Unfriended AND blocked, on Facebook because of politics

@nanajanet (4436)
United States
January 11, 2013 4:52pm CST
A colleague of mine, she lives midwest, I live east, not only took me off of her friends' list but blocked me. When I asked her why (using a family member's page to contact her) she wrote, "I felt the need to clean house and removed several people from my friends list. In this climate, it's not safe having someone in your circle who thinks so differently." Her loss, not mine. She is very right-wing, against gun control and very Republican and conservative. I am the total opposite. Not a word either. Okay, you don't have the same views but honestly, be big about it and say something like, "I don't think we agree, in many ways, so I am going to remove you from my list." I found that, and I am sorry to anyone who does not agree with me, but that most of the people who have been acting this way, are similar to her, closed-minded.
6 responses
• United States
13 Jan 13
I have had that happen to me before as well. Never noticed that a few people dropped me as a friend, one even banning me, I can't even recall how I found out that they did. At first, I could not understand why, but then looking through my posts, I saw a few that I thought probably offended them. They never said anything to me about it, just left, so I don't see it as much of a loss if they couldn't even bother to say anything. They might of been looking for an excuse anyhow. I keep different lists of friends to share certain things with. Mainly to avoid the family feud. Though, when others are not as considerate, and post some of the most wild things, I will comment. I feel that if you did not want the comments, you would use the settings to avoid them. As I do, on some things. You cannot pry open a closed mind. That is something they will have to do willingly.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
7 Feb 13
"You cannot pry open a closed mind." That is so true. I feel, if you are bothered by something, say so. That's mature. Honestly, the one thing that go to me, about this was, that SHE was the one commenting on things that I posted on MY timeline. I never put it out on hers. She challenged me, constantly, and ONLY one time, did I reply to one of her posts on her wall, about politics, because she, once again, challenged her "friends" who had opposing views, to argue against something she posted. I did! I did not write anything nasty, or derogatory, I just posted facts and the facts made her post look stupid. If she did not like what I had to say, on my own wall posts, she could have removed me from her newsfeed but still remained friends.
• United States
8 Feb 13
There are some who do not really want the debate, though they may say otherwise. There have been times also where people try to start a political debate, when no one is interested. I saw someone post a picture of their newborn and someone down the line commented that the baby was crying because "Obama was president", or someone ranting about a horrible day and someone responds "It's because you don't have Jesus" There are some people who just like to share opinions regardless of where it is without caring that it may start something or thinking it was inappropriate. Some of those same are the ones who get really bothered by someone challenging their beliefs. After all, it is their beliefs, and every belief could have a following made of it.
@ChiVirgo (31)
• Paris, Tennessee
12 Jan 13
I've come to find that politics and religion are often MAJOR hot buttons with friends. While I've seen my share of snarky and sarcastic posts about certain politicians from friends, I've never gone so far as to delete them or block without saying a word. Have I deleted friends due to political differences? Yes. But I said something to them about it. And it was usually a friend that was just on FB to begin with. For closer friends, we usually talk it out and agree to disagree. Some people just get...very...uh...what's the word...heated about their beliefs. If you don't agree, they will shove it in your face or cast you out. Or, they do both. It seems like you are better off not being that person's friend if it's THAT serious.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
13 Jan 13
I agree with both of you. Her loss, not mine. All of my other friends on FB are open minded or at least mature.
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
12 Jan 13
I agree...I try to avoid having political discussions with all but my closest friends, because, even if we have different viewpoints (and we do), we are close enough to not get upset when we disagree. But if someone is as opinionated as the person you are describing, regardless of their views, you are probably better off not associating with them.
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@ElicBxn (63830)
• United States
12 Jan 13
I don't agree with lots of people, but I don't care what they post. I have rabid conservative friends and rabid liberal friends, but I would only remove them if they were being abusive and I would report before I blocked...
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 Jan 13
if i was that petty i wouldnt even give a reason. i have several friends on my FB that dont share my veiws. i just try not to send out to many shares and likes on tem. plus i dont tag their page with things i know they dont care to see. i figure lets just agree to disagree
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I never posted opposing views on her page, ever, but she challenged me with anything that I posted on my own timeline. That's the funny part. I have friends and family who don't agree with me but we still love each other. Very immature, I am thinking.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
11 Jan 13
So you use Facebook to discuss these issues? Mine is different. My friends on FB share their latest escapades, adventures, etc. There isn't much discussion about politics or stuff like that. It's all about everyone's personal journeys.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
12 Jan 13
We do it all. Some of my friends and family don't but many of us do. We agree to disagree, but we are also intelligent enough to know that it's just an opinion. If I don't agree, and don't want to get into it, I don't. I let it go. I might post that I hope a candidate will win, want a certain bill to go through, like we do when we are at get together, but that is not our only discussion.
@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
11 Jan 13
Oh they sound extremely closed minded and petty. I say good riddance, you don't need people like that in your life anyway but if you were good friends (or thought you were) then it's a shame. Besides bringing up politics on your FB is no fun at all, I don't use FB for that but to keep in touch with family and friends
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
12 Jan 13
I wonder, though, if someone is so closed minded, how happy that they can be. I know that she complains a lot, about everything, so I am thinking not, and that's sad.
• Australia
14 Jan 13
It is sad but not much you can do but just let them be miserable if they don't want your help or to be closed minded. Just move on and concentrate on you