Our Great Christmas Blizzard in Texas
By 13tyates
@13tyates (1606)
United States
December 27, 2012 3:01pm CST
Well... for the majority of the people here in the northern part of my state, you could consider it as a storm never to forget because we actually got about 3 to 5 inches of snow for Christmas!
Oh no! Whatever will we do...
Sometimes I never understand why the people in the state I live in over react so much. I mean we get a couple inches and for the most part the whole state shuts down. I know we do not get a ton of snow, but I mean really, is it that unbearable?
I actually enjoy getting our 2 to 4 snows a year (depending on the year) because it means it is time for snow ice cream again! (Another post coming!)
I think we need to think what justifies a complete shut down of an area, or come to think of it, why do I complain?
It gives us some free time off!
I believe I have had my whole idea on this situation a little off, I shall be happy for the free days off we get for our three inches of snow!
Anyone else agree? I think I need to appreciate it a little more. 

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10 responses
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
27 Dec 12
But some places don't have the equipment to deal with snow. I used to live on the west coast of Canada. On the west coast of Canada, it rains. It doesn't snow very often. When it does snow and sometimes it will snow a couple of feet, the cities do not have enough snow blowers or snowplows to clear the streets. They have enough to clear the main streets but not the side streets. So, many people get stuck because of the lack of snow equipment. There is no point in cities buying snow plows etc when they will only need them every 5-7 years and for only about 2-3 weeks.
I think that is why cities and communities who get unusual weather, such as even a couple of inches of snow when they don't normally get any snow, will close down. Without the snow equipment, the roads and sidewalks become dangerous or are potentially dangerous. There is no point risking people's lives for a day or two until it warms up to melt the snow.
So, actually, I appreciate the 'over reacting' because very few people know how to drive in snow if they never had any experience driving in icy and snowy weather.
If it saves you and your loved ones lives, would you really think the states or communities are over reacting?
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
28 Dec 12
I completely agree, sometimes there are times when there is snow and ice on the roads and it is just not worth it to try and get on it. Here in North Texas we get a few more snows then some would imagine so we have close to 100 salt and ice trucks ready to be used so they do a fairly good job of helping the drivers out on the roads. The thing is, by the next morning many roads had very little ice or snow left on them, yet people still thought it was dire conditions, when in all reality it was not. Now in contrast, a couple years ago we had a very large winter event where all the roads had at least 3 inches of solid ice and then anywhere from 5 to 8 inches of snow on top of that if not more. Now that is NOT at all common for this area and at that point I completely understand slowing down, and at that for several days. We had nowhere near enough snow plows and that was when we really needed them. So we closed down for near a week here in North Texas. I guess it never goes without being true to be over cautious, because if you're not then many bad situations could occur.
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Well, if there is one thing we handle fairly well it's rain. The problem is people think they can handle it so well they will go out in high water areas during flooding and that never ends well.
My Christmas was pretty good, just nice to be around my family and have a whole lot of really good food. My stomach is still full from all the good food I had! How did yours go? 

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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
28 Dec 12
It has always been my understanding that very few people from your state know how to deal with snow and ice, that may be a false impression. What my first husband the truck driver said was that the state was not equipped with the salt and manpower to keep the roads clear and that the schools, etc. were not built to deal with cold weather. So instead they just close everything down for a day or two and let people enjoy the snow days because they do not happen all that often.

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
29 Dec 12
I always liked it when I worked at a job that had snow days. Now if we have snow, I HAVE to work and work extra. I would be stuck in a house with a couple of grumpy old men.
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
29 Dec 12
Nope, in no way is that a false impression. Many people here believe they can continue going 70 down the highway during icy conditions, and then they find out other wise in the ditch. Then they decide to do it all over again after the next snow.
It seems to be a never ending pattern here in North Texas. I could agree with you there, we are not as good as we should be, but we do have a fairly large amount of salt and sand trucks under TxDot that are available to use, though they can not get to all of the roads. I am happy they just let us enjoy them though, many times it happens when I need a break! 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Dec 12
That reminds me of Arizona. I'm from Ohio and when it snows we stock up on necessities beforehand and deal with the weather. In Arizona there are tons of wrecks when it rains because everyone panics! You can see brake lights for miles at the first raindrop, it's like it's the end of the world. People moan and complain when you think they'd like a little variety! And the stores are packed with crazed people stocking up on everything as if it's a major disaster. It's really quite funny unless you live there and have to put up with an entire city (Phoenix) running around like Chicken Little screaming about the sky falling!
I remember one time there was a haboob, which is a giant sandstorm. The people on the news said "wall of sand" so often that one tripped up and said "sand of wall"! It dominated all TV channels for hours until it passed through. I'll bet you get those in Texas, too, or at least sand storms of the more routine variety.
I'm glad you're enjoying the snow. We got just about as much here in Ohio where I am and I think it's just beautiful.

