Would you throw your bible in the trash? Or Give it to someone else?

United States
December 18, 2012 1:15pm CST
OK. By no means I am not trying to offend anyone. This morning I was thinking about my past childhood memories. I was raised Christian, but I don't have faith in god anymore. Nonetheless, I still have an old bible somewhere around the house. When I was 11 years old, my family was moving to another state. I am not really sure how it happened, but my great grandmother's bible ended up in the trash. My father found it and he was furious. He blamed me, and said not to ever throw away the word of God. Now that I am old grown up, I wonder why would somebody think is a big deal to throw the bible in the trash? In my case, it was my great grandmother's and I get that....but what if your bible was falling apart? Would you buy a new one and throw it away? Is it so bad to get a new one? Same for Jesus posters..my grandmother would never throw one away!! Would you?
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17 responses
@liezel25 (292)
• Germany
18 Dec 12
My family i also Christian. But my mother is wierd because she never make sign of the cross when praying. But she pray a lot. And were also not that religious. I just notice our bible was always kept in the corner and dusty and old but we never think of throwing it away.
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• United States
18 Dec 12
That's good. You'll never know when you need to read it. My mother makes the sign of the cross when she prays and my grandmother (my mother's side of the family) always has a rosary when she prays because she is more Catholic than Christian...I think.
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18 Dec 12
I am catholic and guess what? I make the cross sign, and Christian think it's evil. I am not making a discussion between Christian and Catholic because they pray the same God, and tha's their own opinion. But i dont think you should throw a bible away, always keep it, but if you dont want it, give it to someone you think it will be useful to
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• United States
18 Dec 12
Hmm...I heard that before. But to each their own. I can see why some people would just give the bible to somebody else, but what if your bible was damaged? To the point; you can't read it.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
18 Dec 12
I throw all my old and torn book in the trash that include whatever holy book i have. If grandmom think it is a big deal for me to throw away my old bible, and try to lecture me, i told her to chill and it is not an offense in the eye of God. It is my book, i can do whatever i like to get rid of it if i don't want it anymore. May be i am not as radicalize as some Christians are after read the bible.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
19 Dec 12
I don't consider God is so merciless and lack of compassion on me just because i thrown my old and torn bible in the trash, neither will God consider it is disrespectful to him when an old book of his words are discarded. I think it is a lot more complicated to get condemn to hell by God than just throwing an old bible away in the trash. It is the same for going to paradise, it need more than just keeping an old and torn bible inside your drawer. But radicalized Christians may not think so, that is perfectly fine with me.
• United States
19 Dec 12
Once again, I have to agree with you. I guess some people become so attached to their bible that to them is like having a little peace of God with them. The bible is an amazing book, and I guess, I finally understand why is such a big deal to throw one away for some. Glad to see you don't think like everybody else.
• United States
18 Dec 12
Like your point of view is not like you are going to hell for getting rid of the bible. Speaking of lectures, my grandmother would think is a big deal to throw away the image of Jesus..let alone the bible.
@1corner (744)
• Canada
19 Dec 12
Sorry to hear you lost your faith along the way. Would you like to get it back someday? Regarding the Bible, it's the Message in it that's important, not the book itself. That said, though, I don't know of any Christian who would throw their Bible in the trashbin despite it being worn out. I tend to keep my old Bibles, and am considering donating them to those who desperately want them. Are you aware of other peoples in the world who would love to have one, but couldn't because it's either expensive or not available in their country? There are organizations that ask for used Bibles & Christian books, and that's where I plan to send my old/slightly used ones.
@1corner (744)
• Canada
20 Dec 12
I THINK I understand why you don't like the idea of going to church, but could be wrong. Care to share? As far as faith goes, if you've been a Christian before, then you should know it all starts with the state of your heart before God. That's between God & you. Also, knowing that/about Jesus is/as Lord is one thing, but making Him your Saviour & Lord is what truly matters. That is saving faith. The Bible does say not to forsake the assembling of the brethren, so that comes in when & after the question of your relationship to God is settled. People can get saved outside of the church, but will need it to grow their faith. Regarding the Bible's use, I'm not sure it's all due to selfishness (or self-centrednes) than plain ignorance. I don't think all Christians are aware there are people in other parts of the world who would love to get a copy of their own.
• United States
19 Dec 12
I am trying to get it back, yes! But I don't want to get too involved with... I mean, I don't like the idea of going to church. No, I wasn't aware that other people in the world would love to have one. I guess, I was being selfish..grew up thinking I can have it all without thinking about other people.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Dec 12
You never throw any book, with the Name of the Creator written in it, into the trash. A Holy book should be buried properly. Usually a man of the cloth knows how and where to do this.
• United States
19 Dec 12
Wow..I am amazed by your comment. I didn't know a Holy book should be buried!! In my case it was my great grandmother's bible that got thrown into the trash.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
19 Dec 12
I could never throw a holy book away in the trash, that would be such a a waste. I would have ti find someone to give a bible to if I did not want it anymore. it might be a comfort and a treasure to someone even if it did not mean the world to us.
• United States
19 Dec 12
Indeed...a bible can be passed from one generation to another, like in my family. The problem is that I can get myself to read it. Probably I will keep the bible and maybe somebody I can find the perfect person to have it.
