I don't want to wake up!

@besweet (9859)
November 26, 2012 8:12pm CST
During the winter it takes longer for me to get up from bed in the morning! My duvet us so warm and it feels so heavy, althought it's not! I just want to stay in bed for a little longer! I think it takes me around 15 mins to decide to get up! I prepare myself and check my e-mails through my phone first, then I enoy the warmth for a few more minutes and get up eventually! Do you have the same problem in the cold mornings? How long does it take you to get up from bed to get ready?
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20 responses
@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
27 Nov 12
These days it does not take me long to get up from bed in the morning. The sun is shining already even around 4:30am, and I could not even go back to sleep even if I wanted to. So I just get up right away, take shower, and have some breakfast.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
27 Nov 12
Do you wake up from the light? I have my windows shut and only a little light comes in in the morning. I think the sun comes up at around 6:30 but I wake up later. Do you work very early or it's just because of the morning light?
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
28 Nov 12
Yeah, the sun light wakes me up. When it's cloudy or during winter time, I can wake up a bit later. I don't have to work very early, but my body is used to get up before 6 in the morning even on weekends or holidays.
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@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Yes, when it is cold I'm having a hard time waking up. And I love to sleep when it is cold. However, at this time it is very hot in our country. I wish I could go to cold places here in our country in Baguio and Tagaytay so that I could sleep. :-) Have a nice day!
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
28 Nov 12
Hi! I prefer warm weather personally! I like summertime more than winter and I an stand the high temperatures more than the cold! I like spring as well when it's getting chilly outside, but winter is not my favourite. That's why I like the warmth of my bed! Lol Maybe we can change countries for a while :-)
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
27 Nov 12
Hi besweet, although I'm not living in a temperate country where severe cold winter is available, I do feel reluctant to get up from bed in the morning. Here the day time weather is scorching all the year round. We would be happy to have heavy rain to lower the temperature. It's great that last late evening there was downpour for few hours. The severe hot was cleared away and we could enjoy the comfortable cold and fresh air the whole night till late in the morning. certainly I would like to enjoy staying in the warm bed. I am happy I don't have part time work today and could relax myself heartily in the bed until late in the morning Happy posting
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Nov 12
Thank you for your comment! In warmer countries it's easier to get up in the morning but then you probably get tired easily during the day because of the heat. Does this happen to your place as well? Have a nice day!
• United States
27 Nov 12
I was slow to get out of bed this morning, but I am generally up fairly early most mornings these days. Being in a new place, I've gotten back into a pattern of getting up at a fairly reasonable hour. However, since it has been getting dark so very early in the evening, I do have the tendency to want to wrap up the day fairly early. There are nights where I am asleep by *Gasp!* 10 p.m.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
28 Nov 12
I have friends that sleep early too! 10 sounds fine :-) I like staying up until later though, spending time online or meeting friends outside! In any case, the morning is always hard for me to get up from bed! Even if I wake up early, I will take my time before getting out of bed!
@NatachaR (39)
27 Nov 12
For me I am falling asleep shortly after the sun goes down. It makes me feel like it is late at night and that I must go sleep. The cold makes me very lethargic and I feel like I need to hide in my cave until the spring time, just like a bear.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Nov 12
It's getting dark very early here and I stay up until midnight usually! But when I get under my thick and warm duvet, I don't get out of it for any reason! It needs some extra effort in the morning so I log in to my e-mail and spend a few minutes online from my phone before I decide to get up!
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
How i wish that there's winter here in our country. But that would also mean more time for sleep for me. Just like you, tend to sleep more and have difficulty waking up when its cold. And i think that's normal ^_^
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Nov 12
It's the idea of leaving the warmth and going out in the cold! But when I get up and start getting dressed I wake up and start my day with energy! Only those 10 minutes are hard, until I take the decision to leave my bed!
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
27 Nov 12
Take today for instance when I stirred it was still dark, and I thought hey it must be early, but I had slept in till 2.15 in the afternoon! I was so snug and cosy and warm in the bed, and because we are now more or less in Winter, it has become much darker, I couldn't believe the time! I am never a morning person all through the year. I tend to be a night owl, I will stay up till 1 or 2 in the morning and won't get up till 12 mid day, although with a few exceptions like today, now I know why some animals hibernate during the winter months! Strange if humans could too.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Nov 12
oh besweet that feeling of pure warmth and coziness is what I have to fight each cold morning as we are wokedat 6 am for breakfast at7 am and do I hate to leave my warm cocoon and hit that chilly early morning air.wow.takes me a good twenty minutes to force myself out and get my clothes and slowly dress and I live in ' southern California b t the mornings now are cold.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Nov 12
Hello! I agree, only with the thought of getting out there in the cold is enought to make us wanting to stay in bed for a little longer! Sometimes I even put my clothes on the heater to warm them before takinf off my pj's! Then I get a hot coffee and prepare myself for the low temperature outside the house! Have a great weekend!!
