Do you listen to the news? Are you as pissed as I am?
By free_man
@free_man (7330)
United States
December 28, 2012 1:59pm CST
I am fumming mad. I heard on the news today that milk might be going up to 6 or 8 dollars a gallon. I am already pissed because seems like everything has gone up a lot more then a few years ago. America is a rich country! But the rich wanting more and more and the hell with us that are poor! They don't want to be taxed more so everyone it seems will have to pay more! How much more can you pay if you are poor? Seriously we live on a fixed income like 90% of the people that live around us. We can't afford to pay 6 or 8 dollars a gallon of milk and don't know many that can. Not only will the milk go up but anything made from milk will be going up too. What the hell is wrong with these rich politicans they don't want to pay higher taxes but they are willing to cut stuff in the medicare health plan and raise taxes on everyone? I guess eveyone is going to have to buy a cow so they can have fresh milk for our children that really need it to grow up strong. I can't understand these people really how much do you need to live on when your rich already? What else can they take from the poor? I consider my family to be poor. We are rich in Gods love and the love we have for each other. But really love won't put food on the table or pay the bills or buy medicine! So what are they trying to do kill off the poor people or what? I am serious I am just plain sick of all this Bull stuff. There are people around here that couldn't afford to buy food to eat if they didn't have food stamps! Us included we live on less then poverty level and they want to take more! How much more can a person give up till the rich are happy? It is getting closer to the time of The LORDS coming back I believe, I hope and pray it is soon cause most of us can't afford to give anymore. What do you think? How much can you afford to give up? Sure I like you have a computer I didn't buy it it was given to me and I thank God for that! How much more are you willing to give up? I say let us all stand as one and start talking to the politicans tell them if they raise the taxes they won't be voted in next time!
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13 responses
@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Dec 12
It is such a devastating news, the present price of $3 per gallon is not even enough to cover the break even margin of milk farm owners, at least according to them. The farm owners claimed that at present price, they can not afford to pay their 'cow' fair wages to produce milk for the consumers, it does sound very "reasonable" and extremely "convincing" to the elected officials. They further claimed that only with government subsidy and a 'fair' market price of about 8-9 bucks a gallon, then only they can continue their farm operation for the sake of milk consumers, because only with this price, they can make small amount of profit of several cents. Unless government extend their cow and milk farm subsidy program for more years before this one expire, they will have no choice except raise the price of their milk to stay in business. I am totally speechless now!! Sigh!! 

@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Dec 12
That is right, my friend! If congress fail to extend or renew the present Dairy Farm Subsidy program, then milk producers nationwide will raise their shelf rice and pass along the disappearing government subsidy to the consumers. For those who are rich, welfare or food stamps collectors, they will not get affected by the price hike. Their annual income, welfare check amount or food stamp amount will also increase proportionately according to the cost of living inflation rate. It is those that never receive food stamp or welfare or who do not earn enough to fit into the high income group category will feel most of the pinch of this most recent milk price increase, they may want to consider drinking less milk in a day or start to drink more tap water from now on. 

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@free_man (7330)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Hi Lampar. I like milk but don't drink it very much. I do however use it in a lot of my cooking and my husband needs it more then I do. I can't afford not to stop buying milk. I need to drink it more people need it to help keep their bones healthy. I drink a lot of tap water. I am on food stamps but they haven't raised them in years. I get sick of the price of every kind of things that we need to buy going up and then we can afford. We who recieve food stamps can't afford a lot of things cause the price keeps going up. I can't afford to buy the coffee I like cause it is more expensive then the cheap off brand. I think that the people in charge of this should make the food stamps go up every year with the cost of living. Thanks for your thoughts my friend.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Lampar. Well if they raise the price of milk it will effect so many different things not just milk. The price here is just under 4.00 bucks a gallon and I was pissed when they raised it up as high as it is. But when they raise the price of milk the hay price will go up and so many other things will go up to cover the price of the milk. So the dairy farmers will suffer too. The government should fix it so the farmers tax excempt thing should stay like it was. If they don't we won't be just paying higher for milk but will have to pay higher for other things. Now if your rich that might not effect you too much but it will effect those of us that live on fixed incomes. I am not a farmer but know several of the farmers around me and believe me they will suffer as much as everyone else when that tax thing expiers. And it is set to expier soon. I hope and pray that Obama gets the politicans to open up their eyes and see things his way. Stop raising the taxes on those of us that live below 50 thousand dollars a year. I live below the poverty line. And there are many around me that live below poverty here where I live. Raise the taxes on those that make 200 hundred thousand and higher!