• United States
19 Dec 12
I can't get myself to read it. Sorry, typos.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
I will never throw away my Bible. It is a great book and the words of God are written there. All these things will pass away but the words of God will remain. There was this true story wherein the page of the Bible was torn and someone picked it and read what was written. The words he read made an impact to him and he became a Christian. It is written, "the words of God will never return empty to Him." God Bless
• United States
19 Dec 12
My old bible belonged to my great grandmother, and is true what you said, "the page of the bible was torn and someone picked it up and read what was written" That's what happened to me..it did something, the bible confused me, but I am still trying to find my way back to god or make some sense out of this life.
@anklesmash (1412)
19 Dec 12
As a Christian I would never consider throwing my Bible away.Because as a Christian I believe that a Bible contains the inspired word of God.Though I probably don't read it as much as I should but I find it's a comfort to have the Bible to read when times are difficult.Though I would probably throw it away if it was falling apart.As God and his word is more important than the book itself.
• United States
19 Dec 12
I guess it isn't a big deal to throw it away if it was falling apart, but for some people, they think is better to repair the bible themselves before throwing away the word of God.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
18 Dec 12
I would never throw away my bible. I am Christian and I've been raised Christian. I was always taught to respect the word of God and well to me, throwing away the bible, is basically disrespecting the word of God and disrespecting God himself. I say, hey if you don't want the bible any more, then give it to someone who would love to have it. I still have bibles that are falling apart, I have never thrown any of them away, and I don't plan on it either.
• United States
19 Dec 12
You sound just like my father, for him throwing a bible was like stubbing yourself right on the heart. He loves God and the word of God. I get your point about not throwing them away. My mother has her mother's bible and is falling apart, but she refuses to throw it away. In fact, she would use duck tape to repair the bible and make it look like new.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
15 Jan 13
That's why I tell people again-and-again-and-again, THE BIBLE IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD. It was The Word of God at one time (and becomes the Word of God again on a regular basis), but Our Father is the God of the Living! And Bibles Burn!
@averygirl72 (38556)
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
Yes I throw one of our bible because it's NIV they say it's a satanic bible. I bought a king james version which I cannot understand, so I pick up the NIV translation again. I lost faith in God for about a year and found bible useless book, never spend time to read anything. However, Book of Psalm inspired me other times. One old lady told us when we are kids never to read it because it's a demonic book. As of today, I believe bible is a rational book. Religions cannot interpret it correctly because they are consumed with rituals. It is a practical book.
• United States
18 Dec 12
Oh, yes the New International Translation..never read it. To be honest with you, I am still trying to figure out what to do with my great grandmother's, if I should keep it or just give it back to my dad. Perhaps when my sister gets married she can have it, or I could change my mind. Glad to see that for some people is not such a big deal to throw holly books away.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
4 Feb 13
Always pass the word of God onto someone else.
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
I have known some people who changed their religion and throw the bible. I was raised as a Roman Catholic, it is not appropriate to put the bible in a wrong place. I just feel bad if I ever do it.
• United States
19 Dec 12
I also known of some people who changed their mind and decided to walk the other way and not follow god anymore...but I never knew if they threw away theirs.
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
For me i would never ever throw my old Bible away even if it's torn apart. I would just keep it somewhere safe. I am a Catholic, Catholics are Christians too. We are called Christians because we believe in Jesus Christ. Well if other people would just throw it away then okay, we have different point of views in our lives :) Giving away an old Bible would also be great, at least someone would use and read it. I am a Catholic but I am not devoted, I make sign of the cross but I am not into the statue of saints, I just respect my parents who are devoted but still I really believe in Christ.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
18 Dec 12
I would pass your Great Grandmother's Bible to someone else in your family. Since it is your Great Grandmother, you must have a cousin, aunt, uncle, etc who might just treasure your family's Bible. Perhaps there is someone in your family who will treasure those wise words that are written in the Bible.
• United States
18 Dec 12
As of now, I don't have any children. You are right, perhaps a future generation would like to have a peace of their great great grandmother. When I was younger, I didn't see what was the big deal, but looking back. Dad had a right to be angry.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
19 Dec 12
If the Bible is still readable and not too damaged, you can always fix it some way. If you one day decide to start studying be Bible, it could be good as reference to compare with other translations. I have many Bibles in at least six languages and they are useful if I want to compare how they have translated some word or expression. Then we have many translations online too.. I like to go to the online library http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/h/r1/lp-e and do a search if I am looking for an answer to something. This site is free to use and has been set up by volunteer workers who really love the Bible and want others to learn to know it. You can always ask for a free personal Bible study on the site, on a time that is convenient for you. There are no obligations, and you can change your mind if you wish. You will never know what you have lost if you don't check what the Bible is all about..
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
19 Dec 12
I was raised Catholic, and my grandmother never thought it was a big deal to throw away posters, pictures, or bibles in the trash. Same as you, lost faith in the Catholic religion after many priests went ballistic. I found a new faith that makes more since to me.
• Philippines
20 Dec 12
That's true I myself, put off my old bible that the pages was like tearing when turn but I never think that im going to throw it. Hence, thats the word of God. It might have consequence, im afraid and i just leave it there in cabinet.