
December 6, 2012 7:19am CST
Hey guys, i am not able to understand why there is so much of fuss regarding the doomsday? I know we are seeing many climatic disasters these days but that does not mean we are all nearing our end. I see many posts on FB daily regarding doomsday and i very sternly reply to all of them that why are they so much worried about leaving this world so early. I think we have got one life and we should enjoy it to the fullest. We should not make ourselves tensed and worried by thinking about it. What are your thoughts regarding this? Do u believe that our world is nearing the end? Why is there so much of fuss regarding doomsday? Please share your thoughts!
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10 responses
• India
7 Dec 12
Hi subhojit. Well people like excitement. And things like end of the world is something that would excite anyone. I wish there was really some good evidence that could have shown that there existed certain probability of world about to end. Then even I would have been excited. But unfortunately, apart from that calendar of Maya which in no way is a reliable source, there is no other evidence. And I do agree with your philosophy. And people should not forget that world will end for them the day they die which could happen any day. So there are more important things in life they should be concerned about. Anyways have a nice day... =SuperShames=
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Well yes i really loved your confidence and i think people should develop such conscience and should not fall prey to such rumors and as u have beautifully said that the world will definitely end for those who will die and hence there is no point in discussing about all these things. Even we do not have a strong evidence regarding doomsday and it is all the rumors that is causing the flutter and hence people should not pay attention to such things and rather each day coming their way. What say?
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• India
24 Dec 12
Yes u are absolutely right, the world did not end and apparently it was all rumors and as i had mentioned earlier that it it would have ended then we would have accepted it. There is no point in discussing about the end of this world when our lives are unpredictable and uncertain. It is our duty to live life to the fullest and be happy and satisfied as much as possible. What kind of celebrations were u expecting the day before?
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• India
23 Dec 12
Hi shubhojit. Well apparently the world did not end. However I was expecting at least some special celebrations to happen the day before. But it was just like any other day. And yes I do like the saying that live as if it is your last day on earth. In that case you will always with your life. Have a nice day ...
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 12
I 100% don't believe that this 21-12-2012 is a doomsday. But there might be something happened to to nature of the world but I don't know what. What I'm sure is that there's no doomsday within this few years times to come. I believe everything will has an end, but no one can know the actual date is. So, let's just live the normal way and do all the good things before the pain of dying come to us. Do live as a good human being.
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 12
Yes you right. If we keep thinking and scared with the things that we not sure will happened then our daily life activity will distorted. Better just go ahead our living and be a good living person as to appreciate what we enjoying now. Unless, there's a concrete fact that comet halley is going to crash the earth, then we should feel worry.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
6 Dec 12
I agree everything will end one day and that's not in our hands. Nobody can say the date and time. No use of thinking about something which we cannot change .
• India
9 Dec 12
@challs12- Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes that is what i call confidence and i think people should have such confidence that this is just a rumor and no body knows when the end of the world would be. Until then we should enjoy our lives and spread happiness as much as we can. Every beginning has an end and i know this world will also end one day but if we keep on thinking about the same always then we are digging a well for ourselves and nothing else. What say?
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
6 Dec 12
I have no idea. I don't worry about doomsday. I don't think the world is nearing an end. Only the Lord knows when we will die. The most important thing is to accept Jesus as our Savior. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ,when we die, we will not perish but will have everlasting life with Him in Heaven.
@mynx25 (41)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
Amen, Im happy to die when you know Jesus is with you :) the 2nd life with Jesus is the best :)
• India
9 Dec 12
@MandaLee- Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes i completely support u on this, no body knows when this world will end, it is only the cheap tactics of some people who are creating and spreading such rumors every where and because of this, people are developing fear in their minds. I think every thing beginning will have an end and hence until then we should strengthen our faith on the Almighty and leave everything up to Him. What say?
• India
9 Dec 12
@mynx25- Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are definitely right, what better than dying and then spending your life with the Jesus. Hence we should always have this faith respect and reverence for the Almighty and should always believe that whatever he does, does for the good. Paying heed to such rumors is like disrespecting Him and hence we should not pay any attention to such rumors. What say?
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
I do have the same thinking, it is becoming a big deal. Taking the time of making it so sensational. If it is really the end of the world, then it will just happen.
• India
19 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your response. Yes u are absolutely right, people for no reasons are creating a hype and due to this it has become so viral that every where u can see posts related to doomsday and end of the world which is frustrating and annoying. I think it is high time that people realize that end of the world cannot be decided by a single date and it is completely in the hands of the Almighty. If it happens then we cannot avert it also. What say?
7 Dec 12
most people dont believe on this thing but people just believe on what they want to believe. we dont need others to make others to believe in what they believe. its just life.
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are absolutely right, people believe what they are shown or what they hear and if they are constantly being made to hear and see such news then it is obvious that this piece of news will run through their mind every now and then. I think they should think smart and sensible and should refute such rumors and accept what the reality is and should continue to do their daily chores and hardly pay any attention to such news. What say?
8 Jan 13
Well it will happen soon surely.... But according to islam lots of signs of doomsday still remaining !!
• India
8 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Well yes u are absolutely right, how can the human being predict the end of the world. The end of the world will definitely happen but we do not know that date and time. So its better to avoid such discussions as it would be pointless. There are lots of signs that is showing the beginning of doomsday but there is still a long way to go. What say?
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
The bible states that no one knows the exact date when doomsday shall come. All the prediction that men and women made were not fulfilled. "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." (Mark 13:32 KJV) When we read this over, even Jesus do not know but The God alone who is the Father.
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are absolutely right, when there is no strong proof or evidence then what is the logic behind spreading the rumors about the end of the world and i think its high time that people stop spreading such rumors and become sensible enough to understand that the end of the world will be there the day they die so until then they should live life like a king and continue to do good deeds. They should not scare others with such news as nothing has been confirmed or having any substantial proof. What say?
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
6 Dec 12
yes lot of talk regarding the day. But why should we worry so much when nothing is in our hands. I don't think world is going to end .
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes i completely support u on this and i think such are mere rumors and it has no substance in it. People are simply spreading such rumors for the sake of their own entertainment and publicity. I do not understand what is so intriguing and interesting about the doomsday, it is only creating fear and insecurities in the minds of the people. I think we should rather plan about our future and how to make it strong and not on these rumors. What say?
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
There are signs visible already about it however we don't know really the exact date. Our Lord said, "be watchful and pray." We must also seek God and His will for our lives and continue to obey His commandments. God Bless
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are absolutely right, i can understand that there are some signs which is indicating destruction but we had also severe calamities and climatic destruction in the future also. So as u have mentioned that we should be watchful every time and should always keep our eyes near God and seek his blessings. If his blessings are on us then nothing can happen to us and until then we should continue to do our duties and other than that we should leave every thing to the Almighty. What say?
@mynx25 (41)
• Philippines
6 Dec 12
Its normal to die,all of us will die,the only difference is the time and date of when we die :) dont be worried if this happen,and its 100% sure this is not yet the end,sure on December 22,this doomsday will be on the news at it looks like "Doomsday failed"
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are absolutely right, i do not understand why every one is talking about this doomsday and i think it is only creating an unnecessary fear and insecurity in our minds and nothing else. Nothing has been proved yet or any evidence regarding this day has not been produced so lets not think about this day and we should humbly accept the reality that every beginning will definitely have its end and until then lets keep working hard in our lives. What say?