"Baby its cold outside"
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
January 15, 2013 11:14am CST
I am so glad we finally got a heater in our room as we are
having the coldest winter here in sunny Southern California that I remember. We used to breeze through January without bundling up
like Eskimos but this winter this whole old building feels like living in a refrigerator. lol Truly I just do not remember being this cold all the time in January. I see my fellow residents in parkas mean for cold states and myself I have on my heaviest jacket and its not warm enough to stay outside long.
, Some are going around wearing gloves on their hands but I cannot type that way.Is this really finally a sign of Global warming, Your take fellow mylotters? Viva la heater.

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54 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Nope, I don't believe in the whole global warming thing. I do believe that the weather goes through cycles on a regular basis and much of the country is experiencing a cold cycle. My son in Phoenix is complaining that it's really cold there but that's not the problem--his roommates have turned up the heat so much that he has to open his bedroom window when he sleeps!
My sister in law has fingerless gloves and they work really well when she is typing. I thought about getting some but when I move to AZ I won't need them anymore so it would be a waste of money. And the weather might get warmer, who knows? The weather is so changeable and unpredictable.
I hope you stay warm, glad you finally got a heater!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Hi dragon,
Um...you might want to invest in those fingerless gloves. My daughter lives in Las Vegas which is not far from AZ and she assumed when she moved out there that she would not need any of her winter gear and left it here. Well, I recently had to send her out a package. She said it was too cold to walk to work in her sandals and she needed some boots and sweaters.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Hi, Sid! I'm not leaving my winter gear behind when I return to AZ. I remember one time it snowed around Christmas. A couple years later it snowed a little again. My son swore it was because his friend's mom made cookies, which she did before both snowfalls!
Come to think of it, maybe I should get those gloves...I remember always being too hot or too cold in AZ because the utility rates are so HIGH!! I spend about $90 a month to heat my house here and I can remember $250 heating bills in AZ. In summer it's about the same to cool the house and in AZ it's rarely below $300--and that's my 2 story house vs. a ranch which is supposedly cheaper to cool and heat! Oh, If my kids weren't in AZ I'd never consider going back...

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi dragon54u My son keeps telling m e we should have stayed in Tempe y ears back instead of moving here. Right now I agree
but it can get cold there too. I did enjoy living in Tempe however and here its c older now and the cost of living is so high.
At least we do have that heater now so we can be warm in o
ur own room again.wow almost lost my comment but I managed to hit
undo and got it back.

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@MaylaJay (349)
15 Jan 13
I live in Kansas and have lived in Missouri, so I know about the cold. :) My grandma refuses to turn up the thermostat, after a certain point. I get cold easily, so I freeze all through winter. As for Global Warming, I don't know, but I'd say that it is a sign. California cold? It must be Global Warming.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi MaylaJay this is Southern California and I really dou bt if this old building I am in is insulated at all. The rooms are all very cold and we just are not used to these temperatures at all.If theyh do have a heating system here they sure are not turning it on. I am so glad we finally got a heater in here.

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Jan 13
oh hatley, you would never ever handle it here in New England. Last week the temperature dipped way below zero and to the point where it was dangerous to be outside for any length of time. A couple of times it has gotten so cold here that they have cancelled school because it is either too cold for kids to stand at the bus stops and/or because the busses would not start in the morning. Today is fairly mild and I'm guessing it is about 30 degrees...maybe 40? Still, I know what you mean. I don't like the cold either. I don't know if it is a sign of global warming or not. The weather here is always so changeable that it would be hard to notice unless it got extreme.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
15 Jan 13
You need a heated throw to put on your lap while you mylot. It would be snuggly and warm for you. You need to not be getting so cold.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Im glad that you finally have a space heater as well. Im actually thinking of investing in one. I love all the weather here except for the ice and the bitter cold. I've always lived in this climate and yet never got acclimated to the cold much. It has only gotten worse as I've gotten older but even as a kid, I did not like the cold and outdoors winter activities. Of course, my mom made me go out so I did make the snow forts (elaborate ones) and I did sled and Ice skate and build snow men and attempted skis but was too clumsy. I found ways to enjoy it because I had no choice. Now, I prefer to just be as warm as possible. When my mom passed, I got her big fuzzy bathrobe and I throw it on all the time around the house. My girls pick on me. 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi sid I probably would not now bu I was born and raised in
South D akota where we wre used to that kind of winters
with blizzards and glare ice too. But I have been here in Southern California now too long so am not used to that D Dakota winters anymore.Here most older buildings are not insulated for cold weather. S the room s are all way too cold. thank God we do have a space

