People that never seem to clean their own mess up

@jugsjugs (12967)
February 3, 2013 11:57am CST
I hate it when people in this house make a mess, yet they never seem to want to clean it up.If they get things out they never put things away, if they spill something they never wipe it up. Then theres the people that come in with wet feet and leave foot prints all over the house, it do not take long to take their shoes off on the mat, why do they not do it.
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28 responses
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 Feb 13
jugsjugs what I find interesing about some people who do not clean up after themselves is sometime they are just not aware..many guys are like that.. Often one has to specifically point it out to them where they left a mess and then they may yes..oh yeah, sorry I missed that... There are also those who are just slops. When you all live in the same house I think it's a good idea to rotate chores so everyone does everything at some point..then I think everyone has more awareness..but with some slobs nothing will ever help so all one can do is use them to practice patience... I like to clean up after my hubby while he is right there...I don't say anything,just for example, I would wipe the counter he messed up and he gets the message and is a bit sheepish about it...
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I have dropped hints to all of them what things they are not doing, by putting carrier bags on the handles of their bedroom doors, to put their rubbish in that they have dropped all over their bedroom floors, that did not work, as they still never done it, I also told them what the carrier bags were for. I have also been witty by saying to the husband look at that garden, it look like a dumping ground, its to cold for me to go outside with Raynauds disease, so I happen to say when the warmer weather gets here perhaps I can wheel myself out there in my wheel chair and learn a few ramp tricks, perhaps not such a suttle hint, lol.
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@echoforever (5180)
• United States
3 Feb 13
Things in our house are the same. I make very little mess and if I do I will pick it up. I have a lot of visitors, mostly a couple neighbor boys, my nieces and their mother who all make a mess they don't pick up. I don't either sometimes and that's why our house is pretty messy. I just don't see why I should be the only one who picks up anything when the rest of the people are the ones creating such a mess in the first place.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I see all of them making the mess and none of them tidy any of it up.A few years ago I use to be well enough to work, as well as come home and do all the house work, now I am not well enough to even attempt to do any of it, not unless I want to end up having bed rest for over a week. It makes me so angry as it is all the things that they leave laying around and no respect for the things that they have or have used.
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• United States
3 Feb 13
I think they should take more time to help you out and at least do their own share since you're unable to do that yourself anyway. I know some of this I could be trying to teach my nieces by example, so could their mother or my dad. They both have disrespect for me and don't do their share so I usually do just my share or sometimes part of theirs but not all of it... I could do more and probably should.. its just unfair to have to live that way all of the time.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
It is unfair to live like this.I think they think that they can get away with it for ever, but the longer the time go on then it means that it will be more mess and harder for them to tidy. Lets face it people do not change unless they are forced to. We have a dish washer here and they do not even put a cup or plate in it even when it is empty, they put it on the unit above the dishwasher rather than in it. They all seem to have plenty of time to make the mess and do all the things that they want to do though.
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@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
3 Feb 13
I did not pay attention to my shoes yesterday when I went to work, and I ended up having to sweep and mop my client's kitchen. It is turning toward spring here, so we all need to do that. It would have been faster to take my shoes off before I stepped in. That is what people do not accept, it is easier to take precautions than it is to clean up the mess.
@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I have a nice big mat right near my door, so that people can either wipe their feet or take their shoes off, seems that they do neither and I am getting so frustrated that they are making my floors look so dirty. I would not mind as much if they were to do it once in a while, but they do it every day, sometimes five or six times a day.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
3 Feb 13
My mom seems to be a good one at that, yet she complains if anyone else does it. Mud tracking all over the floor is a huge pet peeve for me since I'm the one who is expected to keep it cleaned up most of the time. Soon as I get my place, I'm going to apply the same rule as my sister. No shoes allowed on in the house. There will be a reserved area for the taking off of shoes. You can wear socks if you want, but that's it.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I think that they just have no respect for any thing and no thoughts for other people in the house. I have a upstairs loo, so people get to see all the mess that they have made when they walk past their bedrooms. I hate them taking food or drink up stairs, as they never bring the cups and plates down, yet they can soon take them up stairs. They can not even change the loo roll when it is finished, crazes me.