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
27 Nov 12
The rain make it nice here and I also stay in bed longer because it feel so wonderful . I dont even want to be online that much in the night I just want to curl up and watch tv . I had my phone alarm set for 6 and I let it alarm at least two more time before I get up I think a lot of us can relate to how you are feeling now .
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
27 Nov 12
Well, let's say first of all that during the 24 hours, I sleep 2 times. One is the night, the other two hours are part of my daily nap, which, if possible, I take every day. In both cases, I have to admit, however, to make enough effort to get out of bed. This is also when I wake up in a natural way (without the alarm, for instance). You know how it is, you're really good wrapped in warm sheets of the bed! In every way strength and courage and get up. Assuming that for the moment I do not have appointments to be respected, because unfortunately I'm still unemployed, so I can take all the time I want. When (and hopefully soon) I will have a work, time to get out of bed will be drastically reduced.
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
hi besweet, I am also like that it is hard for me to get up if the weather is cold as much as possible I like to stay longer in my bed. happy mylotting
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@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
27 Nov 12
ya, every morning i feel like that, i just don't want to wake up, don't to do any work, just want to lay on bed until night back. just let the work done by other people.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
27 Nov 12
who would want to wake up in cold mornings. I am sure even the Kings and Queens would choose a little snooze on bed during this season. I usually set my alarm 15 minutes earlier to the time I supposed to get up and prepare for work. and keep the poor alarm to shout and shout while I snooze a little more. Yes, I have a problem to run my machine I can't think clearly, thus, still needs a lot of calibration before it will totally work.
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27 Nov 12
Besweet, I have the opposite problem. I cannot force myself to go to bed - even when I can barely keep my eyes open. I have actually fallen asleep at my keyboard while typing, late at night. When I wake up in the morning, I usually jump up pretty quickly to get my day started because I cannot tolerate the thought of wasting daylight. As for the warmth, we recently installed a wood stove and find that our house is warmer than it has been in twenty years. What a relief and it sure makes getting up easier!
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
Got the same problem,I hate waking up early when its cold, Ilike to snuggle at my pillows and cover myself with blankets,it takes hours for me to get up in bed...
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
27 Nov 12
Yeah I know how you feel. I use to feel that way often when we lived in a farm house and we had to heat our home with wood. I did not want to get up and go anywhere outside of the bedroom until my husband added a lot of wood. Now though we have gas heat ( thank goodnesse). So I don't mind the cold because it's usually warm in the house in the morning. But I don't like to get up because I would like to sleep a little longer.
• Thailand
27 Nov 12
Well now i have got my one month rest since i have just recently left my previous job, so every now and then i am really sitting on my bed, lying and i don't even want to get up early... Really i had a best days in my five years of working without holiday, tomorrow again i will be starting on my new work and i don't know until when i am going to get that much of sleep again ... As in very long sleep and rest....
• Greece
27 Nov 12
Some people open their eyes and jump out of bed. It must be a gift. I have not got it because like you I like to lie there for a little while before stepping out into the day, especially if it is going to be a cold one. I like to gather my thoughts. First of all I have to work out which day it is, then I think about the jobs that need to be done that day. When all that is clear in my head I enjoy that tempting moment to stay a little longer, I have always enjoyed my bed. When I used to travel to London every day I had to be very strict because I knew I would miss the train if I were not disciplined. Now I am retired and the stress is not there. Now I can take my time and choose the order of doing things, so often on cold mornings I put on a thick dressing gown and have my coffee and breakfast first. After that I am ready to face the day.
• United States
27 Nov 12
I bought me a heating blanket last year now it takes me twice as long to get up My two small dogs agree with me to stay in the warm bed, but the big one is so happy that it cool of outside and don't really see a reason why I should stay in bed lol.
@betty1989 (751)
• China
27 Nov 12
Warm bed keeps you stay long in the bed, It almost takes 20 minutes for me to get up. My boyfriend gets angry with me about this issue. I will have two clocks. If I should get up on 9am, 8:40will be a time and then 9:00.