@peavey (16936)
• United States
29 Dec 12
I'm upset about rising prices, too, but I don't blame it on politicians who don't want to tax the rich. I blame it on the energy freeze which has driven the cost of transportation way up, and I blame it on unions that want more and more and more when the workers get precious little of what they strike for because it all goes to the unions in dues. I blame it on poor management of agricultural problems. It's very hard for small farms to stay in business while the government subsidizes the big agribusinesses. Why do they need it and not the small farmer? There's plenty of blame to go around, but rich people shouldn't be targeted. If not for them, who would have a job, anyway? And if they tax every person who is worth a million dollars at 50%, it wouldn't be enough to keep our country from going bankrupt. Entitlement programs, subsidizing "green" energy that can't compete and a few more things have caused a real problem in the US and will continue to do so until we really are bankrupt if something doesn't happen soon.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Hi Peavey. You got good points there. I know many small farmers here that are going to loose their tax breaks soon and most of them don't know what to do. I blame it on all the politicans that won't stop and sit down and talk it out and make wise decissions. The rich politicans are worried that they will not have everything they want why can't they realize that if they don't give these tax breaks to the small farmers they are going to be paying more too? That is my question. We are going to go bankrupt if they don't sit down and talk seriously with each other and do what is right for all the USA.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Simple answer: They don't live in the real world. You know, like "down here" where you and I live. Where people work for a living.
I suspect we're going bankrupt no matter what. It's just a matter of time because it's too late to stop a runaway train.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
2 Jan 13
Hi Peavey. I don't believe the rich could live on the same level as you and I live. If they had to live like us for a month they couldn't do it. Heck the first time they had to do without something they needed or wanted they would be thrown into hysteria. I think if the rich had to do without a meal or two cause they didn't have the money to get a meal they might think twice about passing stupid bills that only benefit the rich. Do you know any rich people that could live a month like we have to live?.....LOL I don't.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
28 Dec 12
That is a ridiculous amount of money for a gallon of milk. I really don't like watching the news any more because everything that I hear on it is making things more and more depressing. I never hear any good news on the news. But anyway, I have to say thank God I'm lactose intollerant and my husband won't drink milk because of all the sugar that is in it, he's diabetic. But we do love cheese and like you have said if the milk is going up then so will the other dairy products. It looks like we will have to cut milk out of our diet all together and find our source of calcium in other things. I know that my husband is not going to be wanting to pay that much money for a gallon of milk. We too have noticed that the prices of things are going up. We are not poor, but we are not rich either, we are like middle class. But still sometimes it is very hard for us to put food on our table when we have to pay for certain bills. I know when we have kids, then maybe we are going to have to cut back on certain items. But how things are looking for us, things are getting better for us, so we wouldn't have to worry so much. But I feel really bad for people who can't afford even milk or even bread or anything to put on their table. It really sucks that it has now come to this, that people can't put food on their table. And its ashame that the rich care about no one but themselves and why are these people travelling to other countries to help people that are in poverty, I think sometimes that they should try and help the people that are right here in America that are struggling. We need as much help as those from countries need as well, because look at our economy its so sad to see that so many people are out of work and can't even afford to eat. It is sad that there children who sometimes have to go to sleep hungry because they're parents can't afford to put food on their table. I hope God comes back as well, and I know that this is just showing that his time is coming close with everything that has been going on around us this very day.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Hi Trisha. There are so many people her in America that needs help but like you said everyone is trying to help those in other countries. I get sick at seeing them helping others when there are so many children here in the USA that needs help too. Why can't we all stop and see what is going on here in the USA and help those that are in need? It is a question I ask myself everyday! I have been homeless and couldn't get the help I needed from the welfare system because I didn't have an address where they could send forums for me to fill out! Thank God that a woman opened up her heart and gave me a job so I could get off the streets. I see children here that need so much help but can't get help. I don't mind people helping others in other countries but when they can't help the fighiting men and women that went to war to keep us free . And there are many of those brave men and women that need the help that is being sent else ware. Thanks for your response. I can't wait till God returns so this world will be set straight.
