Will You Read Read Through the Whole Bible, Beginning January 1??

@buenavida (9984)
December 31, 2012 2:22pm CST
The latest years, my goal has been to read through the whole Bible every year. Yes, it has 66 books, but if we read a few chapters every day, it is possible to do it. I actually have made it even easier, as some parts, I listen to the reading. And it is possible to follow the text and listen at the same time!! And now it is not necessary to download the reading, but listen online. Can be good, if we borrow somebody elses computer sometimes or we don't want to download for some other reason. If we make a search, we might find many places where we find different translations in many languages. My favorite is http://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/genesis/1 This site uses lots of languages - I even listened to Chinese but didn't understand anything Then I listened to Finnish, which is my first language, and that was easier for me.. I will listen to English too and will probably learn a great deal by doing it. Biblegateway.com has many translations so we can compare them. I will start in Genesis and also in Matthew - It will be more interesting that way, I think. If we bookmark or write down what we have read, it is easier to continue and see where we finished last time. Even if you cannot read the whole Bible in a year, just continue and do what you can. At least one chapter a day takes only a few minutes. Will you join me and read through the whole Bible?
15 responses
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
1 Jan 13
The problem with trying to read The Bible from start to finish as you would with any other book is that The Bible can be extremely hard to absorb in some chapters. There are sections where you encounter a long genealogical list of names that really detract from the fluency of the story. Of course you could make a concerted effort and read the whole text from beginning to end, but you would not remember very much of what you have read. If you really wish to become more familiar with The Bible, you would probably do much better to simply select chapters at random and build up an overall picture in time.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
1 Jan 13
I am not denying the vast wealth of information contained in The Bible, simply how to approach the subject. Wading through difficult sections such as the long lists that I mention would make it harder to maintain a level of interest during that reading session. Taking selected portions would allow a person to to become more involved in what they are reading and hopefully absorb more. After all, The Bible is not a single book as a novel would be, more a collection of books on a related theme.
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
1 Jan 13
I agree, rather shamefacedly, that going through the Chronicles can be a tough slog, but,it does yield some very interestinginformation one might not get without the tough bits. For instance, one can determine fascinating details about say, the time of year Jesus was actually born, based on the divisions of priests for temple service. Seems to be an unlikely connection, but thorough study reveals other amazing details that could not be otherwise known.
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
1 Jan 13
quite true. biblia means library, I believe
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
4 Mar 13
Think it is fantastic to encourage people to read the bible. I made this my goal once too and found that I discovered another journey other than reading cover to cover. For one thing some books appealed to me more than others. One book is really a journal of people something like a modern day registery at the city hall, while another is about the considerations of a wealthy king, still another is the story of Jesus, yet another the telling of a dream. So I thought maybe, I could concentrate on the books that I really liked and was interested in. This lead me to journey of learning. I asked God to help me as I traveled and this allowed me to go from one book, one subject, one part to another part without reading cover from cover which opened yet another door and began to teach me what I was asking for, with God's help.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
4 Mar 13
Yes, sometimes we can read it as a study. You have probably noticed that many Bibles have references to other verses that talk about the same thing or same subject. One verse can explain and give background to another verse. Yes, we should ask God to help us to learn to know the truth. I like to go to this online Bible with references and explanations included in the text. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/binav/r1/lp-e You can just choose the book and chapter and in the text you see a + sign after some verses or words, and a * sign. The + refers to another verse that can help to explain more and the * explains the words and their meaning, or possible meaning in the original language. Just put the browser on the signs and a box comes up with a text. Let me know if you have any questions.. Happy studying.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
4 Mar 13
Thank you very much for the link. Using it was amazing due to the speed involved. It takes time to physically turn those pages and find the associated scripture. This site sure speeds it up. Certainly bible study is a wonderful pursuit. buenavida I am not sure if you did understood my point however? If we pray as we explore, we can find that our journey through the pages can change. We read from left to right but God's course is like that of a river and goes where... - what verse is that? I think you may understand though, for as you explained in your first paragraph above, we are in agreement.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
9 Mar 13
Thank you so much for providing those links. I am actually using them and they are very helpful though I still treasure the little book I hold in my hands. When on the computer this website is very handy, since our eyes are here anywhere. I will want to ask you in the future questions on bible study and if you are able and would like perhaps we can have a public discussion about this as well. Again, I must say how much I appreciate your kind responses. Do take care and God bless.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 Jan 13
I read the whole bible once but I cannot find my bible. It is one of the things I want to get. Listening to it sounds nice as well, do they provide a commentary?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 Jan 13
thanks hon
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@birdie816 (1276)
• United States
31 Dec 12
I have been trying to do that for years...For some reason I have never really been able to commit to it. Sometimes I just prefer to pick random sections to read. It's strange because I have several One Year Bibles. I kinda have no excuse
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@prashu228 (37520)
• India
31 Dec 12
Hi birdie You are also on my track i also do the same as you are doing i thought of reading it last year but i never even tried to read a single page but this time i am willing to do so .
