Normal delivery or CS?

@fatlex06 (895)
December 13, 2012 6:06am CST
My friend just gave birth to a healthy baby boy just this month. She told me that she delivered the baby through Cesarean section even if she can make it as normal. I would just like to ask if which is more advisable nowadays? Does taking CS will affect my health in the future if ever I will be giving birth to my own baby? Which is safer for both mother and the baby? Thanks a lot.
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20 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
27 Jan 13
hi, for me i think its more good to give birth in normal delivery,though its hard to give birth trough normal its more advisable that given by any doctors,and if the mother don't have the ability to give birth in normal then the doctor will decide to give birth in CS.
@UmiNoor (4523)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 12
If you choose to have a CS, you can only do that three times because according to the doctor, that's the maximum number of times doctors can cut through your belly without affecting your body. If you like to wear bikinis, you will regret doing a CS because the scar will remain forever. I would prefer to have a normal birth anytime instead of doing a CS because from what I heard from mothers who've done the CS, the pain is not during the delivery but afterwards when you have to take care of the stitches. Some mothers said that they can't even poop normally for six months and when they cough or sneeze, there's this fear that the stitches will come off. If there's no medical reason to do a CS, it's better to deliver your babies the normal way.
@mayka123 (16605)
• India
16 Dec 12
I am personally not much in favour of Cesaerean unless it is medically recommended. I have had two deliveries. The first one was normal but the second time I had to go for a cesarean because the baby was breach and there were a lot of complications during child birth. Its 21 years now since the cesarean but I have not had any health problems.
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
14 Dec 12
I usually like the woman population to have normal delivery because it is safe and better for all. So, try to avoid CS
@vanz_6 (100)
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
I gave birth to my healthy baby boy last year via CS. It was not my choice, my OB had to do it because even though I have been laboring and trying to push my baby out the normal way, he wouldn't come out. SO to avoid stress for the baby, my OB had to operate me via CS. That way, both of me and my baby will be safe. It was not my plan to deliver via CS because first, it's way more expensive than normal delivery, recovery is not as fast compared to normal delivery too. But the situation called for it. It's better that way, at least both of me and baby are okay. Good thing too that my OB is really good that she knows very well what to do. For me, delivering your baby via CS is really not a choice, it should only be done when the situation called for it. Both are safe actually, it's just a matter of what the situation calls for, let's say you can delivery via normal delivery, then both of you and baby is safe that way. however, if the circumstance needs you to do it via CS, let's say for example, the baby is too big to be pushed out or his umbilical cord was curled in your baby's neck resulting in you not able to push him out, then CS is safer for your and your baby's condition. :-)
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
At the age of 35 and above, one must be caesarian for labor. Usually younger women have normal labor. It also depends on the situation of the mother. The doctor knows the condition of her pregnant patient and advise if she would have normal or ceasarian for labor. Have a nice day!
@justhere (229)
• United States
13 Dec 12
Go normal, CS used to be only for emergencies. Things have changed now a days, there was no choice back then. I think it's going to depend on your insurance company if you have a choice. You have to think about recovery time and money, there can always be something go wrong with surgery. Something can be left behind and later in life your abdominal muscles will be weaken. So if you can do a normal birth that is the best choice overall.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
13 Dec 12
i had a c section with both of my daughters. the first one was an emergency because my daughter kept cutting out her heart rate and did not drop into the birthing canal and the second one was a section because i got my tubes tied at the same time. sections just take longer to heal as opposed to a natural birth.
• India
13 Dec 12
hello friend in my opinion normal delivery is a more comfort rather then cesarean in the normal matters of the life to deliver the baby.It does not take the side effect of health both people such as baby and mother.But in the particular circumstances and if you feels comfort with cesarean that why probably you will going that thing for gets the better result for both people.Normal way is cheap and natural way compare to other one.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
13 Dec 12
Well healthy wise natural delivery is better for you but it can be healthier for babies throw a c section. There are more rise to a c section because it is a major surgery and I would never do it unless I absolutely have to. Once you have a c section most doctors will make you have another c section for other babies because of the rise of ripping your old scares. Both have pros and cons and it will all depend on the pregnancy and baby. I've had two natural delivers one I was told I wasn't able to have to deliver him naturally because he is was going to be bigger then my first and I could deliver anything over 4lbs natural well I proved my doctor wrong and delivered a 6lb baby.
• Greece
13 Dec 12
I would say that normal is best. Where I live CS is used so often that when a woman goes into labour the family pray that she will not have to have a CS. They suspect that it is easier for the doctors because it is fast and they can choose the time and the day! My daughter has had 3 babies this way, not from choice,there was a physical problem. She badly wanted to have a normal delivery and waited in the hope that it would happen but in the end she had to have her last baby that way too. Three is the limit apparently. When you are pregnant I think you will want a normal delivery. Of course it hurts for a while but you do feel that you are delivering the child and this adds to the pride of motherhood.
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
If it can be born the normal way, then why choose for a CS? I know for a fact that bonding goes much better when a child is born the natural way. And it has NOTHING to with costs.
@nykalex88 (243)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Some patients personally request to to undergo caesarian method of giving birth. On the other hand, some doctors will suggest caesarian method even though that it can be done in normal. Caesarian is a very painful method which requires a lot of time to heal the wound.
@ulan12rc (222)
• Qatar
13 Dec 12
Normal or caesarian delivery are both safe and risky method of giving birth depends on the situation mother and child facing. The doctors play big role in this part where he will ask the family or the husband which method to use in case the mother is having difficulty in giving birth, unless of course in such situation where he really needs to do what is necessary. But remember natural delivery is always the first choice, so you decide.
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
I prefer having a normal delivery. If there's nothing wrong with the baby's position, then have a normal one. I guess CS has some disadvantages. One of them is you'll have a scar. Another is you can'thold your baby because your cut is still fresh and it will take weeks to months to recover from your operation. There's also a tendency that you'll get an infection. Try to search more of the disadvantages. :)
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Aside from the pros and cons mentioned by the other myLot members, another thing you have to consider is the cost of childbirth. A c-section entails almost double the cost as that or normal delivery.
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Both are safe but I still prefer normal as it is more cheaper than Cesarean plus the time of healing and regaining health is much faster in normal delivery
@neelia27 (896)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
i have a normal delivery i think cs only done when a problem occurs or some sort of complications such as breech position or the cord is in the neck of the baby or the mother has a problem with her health.. there are many reasons why cesarean section is done but for me who gave birth i suggest that if everything is normal or fine with your pregnancy then go for the normal delivery.. you will recover faster than having a cs..
@gilenie (190)
13 Dec 12
As what i known, its better to have a normal delivery cos after a few rest you be able to gain strength again unlike if you undergone cesarean delivery it has disadvantages the healing would be much longer and you are just allowed to have 3 kids, with at least 2yrs interval. But i may also add that it still depends on mother's health if she is bit older , if the baby is somewhat big then cs would be more proper...
@Cetz912 (65)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 12
i have a sister and a friend who both gave birth last week. my sister gave birth to a baby girl normal way, and my friend choose Cesarean. from my observation, normal is always a better choice not from cheap / expensive point of view. normal birth advantage will be fast healing time, you can even walk on the same day and go back to your home on the next day. where cesarean don't, it require full bed rest to heal the wound. it painful after the painkiller effect fading. My advice will be, do it normal unless for some medical reason that forced you to do CS then only do it. well, Choice is always yours :)