My hip is giving me some back talk! Ouch!

United States
January 6, 2013 2:37pm CST
I've done a lot today. This morning I walked two times 'around the block'. It's not like a city block. It's going up our road and turning on the next road and coming back on our road. Our road is like a big U and this other road makes it a loop. There is another road up higher on our road that does the same thing but it is much steeper so I haven't tried that. Walking twice is over a mile. It's 3/4 mile around once so I walked 1.5 miles today. Plus I did my job here. My job is cleaning the kitchen and dishes and taking out the trash and recycling. My other jobs are to keep my bathroom clean and tidy and my bedroom. My daughter does all if the vacuuming except for my bedroom. I do that. She takes care of the family room and dining area, as well as the solarium and hallway and her bedroom and the spare bedroom. Every now and then I feel a wabbling and pain in my ball and socket area of my hip. It hurts most when getting up after sitting or lying down for awhile. I will have to mention it to my doc when I go this month. I'm so afraid she will send me to my orthopedic surgeon. He did two knew replacements on me. I walk with a cane when outside so that helps to stabilize me. My spine doc thinks it might be nerve pain instead of completely arthritic. He has suggested I go for X-rays but I can't afford another bill to pay. We don't have free medical care here. It's not a right. It's a privilege I guess to have to pay our 20 percent of thousands. I feel good that I can still walk outside a good ways. The last time I did it, I was in bed for 3 days afterwards. Hope it's not the same now. Have you got the old aches and pains of arthritis and aging. I'm losing weight, so I hope my stamina is better. I know I'm much better than last summer. I was on oxygen full time then. I'm not now. If you have free healthcare, are you glad you have it? Or do you go to a private doc and pay?
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6 responses
• United States
6 Jan 13
Try yoga for your hips. It helps tremendously.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Jan 13
I'm not really mobile enough to do poses but I could try some easy poses. Thanks.
• United States
6 Jan 13
Believe me, I was horrible at Yoga when I first started. Of course I am only 28 years old and I am in fairly decent shape except my core. But they have beginner's yoga and it's amazing to see how far I've come with a few of the poses. Practice makes perfect. People have to start out somewhere. There are 90 year olds doing Yoga so it's never too late. Start now and don't look back. It's the best thing for your overall health in my opinion. When I skip Yoga for a little bit then come back to it, it's amazing at how much I am more refreshed and happy. It's like being weightless. The feeling is undescribable. Sorry to overpromote it, but I highly suggest a nice slow beginner yoga class like I have been doing. In a year you will feel a lot better.
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• United States
6 Jan 13
That sounds like something I would live to do but I can't get out much. I don't have my own car and there is no public transportation. I might look for yoga for beginners or something. I can't get down on the floor, so those poses are out. I'm gonna check on some DVDs and see if u can get some workouts with them.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
6 Jan 13
I too had both hips replaced. But I can't walk as far as you are doing. It's been four years and I'm already having pain which I'm attributing to the arthritic deterioration. The femurs were so ragged at the heads that they looked like a chewed up rawhide dog toy. If I need to walk any distance farther than 300 feet, I need the cane or a walker. I still have to use the electric carts when I go to any of those big box stores. I don't have to pay for doctor visits or most medicatications. On some of the meds I need to co-pay. I was really rattled when I had to pay $75 for a tiny tube of antibiotic ointment for an eye infection a couple of months ago. And that was just co-pay!!! I checked online for the full price and it was around $300...can you imagine that for less than an ounce of ointment? How do these pharmaceutical companies get away with that?
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
7 Jan 13
I have not got the money to see a doctor at all. I have not seen one in about four years. When I had insurance I had a bunion removed and a toe joint worked on. It hurts now, but not nearly so badly as it used to. I bet you overdo it sometimes. and then you suffer for it.I get so encouraged with the improvements you are making and I know that you will continue to improve.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Jan 13
of course I am glad I have free health care, only the very rich will go for somethings that are private but most is not. the government does not want a two tier system, one for the rich and one for the poor.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
7 Jan 13
I think you certainly need to take some medication sooner or end up in some sort of trouble try to work out often and get a good treatment for it or else it might become sore
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
6 Jan 13
I feel bad for you to have to go through all these health problems. Health is indeed the most important thing to us that we have to cherish and live with it. Sometimes such health conditions we have when we aged may be a result of how we lived through our younger days. What we eat when we were younger everyday, what time we sleep and our body posture all the time may have some kind of link to the kind of illnesses we have when we get old. In fact, a few people managed to live until very old age yet remain healthy. There must be something that they did in their lives giving them such a healthy body. As for healthcare, we generally have been subsidized that the healthcare for common illnesses would only require RM1 or about 30 cents usd. It is very affordable and people can get medical care all the time. Though the quality of public healthcare has always been low most believed. Yet, it is still better than nothing.