Are they really tired?

United States
February 20, 2013 10:11pm CST
It often amazes me how someone says that they are so tired to do one thing and yet they start doing something else. My husband usually implies that he is too tired to clean,straighten up, do the dishes. Or at times watch a movie as a family but instead he will sit and play his video games or a game online for two to three hours. Sometimes even staying up to four in the morning. He isn't tired he just wants to play his games all the time. It's annoying when people say things like that.
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20 responses
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
21 Feb 13
It's like this, people get tired more easily if they are to do something that they don't really want to do. But you rarely see someone confess that they are tired of doing what they want to do. It's just a matter of preferences and duties. There's a big difference between doing something because you have to, and doing something because you want to.
4 people like this
• United States
22 Feb 13
Yeah I do agree with you. The thing though is that there needs to be a balance. We have to take care of responsibilities as a family and there needs to be time for relaxation. We can't spend all of our time in relaxation mode while other family members have to take care of everything else because the family isn't helping. We just need to be considerate of other family members time as well.
• China
21 Feb 13
now the social pressure to make people feel too tired, so for a lot of things is not interested in
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
25 Feb 13
Yes, balance is important, and I think it is a big social issue wherein all individuals, companies, governments and business owners should also see that no one is too much overworked and does gets good time for one's family also.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Yeah I agree with you that different companies should do better in this regard. It would be so much better for families if their employment is considerate of their time with their family. Yes we all have to work to provide for our families but we have to prioritize and that can be hard when a employer is demanding.
• United States
22 Feb 13
Yeah some things aren't as interesting as others. But there needs to be a balance. I think that everyone should chip in and help out. It will make things a lot easier for the family this way. Time to take care of responsibilities and time to relax. A balance is so very important.
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@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
21 Feb 13
It so happens that our minds and body system are so much attuned to doing certain things that we shall do them until we are very heavily tired and just ready to fall off and sleep. For other things, we start to think:"Oh, I am tired. This work needs a lot of energy, so I cannot do it." Its more a state of mind than everything else. And I assume that perhaps everyone does it. What do you think?
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
25 Feb 13
Yes, when our mind is fresh, and our body also, we feel better in doing things.
• United States
23 Feb 13
yeah i understand what you mean. I think that there just needs to be a balance with the things that we do. I think when we are balanced with work,family life, household responsibilities,and recreation things go so much smoother.
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@Archie0 (5652)
21 Feb 13
It annoys me as well. I have a friend who works, and as of now i am with no job. So as to flaunt her work she will always say that dialogue, as she has so much of work to do. And indirectly she will always taunt words on me not having any job. It really annoys as well as hurts.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I'm sorry to hear that your friend that. Things like that are quit annoying. I only work a small amount outside of the home so I'm mainly a stay at home mom. When we spend time with in laws though they are often talking about all the new and latest things that they have got. It does get tiresome to hear those types of things when others know we don't have the resources to buy things like that and yet they continue to talk about it regularly.
• Philippines
21 Feb 13
Perhaps, he isn't too tired but have no motivation to do it. I guess he's engaged in more things he finds interesting than doing things. Usually, I plead tiredness when I am in a very unpleasant (in my book) situation and do soemtihng else that is interesting and more worthwhile in my opinion. But, yes when it happens to me, it's also quite annoying
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Yeah he finds games very interesting.It is good to change up our activities. With whatever we do with our time it is good that we prioritize and keep whatever is most important in first place. It is better that a person just say that would rather do something else right now and then later take care of the more important responsibilities.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
21 Feb 13
We are motivated by different things. Things we like, we can spend forever doing it and feel more and more energetic. Don't you feel this way when you are in myLot? As for things we rather not do, even just the mention of it will throw us off to another planet...there we start to stray in our thoughts and fantasize...and "what was it you were saying about doing again?" We are all alike...don't you agree?
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@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
21 Feb 13
Come to think of it, let me re-qualify. Maybe it just applies to men. Cheers!
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I agree with what your saying about the things that we enjoy. I think though that it is important that we have a balance. We all have things that we would love to do rather than for example work or clean,but we can't devote all of our time to recreation. So we have to prioritize our time accordingly.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Feb 13
Heheh i think it is really just up to one person whenever they use this phrase if they do not really mean it. My boyfriend whenever he say he is sleepy or tired so far i have proven that he is telling the truth. Often though that people are like this. I think sometimes it just meant that they do not want to do other things.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Yeah I understand what you are saying. In those cases I would rather him just say that. Play his game for a reasonable amount of time and then take care of other responsibilities. But he is never balanced in this regard it is always playing his game for so long and then he doesn't get the other more important things done.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 13
I heard this comments so often from my sister. Her husband do exactly like what you mentioned. Later as I read the first response here, he mentioned that it is a way for someone to relax. So... I really don't know. Perhaps there are some people taking things for granted, take some advantage, or addicted to computer / video games. It could be a way to relax, if so... I really hope that after relax they can help out with the task. Life is like that, so my sister in law have duty roster for each and everyone of her family member to be fair.