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
1 Jan 13
For some of us, listening may help, and you can follow the text too in the link I gave and even choose one of the many languages you prefer. Also biblegateway.com has a possibility of listening, but I have not tried it yet. My favorite site, jw.org has also literature that helps to understand the Bible, so you can read and compare with your own Bible. What made me interested in the Bible some 60 years ago, was that it tells what will happen to the earth and mankind very soon. I love the hope that the whole earth will be a paradise with no wars and sickness and if we live according to God's will, we can live here forever.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
1 Jan 13
Hi buenavida! This year, hubby and I will be going through parts of it in Chinese! The congregation is sponsoring a class and we were delighted to be a part of it!
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
2 Jan 13
Wooww! That sounds great - then you must have some Chinese speaking people where you live! It must be wonderful to communicate with them in their own language! It is a good thing we can now use the jw.org site with so many languages and synchronize with other languages to read the same verse if we want to..what a resource our Heavenly Father has given us..
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
2 Jan 13
That sounds absolutely great, being a missionary in your own country.. I would love to visit Canada if I can afford it this year. It would be so nice to meet some Chinese and help to teach them. I could also talk to some Swedish and Finnish people if there are some, and most Chinese maybe understand English. But using an I Pad could be good help.. Well who knows - some doors may open...and I love to learn languages..
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
2 Jan 13
we do! We tried to learn Vietnamese years ago when we were in full time service, but there were no classes and shortly thereafter, my son came alonf and the timing was out. Both kiddies have grown and we now have the chance to try again. There is a university here and a growing Chinese community. Many hav never had the opportunity to learn, and they are so appreciative of the efforts made to reach them. One lady said to one of the friends this past weekend 'yo u come here to help me learn Bible? Yo u are so nice to do that!' Just so delightful
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@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
8 Mar 13
Reading through the whole Bible is a great habit, I already have done it and I started again. Every time I read it again, I still learn new points I didn't realiza the first time I read it. But, it's not necessary to wait until the first of January to start reading. We can start at any time. Thank you for this discussion and the tips you are giving in. Listening to the Bible is also great. Maybe there is a place to download the Bible so we could listen to it even in the bus or train meanwhile we got to work or to school...
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• Germany
9 Mar 13
That's right, I love religious publications, they are very helpfull to understand better the Holy Scriptures and give important additional information. Studying the Bible alone takes longer than when someone helps you to understand the lines and it's always nice to have someone with whom you may discuss the information you are interested in.
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
I tried this, but I really cant make it :(. Though I have finished NT in 40days last year, I cant seem to finish OT. Hope to. And the truth is, we still forget what we read. So we have to do it over and over.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
13 Feb 13
Hi, buen At least you are trying, and some parts can be hard to understand if we read alone. I actually prefer to listen and I can follow the text too. It helps a bit to listen to a good reader. Also if we can get help to understand, it is even greater.. If you sincerely ask God to help you, he will listen and help you in a way that is best for you. Here is a link you can bookmark. This is a translation in modern English but you can find many other languages like Tagalog or whatever you prefer. http://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/genesis/1 (works great in Firefox browser) Just look around, and you will find a lot more that can help to understand what you read. Yes, we have to read the Bible over and over, to remember it better. But if it becomes a daily thing we do, we will enjoy it a lot.. Happy reading and listening!
