Has MyLot Changed the Way that You Communicate?

United States
November 14, 2012 4:27pm CST
Here is a thought that I am pondering today! I used to be one of those people that if the phone rang or I got a text message that I would instantly grab my phone to see who was calling or texting me. Slowly it seems that I have shifted more to a philosophy of I am going to finish doing what I am doing right now the phone can wait. I do not feel the need to be glued to it. Seriously! I wondering is it because of the way that we interact here on myLot? I mean we start discussion; then come back to them on our own schedules to respond to others posts that they have received. Now, I am starting to feel that way about my cell phone. If it important, they will leave a message and I will call them back when I have time. If it is a text message, I will read it when I have a few moments. Then, I will text them back when I have a little bit of time. I do not see the reason to drop what I am doing to run to answer the phone. After all, isn't that why we have all these modern features like voice mail and text messaging? Then again, a friend had a little tantrum today because I did not immediately text him back or answer the phone when he called. I told him to take a chill pill that he knew I would text him back. Seriously, do we really need to be glued to our phones?
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12 responses
@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
15 Nov 12
It might be a possibility. But it could also be that you are so engrossed with being here on MyLot that everything else comes second. I hardly ever answer my phone unless it is important. And I hardly text either. I do spend more time online then with real world things.
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• United States
17 Nov 12
inertia, that could be very true. Now you are making me wonder is it healthy to spen more time online than offline? Perhaps, it is just the modern times. Then again, it could be that we are busy trying to earn some money online, and in the process fell in love with the myLot site.
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• United States
3 Dec 12
inertia, I had similar experience when I started here on myLot. I worked on the site a little bit, but I did not see the benefits of it in the beginning nor did I really understand how it worked. Maybe, I just did not have the time to invest to learn how it worked. Three years ago when I signed up I was still working on my Master's Degree. I worked a little on the site, but never really earned much on this site in the beginning days. I did get some good tips on sites that paid money such as GPT sites. I started working GPT sites instead because they seemed more profitable at that time. Then, life just got busy and I totally forgot about myLot. I was away from the site for about two years. Recently, I was again at a point where I needed to make some extra money, so I began trying to earn money working online again. That is when I remembered about myLot. So, I decided to give the site another try. This time I got some good advice from others on the site, learned how to really participate on the site, started having lots of fun chatting with others and making friends here on myLot. That is when I totally feel in love with myLot. The ironic part is now I am really earning from the site. It seems so easy. I almost feel foolish for not figuring it out initially, but I guess better late than never.
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@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
19 Nov 12
It has to be a combination of all those things. I know when I first found MyLot I thought it was a lousy site. So I did not come here for quite some time. But after all the trial and error online I came back and thats when I fell in love with MyLot. I just never gave it a chance in the beginning. Now I am glad I did. And yes, making extra money online is always a good perk.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
MyLot had change the way I communicate too. I had improved my english skill in some way and I am happy about it. We have the same way in treating our cell phone now unlike before that I am always text messaging
• United States
17 Nov 12
bluespygirl, I am glad that myLot has helped you to improve your English. I would much prefer to be on myLot than texting on my cell phone. Then again, thanks to a friend here on myLot the way I text has changed too! This friend taught me how to use the T9word feature on my cell phone. I like it so much better than having to keep pressing buttons to get the letter that I want. myLot helps us all to embrace positive changes in our lives.
• United States
3 Dec 12
Yes, bluespygirl, myLot has so many benefits. One of them is definitely providing our lives with positive change as we learn and expand our knowledge. It helps us to make healthy personal change in our lives. What positive changes has myLot made in your life?
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
I like the thing you said that myLot has positive changes in our lives.
@allknowing (142830)
• India
15 Nov 12
I cannot say if myLot has done that to me but I owe it to that caller id thing on my landline too. I don't even call some back if I feel that caller will not make my day!. Long live caller ids!
