Good Manners dead at 70?
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
December 15, 2012 10:24am CST
I often am waiting for the elevator when my young friend Ben who is in a wheelchair with severe MS joins me,WE laugh as we ofteh ride up together. But after breakfast this morning he called to me'"I will ride with you" and I replied"good deal"
and pushed the button for the elevator. But Josephine crowded in with me and whole por 'Ben sat there she banged on the 2nd floor button and we left him sitting there. Now there is room for two people plus one in a wheel chair in the elevator I use. Its called the little elevator.But since when is it good manners to deliberately close the door on a fellow resident.? Her only comment" good we don';t need him:."
So fellow mylotters perhaps at 70 good manners are not required? I mean what would
Josephine think if she were in that wheelchair with severe MS and her voice was garbled and her legs twisted? Would she not feel bad at being shut out of the elevator?Your take fellow mylotters.
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34 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Dec 12
Nothing surprises me anymore Hatley but that was downright cruel what Josephine did to your friend Ben. Is she ashamed of him or something?

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi janey I think she is like a lot here, she does not want to take the
tinme to let him in as he is a little slow manuevring his wheelchair
whil I look at him ant see aq bright young man trapped in a twisted body by Multiple Sclerosis and also there but for the grace of God go I. I found him
to be a charming person with a sense of humor. Handicapped people do not embarrass
me or make me shy away. they are fellow human beings too.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
ugh forgot to edit while not whil and not ant , a not aq
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Dec 12
Very well said..and I know smiling may be a bit difficult for him but I bet his grin is a LOT wider with good people like you around treating him like a normal, human being.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi namiya I agree good manners should last us a life time. I shoul really have hit the open button to let poor Ben into the elevator but it all happened too
fast and she made it evident she d id not want to let Ben ride withus
which to me is just bad manners and stupid. he hurts nobody and is so
grateful to us who let him ride with us. He has a great sense of humor for someone so severely handicapped. I f eel he is a charming companion to ride in
the elevator with me.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 12
hi namiya yes as they have more time to think and watch and feel too and its so mean'to belittle a person just because they have some awful as we all are human beings here.

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
15 Dec 12
This is the type of reason that I'm more and more hesitant to be polite to people any more! I was always raised to respect my elders, but the closer I get to one, the less inclined I am to be polite! SHE needs a lesson in manners, and I think that next time, just step back out of the elevator (if you can), or better yet, just hurry and shut the door. I'm sure that's what HE would want to do himself (your friend with MS). Josephine does NOT deserve respect because of her behavior!
What's terrible is that people just don't even WANT to understand what multiple sclerosis is, or how it affects each of us differently. That is terrible for him to go through, but I'm so happy to hear that you're his friend there. 

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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
16 Dec 12
She's not the pushy broad you mentioned from before? I'm so happy that Ben's got a great friend in you, and that he's still smiling! 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi I worked as a nurses aide for m any years and have seen it all. I fou nd that Ben is really f unny and sweet and very sensitive too. I apologized to him and he toldt me"She does not like anyone who is handicapped in any way. I am okay"
He is severly handicapped and sill has a smile on his face and jokes with'me when we share an elevator ride. She is one of those people whom yu cannot tell anything to as she feels she knows it all.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Dec 12
no Josephine is an older person here when I first came and a know it all who loves to go around and tell various people just wha t she thinks they should do.
Yes I like Ben and never turn him dowh if he wants to share the elevator wih
me. He is funny and kind and interestimg to t alk t oo
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Dec 12
i think it has nothing to do with age and i imagine that Josephine was once a very rude young person. she just aged,thats all. i mean,think about it,
Hatly' you are older than 70 and you see itas rude. i am younger than 70 and i see it as rude and i know for sure that my little 18 yr old would too. my take is that Josephine is just a rude person or at least she was in this instance.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Dec 12
yep, she probably has always had a mean and rude streak in her. people like that miss out on so much and don't realize it. it will be their karma. your mama was so right and i drilled my girls with that same thinking. even the one that was always in trouble was and is a nice person. in her teens she wasnt so nice to me but to everyone else she was a sweetheart. you are a good frien to have,Hatley.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 12
thank you Sid I try to be a good friend to others so they will be to me too lol.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi sid and I think you are right as I was taught manners from the time I couild talk til I left home. My mom always said good manners will get you in where'
you want to go faster than being brilliant. I think she has probably always been mostly for Josephine . She missed something as Ben is a good companion on a short elevator ride. In that misshapen body is a young
man with a ripe sense of humor.