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@13tyates (1606)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Wow it definitely sounds like the rain in Arizona is much like the snow we get here. If there is one thing I think we handle fairly well here and maybe we think we handle it too well, it is rain. We get a lot of it at times in short amounts of times and so we know how to deal with it fairly well.
We do get sand storms from time to time and let me tell you I hate it and when it happens my allergies go crazy! I just have to give up and go get me some allergy medicine! 
While they are never as bad as they are in Arizona or even in West Texas, many times we will get the remnants of those and it just makes a mess of my allergy situation.
I hope I get a few more snows this year too because I really enjoy it when we do, we get a little here and a little there just to bring some enjoyment from time to time, I hope you get more soon so you can enjoy it too! 

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
28 Dec 12
so THAT is where all the snow went! *Stalks off angerily)
Nah you can keep the snow! 

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
28 Dec 12
I want some too, we have not had our fair share. Oh, and I want it before March or April.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
28 Dec 12
It seems like we either hardly ever get snow here, or we get hit hard... I'm still not sure which I like best! lol.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
27 Dec 12
I know what you mean. Free time is awesome, but their complete inability to handle snow is enough to dumfound me. If they are halted by a few inches, what would happen if they ever came to Canada?
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
29 Dec 12
Your response is much the same as even the people that come and visit from far Northern U.S. They do not understand how we can not handle it, and I guess it is just the lack of dealing with it very often. I'm pretty sure we would never even make it to the Canadian border during winter time! lol
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
30 Dec 12
My dad and I talk about this all the time. Whenever snow hits Oklahoma, it seems like everyone cancels school. I mean, c'mon! It's been snowing, but school is still out for the winter break so that won't be affected. Now four years ago we had a legit blizzard. But the stuff we have now doesn't bear anything closing down.
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Yeah, it does seem a little insane, but I guess with the little we get they see closing down as a little easier.
I remember a couple years ago here when we had inches of ice and even more snow on the roads and nothing happened in my town for almost a week because of it!
Now that was crazy!

@stealthy (8181)
• United States
27 Dec 12
I grew up in Texas about 30 miles North of Dallas. I can remember several significant snow falls as a kid. Some were several inches. I don't remember things shutting down all that much. I do remember building a snow fort, my sister building a snow man that had a very good resemblance to George Washington, sliding down the hill in from of our house on cookie sheets, being pulled on a sled behind a jeep at a local golf course, etc. These were in different years. Also there was the long walk one night after a snow fall when it was very quiet and very pretty and so very peaceful.
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
29 Dec 12
I'm surprised you do not remember things shutting down much. Schools always close down when we get snow or ice and many times businesses will end up closing down early or the next day they will open late. I love memories from snow falls and having so much fun during them! I loved snow ice cream making and I still do to this day. It is so good! I also love how peaceful it is during snowfall. It is like you're in a different world it seems like.
@bluerubymoon53 (3286)
• United States
30 Dec 12
I remember my cousin telling me that he loved watching the people in San Antonio drive on the snow. He grew up in Illinois so he was used to driving on the snow there.
You should be where I am!! We got about 6 to 8 inches of the white stuff Christmas night and then another 4 to 6 last night!!! I won't be going anywhere. I'm not getting out there where the nuts who don't know how to drive on snow are!!
@13tyates (1606)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Yeah, it is actually even worse down that direction due to the fact that they get even less snow there. It seems like we get few snow falls here, but it is even more rare there. It sounds like you guys got some good snowfall, I would love to get that much this Winter, I would enjoy it a lot! When it snows here I am just the same, I just stay inside, look out the window, and enjoy it!