Advise on how to move on

@chiwasaki (4694)
December 22, 2012 9:24pm CST
I have a friend who asked me some advise on how to move on. She fell in love, got hurt and now wants to completely move on. I have only advised her to sort her feelings first as I think she will not be able to move on if she has feelings with her ex boyfriend. I asked her to be happy, go shopping and pray to God to give her strength. Any advise on how to move on? Have you been to a situation where you really want to move on? Please share.
16 responses
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
23 Dec 12
Its a hard task to do. I have been through this. One cannot forget the one whom he/she loved from the depth of the heart. Just analyse the situation and focus on more important other things in life like your family or your work. Keep yourself busy. With time you will be able to forget to some extent but not fully. If possible find some one else who cares for you or give space to those who care for you.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Dec 12
jagit, you are right it does help to keep busy. The busier you are the less likely you will be to think of the ex. Slowly, this helps you to start to move on with your life. I do think that you should not rush into a new relationship. Make friends with other people and take time for you. Eventually you will be over the person and ready to move on to finding someone who loves you.
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
Moving on is really difficult. Like, really it's very easy to tell a friend to move on, but when you put yourself on her situation, well, it's not really that easy. I've been there a lot of times, and all I can say is that, take your time to move on. Divert yourself to the many beautiful things around you which you have been ignoring a lot of times. Appreciate life and the value of good friends around who will let you see that you've never been alone after all. Most of all, be thankful for the hurt and pains you'll go through, because sooner or later you'll realize it's a way of making you a better person which will also motivate you to show the world of what you're really made of... a strong and a loving individual.
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• United States
25 Dec 12
I agree it is hard to move on. Even when in our heads we know we need to move on our ex can tug at our heartstrings, and we are right back in the same situation again. If you really want to move on your heart and mind has to be committed to the process. I would say distractions help. Find other things to divert your attention. I say this because a lot of times we see that without that other significant person in our life that our life is empty. If you are busy you will find meaning and purpose in your life plus you will not have time to miss the person that hurt you. I really like what you said about embracing the pain. I never thought of the heartaching pain that we go through as a positive. Thank you for changing my perspective on the matter.
• Marikina, Philippines
24 Dec 12
For me, advise her once or twice, but if she doesn't listen, well, let her be. Let her experience be her teacher, not for some people who tells her what to do. That is what we called love is blind. We don't listen to anyone, but as years go by, we realize that we've to move on. My answer is let her realize, she'll be enlighten as days go by. She's the one who controls her life and we really can't control her feelings and her mind.
• United States
25 Dec 12
Sometimes it is better to share experiences rather than to strictly say this is what to do. I mean when you feel broken hearted it is easy to feel like others do not know or understand what you are going through. It feels like no one could hurt this much. When you hear others stories of their heartaches and how they got through it you begin to feel like you are not alone. You are more willing to take the advice of a friend that has been through a similar situation.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
It is okay to mourn over a lost love. I think it is the best way to really let it our of your system. But after sometime, think of things that you need to prioritize. Life should not stop just because you have had a broken relationship. Take it as a lesson, a reason to become a better person for the next person that you will love.
• United States
25 Dec 12
Prioritizing is important. I think we must do this more in our lives. It is so easy to think that insignificant stuff to take over our life to the point that the we let the important stuff go.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
26 Dec 12
We sometimes get out of our minds (temporary insanity, I guess) when we are hurt. most especially by our partners. We mourn over the loss. It is okay and normal. But we have to get back on our feet and need to move on and attend to the most important things in life--- and that is getting hold of our own sanity.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
23 Dec 12
You have to cut off all contact. You have to throw away all those pictures you took and saved of the kids, because they are reminders. You can never work in the same place, because that's a reminder too. You find someone else who is worthy of your love. One day he will realize what he screwed up. You take it one day at a time. Keep your kids a priority and just let go of everything. Make new memories, and be happy when someone new enters the picture.
• United States
25 Dec 12
One day at a time putting one foot in front of the next is the only way. It is not going to get any easier, but it will start to hurt less with time. Interestingly, I am starting to get to that point where I just want to purge and make a fresh start. It is like at some point you realize that there is no point lugging around that extra baggage in your life.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
25 Dec 12
So true, one step after the other. Life goes on and so do we.
