I Heard on CNN today..

United States
November 15, 2012 4:11pm CST
So! I heard on CNN today how Israel bombed a Hamas leader in a vehicle, killing him. The commentator seemed to be very disgusted by this. But not even mentioned was the 300 rockets fired into Israel over the last two days, and it's Hamas that has been running things in Gaza. (I believe this is why Israel 'occupied' Gaza to begin with, and knew this would be coming about after they left the Gaza strip.) Israel has been repeatedly telling Hamas and the Palestinians that if their rockets begin to be able to reach the large city of Tel Aviv, that would be a game changer and Israel would fight back, hence their actions at this time. - I have come to the conclusion people distrust and dislike Jehovah (YaHWeH) the Judeo/Christian God of the Bible, more than they distrust or dislike Alllah. Now granted every group of humans has their obnoxious folks.. But, do you think I'm wrong here? Or if I'm not wrong, why do you suppose people distrust the Father God so much when the Bible says of Him "God is love"? (1 Jn 4:8) And "He is light and no darkness is in Him at all" 1 Jn 1:5...?
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17 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
15 Nov 12
I don't think it's anything like that. Palestinian/Arab/whatever = dark skinned. Israeli/Jew = white person. At least that's the way the mainstream seems to view it. Oppressive Jews keeping Israel's Arabs down, stealing rightful Palestine, always threatening them, and bringing the retaliation on themselves. Jews have always been hated it seems. I do not know why. I don't believe it has to do with religion or anything. I believe that it's one of those classes of people yet to fall under progressive protections (I refer back to my "white" comment), and thus they're "okay" to hate. And, boy, once people find out it's okay to hate something, it's on like Megatron. I'll play Jesse Jackson here and say that the overt antisemitism has just become covert. Hey, if it works for him, as he believes America is even more racist now than it's ever been, then it works for me when I call everyone Hitler.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Nov 12
My theory is that it's jealousy. Jews have always, as a culture, held themselves to high standards that as a population they would not violate. Education is a necessity to them and they'll work as hard as they have to to get it--thus, they have nearly always been more successful, as a whole, than other segments of any society they were part of. Thrift (good stewardship of their resources) has also been one of their consistent traits and so contributed to their monetary wealth--more jealousy there. There are many other aspects of the Jewish culture and religion that make people jealous of them, resentful of their collective success. I was engaged to a Jewish man once and the remarks people made to me were very offensive. Mostly, they thought that Jews were "uppity" and thought themselves superior to everyone else. Of course, these feelings were just their own projections produced by jealousy and the total lack of will they had to work hard enough to be as successful as they themselves wanted to be. Well, that's my theory.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Dennis Prager wrote a book titled WHY THE JEWS; http://www.aish.com/sem/wtj/82875402.html?s=mpw
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Dear matersfish...First there is no such thing as a palestinian people...they are just arabs. Next, arabs are caucasians or oriental. They are mostly caucasian, which is white! Both jews and arabs are semetic. Most of them have the same genetic makeup...many arabs have Jewish ancestors. This angers arabs to no end when it is brought up in scientific writings. Arabs try to deny all science.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Nov 12
The media ignored the bombs falling in Israel, they didn't even bother reporting that the strikes on Gaza were in response to strikes made from Gaza on Israel, they didn't report that it was Hamas who fired first. It is shameful reporting, but it is to be expected. The left has long championed the illusory state of Palestine, something that never truly existed but could today if they ever agreed to a deal that would acknowledge Israel's right to exist. In the end times, people will call good, evil and they will call evil, good. And, I guess, they will broadcast it on CNN and MSNBC and the world will believe them. It's time, that's all I can say. Now, if Romney had been elected, this would not be happening. It is no coincidence that Iran is firing on US aircraft and Hamas is ramping up war against Israel. They know they are free to do so without US intervention or even condemnation. Men turn away from God, they avoid the light, because their deeds are evil. These are those days.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Nov 12
No, I don't think you're wrong. It's all a religious war and I think the reason that the Christian God is disliked (or whatever the real term is) is because deep down they know that HE is Light. Once they acknowledge that out loud by allowing the Jews to live in peace in their own land, they have to face the Light and react to it. It's frightening, so it's easier to fight it. It's the difference between Ishmael and Isaac. The Bible tells us that the two sons of Abraham are at odds with each other. I, for one, am glad that Israel is defending itself. They have repeatedly warned those who kept harassing them and worse, and now they have to pay the price. I'm sorry for the innocents who will be killed on both sides, but that always happens.