• United States
15 Nov 12
Yes, caller id has changed everything. It has empowered us with the choice to decide whom we want to talk to on the phone. It is also nice because even if people do not leave a voice mail lots of time you can still tell who was calling.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
29 Nov 12
I know we shouldn't be glued to our phones or laptops. I understand what you are saying but, I have to be glued to my phones. This is because my business needs a phone or a computer. I have to bring my phone wherever I go even sometimes to the bathroom. I bf doesn't have a regular time on when he will call so my phone is always present. And whatever it is i'm doing, I have to stop it as soon as my phone rings or beeps. I find it crazy sometimes, but I have to answer or check my phone just to see who has texted or called. My bf and I only communicate online so I really have to answer it no matter what or wait for his next break on his duty for his next call.
• United States
3 Dec 12
gaza, I definitely understand. The odd thing was that whenever was great with my boyfriend I used to be this way too. It did not matter what time of the day it was I would jump the second he called or texted. Now, that we have broken up I do not jump for my cell phone. We are trying to stay friends, which feels like the hardest thing in the universe. Lately, it is like if I here the phone I feel more like I will get back to him when I have a chance. I do not see why I should stop everything. I can always text him back when I have a chance. He rarely callss.
@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
i think it's because everyone are used to and have come to expect anything and everything in real time. it's like we're all on reality tv. and yet, it's also the reason we get into all sorts of complications at work, with family and friends, even with total strangers in cyberspace.
• United States
3 Dec 12
Yes, I agree that it all about having boundaries. Sometimes it is hard to set these boundaries, but they are very much needed in life. You make a good point that we need to ensure people that take time in participating in our discussions that we have not abandoned these discussion that we will come back to comment upon there posts. I generally strive to respond to people in discussions that I start first prior to finding new discussion. Recently, I got a little behind. Now, I am trying to get caught up. Originally, I was a tad overwhelmed. Then, today I thought of a good way to sort through all the notifications to prioritize my attention to the notifications. I flagged all the responses to discussions with a red flag. For me, these are my high priorities. Next, I flagged any comments that I received on others discussions orange. I consider these second highest priority. Any discussions that I started reading through that I want to return I coded as yellow. New discussions that friends have started are green. MyLot Digest are color coded purple. This is really helping me to prioritize my attention as I have time to participate here on myLot. Little by little I am learning how to really utilize Outlook for time management and organization.
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
it's like being on vacation. do i have to tell everyone in advance when and where i'm going? do i have to load myself with all sorts of gadgets to record it and worry all the time about chargers, signal and theft? do i have share anything and everything that's going on? so when am i supposed to chill out and enjoy myself? it's about setting boundaries and sticking to them even if the internet has borders around time and distance. the decision to share, how much and to whom still lies with us. with mylot, i always advise people to deal with a few responses at a time so people will know you did not abandon your own discussions.
15 Nov 12
Philosophy is the hard track , on which human life runs .May be after getting into such thought process, you have learnt how to keep patience in life or how not to get panic in every small matter in life. I think you grown up gradually with a period of time , where maturity played a great role to give a good balancing actin your brain to judge between thought and action.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Nov 12
prasadditya, what a very enlightening response! I hope you are right that the paradigm shift is coming from personal growth. It has been the most challenging of years. I truthfully really do need to learn to strike more of a balance that helps me to stay in control of my own life. That will help me to overcome the tendency to emotionally react to much or to have panic and fear keep me stuck in a perpetual loop of bad luck, misfortune, and mistakes.
@rberon1985 (5359)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
hi aireanna It's too late for you to be awake as of this time. you should be sleeping already. how is it going to you right now? I tried calling you earlier, I think three times but you weren't answering the phone. Now this answers my query. You are not really glued with your phone especially when you are with mylot.. With me, my phones are just beside my laptop because there are some business text or calls that I might receive and need immediate response.But most of the time, even the phone is just near to me, i also ignore especially if I am in the process of constructing the post here in mylot.what now to you and to your ex-boyfriend? i hope your fine right now and you totally moved on.