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@much2say (57373)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Jan 13
Hi Hatley! Oh gosh, it IS freezing . . . and I don't remember it ever being so chilly out here like this. Yesterday I took my daughter to school, and the corner we were standing at to cross the street had ICE. I mean, there was ice on the sidewalk and gutter . . . people were slipping on it! This is definitely typical weather for here. I don't know what's going on, but SOMETHING must be going on. We are actually making use of gloves, scarves and real winter clothing - in Southern California - just how could that be?? Hope you are staying warm, Hatley! Brrrrrrr.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi much2say its just not the usu al weahter here at all. We are wearin mufflers and gloves and jackets and still shivering. My f riend said she had to scrape ice off her windsheild this morning
which is also really different . I am so hopijng it warms up
soon. I am warm as we have a space heater in o ur roo m.

@Pegasus72 (1898)
16 Jan 13
God made the earth to take care of us, as the land masses drift there will be different seasons in different parts of the world, this is how the earth rids itself of disease, and filth. This is how the earth was made to recycle itself.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jan 13
hi Pegasus yes we can trust in God always and we should also help him by taking care of this world he gave us. lol
@Pegasus72 (1898)
17 Jan 13
I trust that God knew what he was doing when he made everything
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@timetravel (1425)
• United States
17 Jan 13
We are in Maryland and get cold enough temperatures. We never put on the central heat in our house - just use a few space heaters. I can't afford to pay for heating the place. We just bundle up and use heated throws and space heaters - they work fine, and the bill is much less when using those than heating the whole place. I have tons of old blankets and spreads that are clean and good enough to add to the beds each night when temperatures drop real real low.
Yes, I believe in the concept of global warming. With the cold in California, ice bergs breaking apart and melting in the Artic, plus the milder temperatures on the East Coast up through the end of each year, and these factors plus others increasing year by year, what else could it be?
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@timetravel (1425)
• United States
19 Jan 13
It is weird - it gets very cold very early a.m. here, too - and once the sun goes down early evening - but it will feel warmer mid-day - it's as if there's nothing blocking the sun from warming the state!
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@timetravel (1425)
• United States
19 Jan 13
of course, if I knew we'd have temps in the eighties during the day here, I'd be getting out my summer shorts and halter tops (see profile picture!) and enjoying the days!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Here the high is going to be 33, but sunny, so it isn't too bad. How cold is it there? To be wearing gloves it must be really cold.

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Jan 13
28? And they didn't turn on the heat? Once it hits 40, I turn the heat on low, so when it gets below freezing, you know I turn it up higher.. I hope that the weather warms up or they turn the heat on. Of course it isn't used much, so before they do, they should have a professional look at the heating system, make sure it is okay.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi carm its said it went down to 28 early this m orning but its probably about forty out there now. We just are not used to
this cold a winter as the buildings are not insulated here for the most part. I am sure this old building is not insulated. I know
they have some sort of heating system but they have not turned it on.

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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
15 Jan 13
I believe in global warming as I did a research paper on it once....it's scary. I have been hearing on the news about your chilly weather. I hope it doesn't stay that way for you Hatley, it's no fun. Don't they have furnaces where you're at?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi Kashmeresmyhcat.I think they do but they have not turned on the heat.I know for a fact that the three owners dislike to spend much money on anything but boy do they love to get our money every month for rent and so so food. And they are quick to raise the rent in January when we all get cost of living raises on our Social Security checks and SSI checks.I know I sound sour bu t I cannot afford to move to a better facility so here I am. lol

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Jan 13
hi jerzgirl I know w hat you mean as here they are paying for the heat but inthe long run they up the rent whenever we get a cost of living raise in our social security checks lol loll greedy people for sure.and when we were in an apt we tried used the furnace and our gas bill went way up so we stopped that and used space
heaters and more blankets too.

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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
18 Jan 13
Try the gloves with open fingers. They really do help. However, just be patient. You are supposed to get warm weather again soon.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Jan 13
hi bellis we had another beautiful day today an now again its cooking off by middle of the night I will probably have to plug in tghe heater again. go fgigure. but I hate to think its going down cold again.I have the window open but I really need to close it as its getting chilly now.