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@AmbiePam (96498)
• United States
16 Nov 12
I used to be so naive. When I was younger I just assumed all people in America were for Isreal. I couldn't fathom anyone thinking what had been done to them was okay. I mean all they do is seem to defend themselves while the rest of the Middle East treats them like dirt. As I grew up I was shocked that a heck of a lot of people didn't feel the same way I did. Now I'm not shocked, I'm just sad.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Ambie, you would then be very surprised at how many Jews in America and Israel are anti Israel...They seem to think that Israel should just invite the hamas arabs in and everyone will live side by side. There were no people called palestinian prior to 1967. They were just arabs. Even after the Jews were kicked out of Israel centuries ago...there were always Jews in Israel and Judea which included the manufactured country Jordan.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
It has to do with scriptures for those who do support Israel for religious reasons. The Bible is clear, God chose the people of Israel as his people, gave them the task of bringing God's word to the nations. God has promised to bless Israel, to deal with them as His and they are tasked with obeying hHs law as an example to the nations. God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who do not. To be pro Israel does NOT MEAN anti Palestinian. It is when the actions of the Palestinians becomes anti Israel that results in a problem. There is NO REASON that the Palestinian people cannot have a homeland, in fact when the Mandate was adopted by the UN they were given land in what is now Jordan. The refugee problem is a result of the Arab League's propaganda towards the Palestinians causing them to fear being in Israel as citizens when they attacked in 1967, and in Jordan's refusal to accept the Palestinian refugees, mainly because they were supporting terrorism. Support for Israel doesn't necessarily have to come from a religious viewpoint. Having historically accurate information would cause one to realize that it is Islam's hatred for Israel that is causing the Palestinians to be harmed and abused. As has been stated, if the Palestinians layed down their arms against the Israel there would be peace. IF Israel layed down their arms, there would be NO ISRAEL.
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• United States
16 Nov 12
The unconditional support for Israel has a religious base, no doubt. I was brought up in Christian evangelicalism and went to a Bible school. I was taught that America can only be blessed if they support Israel and Christians also take this personally. At the Bible school in Chicago, there were several students who had been in the IDF and held meetings to update Christians on Israeli politics. About every week, someone would speak in chapel about how Americans need to protect Israel and could only understand the Old Testament after visiting Israel. etc. Whenever I wrote a paper that was critical of Israel's policies or invited people to attend Palestinian gatherings, I was called an anti-Semite. Now I realize that many Americans are more like me on this issue, but in many churches, they are encouraged to take Israel's side in any conflict. This religious minority has some powerful lobbyists as well.
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
16 Nov 12
The media, and most of our government now, have always picked on the Jews-- as has everyone. Some of it is religious, in that Islam, when you actually get to reading their scriptures, has the common philosophy of most religions (but NOT Judaism)-- if you don't join, you die. Martin Luther was the same way-- started out defending the Jews, ended up wanting them slaughtered, wholesale. And unfortunately, most of the so-called Christians around fundamentally still believe the Jews killed Jesus--they tend to forget Jesus was a Jew, and an observant one. The Christian religion everyone knows was brought to prominence by Paul--who never met Jesus in the flesh, was more Greek than anything else in philosophy, and was a disaffected Pharisee. But I will say Paul was an amazing Marketing strategist. Hitler was an atheist, but raised in a culture that had been anti-Semitic for about 1100 years-- and of course the Jews were the best scapegoats, since no-one likes them. I find it highly annoying that people are anti-Semitic, when most people don't even know their OWN religion, much less know anything about Judaism. The Jews got Palestine fair and square, and the additional territory they kept after frequent wars were visited upon them, they won by conquest. Of course, that doesn't mean our government, or the U.N. is going to stand by them or help them keep it. Between Islam and Christianity, the Jews will never have peace, unfortunately. People don't necessarily trust Allah more than YHWH-- the problem is many Christians don't actually study their own scriptures, and neither do many Arabs. When it's Christians, it comes down to "acknowledge Jesus is the Messiah, or die" and when it comes to Muslims, it's "acknowledge Allah, or die". But the biggest problem is-- Islam is also in favor of killing Christians-- while Judaism is against killing anyone unless it's utterly necessary. When the Arabs run out of Jews, the Christians had best look out. The whole 12th Imam thing is very real to the Arabs, and for the 12th Imam to show up, 1/3 of the world's population has to die, and everyone else will either be converted or live in abject slavery until they see the error of their ways.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Nov 12
I'm not seeing your connection of Israel defending itself and anyone distrusting Jehovah.