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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
15 Dec 12
I am appalled at that Aunt Hatley! I believe someone needs to remind her that what goes around comes around. She could find herself unable to walk and talk. I can't talk when u get stressed out or anxious. Sometimes I just stammer and sometimes I have no words in my head at all. It's like I have forgotten how to talk. The first time it happened my doc thought I might have been having an evolving stroke, but it's just stress. I can empathize with anyone who loses function of their body or language skills. Someone should take her to task about having manners. I hope you told him what happened so he wouldn't think it was you who didn't want to ride with him. I feel do bad for him.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
I also feel bad for him but he said "Oh thats alright. a lot of people do not'like to ride with me. hate my looks I guess."
: I told him I was sorry and he just
laughed. I know I would not have been so able to be cheerful each day if
I were in his shoes.., because I use a walker and have a heavy brace on my leg some really not not like to ride with me and I f eel okay I do not need you anyway as
others here do like me., the three Vietnamese girls look down their noses at e
elderly women with white hair. so what they will be old some day oo.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Dec 12
he he pointless questions I would love to be around to see that wow haha. they were going to haveto share the elevator with me after dinner bvut someone called the three of them and sa id the doctor is here so I rode up along without anone to look at me like I was an old freak.felt really good too.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
15 Dec 12

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@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
15 Dec 12
Perhaps if the occasion arises again with Josephine you could simply tell her to go ahead and you will ride with Ben afterwards. Her attitude was very unpleasant and she seems to want to avoid poor Ben and I expect he is sensitive enough to feel hurt.
If Josephine is a friend and not just another person using the lift, perhaps you might be able to get her to discuss her feelings and put her mind at ease.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
Hi ElicBxn Yes I can think of her as a bratty bully myself as she does do
some bu lying here at times and most of us just ignore her.
She really missed something in not sharing a ride with ben
as hes more than just a poor victim of MS he is funny
and cheerful and happy in spite of it all. I never
sharing a ride with him.

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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
15 Dec 12
Her comment says it all. She's heartless and rude. I hope you gave her a talking to.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
15 Dec 12
I agree! She takes away any doubt that she didn't mean to hurt him.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
Hi barbara nobody talks to Joesphine as she starts tallking when you do and ou talks you.She just sees Ben as a pathetic MS vitime with a misshapen body
not a real live funny young man who is cheerful and also sensitive too
and he told me"not everyone will ride with me." that made me feel sad.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Dec 12
Good manners should not have an expiry date. But if a person is rude by nature then she will be rude forever unless she knock her head knock on something hard that leave her incapacitated then that might change her attitude. As far as I know most elderly people are sweet and kind hearted. Being old and rude is equal to senile.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi zandi I do thik shes always been one for Joesphine and not for many other p eople. she bosses people around and they just smile and ignore her. She only sees Ben as a misshapen victim of MS. He is funny and bright and cheerul for someone
who is severely affected by M.S. I have always enjoyed sharing an elevator with him and he has told me a lot of people"do n ot want to ride with me" which breaks my heart.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
17 Dec 12
I hope that I would have had the presence of mind to punch the open door button and say the words, "I do": The problem is that I usually think of an appropriate action after it is too late. Hope you apologized to Ben the next time you saw him.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 12
bellis hi I tried t o hit the open door button and she slapped my hand away.
I got out and waited for Ben to come up and apologize to him, He laughed "its okay I would never ride with her as shes a biatch." I was shocked bu t he is right she
really is not a nice person either.

