I salute them
By bhanusb
@bhanusb (5709)
November 12, 2012 10:08am CST
Obama has made a history. He is the first black who became President of United States.
He made another history to become consecutively second term President of US. Once it was unthinkable that a black American could be the President of a White dominated country. Once in America blacks were not allowed to enter in hotels owned by Whites. There was signboard at the entrance of hotels as "Blacks and dogs are not allowed". Thanks to American people specially to Whites now they do not discriminate Black and White. They choose quality not color. Thanks to the present generation of America. I salute them.
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3 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Nov 12
Martin Luther King Jr. said: I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to live in a country that did not see color, did not choose a man based on his color and where character was how we judged a person.
His dream has turned into a nightmare where people have voted for a man merely because he is a person of color, and not based on his job performance or his character.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Nov 12
I am so glad that someone else out there sees things this way.
Obama was elected both times on people's perception of his race and ethnicity. Peoople did not do their homework very well. Mr. Obama may have an infinitesimal amount of African American in his bloodline, but not enough make him truly such. His mother is caucasian and his father was ARAB, not African American. It is amazing to me that people who shout loudest about equal rights are the ones who do things to thwart true equality. I don't think that Mr. King, Jr. would be very pleased to see what has become of his hard work and efforts, that cost him his own life. t is ashame that in this country we still remain color sighted instead of becoming color blind as Mr. King, Jr. had so desired.
I agree, our vote should have been cast for the person who was most closely qualified and who provided best qualities of character.
For those who think that this re election is based on anything more than race and demographics, do a little searching and learn the truth for yourselves.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
13 Nov 12
The way you both are thinking is not correct. Obama reelected not for his color. People choose him for his job performance and integrity. I watched live TV. In Chicago when he gave speech after wining election people were cheering and waving national flag. Most of them were Whites. Definitely America is changing.
@Ladycwells (96)
• United States
13 Nov 12
I would be a bit cautious of tossing MLK name around to prove a point. MLK was not the "dream" man. History chose that about him to make him more acceptable, but he was more than that. He also recanted his stance on integration but was assassinated before it was well known. He actually said "I am afraid I have integrated my people into a burning house."
President Obama was re-elected because the American people are sick and tired of the old business as usual. They are sick of being associated the world over as racist, stiff necked, conservatives who can't accept anyone different then themselves. Blacks are saying no, gays are saying no, women are saying no, Mexicans are saying no. President Obama never said he had all the answers, he said yes WE can.
While some are sitting sour on the sidelines, still preaching hate and race, the majority is moving forward to make a real dream come true. A real dream of acceptance and a true united states.

@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
13 Nov 12
A president being elected to a second term is not a new thing. He was re elected because older white people do not carry the majority of votes anymore I think that people who want to keep throwing back to the days of racial inequalities such as you mention should do a little more political research. There is still a lot of prejudice in this country, from both sides; white and black. Most all political analysts agree that this election was won on demographics and race.There are more African American, hispanic, and younger voters than there was in the last election. People voted for Obama last time because he was perceived as African American and they wanted to make history. It just seems to be prejudice in reverse of what most people think it is. What has Obama done that shows he is a quality president? Until people vote on the basis of convicion then we have no reason to salute them. I encourage all Americans to do their own research on candidates of all offices that affect them so you will know who is going to get the job done right. Stop relying on others to do the homework for you. If there is an issue that matters to you, check the voting records of your representatives and the president to see if they are making decisions you think are right to make. Stop listening to the hype.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
13 Nov 12
Hi deedee,
I agree things are changing in America. The outlook of young generation is more progressive and practical. Yes still there are lots of prejudice in America. Racial balance is changing. I hope in near future America will be role model of racial harmony.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
15 Nov 12
I disagee. The outlook of the younger genertion is not progressive and practical. It is destructive and selfish. I hope racial prejudices contiue to diminish. America needs to be concerned about being role model for the rest of the world, so much more than racial harmony. Right now, we may be no more than the poster child for ignorance.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Nov 12
It is tragic that our first black president is so inept. He has made a mess of things and in his second term he seems determined to continue damaging our economy in an effort to achieve cradle to grave government dependence.
You are wrong about this being progress. People voted for him because of his color, not in spite of it. Those who didn't are told they are racist. Any time someone criticized the president they are accused of racism. Racism, bigotry and prejudice is worse now than before we elected Mr. Obama.
I do not hate him and do not care what color he is. I would just like someone competent leading the country. This man is not a leader. He is merely a superb speaker that knows how to capture a crowd's attention.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Nov 12

@bhanusb (5709)
• India
13 Nov 12
Why you fear to become minority. Once you were majority and dominated the country. America is a country of immigrants. First White people came from Europe. Then they imported Black slaves from Africa. After 2nd World War people from different parts of this planet started to migrate to America. That created imbalance in color of skins. Unfortunately the original inhabitants of the continent the Red Indians(they are neither red nor Indians) became most minority ethnic group. That is another sad history.