@coxjoseph5 (209)
• United States
29 Dec 12
Hi , yes it makes me mads too, how can the give Haiti millions and the philippines, and other countries , when there is people living under the bridges in our country. i only haved social security and its not enough.
write your congress man.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
30 Dec 12
Hi Coxjoseph and welcome to my lot. I don't understand how they can help others and not help the struggling people here in the USA either. We live on SSI too and it isn't enough to buy anything we really need. We pay our bills first and then struggle all month for what we need. I think your right we all need to write our congress men and women and try and get something done. Thanks for your response my friend.
@dee777 (1417)
• South Africa
31 Dec 12
It's not any better in South Africa. The poor are getting poorer, and the rich are getting fatter and fatter. Our food prices have soared and we pay a lot of money for electricity. I have also prayed for God to come soon.... this is painful, but I know there are people who will have to live with less than me. I do not listen to the news anymore, for it leaves me depressed.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
2 Jan 13
Hi Dee. It is awful all over the world and I figure God is getting a lot upset about all the evil that is going on here on HIS earth. I listen to the news cause I want to be prepared for what ever is coming. They will announce all over the radio and TV when the anti christ comes because many will think he is the christ cause he comes first. Then when the True Christ comes people will know that they have been fooled by the first man that comes claiming to be christ and is a fake. That is one of the reasons I listen to the news. And I believe with all my heart that the time for the True Christ return. You are so right the rich are only getting richer and richer and taking all they can from the poor. But that is ill gotten gains and when Christ does return they will find out that those riches won't be paying their way into Heaven. No all we can take with us when we pass on is the works we do here on this earth and for some that will be a lot but for some their works are few. Are works are what makes up the robes we will wear in Heaven.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Ace. They did enslave us whether we know it or not. They made the price of everything go up each year. It is called greed! Money rules if you have money you don't need to worry if you don't have money you have to worry about every penny you spend. Just palin facts we are that live below a certian amount we are not as good as the rich according to their minds that is! The rich couldn't survive a month on what we make in a month. They would be lost without their money. They wouldn't know what it is to use a used anything. Heck I bet most of the rich wouldn't wear a piece of clothing brought from a thrift store. They wouldn't use powdered milk in place of whole milk......LOL I wish the rich had to live on the small check we get a month and have to live like we do they just couldn't do it. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they had to be cold for any length of time. They couldn't live in a house that isn't that warm and had to turn on the dryer to warm it up!
@ace117 (22)
• Kuwait
28 Dec 12
its more than just that,they also have influence on every thing that is happening in this world,poverty,disasters ,world economy,the wars happening in this decades and from 1776A.D onwords. they wanted to gain control over the world and enslave us and make us their slaves through debt.its a big puzzle to be solved to understand everything.
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@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
28 Dec 12
You need to copy and paste this entire post into an e-mail to all of your congressmen and senators. They should know how you feel.
I think we're all disgusted with the congress. Their shenanigans are all politics. And they're trying to protect their jobs. The word and speech games they are playing are all for show. I think that something is being discussed in back rooms that we're not being told and at the eleventh hour and fifty-nine minutes, something will be decided.
The farm bill that is expiring is separate from the tax and expense cuts that are the 'cliff'. They can't get to the farm bill until they decide the other. We need to vote them all out and start with a fresh group. But that's long term. For short term, we have to put up with them.
I think we'll 'go over the cliff' anyway. Along about February then they can come out with the tax cuts since the taxes will have gone up. Win-win for them, they think.
My computer was given to me too or I wouldn't have one. I'm right at the poverty level and never have enough money to meet all of my needs. I have to budget like crazy.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Yoyou. You are so right think I will email this post to my congressman. I am so sick of the rich pusing us around and taking all they can take. I wish they all had to live as we do for a month and see how hard it is when you have nothing you have nothing else to give. I hope they get their arses in gear and stop this bull stuff. Thanks for sharing my friend.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Dec 12
I agree with you. I don't know much about politics but I DO know that I cannot afford to live much longer! Everything going up while there are less and less jobs to work is really unbelievable! I know we are struggling SO bad it is not even funny.
