. He won both the popular vote and the electoral college. It is done and over with. Maybe if people would focus more on fixing their own lives, then they would stop complaining. Most of them won't move. They would have to find a place that completely and 100% agrees with their ideals and well...that will be pretty hard. Either way, they will rant, whine, and complain sadly until they get off their behinds and work on fixing their lives.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
9 Nov 12
Remember the 2002 presidential election when Bush II stole it from Al Gore. Now you conservatives and republicans see how we liberals and democrats felt.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Nov 12
Good point,Aidalily! If people would worry about their own lives they would at stop complaining! At least for the time being! Debrakcarey: I do beleive most people on Welfare are lazy! I also know some people on welfare should not be on it because they are abusing it! Same goes same with disability benefits! Some people are on it who should not be and then there are others who need it but can't get on it! That has been my opinion on that! Anyway Obama stays in office for 4 more years and I am sure we will keep hearing the complaining! No mattr who we elect not everyone will be happy!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Nov 12
What about those business owners who worked hard to have a life, and now have to close, what about all those folks now laid off (about 150,000 and counting) do we not allow them to whine? If I'd of said, people on welfare are lazy and don't want to work, you'd have blasted me. But here again, we have a double standard, WE can't whine and complain, but the liberals can gloat and tell us if we don't like it we can move. WOW
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Nov 12
hahha yeah i guess it is become too much these days. I don't know I am not there in US but I have been hearing it too much and it is become like whining now..well you have to put out the frustration anyway and better be here. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
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• United States
11 Nov 12
I am still hearing whining and the election was last tuesday! I have heard this from people I work with!I keep hearing other people,like some mylotters,who can't except it! I am sick of hearing people say are nation is dying and its all Obama's fault! Those are the people I would love to see move to another country! If you don't like the way the US is going,I will open the door for you and let it hit you on the way out! I would like to see someone find the "perfect" country! They can't! It doesn't exsit! Those are the poeple I am talking about!
• Indonesia
9 Nov 12
Move to different country. Well, I like to hear some one say it after hottest election in their country. I am not US citizen. But I really love to see your democratic party, no war, no fight. Just opinion argue. I hope it can be happen in my country on every election party happen
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