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• United States
3 Feb 13
Get yourself a roll of paper and hide it somewhere, but .not in the bathroom. Do not put any paper on the dispenser. They will be forced to change it on their own. Maybe they'll tell you "We need more toilet paper" then you can say "You know where it is. Do it yourself" Don't pick up anything after anyone. Let them do it. I hate how people have this mentality "We can make all the mess we want because its so and so's job to clean it up!" T hey need to be reminded you are a human being and family too, not the house hold cleaning bot.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
Last time I tried to tackle all the mess I ended up laid up in bed for over a week, then when I got out of the bed after the week in it, it was a mess and there was twice as much mess, seems they like to live in a dump, even though I dont. I hate living like this and the drs tell me the more stressed I get or the things I try to do are going to end me up on more meds and next time a hospital bed, not my own bed.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
3 Feb 13
People that act that way have no responsibility....and they know that someone else is going to do it .
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I feel that they all want to be able to do all the things they want and do not want to tidy up behind them self. If I attempt to do any of it, I will end up having bed rest again and make myself feel like rubbish, knowing that it will be just as bad after the bed rest.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
3 Feb 13
That sounds like something men would do. If I am correct though you don't have any men. If your the one that has to work and then clean up after everyone else, it makes you mad. I live alone though, so if I have to clean anything up, I did it!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I am married and have four sons and two daughters.I do not work, as I am too ill to work, so my husband works. I just so all the mess that they are making and none of them tidy any of it up. I get so angry and stressed out as these are things that they have made a mess with, knowing that a few years ago I would have been able to do it, even when I was working and now I can not.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
I have a nurse that is popping to see me this week, so lets hope some one tries to do something other than keep making mess every where. I was supose to get a cleaner for so many hours a week, but they still have not sorted that out, so I wont hold my breath on that one. As for any of them doing anything in this house well they never have, even when I was laid up in bed, so they never will. I am totally stressed out living like this and as you know stress do not help with any health problems or no health problems.
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• United States
3 Feb 13
I'm sorry! I got you confused with someone else on my friends list. She lives alone with her daughter, and is still working. I am disabled also, I don't make much of a mess, but still have a problem cleaning. I just got approved to have someone come in and help me with things like light cleaning, shopping, etc. Maybe you could get something like that also, although it took me a year, and it was probably easier because I live alone. Maybe you could get your daughters (or your sons) to help out a little bit and just explain how stressed you get.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Feb 13
Grand daughter does the sam e thing . we either holler pick this up and maybe it will after a whiile or her mommy cleans it up
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Feb 13
yup done that too lol. my son when young would leave is matchbox cars on the floor I would tell him 3 time s and if I found any onthe floor I swept them out the door he finally got the message and picked his toys up
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Feb 13
I could shout until I was blue in the face and they still will not put the rubbish they have dropped in the bin, or put what ever it is away that they have got out. I also told them that when they have children I hope that they are just like them, then they will see why I moan at them.
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Feb 13
I use to shut their bedroom door like my occupational therapist told me to, so I did not have to see it, or worry if my company see the mess they had made, then they moved toys onto the landing and then I binned loads of their toys, they still leave toys out knowing I am not well enough to put them in the trash.