• United States
15 Nov 12
Hi rberon, Well right now it is about 7 PM here, so it is pretty early in the evening. What time is it there in the Phillipeans? I thought I had figured out the time zone difference is like 15 hours, but with the change in day light savings time I am not sure now. Arizona does not participate in day light savings time, so it is more like trying to figure out how that shifts the time in over parts of the world, as we go between being on Pacific time zone and Mountain Time Zone. Right now, we are back on Mountain Time Zone. Sorry for not answering. I had a horrible headache last night that kept me up till about 6:30 in the morning. Finally, I feel asleep, and woke up around 2:30. I saw a few unavailable phone calls on my cell,and I wondered if perhaps it was you. As for the ex-boyfriend, I am just doing my best to accept the break up. As so many have said, it is probably for the best, and I have realized that the break up was more about him rather than me. I have some how rationalized that there is no point in feeling upset about it. There is nothing that I could have done that would have changed the inevitable. It was his choice, and the only person that I can control is myself. I am just slowly trying to pick up the pieces little by little. I think I might have a lead on a possible job interview. I got an email from a principal asking if I was interested in a teaching position yesterday. I emailed her right back, but so far no response. I called and left a voice mail with the school secretary. Hoping to hear something about a possible interview. I have my fingers crossed. My luck needs to change. Then, I woke up to the ex-boyfriend wondering if I had heard anything back from the principal. Then, he started trying to dictate that as part of being friends that means that I should answer my texts and the phone. That is what inspired me to post this discussion question. I ended up telling him that he needs to chill out. That he new that I would text him back. I guess his health problems are getting worse. He just wants his freedom and to have fun. I do not understand, but again it is no longer about me it is all about him. I just have to learn to let go. Sorry, I missed your phone calls. It would have been nice to talk. Yes, generally I do keep my cell by me when I am online. It is just especially with the ex-boyfriend that I am not really jumping to stop what I am doing in my life to talk to him. I am trying to stay friends with him. It is just tough. I am working on directing more of my energy into my life, and making changes that I need to do for my future. Hope you are having a good day.
• United States
14 Nov 12
Nope not glued to my phone or fb or anything for communicating anymore. If I am working on something or busy I will finish what I am doing. When I go outside and do things, I do not take my phone with me anymore. Nobody really wants to see or talk to me regularly, why should I jump when they try and talk with me. That is my attitude these days.. not selfish, just reality checked..
• United States
15 Nov 12
Youreyes4Today, that is great that you can just check out with out needing to have your phone every minute. I know there are even times that I will run errands, and realize later that I left the phone at home. It is so nice sometimes just to detach from your phone. It is like you can just enjoy your day without the interruptions of phone calls or text messages.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
14 Nov 12
Phone calls aren't frequent in my line of work, and that is precisely why I need to answer my phone when it rings, especially if it's my landline phone that's ringing. It could be work-related. Also, most if not all my family and friends send text messages if it's not that important, but they call if it is. So no matter who's calling, I answer my phone.
• United States
15 Nov 12
beamer, that is great that you have a system of priority that you know that your phone calls are priorities; whereas, your text messages are low priorities. It used to be that if my cell rang it was important. Now, it may be a call I want to take or just someone calling me about something that does not interest me.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
You are right! I also sometimes just let the phone ring when I have immersed myself with Mylot. Usually, I would just be watching tv when everybody has gone in the morning. But now, I'd be facing my laptop and would just be watching TV later in the evening. Everything else can wait, but not Mylot!
• United States
15 Nov 12
jenny, I know what you mean. We get so involved with myLot that we tend to block out a lot of the other distractions.
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Nov 12
I agree with you. I am not glued to my phone at all... I feel the way you do if its that important leave a message and I will get back to you or text me and I will answer when I can... I know a few people who are constantly glued to their phone and it drives me crazy!! I am not like that at all so I guess I just don't understand it. I cannot even have a conversation with these people because they are constantly looking at their phone! Seriously?!?
• United States
15 Nov 12
LovingMyBabies, I cannot imagine what is so important that they have to keep looking at their phones. Maybe it is something about those new fancy SmartPhones. I have an old boring phone, and there are times like if I have to wait and only have my cell with me it is like I am totally bored looking at the cell phone.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
14 Nov 12
I think it has me... As Im always looking to see what different my lot friends are doing and posting here.
• United States
15 Nov 12
Hi mariaperalta! I agree I would prefer to know what my friends are up to here on myLot rather than talking on the phone. Plus, you also do not have to deal with those pesky phone calls from companies wanting money or wanting to sell you something. I use my cell phone for a regular phone, and it seems that I am getting so many phone calls for stuff that I am not even interested about. At least, the election is over so I am no longer getting weekly phone calls about propositions on the ballot.