@tech40 (23230)
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
Ok, I can help her to move on, Tell to me her Location and i'll go to her, and tell her about me, haha Just Kidding, Move on, Moving on has different phases and stages (it seems they're same ) Some used the music, to listen ROCK music than romantic music, Some used the movie, to watch COMEDY movie than romantic movie, Some stayed on their home, to avoid to see couples around, and Some, Cried all day, to remove the feeling of being broken hearted, I've been broken once, once because (im pointing to the person who I really love but she decide to break I just did is, Listen to LOVE music, Listen to LOVE movies Go outside and see some couple around, Making myself happy in the morning, and Crying at night, Doing those thing must slowly removes the feeling of being broken hearted, today I have Girlfriend, next to my EX who decided to break my heart, damn There's so many Boys / Girls around, dont think that She/He's the only guy who can love you as much as that, cos some people can love you more than it, and some people are just around her, waiting for an time, to offer their love for her, Just Wait, Love isn't made to RUSH, but Love is made to WAIT for a right TIME and RIGHT one
• United States
25 Dec 12
And some of us spend lots of time on myLot talking to their friends, so they do not feel lonely. As they slowly recover and find the strength to move on. The love of a pet helps to because even when you are broken hearted you know that your pet loves you unconditionally. Let time heal your broken heart. When you are ready, slowly and gradually move on. It is a process. It is not like a band-aid that if you rip it off fast it will hurt less. No matter what you do it is going to hurt for awhile. Did I mention Cookie Dough Ice Cream helps too.
@tech40 (23230)
• Philippines
2 Jan 13
Haha right same me, i remember a year ago, im at the room crying all night, but i still looking and reading some topics here on mylot, to reduce thinking of that situation that make you hurt, actually im still missing my ex, everytime i saw her, i felt being hurt and that is the annoying part haha, yes right pets also help you, cos they can show to you how much your important to them they will let you feel that hey loves you, Yeah right, let the time heal your broken heart, let your mind accept the fact that you're now single haha and dont forget to eat ice cream too!!
• Singapore
23 Dec 12
In psychology, they will tell you that she needs to go through various stages of grief before she can so-called "move on". The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I believe that everyone grieve differently. Your friend need to take her time to grief her lost love. It's hard to say whether it's going to a be a day, a month, a year or ten years to get over it. But what is important, based on my own personal experience, she will have to do it herself. No one will be able to push her to "move on" when she is not ready. Pulling her out to go shopping may not work either. But your friend would need to know that you are there if she needs to talk. I think that would be comforting. I agree with you that praying will help keep her in balance. All the best!
• United States
25 Dec 12
I would say that you will move through the all those stages but sometimes they come in a different order. I would say I tended to go from denial to bargaining that it was not over. Then, anger and lashing out from the hurt. Slowly, I some how accepted it.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Dec 12
I think hand writing things down helps clear the mind. There is something about the hand/mind exercise that relieves those things that just seem to go around and around in your mind at times of emotional stress. Just make sure you guard your notes and destroy them so that nothing gets read by anyone else, that could bite you later. Especially these days when private things are pretty nonexistant.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 12
I think one of the hardest part is the fear of having to start all over again. I think once that you can let go of the fear of having to start anew, you can start to slowly move on. It is like you have to be able to see it as a positive fresh start with the opportunity for everything to be better this time. Stay busy and talk with friends helps. It can even just be friends online. I have gotten a lot of support from people here on myLot. When you surround yourself with friends even through the internet you do not feel alone. This is crucial. It is the fear of being alone that many times will cause you to not want to move on. Keeping busy has been my saving grace, I have to much to do to sit there and replay it all over and over again. Sometimes I will think about it for a moment or two. I tend to not get stuck in it. Learn to when others ask to state quickly that it over and change the subject. No point to rehash it all the time. When you rehash it, it is like you have not moved on. Make sense of the end of the relationship in your own way. See the big picture of what happened, and do not let the ex blame you. It was a relationship, and it did not work out. It cannot be all one's fault because it takes two to have a relationship. In time, learn from the past relationship, but I would say that enlightment will only come after some time when you have truly accepted it, and moved on with your life. Set boundaries especially if you decide to stay friends. The other party needs to know that you will not let them hurt you again. Detach yourself emotionally from the other person. You can still care without the emotional entanglement. Set goals that will help you to make a fresh start and accompolish the things that are important to you. This may first take you deciding what you truly want because sometimes we will give up somethings when we are putting so much energy into a relationship. What makes you happy? Decide upon what you want for your future? Make plans for the future it helps you to feel that life truly does go on even if it feels like your world has been blown apart into fragments of pieces.