@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
3 Feb 13
Why don't they clean up after themselves? Because they're thoughtless boors who know you'll do it for them.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
They are so lazy it is unreal.When I was well, I use to constantly be behind them, now all the rooms look a mess that they go in. I am getting so fed up seeing the house go to ruin, as well as a garden that I use to look after go to pot.The drs told me that if I keep trying to do it I will end up on bed rest yet again, but I can not live like this any more.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Feb 13
hi jugjugs yes its one of mine too as it only takes a few minutes to put things back where they belong. I think in families people get lazy and let mom do it which is not fair to mom at all. the kids who made the mess should be the ones to clean it up for heavens sakes. I used to get so upset at my husband as he would leave a trail of dirty clothes streww all over so I got at himm and he finally put all the ones that needed washing in the dirty clothes basket. lol
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
It do only take a few minuites to put things away that they have got out, but they still will not do it. I hate seeing the house get in such a mess and knowing that I am not well enough to do it like a few years ago really do not make me feel any better. I see them doing all the things that they want to do all the time and make all the mess and that makes me angrier than ever. Can not think why I feel so stressed out all the time. The last time I tried to tackle a small amount of the mess I ended up in bed on bed rest with my joints all swollen in agony for over a week and when I got up and saw the mess was all there again and more besides, well lets say I was not happy.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
3 Feb 13
It drives me nuts to always have to clean up after other people. A glass here a glass there a spill there. Scissors in the couch, pb toast behind the couch...ugh! the thing i hate most is DIRTY USED TISSUES FROM BLOWING ONE'S NOSE. Or Coats mitts and hats dumped on the floor rather than being hung up or put away.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
It seems like a constant mess, where they leave every thing dumped every where around the house and no matter how many times you tell them they carry on doing it. They can not even change a toilet roll when they are the last ones to use the last piece. Males pee all over the loo seat, they dont clean it up, loo not being flushed when they have used the loo. I hate people leaving tissues that they have used for their nose as well, after all I do not want their germs.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 Feb 13
I hate it when people pee on the seat...or just as bad...some how manage to miss and pee behind the toilet!
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Mar 13
Oh yes peeing behind the loo, isnt it great how far they can actually pee and never seem to
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I think a messy home is a sign of a happy home!
• United States
13 Feb 13
I'm sure. With mine, I tell them they can't do anything else until their room is clean.
@jugsjugs (12967)
13 Feb 13
There is a messy home, then there is my house that they have all turned into a bomb site. It is pure lazyness, not putting sweet wrappers in the bin.I do not mind toys out, but half the kitchen in their bedrooms I do not like to see.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Feb 13
Not being the one who cleans, cleaning up messes doesn't occur to them. When I was a child, if I or my siblings didn't clean up our mess after we were told to, our mother would take whatever we'd left out and hide it. My niece has gone even farther with her children. If she tells them to clean up their mess, and they don't, she gives the items to Goodwill or Teen Challenge.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Feb 13
I tend to ground my children, or take something that they would miss, like their tv.I feel that the husband is just as bad when it comes to leaving things laying around as well, as he seems to be able to get things out, yet never puts them away.They can not even put a new loo roll on the hanger when they are the ones that have used it all.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
4 Feb 13
Sounds like my work, all the nurses and other staff members think course I'm in the housekeeping department I should clean up after them too....NOT
@missybear (11391)
• United States
7 Feb 13
Some people drop stuff on the floor (Like paper towel or trash) and just leave it there even though they know they dropped it
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Feb 13
I use to be a carer and I feel that we were more of cleaners than carers. I feel that there are people that tend to never clean up after themself, as there have always been people that cleaned up behind them, so they have got idol. It makes me angry, as I feel that people make all the mess on purpose.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
3 Feb 13
Oh you have those people in your house too? I thought it was just me. I find myself cleaning up areas only to find them mysteriously dirty again. And of course nobody ever knows who did it.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
3 Feb 13
Thankfully I don't have that many rooms but then again it is so easy for the whole house to get cluttered in a matter of minutes. Then there is my "helpful" husband who moves things around so nobody can find their things, then they spend even more time messing up the house looking for things. It's a never ending battle.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
You are right that it only takes a matter of a few minuites to get the house all cluttered.I feel that they are all doing it just to get my back up some days and it do not help when they all see me trying to move things, or pick some of their mess up. The other thing that they do is eat the sweets out of the tins that we got for Christmas and put all the sweet wrappers back in the tins and the next person puts the sweet papers either on the floor or the chair that they are sitting on, rather than in a bin that is in the same room as them.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Feb 13
Oh yes.I have a five bedroomed house and the only room that is tidy and clean is mine. It seems that they all like to eat and drink in their rooms, yet none of them like to bring the plates and cups down, strange how they managed to carry them upstairs though. They all eat sweets, which they like to throw the rubbish behind the units in all the rooms. Today the whole house look like a bomb site, mind you a bomb site probably looks tidy compared to here at the moment.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Feb 13
Over the yrs I have known way too many people who are like this, and it is quite annoying. Since we rent out a room, we have had people rent a room who never clean up after themselves when they are in other parts of the house, and leave everything totally a mess. Why do they think their small rent means to mess up things and never clean up after themselves? Who cleaned up things when they were growing up?