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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
20 Jan 13
This has been a beautiful, sunny day.We are supposed to have warmer weather for the next week with temps in the 70s. Then, it turns cold again. It seems a shame that we have to take up closet space with coats, but they are necessary every now and then. It seems that we've needed them more this winter than usual.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
WOW, i can see that you have a lot of respondents on this , Ms. Hatley. I think, everyone can relate.
Even here in the Philippines, we are affected by the cold front from the Siberia wind i think. It's so cold , specially here in the mall where our office is, because it is by the seaside.
But it's cold in a very nice way, because the Philippines has a basically hot & rainy weather, and when it's hot, it's hot.
Just wear your "cold weather" jackets, Ms. Hatley and always try to move around so your body can get warm. 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jan 13
hi Simply D yhes I did know the p hillipines was a tropical paradise. It did warm up some today but its pretty cpld tonight
and as our building is n ot insulated the rooms are cold but we do now have a nice s
pace heater so thats a big help.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jan 13
hi simpleyD yes indeed I guess the weather is the one thing we can all relate to. who would have thought? hope this helps my earnings go up as I am way behind this momth as I have crawled back in be most mornings as the cold m ade it hard to sleep It is warming up now into the 80s so hope it stays for awhile.

@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
20 Jan 13
hi dear Hatley, for the last two weeks it has been cold here as well. We had a super fall and very mild winter so far and two weeks ago it got really cold here and its snowing on and off.
Hope it gets warmer soon and the snow melts away..... hate commuting in that weather for sure.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
15 Jan 13
Sure is here in Mexico.. 29.. and we almost never get under 43- 44 degrees here. Im freezing here...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Jan 13
hi mariaperalta wo and I had always thought of Mexico as being nice and warm. S o you have that same cold weather. Here we have no
insulation in our building so the rooms are really cold and I g uess the owners are too penny pinching to just turn on the heat as I know they do have some sort of heating system.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
15 Jan 13
Most of the time we are.. we have been 15-20 degrees below average here last 2-3 weeks.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Jan 13
I have been hearing about the cold weather there. It is cold here in the Seattle area but we are used to it compared to there, and heard heard Phoenix is cooler as well. Nice global warming huh?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jan 13
Hi Tina hope you are doing better. I know that S eattle does has cool weather b ut we really are not used to it and to think I was raised in SouthDakots where the winters were always so bad blizzards and glare ice. but I have been here so long now I am used to warmer wether.I am wondering if it is not global warming.

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@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
16 Jan 13
I cannot live without a normal warm temperature in the space I am at any moment. I just started a new job and it was freezing inside. No heat at all and I am sitting by the entrance door. It's so cold, not even with my coat on was my work comfortable. I was bringing my small heater from home every day and then take it back with me every night. Until I finally received approval to buy a small heater with the work's money. I ordered it, a small one, but makes wonders. It is on all day long and finally I feel good comming to work.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jan 13
hi ladynetz yes ours has made all the difference and I can just imagine how awful it was to work in a cold room like that so am glad you got a nice little space heater. they really do help so much and at night our room was so cold now it gets too hot so wqe turn it off
fpr awhile.

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@pupupd (1515)
• India
16 Jan 13
Congrats for the new Heater
Yes, I think it is a sign of global warming! Scientists have long back predicted the extreme temperature conditions all around the world. So, that is the reason we all so much rise or fall in temperature in concerned season. Even in India we are going through this phase. I am from Mumbai and the temperature used to be moderate once that is 10 years back, now it is very extreme 

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@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
We have a good weather condition here in the Philippines. Come and visit!

@chrisaiks (48)
17 Jan 13
you are really on point there the winter season is soo much a hell and am always glad to the heating system being there to help us out through that period
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jan 13
hi chrisaiks yes indeed that little space heater has been a God Send to us in our room here.

@kshambhunath (1)
• India
16 Jan 13
Its basically new experience for me. In India we are at the hotter part of our country, in Calcutta we do not need heater as the temperature is roaming around 62 degree if not more. Only a simple pullover is enough. We are in such an unique country where we have 62 degree in Calcutta and 5 degree in Ladakh.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jan 13
hi welcome to mylot your first post wow hi kshambhunath I have heard that In India the weather does very a lot. I ha ve never been yhere but have always wanted to tour your country but alas no molney.62 here would or should be what we get a lot in winter b ut
alas not his winter. I am only hopping it does warm up some soon.

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