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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Dec 12
And what did you say to her? ANything? I would have said "That is rude!" People shouldn't be allowed to act like that. I would definitely make it known that that was mean, rude and selfish. By look or comment.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Dec 12
hi celticeasle she had a homeless woman who came to "gold crest as here roommate and she complained all the time about Ceila but when the police c ame after being called by the administrator for celia Joesphine could not tell them any thing about her roommate rather she did not dare and oh she did not know where she went and did not care where she went.Now the mystery still remains that Celia signed out to go shopping an dfor a walk and never returned. So nobody knows if she was hurt if she left because she wanted to, it does not seem likely as she left all her clothes in Josephine's room. but Josephine could not tell them any thing or probably did not want too.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi Celticeagle she has been told before but she keeps on talking when you try to talk to her. She just sees Ben as a pathetic person with ms in a wheelchair.'
You cannot tell her any thing as she thinks she knows it all;. but I did glare'at her and said "we left Ben o utP. She ju st said "we do not need him., hes jus
a bother"
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Dec 12
Yes, we do need Ben!! How rude a person is she? Who we don't need is HER. Ugh! I really don't have much patience with such people.
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@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
15 Dec 12
On one hand I want to say that I cannot believe someone would do such a rude, thoughtless act. But then my son is in a chair so I run into it all the time! It's very sad how we have disregard for others today. There's simply no excuse.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi macdingolinger I just get so appalled at people w ho just see a person who is misshapen and a victim of MS as just pathetic and never see the real person
inside that body.Ben is a sweet funny,bright and cheerful young man trapped in a misshapen body. I doubt I would be that cheerful if it were me. I enjoy talking to him and I did apologize to him. He surprised me."thats okay as I would never
'ride with Josephine as she is not a nice person."He is sensitive and has told me some will not ride with him.I think thats a shame, I really do.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi john yes indeed she would probably have driven Napoleon arou nd the bend
with her bulling and bossing peple around.Most of us ignore her.She is one of
those people who think she's the smartest person here and we should all heed her bidding. I ignore herl She doesnt know that Ben is full of good humor and cheerfulness as all she sees is his t wisted legs, his wheelchair and his
garbled speech. i can understand him and he has shared jokes with me. He is sensitive and always tells me I am going to ride with you , okay? He told me a
lot of people do not like
to ride with me. shame on them, they only see his body not the person inside.

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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
15 Dec 12
some people just never think of others... I love to try and help everyone no matter what age they are. Some just dont want to be bothered helping someone. very sad indeed. have a great weekend.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi you too Maria do not work too hard. She must have always been like
that and does not know that Ben has a wicked sense of humor and is
alwa s thanking yu for sharing the elevator with him. A ot of people here'do
not like to ride with him as he is misshapen and in a wheelchair. They see'only the body and not the nice person inside of him.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
15 Dec 12
Hatley, I do not believe that age or illness changes manners, it only intensifies what is already there. Josephine was probably always rude and uncaring and it is standing out more and more as she ages. She probably was never patient or compassionate when younger and so is not at this time either. That is really rude, but there are many like her in the world outside of retirement centers.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
Hi GardenGerty Yes I am thinking she was always like this and she jabbed the 2 floor button twice while I was saying "YOU shut the door in Ben's face" Her only comment"we do not need the likes of him, hes a bother.," I felt like hitting
her. He never bothers people as he asks if he can ride with us and I have alway said yes as he is funny and interesting to talk to. I responded to the person'inside of him not to his misshapen body. I apologized to him and he told me he would never ride with Josephine as she's jus
t not a nice person.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi choybel I did I yelled at her"what are you doing? YOu shut the door in
Ben's face" She only replies "we don't need him he is just a bother."After
I got off I waited for him to come up and apologized to him. He
told mne"Oh thats okay as I would not ever ride with her anyway.
she is not a nice lady." I laughed with him and we talked for a few

