pain in the back..
@chicksdigscars (5483)
February 19, 2013 8:23am CST
I have been in complete agony for the last week with my back!!
I woke up last Monday, the 11th of feb, and I could hardly stand! .. I hadn’t done anything strenuous all weekend, and woke up in practically the same position on Monday morning as I had fallen asleep on Sunday night. So it couldn’t really have been anything in my sleep, especially not to warrant such a great deal of pain.
I was literally walking doubled over until about Thursday, and although from Thursday onward, I have been able to walk straight (ish) I am still in a lot of pain. Sitting down is actually worse because of the pressure on my spine. I’m only 26, so it’s not age related (hopefully lol)
Have you ever had a bad back? Any home remedies to relieve the pain?
What do you think of this??
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12 responses
@GreenMoo (11833)
19 Feb 13
I sympathise. I've had a rotten cold recently and I think I managed to pull something in the small of my back coughing. It's so frustrating when you don't know what you've done to injure yourself though.
Sadly I've no advice for you other than to take it easy. I'm not a big fan of strong painkillers for back pain as they could mean you don't realise if you are hurting yourself even more badly. That's easy for me to say though, as it's not me currently suffering!
Hope you feel better soon.
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
See to me honest Moo, I take that many painkillers, due to my hypochondriac tendancies, that I think I am almost immune to them now lol!
Oh no! That sounds awful, and I suppose it hurt more and more the more you coughed?
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@GreenMoo (11833)
19 Feb 13
My partner was told by our doctor that most stomach issues where we live are caused by people overdoing over the counter painkillers. Be warned!
Do you know what cured my sore back? I was lying around in bed feeling sorry for myself when the goat got into difficulties giving birth. By the time I'd finished dealing with that drama my back felt fine!
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
19 Feb 13
It sound like sciatic nerve I suffer from it alot as of today i know of no home cure other then try to rest and you dont have to do a thing to make it happen

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
I know someone who has had a terrible back pain and well it was due to his activity and sports. so he had a slip disc. Too bad that with it he can no longer enjoy other sports that might stress his back more.
my ex bf too had some back problems and his were just some crystals forming in between his spinal column (bones). so whenever he moves it would cause pain because the bones has lost a few ligaments (also due to sports, and activities). Well he took some medication to supposedly minimize and dissolve the crystals forming... i think its okay now (well okay then. he he - i haven't been chatting with him)
As for me, yeah i have had a bad back ache... usually i feel this whenever i have had too long a time seated on the same position. often too i experience back pain as part of my pre-menstrual symptoms which are normal my ob-gyne said.
But if yours is a pain that is causing you to be immobile, then i would suggest for you to see an orthopedic doctor. better safe than sorry, some back pains are really due to some stressed in our spinal so you really have to have that checked out.
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
20 Feb 13
Thank you.
I am seeing a doctor next week, and hopefully he can refer me onto someone who can get to the bottom of it.
That thing your ex bf has sounds awful!! At least he is ok now lol!
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Hi Chicks, long time since I seen you around, welcome back..
As for your back pain, you didn't mention if it was lower or upper back, so I will assume it is lower and that you haven't done any damage to it. I would get lower back pain because I am a stomach sleeper and this forces my back to arch and strain.
To prevent my back from hurting, I do a variety of exercises, mostly ones that strength my stomach muscles, because it is my stomach muscles that support my lower back.
A stretch that helps if my back does hurt is, I lay down on the floor and prop my feet on the sofa. This causes my lower back to push into the floor and stretches out correctly and it feels so good.
Hope you are feeling better soon. I am not as active now due to classes, one that is a total pain, but I do try to come here at least once, if not twice a day.
@chicksdigscars (5483)
20 Feb 13
Hi Carm!
I know, my dog had pups so I have been up to my eyes, and then my partner had her appendix removed so it was crazy in my house over christmas and jan!
Oh a stomach sleeper? I sleep kinda on my stomach, more on my stomach than my side. Can this lead to back pain? The pain is in the lower part of my back.
I will try that exercise. Although lying on anything flat doesn't help a lot, as I have quite a "sticky out" bum, and my back dips in just before my bum, so I can never get the lower party of my back to the ground haha!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 Feb 13
Yes I saw your dog had pups, congrats!!! I understand your curved in back, mine does too. What you do is put your legs up on the sofa and you may have to move further out or closer to the sofa, and then press your stomach into the floor. As first when you feel the stretch, it will feel a little painful, similar to stretching out any sore muscle, but after a while laying like that, you won't want to move. And yes, if you sleep on your stomach and your back has that arch in it, it puts a strain on your back. Ironically this morning, I woke up with a sore back because with my classes, I don't have the time to keep up on my exercises.
But I made time this morning and now it feels great.