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
It crazes me, as it is not just my sons that are making the mess, it is also my daughters boy friend when he comes here as well and he just leaves the mess and she also leaves the mess. If they were to put some of what they leave out away it would be nice, but they never do.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
7 Feb 13
What are the house rules? Who is the boss of the house and this should also be the person who enforces the rules. If the rules are broken, there have to be consequences. This is how you teach and train children and how you let adults know what you expect of them.
@jugsjugs (12967)
12 Feb 13
I take things off my children, until they have tidied their rooms.I have not only the younger children, as in my youngest is 9 years old, but even the onlder ones are just as messy. I hate it when they want their friends to come in and the house is a mess, or their bedrooms are a mess.
@celticeagle (172308)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Feb 13
Sounds like my home. My grandson pours out all his Legos on his floor or in the bathroom and never cleans it up. But he knows his mom will. She has been doing it so long he isn't in the habit of cleaning up after himself. They don't do it because they were never taught to and someone always comes along and cleans it up. They are never or rarely repremanded about it so they don't know any better.
@celticeagle (172308)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Feb 13
It is very important to be consistant in the grounding of things. I have made it a rule that if my grandson doesn't clean up after himself I will through it out and I stand by that. He has had to go look in the trash for some of his toys because he hasn't picked them up. If kids know you will clean it up and there is no trouble made about it consistantly then they will leave a mess. And, one thing to remember too is that it takes about two to three weeks of continuation of an action to make it a habit. So if they clean up once and then don't for awhile they won't get into the habit.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Feb 13
I have grounded my children and taken things off them, like their tv, yet they do some of it then, but I want it all done. I have got to the stage that not only are they making a mess in their own rooms, but they are also making a mess all over the house, they seem to use the house in all the rooms as a dumping ground no matter what. The garden is a mess as well and that is not due to the children, it is due to the husband not putting things away, plus all the bad weather blowing things every where.
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@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
hi, those kind of people is really not good when it comes in the house,because they don't have an initiative to clean what they did or mess in the house,and yes everyone will feel annoyed to this kind of person and i don't like to be with a person who never clean their own mess.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I feel that some people come to expect other people will clean up all the mess that they are leaving behind all the time. I hate to see all the mess, as well as get really annoyed that they can get all the things out that they do, yet they never seem to put anything away that they have used. Pee on loo seat also crazes me and people who go to the loo yet they do not flush it, I mean how lazy is that.
@joystick (1675)
10 Feb 13
You and me both, I feel that even people that throw rubbish on the ground out side also craze me, as it seems to always blow in other peoples gardens and it is not the person that throws the rubbish on the floor who gets to clean it up. People who do not take their wet or dirty shoes and boots off also craze me, as that is another mess that they make and do not have to clean it up.
@jugsjugs (12967)
12 Feb 13
Dont you love it when you get everyones mess blow onto your garden and you are the one that has to tidy it all up, not. I think that there are lots of lazy people that live here in my house, that with out their friends that do not take their shoes off, as they are to lazy.I am really getting fed up with all the mess, where as there is no need for over half of the mess.
13 Feb 13
I have people like that in my house my husband peeled the potatos and left the peelings in the sink also my children chuck the rubbish on the floor
@jugsjugs (12967)
13 Feb 13
Not even the husband puts his clothes away, instead they sit on a chair in my bedroom stacking up. I get so fed up of people not putting rubbish in the bin, even though there are bins in each room of the house, that are always empty, so plenty of room to put their sweet wrappers away.