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
30 Dec 12
That is really the worst case scenario since it is really hard to move on. The only thing I can say is that she shouldn't be really alone and she must be with her friends or else she would really remember everything.
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
23 Dec 12
Its a hard task to do. I have been through this. One cannot forget the one whom he/she loved from the depth of the heart. Just analyse the situation and focus on more important other things in life like your family or your work. Keep yourself busy. With time you will be able to forget to some extent but not fully. If possible find some one else who cares for you or give space to those who care for you.
@sriroshan (2584)
• India
24 Dec 12
Nice advice you have given, if she goes in her mind what she had done and what has happen in her previous relationship, then she will not move smoothly in her new relationship. Ask her clean all her memory and when with her new friend asked her not to go in her flash back, and asked her never compare (in her mind ) her ex boyfriend with new one. Let her be free with her new friend like she is meeting the first boy friend in her life.
• United States
23 Dec 12
If her ex is trying to be "friends", she should stand up for herself and stop all communication. Even if this is possible someday, it is useless to talk to him now. It will just make her more emotional and make the "moving on" process work more slowly. It's hard, but in my experience, you just have to cut off communication. She should set out to accomplish some tasks that are a little scary. When she succeeds, she will realize her own strength and make progress towards trusting herself and becoming more strong on her own. She should make a plan for herself for the next few months and set some goals. I have found that while there is some grieving time, I get over heartbreak a lot faster when I try to focus on myself and improving my situation rather than trying to find what is wrong with me, my life, our previous relationship, etc. I have a tendency to over analyze (especially about myself) and I usually don't need to dwell on that. As her friend, of course you can just be there for your friend and though she has asked you for advice, she might not really be asking for that. She might just need someone to talk to and be there for her. One thing that's always hard after a breakup is that you lose your "go-to" person. When you have news to share, you used to share it with your S.O. Now, friendships become more important to share ups and downs with.
• United States
25 Dec 12
Yes, it true that it is hard if the ex wants to stay friends. While I was not going to say no, I mean we have known each other for 9 years. I did start to set boundaries. I would not jump for the phone if I heard him text. Yes, it drove the ex crazy a bit. When I did text back I would be short in my replies. It is hard because it is like you have to set some emotional boundaries if you are going to stay friends. You have to be ready to stand up for yourself and state that you will not let the ex treat you poorly especially if they are having a rough time and wanting to lash out for some reason. Definitely, you have to find a new go to for most things. I think for me it has been mostly online that I share a lot here on myLot. I mean I have lots of friends here in the forum that I can surround myself. Goal setting is a good thing to do. I have already started writing some goals I found this good website called MindTools that has a lot of good advice especially if you are wanting to make some self improvements. Mostly, I think it is the reassurance from friends that it will be okay that helps. I mean it. It helps when other people tell you that you will find the right person someday because when you are hurting it is like the last thing that you are thinking.
• India
30 Dec 12
Its really difficult to forget the past memory and to make a move.Though its difficult, you need to forget that, otherwise it will not let you feel happy.You need to keep yourself busy.Just go for shopping or for movies with friends.In a situation like this true friends also play very essential role as they used to give very good suggestions.Later on you may think of a new relationship.
@gary23 (425)
• India
23 Dec 12
Well moving on after a break up is not that easy as it sounds. Time does the actual help. I have a friend who got hurt by her boyfriend really badly but she took almost 3 months to recover. However its very important for her to stay busy these days so that she gets lesser time for herself to think regarding her past. Friends may accompany her to make her feel important. She must not listen to romantic songs. Still forgetting someone whom she really loved is very difficult
• China
23 Dec 12
Maybe at first, she need to think whether she loves the guy or not and whether the boy behaves the same way, if it is true, i think nothing is difficult now, just move on.