By the way, having a computer does not make anyone rich...Just saying.
But no I cannot afford for things to go up. We are BARELY making our bills right now. We are going on Monday to file for food stamps again since I did not recertify yet. We have no food in our house, were living off of ramen noodles right now and cereal. Its not great but hey, I am grateful for anything to eat at this point! I am getting more and more scared as each day passes about how we are going to survive soon... I cannot answer how were going to make it and that scares the life out of me most definitely. I sure do hope God makes his appearance soon because I don't want to die from starvation!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi LovingMyBabies. They have food banks all over the USA and they will give out food to those that need it. I know if it wasn't for our local food bank there are a lot of people us included that couldn't make it till we get our food stamps. I believe it will be sooner then we think that God will return to reclaim back HIS kingdom look at all the bull stuff going on all over the world. There are also churches that help those in need. I can't stand this I really am thinking since we have a few acres of getting a milk cow so we can afford milk. I know having a computer don't mean that we are rich but some people think that it means that. Thanks for the response my friend.
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@echoforever (5180)
• United States
2 Jan 13
I've heard about this inflation in summer months so I am not as mad as you now but I was then very angry. It still upsets me if this really happens. It will be a horrible thing in this country. Young children need milk, well, we all need calcium. Milk is a good source of where we get it from. I don't know how my dad and I will do with this at all. We drink a lot of milk. We're already struggling with it now, this, will make it mere impossible.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
28 Dec 12
Its the same all over. I lived in usa 12 years. I now live in mexico. We pay more here for everything than you do in the usa. nd our min. wage isnt 7.00 plus dollars an hour. Its 10.00-12.00 per day here.
We pay 4.85 for a gallon of milk here, 2.00 for a dozen eggs, 3.00 for a loaf of bread. and more. And we dont make the money like people do in the usa...
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Mariaperalta. I know what you mean about the money there in Mexico we lived there as a child but thank God we moved back to the USA. That is about what we pay for a gallong of milk and I thought it was outragous when I seen it going up to 4.00 a gallon. But when I heard it was going up so much this morning I was appalled. We don't pay that much for eggs we get farm fresh eggs for 1.25 a dozen. Next year I hope and pray we can build a chicken house and raise our own chickens and ducks. We pay for cheap wheat bread about a dollar. When I can I make our bread though it is a lot cheaper.
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hey Free, I'm pissed off just like the rest of y'all. I'm pissed that these politicians won't do an damn thing to fix any of the mess this country's in because of swollen egos. I'm pissed that I still can't find a job in this broken economy. I'm pissed that these bill collectors with foreign accents call my home and won't take hint that I'm broke because I don't have a job to pay my bills. So, the best way for us to get buy is up the price of milk?! Yes, I'm pissed!

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@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Bluebell and welcome to my lot. I am so pissed at the politicans cause they want the rich not to have to pay higher taxes but they want to take what little us poor people have. I don't work anymore I live on SSI and we barley get by. If we didn't get foodstamps we wouldn't have much to eat. As for those bill collectors they need to realize that when your out of a job they can't get blood from a turnip. I hope and pray that you find a great job that treats you well and pays you the money you deserve. God must be getting tired of the way this world is going these days. I wonder if God sits in Heaven and shakes HIS head at the things that is going on in this world these days. I bet God is!
@ace117 (22)
• Kuwait
28 Dec 12
once upon a time i was a fan of america,i used to consume their products and wanted to immigrate work and lie there,but after seeing some certain conspiracies every puzzle fits the picture i could make.
The country is in debt and it will continue to remain in debt,also debt is nothing but made physiologically,its all because of the use of interest in running everything.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Ace. It isn't that bad just pissed about the prices of thing going higher and higer and they don't want to raise the SSI for those of us living on it. We are disabled and can't work at a full time job anymore. The debt came from many past presidents and keeping us there is the rich that don't want to stop spending. But they want to take from the poor to keep what riches they have. Wish all the rich people in the world had to live a month without anything and they would be glad to pay higher taxes. Thanks for sharing.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Hi Ace and welcome to my lot. That is what I like about having a computer what they don't tell you, you can look up on the net. I listen to the news have always listened to the news I like knowing what is going on in the world. I want to know when something happens. Thanks for sharing