By C
@ShyBear88 (59347)
Sterling, Virginia
January 24, 2013 8:58pm CST
Do you as a parent demand a certain level of etiquette from your kids?
Do I demand a certain level of etiquette from my children. One is going on 2 years old and the other is going on 5 months. But we work on good manners all of the time for my oldest that is. She will say please and thank you and some times gets confused on welcome. I have to start her off young but I don't expect her to be perfect all of the time but the basic manners that everyone should know and do out of respect.
12 responses
@CosmoOwl12 (411)
• United States
25 Jan 13
My daughter is only nine months old right now but when she's older, I definitely plan to teach her manners. My boyfriend has a four (almost five) year old daughter and she lives with her mother. Her mother is very rude and doesn't teach their little girl manners at all. When she gets presents, she rarely says "thank you" and when she does, it's because we have to tell her to. She back talks quite a bit and she'll say things like "my mommy says I don't have to" or even "my mommy told me not to listen to you". I think that is very rude. I don't care if she was Obama's child, she would not be speaking to me like that in my own home. Children need to learn respect and manners in all aspects of life.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Jan 13
Even though my daughter is 2 she does forget some times but I started her off when she started giving me things I would tell her thank you and it did start about 9 or 10 months telling her thank you so now she understands what it means.
That is rude when a child doesn't listen to an adult. I trying to teach my daughter to listen to whom ever I leave her with that isn't my sister in law because that woman's parenting skills is like zero but she knows right from wrong for the most part but I leave her mostly with other family members.
@CosmoOwl12 (411)
• United States
25 Jan 13
Oh yeah, I know kids forget sometimes but when we remind my boyfriend's daughter she will stick her tongue out at us or she'll just ignore us completely. Then we'll say "well you can't have the gift until you tell them thank you". She'll usually tell the person after that but she's rude when she says it. And she NEVER says please which really annoys me.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Jan 13
Yeah that isn't very good but that is her mothers fault for sure.

@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
26 Jan 13
wow..such a good mother, I am sure your children will grow with gentle heart and not rude and mean ones. Yes, everything starts from the basic and while they are young. way to go... very good.!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Jan 13
Thank you, I try to be a good mom and teach my little ones to be nice to people some times my oldest forgets and doesn't say nice things but it's a work in progress because she is only going on 2 years old. It's something we work on every day.
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
27 Jan 13
yes just be patient with them... they are kids and they should learn how to express themselves, only teach them how to say it properly. way to go mom

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
25 Jan 13
My three year old daughter is very polite and if she is not she gets a helpful reminder. She says please in front of asking for something and thanks when she gets it. My five year old son has polite stickers when he uses good manners. Maybe he will soon he getting sensible stickers as well. Sometimes he says something silly to be amusing.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Jan 13
That is very good. My daughter tries to have good manner but of course like any other 2 year some times things slip there minds. We tell our daughter say please and what it is. But she is still learning names of things so it doesn't come out always in words we get.
@allknowing (142831)
• India
26 Jan 13
The problem arises when they start going to school and mix around. There they could find those who have never been oriented into learning manners and etiquette, specially those who exert their influence on others.

@allknowing (142831)
• India
26 Jan 13
I had some guests the other day and this little fellow who is just around 4 years used a bad word. The parents are well brought up and would never use any such words and then they told me that their child has picked up bad words in school. No doubt when he uttered that word it sounded cute!

@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Jan 13
Well the discussion isn't about out side of the home infulence that why rules have to be inforce depending on what it is. But the question was about yourself as a parent are you the type that will demand your child to do something or not?
I don't demand my kids to be nice they have to want to be nice. I can teach them all the things in the world and how to be a good person but it's themselves that have to want to be good and want to do it and want to be nice and mean what they say other wise it means nothing at all.
You don't always have to be nice 24/7 it's how you say things even if you say it nicely with out the words please or thank you someone will do it for you.
Children outside of the home yes they will influence a person but that doesn't always means it's there friends or there school. It could be someone they see on the street and they over hear it and don't know what it means and then they say it. Kids pick up things all of the time every where because words are much like colds you pick them and use them weather you know them or not.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
25 Jan 13
Isn't that normal? Your children will copy your behaviour. If you won't say: thanks, that is sweet, I am happy, how do you do?, please, etc. they won't say it either. My children do say so, my son is even the most polite and attentive person I know. Even thanking me for the food, Always making compliments.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Jan 13
Yes it is normal for a child to copy but that is all it is it's copy it doesn't mean they understand it or no they no to do that unless you teach them to to and try to teach them what it means and what those words mean. Other wise it just means nothing they are just saying it because they have to say it or there parents will be disappointed.
Yes me and my husband say please and thank you to each other and other people.
But not all children copy what there parents say because not all children are the same not every child has the ability to communicated with people or understand things past a certain level. So not isn't not always normal for all children.
@ladyeaglefeather (228)
• United States
9 Feb 13
Yea, I do. The problem s when my son is in public he uses it very well. At home is a different story.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Feb 13
That happens with some kids. I try to enforce it home more often.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
My youngest son is 8 years old and I have always demanded they should be always in their best behavior no matter where they are all the time. I would really be annoyed if I'd notice that they are not being well-mannered.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Jan 13
I don't demand my kids because why force them to do something that they need to learn force never teaches anything. I want my kids to do it because they mean it. Good manners are good but it can't be demanded.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Jan 13
What are you talking about because all that was just over my little head?
Do you demand a child/children to have good manners?
@caopaopao (12395)
• China
25 Jan 13
You are doing good, I can see you are a thoughtful parent.
I think most parents will demand a certaim level of etiquette from their children. I do that, too. My daughter is eight years old now, she knows when to say "thank you" and "hello", I am glad about that.

@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Jan 13
I don't demand it but I want my daughter to be nice and say please and thank you like your should. Of course my daughter is 2 so she tends to forget a lot of the times but we try to remind her to say thank you and stuff.
@crimsonose80 (283)
• Canada
25 Jan 13
Hi. I'm glad that you started your kids young on teaching them manners at such an early age. Kids are like sponges they absorb everything they hear and see. They are very smart beings. I believe that it's good to give praises to your children whey they have done something right or good-it goes a long way. Kids are more likely to respond better and it helps with their self-esteem and confidence.
I should have started my son at an earlier age to say please and thank yous around him-that way he would have already know what they mean by the age. He doesn't speak sentences yet but my husband and I make sure he has good manners. Although, We taught him how to put his hands together when we're saying grace before we eat. It always pleases any adults when kids have very good manners.
Keep up the great work shybear88!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
26 Jan 13
My daughter is the only one of my kids that does it because her brother hasn't really started talking yet. He can say mama but he is only 5 months old. I talk to both of them all of the time saying please and thank you and good job as well when my daughter does listen but she does forget time to time which is normal she is only going on 2 years old.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Jan 13
My daughter started saying "Thank you" before she was year old. Talking to a child from the being helps them learn things. Manners are nice but I don't think there is a set age for it because anyone can be taught it at any age really.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
25 Jan 13
thats excellent,i believe kids learn best from that stage ,it becomes part of them you cant teach them when they are too old or it becomes a bother what they learn as infants sticks and is part of them.i also try make sure they know such things ,when i give them something and they forget to say thanks i ask for the item back so they know the importance of such words.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
26 Jan 13
I tell me daughter all of the time if you want something that you can't get yourself say please first and what it is. Most of the time it doesn't come out in words you understand because she is still so young but she knows please, thank you and your welcome, even excuses me. I cut her slack since she is going on 2 but as she gets bigger there are some things we don't let her slid on.