@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
19 Feb 13
It's really hard to say what the cause could be. I know people who have had kidney infections or stones who were in extreme pain in their backs. It could be a slipped disc. It could be a pulled muscle.
You really need to go and find out what the problem is, regardless of your age. You might be making it worse by not going. Can't recommend any pain relievers because I don't know what it is and I wouldn't want to make it worse. Hope you feel better soon, but I do still suggest seeing your physician to be on the safe side.
@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
I have booked to see my doctor :) I actually booked last wednesday and the earliest appointment they had was wednesday the 27th, which was 2 weeks away!
knowing my luck my back will be fine by the time I get to see the doctor lol!
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Don't you just hate that!! You're in dire agony and they can't see you for 2-3 weeks...that's nuts. Maybe you have a clinic that is close to you where it is a walk in?
Either way, I would still go to see what the problem was, if they can find out. You don't want to go through this again I'm sure. You never know, it might just kick up again within these 2 weeks so I would keep the appointment.
Hope you feel better one way or the other. 

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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
Well I will keep the appointment anyway, I'm sure even if my back is better I can come up with some other illness I am suffering from at that time to speak to the doctor about lol! I am a bit of a hypochondriac lol!
Actually I completely forgot about an open surgery to see a locum doctor. Thanks!!
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@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
My cousin who is a physical therapist told me i have excessive lordosis. I get lower back pains when sitting down without a pillow supporting my lower back. I have never experienced severe back pain except when I was suffering from a Urinary Tract Disease.
Couldn't say it's age related in your case. I think you need to see a doctor just to check the real condition of your back. The only home remedy I know is exercise.
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
It is hard to exercise when I am sore though lol! That's the problem isn't it? exercise is a good thing, but hard to excercise when in pain! how are you?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Feb 13
hi chicksdigdcars I would get to yor doctor as you do not know what ca sed it and doing the wrong thing co ld just make it worse. If
you cannot get in to see your doctor and he hasd colleagues do get in to see onte of the colleagues as we none of us are doctors so not qualified to give you the right advice really. if nothing else to tht the ER and be seen by the ER physician as you need to get it checked out now.

@chicksdigscars (5483)
20 Feb 13
Thank you Hatley, I am waiting for my stupid doctors appointment!
They have an open surgery on a Monday morning so if I am still very sore all weekend, I will go to it, and hopefully see someone. Although waiting around for hours on the hard seats at the doctors will surely make it worse haha!
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Sometimes gyn troubles in women will create back pain. Your best option is to get to a physician and get checked out. Since you are so young and the pain wasn't caused by exertion, I would suggest a gyn physician. Don't let it go on so long that there will be more difficulty later.
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
Thank you. I have an appointment with the doctor next week, and I have made a gyn appointment as well, so fingers crossed they get to the bottom of it for me.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Feb 13
Unfortunately, I've been dealing with back problems since I was in my mid twenties. This was something that was probably the result of a car accident that I was involved in when I was in my early twenties, but there is no guarantee that it was the cause of my back problems as the problems did not start immediately after the accident that I was involved in.
With that said, one of the at home remedies that seems like it has helped me a lot is using warm, damp heat to try to get the muscles to relax.
@aminul842700 (861)
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
21 Feb 13
Hichicks, in course of time, at one stage, people get back pain but your age is very less. At this age back pain is not desirable. You can take advice from a Urologist (Kidney Specialist). I think it is not your back pain. You might have got this pain due to your kidney trouble. Have a very nice day.
@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Feb 13
I'm also experiencing backpains ones in a while but it's not as worse as yours, I didn't see a doctor because it doesn't hurt all the time but when it does I can't sleep properly, I rub lots of menthol ointment to ease the pain and for me to fall asleep.
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
Is that the ointment that cools down or heats up when you rub it on your skin? I have been using one like that that I got from the chemist. It does ease it nicely to go to sleep.
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@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
Hello friend ! I am interpreting that pain as intense . I guess that is no longer an ordinary thing ! You got to see a Medical expert might be it is a sign and symptom of a disease. We are not praying for that , ours is just early detection . Nothing would be lost if we will see a doctor. Then for now , you got to take a lot of fluids and rest but following day , it is a must for you to see a doctor. God is with us so nothing will happen , don't be afraid everything will be alright !
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@chicksdigscars (5483)
19 Feb 13
Thank you, that is very kind., I have an appointment to see my doctor next week so fingers crossed he will be able to tell me what is wrong. Thank you again!
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