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• United States
20 Nov 12
Bestboy, I'm referring to the world and how so many western nations seem to come down on the side of 'Palestine'. I know in my own culture, many seem almost aggressively against any mention of "God" as He was in this nation's (USA's) foundation in a large way, and closely involved with Israel. Yet these same people seem to make every excuse for Islamic extremists, quoting things like "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" when the two are world's apart, both in their actions and in their goals. Christians, especially fundamental (by the book) Christians (which most are, but in different degrees of speaking) are lumped together with Islamic Jihadists. Somehow the idea of Christians saying marriage is the best thing for society is equated with sawing off some poor captives head! To me, it's the Judeo/Christian God which the secular world most dislikes. I also think this attitude will eventually put them (and others) in danger.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
22 Nov 12
Thank you Flowerchilde. I know a good share of those who compare Christians with Islamic Jihadists are doing so because they hate religion and want to show all religions in a bad light; but when you ask them to show you how they are the same, they turn to the Crusades, which were nearly a thousand years ago, or to bombings at abortion clinics. You're right, it is the Judeo/Christian God they most dislike. They don't want anyone telling them how to live their lives; and whether they admit it or not, I believe they know His word is truth. Why else be so bothered?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
Jews maintain that the right to the land of Israel is given to them by YHWH in the old testament scriptures. and while many Jews today are secular, they do acknowledge that it is their status (from OT) as the Chosen People that puts them at odds with gentile nations. http://www.aish.com/sem/wtj/82875402.html?s=mpw
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Nov 12
If you listen to the modern day terrorist they are saying that the US is an evil country because we allow freedom of speech, if you work hard you can become rich, you can enjoy modern things, you can believe as you wish or not. Here is Israel in the middle of the Arab world and they have a good life and are successful. In the Arab world as a friend described Iraq to me you look one direction and you have never seen such wealth (gold and jewels decorating everything) and then you turn around and you see such poverty that it makes you sick. People who are struggling to stay alive while the rich hire guards to protect their garbage. When the people become upset they point to Israel and say look at them they stole that valuable land from us (Israel turned the desert into a garden) they are to blame not me. Look at the US they use so much of the worlds resources there are none left for you. Don't blame me I am just a poor servant of Allah like you, go and take your revenge on Israel and the US they are the greedy ones. And now you have the UN which has more nations ruled by dictators than by democracy. You have countries like Cuba, Libya, Saudi Arabia, sitting in judgment of the Human Rights violations of Israel and the US and now you have leaders of the US and the Media saying that the US is to blame and Israel is to blame for the Arab Poverty. The rich Arabs are supporting the terrorists just like the small store owner used to pay off gangsters for protection. If I pay you let me keep my wealth and go after the US and Israel. All you have to do is look at the leadership of the terrorist and Hamas to see highly educated men, many of them from wealthy families who had money but no power, now they have money and power.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Nov 12
Christ did say, :"Marvel not that the world hates you," and "the servant is no greater then His Master," so it is normal for the world to hate Christians and before that Jews, because they do not live by the world's rules. Even though God is love, He is also just and right in that He punishes people for their sin, albeit it might not be until they die. Yet people seem to think that they can get away with anything and God just looks the other way. As for people hating the Israelites because they killed a Hamas leader and saying nothing about the many Israelites who were killed by the Palestinian attacks, I can see more people for them to hate. After all, the only excuse would have been when the Jews demanded that the curse be on them and their children when Pilate hesitated on crucifying the Christ. Yet except for being money changers, they had done nothing else and no one gave them special privileges that is giving to another group that I will not name. Yet the first Christians were of Jewish descent and that curse did not apply to them because Christ had made them free. I think much of the hatred is out of envy, because the Jews tend to help each other and are family oriented. But all a person has to do is to help his or her relatives and to stick together and work hard. Then there should be no reason for that prejudice.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Nov 12
People do not distrust HaShem, the Creator of our world. They do seem to have a unwarrented fear of koranderthals (moslems). A koranderthal can say or do anything to anyone, including killing according to their sharia. However, no one is allowed to go against their sharia teachings or they will suffer. What is up with this? Are we just going to regress to ancient pagan gods and teachings because we are afraid to step on their sandal shod toes? It took us many centuries to reach a quasi civilized world and now, we tremble in fear of a pagan moon god and archaic laws...Not Me My friend, not me.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
16 Nov 12
There will always be high emotions when reports are streamed live with devastating surroundings. Religion aside, I believe both the Israel and Palestine have been having differences since time. However, I cannot help commenting on these coward Palestinian Hamas, who carry out many heinous and violent acts on Israel and use their own as human shield by hiding within the innocent Palestinians. I am sure I do not have to tell you the reason of their doing so. Sometimes, I wonder the reasons for the Arab league to support the Palestinians when they flout conventions and ceasefire agreements by attacking Israel. Yet, could be so highly charged when the oppressed retaliates. Likewise, I feel that the reporter here is simply human and does not have any objectivity when witnessing the devastation of Israel's retaliation.