@lampar (7584)
• United States
7 Mar 13
I may have to take at least a decade to read through the whole bible. It is too difficult to comprehend fully if i want to understand all 66 books, it is a tough book to read.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
8 Mar 13
Maybe it can help if you listen to the Bible.. Here is a link. http://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/genesis/1
@lampar (7584)
• United States
7 Mar 13
I am still struggle daily over the first chapter "Genesis" , so far i am doubtful i can read through the whole bible in a year or two. Chances is it is going to take more than a decade for me to read the whole book, the Christian holy book is too complicated for a sinner like me, too many historical events, locations, cryptic parables and God's wisdom in it to comprehend fully in a year or two. I prefer to read just a few sentences a day to avoid confusion and lost in the words, not one chapter a day since i am not extremely clever and intelligent like you.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
8 Mar 13
Well, I can't say I am very intelligent - remember, I have been learning little by little for over 50 years And Jesus, who is our example once said that he is gentle and humble in heart. He also says in the same chapter, in Matthew 11:25 O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, I thank you for hiding these things from the clever and intelligent and for showing them to mere children.(J.B. Phillips New Testament) Some parts can take time to understand but God will give us help if we ask him. If you like to get some explanation to the Bible, you can go to the jw.org site and see if you find something you would be interested in. You will find a Bible in modern English and lots of other languages, if you choose that. Many articles are written to young people and children. And you can also listen to the Bible and let others read it for you..
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
1 Jan 13
No I will not be reading the bible. I have never read any of it and do not plan on starting now. I could not think of anything more boring to read actually! I have many motivational and personal development books that I have not read before or have not read for a number of years so I plan to read them this year, but the bible is not on my list.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
2 Jan 13
Well, I have read some motivational books too..Dale Carnegie is one - and enjoyed them very much. If you ever wonder, why so many are interested in the Bible, you can go to jw.org site and see some articles that talk about practical benefits we have from following it and - as you are interested in health, what wisdom we find in the Bible on that subject. Could be a pleasant surprise to you.. Have a great day..
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
31 Dec 12
Hi In 2012 i did not read the bible at all but i wanna start this new year 2013 freshly by reading the bible and i like to continue it through out the year .Please pray for me to get succeed in my Goal this new year .
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
1 Jan 13
Hi, prashu228 Of course I will pray for you. I am sure God will be pleased if you have this goal and sincerely try to read the Bible - if you can find a time that is convenient, maybe first thing in the morning or before you sleep, or both, it will help you to do it. Even one chapter on a busy day is great. We need God's word and we can never be the spiritual person we could be, if we don't read it. If you fail some day, just continue reading the next. Don't give up. The Bible answers so many questions, and as I said before, you can go to jw.org and listen to it and other literature too in a language you prefer. Wish you happy reading..
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
1 Jan 13
When I was in High School, I read the bible page by page. It is one of our subjects in class. Though I can't remember the verses and the chapters of the bible. I still know by heart of what I've learned form sacred book.
@quieley (316)
• Philippines
1 Jan 13
The best way to read the whole bible in one year, is to read 3 chapters everyday except Sunday. During Sunday read 5 chapters. Do the reading from Genesis to Revelation.
• United States
6 Mar 13
Genesis is probably the most read book of all the books except for maybe Matt as some may start with the New Testament. I prefer reading by topics although I do read whole chapters sometimes. I put a check mark at the beginning of any chapter I have read clear through.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
6 Mar 13
Genesis is a great book, we learn so much and it is easy to remember the stories. I listen to all the books from Matthew to Revelation many times - it seems there is so much to learn and we need to be reminded often, to be able to apply the teachings to our life. If you want to, you can check the links above, and you can also go to biblegateway.com and compare different translations. Wish you happy studying..
• United States
31 Dec 12
yes, I will read the Bible through in the new year. I read a different version each year. I am planning on the New Century version in 2013.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
1 Jan 13
Congratulations, Erroll Most of us have to read some translation, as few know the original Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. I sometimes use an Interlinear translation where every word is translated directly from Greek to English and one can compare the New World Translation on the same page. It can help to compare what word the translators have used in different cases and clear up some misunderstandings. Matthew 24:3 is an example that shows the importance of translating correctly. There the word parousía is correctly translated to presence in NWT which indicates that Jesus would be invisibly present for a certain period of a time and his followers asked for the sign to look for. If Jesus were visible, we would not need any sign, would we? Happy reading..