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 12
1hi choybel yes it hurt me and I did apolgize to ben as she shut the door in his face afte i sai okay lets ride together
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Dec 12
I know some people, young and old, who are rude and I hope when I am older, I don't forget my manners...
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Dec 12
Oh that is scary, I hope Celia wasn't hurt and that maybe she decided to go back to where she stayed before. And yes it would make a good novel...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 12
hi carm I hpe so too as we have never heard anything so I guess its an open case. I just hope nobdoy killed as Santa Ana is no plave for white people as the illegal alierns have t aken it over now sith vicious youth gangs doing drive by killings and they kill anything that seems to cross their path.yuck.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Dec 12
hi carm my tablemate Steve is now in the hospital b ut I was thinkinbg
abou t manners when he once asked me if I thanked people who waited on
me in cafeds and restaraunts I told him yes and he said:why do that as'yu are paying them to wait on you." I thought of my 'God wahts with him.I said'"I alwasy thank p eople who do things ofr me as its just good manners".I think its
because I know how tiring waiteing table can be and they c an all stand to get a few thank yous I am sure. Good m anner often paves the wa y when you need it paved too.I find that when I treat all the care takers with good manners tehy will help me any time I have a problem.
You know Josephine had a roommate named /Celia who had been on the streets and came to :Gold C rest to live. Now c elis was a bit odd having b een homeless and on the streets but she was a king womanl Howerver Joesphine b,it.ched all the time about her as a roommate then one day c elia signed out to go for a walk and shop at target. And she never returned yet all her belonigns were therel the p olice interviewed Joesphine as sh had lived with celia and she just told them nothing which was really silly as they were trying to figure where she may have gone.
And she is s till missing and never was found not one trace of her.The police questioned Josephine several times as they thought it odd that she did not know anything about her roommate.But they gave up and did not return I do not think sh involved with her disappearance but it was just that Josephine is centered on one person only, herself.oh that would make a grea t novel would i not.worf.
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
15 Dec 12
No matter the age I think good manners are required of everyone. That was just plain rude for her to even doing something like that to poor Ben. Josephine might have been rude all her life. I think if it were the other way around Josephine would have probably felt offended and would have caused all kind of havoc and felt very offended. I think she would have felt more then bad at that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
Yes Trisha I think we should all use good manners to the day we die. She m ust have always been like that. I apologized to Ben and I was amused as he said "thats okay as I would not ever ride with Josephine anyway.She's not a nice person at all."
I ha e to agree as I said when she shoved in "You shut the door in ?en's face."{
She just said"We do not need the likes of him, he's such a bother."
So she was really r
ude and my protest was a as usual overlooked. She
goes around telling various people what to do and most just ignore her.

@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
16 Dec 12
I feel bad for your friend. There is no other excuse to do something like that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Dec 12
hi jenny I agree and I yelled at here" what are you doing,yuo shut the door
in Ben;'s face. there w as room for him." She only replied" we do not need the
likesof him.Hes just a bother. by then we were opine and I got oyt. I w aited for Ben to come back up then apologized to him for Josesphine and he surprised me.
" Thats okay as I would never ride with Josephine as she just not a good
lady" and he laughed. I felt bad fo rhim as he is a nice young m an in a misshapen body thrrough no fault of his own. He is funny and cheerful so whats notto like.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 12
I hope she does as she has caused so many here to dislike her a lot for sure.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
16 Dec 12
Good thing that Ben is a good man.
And for that Josephine, well, she'll get her share of "THOSE" days!

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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
15 Dec 12
Hi Hatley, Like I have said to you before, there are some real
strange character living there. I think is just ill mannered
for anyone to do things like that...I don't think Josephine even
gave it a thought on how she would feel if she was even in a
wheelchair otherwise she would not have been so rude to another
person in a wheelchair...I hope Ben dosen't blame you for the
rudeness of Josephine..
Some people don't do better because they do not know better
and then there are some people who know better but are just
trifling....regardless of age or gender...
Take care and stay clear of the crazies....LOL.. even the new
sugar guard.....LOL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Dec 12
hi bjc yes indeed the longer I am here the more I see some really odd people
Josephine is sort of a bully in that she comes around telling various people what she thinks they should do. This does not always go well with some of the men. One got mad and yelled at her"Mind your own f business you biatch." She is un quenchable though and goes right back to the person. But he got up and she ran
back to her table. She weighs maybe ninety pounds and he weighs two seventy
I apologized to Ben and he said:"I would never ride with Josephine as she's
just not a nice person.",