• Tucson, Arizona
20 Nov 12
The Arab world stand by based on Qur'an-- and Mohammed as quoted in Sahih Muslim and Bukhari. They make for interesting reading. Christianity, and certain scriptures, give reasons for Christian nations to stand by and watch-- but Islam gives justification and obligation to ACT-- and not just against Jews. Read, and be amazed.
• Philippines
18 Nov 12
The non-Isarelite nations around Israel has been, for so long, want to annihilate the Jews because of their hatred. You are right, it's not about their hate to the jews but to the God of the Bible. It has been long documented in the History of Israel how that they want to revenge what has been done to them in the past. However, God is always on the side of His chosen people. Israel would eventually be able to quench the opposition in the end.
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• Greece
16 Nov 12
I cannot see how any of this has to do with God. I am not anti either Israelis or Palestinians and I think this is a very complicated situation. The Jews needed a homeland, the allies felt guilty and Palestine suffered the creation of a new State this was a hard thing for the existing population to come to terms with but I do feel that rockets being fired across the border into Israeli homes is asking for trouble and I can understand why the Israelis have retaliated. I know that some people, maybe most of them, want peace for the sake of their children and yet the climate of hatred has passed from one generation to the next. Winston Churchill used to say that jaw jaw is better than war war. How I wish that these two nations would take this to heart.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
The 'Palestinians' were given land as well, in what is NOW Jordan. NO ONE IS UPSET that the Hashemite rulers denied the Palestinians the land they were given by the same mandate that gave land to Israel. In fact, they were effectively kicked out of Jordan for their terrorist activiities. The Muslim Brotherhood sponsored Hamas and earlier the PLO ideologially, and actively incite the hatred for the Israelis. As for the hatred, schools in 'Palsetinian' areas openly teach very young children to hate and kill Jews. Yet, the Arabs living in Israel are given full citizenship and can own land and even serve in the IDF and everyone gets along fine.
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@gunsing (142)
• Indonesia
20 Nov 12
why you brought this thing into religion matters? I do believe, no religion in this world that promote war, hate or anything like that. so if someone or countries start war; it's not religion they're defending. in the case of Israel and Palestine; it's all about who has the right to occupy the land, that's all, nothing to do with religion. all I can say is War is STUPID, so STOP IT
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• United States
20 Nov 12
@robspeakman (1700)
16 Nov 12
You lost credibility when you used Biblical quotes when speaking about real life. The Jews have been encroaching and occupying another people's country. They believe that their religious text and scripture somehow amounts to deeds to land. The Palestinian people have had decades of being ignored by the wider world, they have had to use force - something that no one can condone. Last year the United Nations had the unique opportunity to recognise Palestine as a soverign state. This would have made Israels occupancy of Palestine and invasion and an act of war. Of course bowing to Jewish pressure, the US Vetoed the vote, blocking the recognition of a palestinian state. They feel they have no choice but use force to protect themselves from the larger US backed Israelis
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 12
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
18 Dec 12
Jesus said that the world hated him and will also hate us. I think Satan inspires the nations also to hate Israel because the Bible says they are the apple of God's eye. I also think it is not so much that other nations hate Israel as that they fear the Muslim extremists who are extremely volatile and attack and destroy those who oppose them. This fact causes other nations who would otherwise support Israel to keep silent for the sake of their safety.
• United States
16 Nov 12
Everyone is picking on the Jews and Christians feel threatened... Same old same old for the past 2000 or more years. There's no worldwide preference for one or the other, it's all just a matter of perspective. This week I prefer Odin, next week who knows.
• United States
18 Nov 12
The land was occupied when the Israeli's won the war. That would be both the war thousands of years ago and the one in 1967. Similar to what the American government does with conquered land...they rebuild and they attempt to repatriate those who were conquered. The hatred and war between the Arab and the Jew has gone on for so many years, one may conclude that the war will continue. I think there is very much talk about peace and the world would want to have peace but I don't believe that the hostility will end. Both the Muslim, the Jew and the Christian are looking for a new world order in which each is the victor and the other must be conquered. Whether it is the 12th Immam or the Messiah who comes to save mankind from themselves, one would hope that occurs before nukes are used to wipe that 1/3 or more off the face of the earth!