How long can love wait?

December 12, 2012 5:40am CST
I’ve recently read a novel about a couple who fell in love so passionately. When the woman eventually was forced by her dad to marry a wealthy well-known doctor, the guy was so devastated that he focused his life on his business career. He whiled the years in 622 affairs, yet he still reserves his heart for the woman he truly loves. When her husband dies, he purposely attended the funeral. 51 years, nine months and four days after he first declared his love for her, he will do so again. It’s a really great novel. I wonder is it really possible for love to wait for 51 years? Can love really wait?
5 responses
13 Dec 12
Of course it can...If you just believe :) All of us can wait but if the love you are expecting right now are already there...Hold on and be contented... The people who experience most of the waiting for love are the people who experiencing LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP, WAITING FOR THE RIGHT GUY/GIRL and etc.
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
well nothing is impossible as long as you believe in each other.
• Philippines
8 Apr 13
maybe he's still gathering his courage to confess to you. please just be patient.
7 Apr 13
I hope such a truely story can happen to me.where is my prince charming?
@themdno (402)
• United States
19 Jan 13
I think it's possible, once someone makes that connection with another person. I don't think it's very common, of course, but I do think it can happen. Some people fall in love for life, and that feeling never goes away.
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
i also think it happens in real life, not just in the movies and novels. in just depends on how strong the love is between people.
@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
12 Dec 12
622 affairs in 51 years,i can't even do the maths on that, lets see, thats about 12 affairs in a year -little over 1 per month-12 x 50 =600 , about that..! 1 affair a month is more like , hardly enough time to get acquainted on a more personal level, more like ,"Wham-Bang- Thank You Mam" affairs...At least i think the protagonist in the book knows how to separate his feelings from purely physical attractiveness and the true emotional level. And he is extremely lucky that in the space of the 51 years he waited for his one true love, the past affairs didn't come back to haunt him or pester him,perhaps dragging along with them and revealing .." do you remember our month of passion? well here is the fruit of that passion that i named after you! Isn't she adorable, looks just like you!" What are the odds ,YA ..of accidents ? 622 affairs .goodness, just as well it is a book, wonder whether the author considered this when he wrote it, or heck, if the book does well , it will be a brilliant premise for a sequel!
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
yes, he's had that many affairs but he had his love for only one woman. i, too, am think it can happen. well, it's just fiction.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
12 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well indeed it is a great novel that has given the ultimate definition of love and even i am amazed how a guy can wait for 51 years for his love and i would definitely like to know if that was an inspired story or a story written by the author of his own. I think it is almost impossible to see such stories in real life and those who love passionately can certainly wait for years before they can merge with their partners. What say?
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
i don't want to give the title of the novel because i'd like to just throw this as a hypothetical question.
• Estado De Mexico, Mexico
27 Dec 12
hello, This is really some interesting question.Through my point of view,l emotionally speaking "yes", And practically speaking "NO". The reason behind this is.If you love a person,you will love that person till the end of time,but after 51 years that is almost at the age of 70 if I am not wrong. Well at that age you might have been married to another person and you have already spent half of your life with him/her. And after that if you go and say what's there in your heart,its k,but if your looking forward to spend your life after that with that person..its something which can't be digested. And emotionally speaking."Yes" you can love a person till the end of time.But love is something which you are always in search of.IF you like someone and may be that person is in love with another,you move on.Sooner or later you find you soulmate and you fall in love with that person. So love at times really wait..but it should be same mutual feeling from both side.
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
well, in the novel, the boy and the girl love each but her father forced her to marry the doctor. it's just amazing that after so many years, they still have feelings for each other.