• United States
22 Feb 13
I'm glad to hear that your sister does that. That really is a great idea and thing to do. I do agree that there are times when we should have a little time for ourselves to relax. There is nothing wrong with that. I just feel that there needs to be a balance. It's unfair when one family member has to do everything while the other family members spend all of their time in relaxation mode. It's just not considerate. So if everyone chips in and helps out it will make the time frame for everyone's time to relax better.
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• Philippines
21 Feb 13
I've done the chores day and night myself and I barely liked it. To say I don't get tired is an outrageous lie. I'm not a robot for god's sake. Call me an idiot but I play games to lubricate my coarse tiredness.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I understand where you are coming from. If you do chores all the time then it is understandable that you want that time to relax. My husband however rarely does chores and he should help out more (he doesn't even take out the trash). What I'm saying is he should be willing to do some type of chore even if it is a small one and then go play his games.
@shrijsr (574)
• Bangalore, India
21 Feb 13
It isn't always lying as you said he claims to be tired only to play games. I am also tired most of the time and really cannot do the dishes and cleaning stuffs and all. Yet, I will be on mylot for hours together. These are the ways we use to relax. Your husband finds that relaxation in the games and stuffs like that. I find it in mylot. It depends on each individual and their ways of relaxing and having some time for themselves alone. I really feel that time is very important. I mean, having some time for ourselves when we are really tired.
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• United States
23 Feb 13
I do agree that there are different ways that people like to relax. But instead of saying that they are too tired to do something like watch a movie (which is relaxing) then they should just state that they would rather do something else. I think there really needs to be a balance when it comes to spending quality time with family as well as relaxing.
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@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
21 Feb 13
Sometimes people are lazy in house hold works . Seeing alone the plates unwashed , the floor unclean makes them very tired already , how much more working with those ? Most men don't like to be a part of house stuff. They felt when they reach home , they should be resting because coming from hard days work , they forget wives are aso very tired but our culture says , house stuff are woman's duty and obligation.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Yes you are so right that is how most men feel. Unfortunately it is going to drive me up the wall . I mean things like that really get under my skin. I feel like my husband should not make any comments about he's hungry, or that this or that needs done when he has been sitting in front of some sort of gaming system for two hours. Then it's like if it's not getting done fast enough for you then get up and do it yourself. It is so sad that so many women are not appreciated for all that they do. I think that more men should try and do all that a wife does for at least three months straight.
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
21 Feb 13
maybe he is really tired and playing games relaxes him. (this is just for the sake of discussion). Maybe he has no energy to do some chores already or sit watch there for it will bore him. Maybe he is just relaxing as he plays his games. Again for discussion sake: Maybe he is too tired to sleep.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I think it is important to be balanced when it comes to our recreation. If a person prefers to do something else then they should just say that. Doing that though, allowing themselves the time to have their recreation and then take care of responsibilities. If a person devotes too much time for recreation and don't get their responsibilities done then that isn't a good thing. If he is "too tired" to do chores before his recreation then he should it afterwards. He can't just place games all the time and use the too tired as an excuse to not take care of what he should be.
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
25 Feb 13
you must have a heart to heart talk if it bothers you too much.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
21 Feb 13
i think in such cases this word tired means that's not what i want to do.True i have heard some people say they are tired and move on to do something else meaning its just what you want them to do that is a bother to them.
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• United States
22 Feb 13
Yes I agree with you. He wants to play video games instead of cleaning, or watching a movie. It is reasonable that we have some time to ourselves. But when we become unbalanced then it is going to cause problems. There are more important things that need to be done and even though there are a ton of things that I would rather do than cook,clean,do laundry,etc it has to be done. So he just has to realize that he has to be balanced and recreational games can not become his sole objective with his time.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
21 Feb 13
tough I am also tired after spending the day here and i get to point i will play a game to relax but to stay up till 4 in the morning hmm
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I know right! That's the thing I understand that we all need time for relaxation but it should be balanced. We have to prioritize our time right. He ends up just playing games all night and then he complains about not wanting to do something around the house. To me it's like it's very simple play your game for a little while then do a chore or vice versa but it always ends up gaming time and nothing else gets done.
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
well you can always hide the controllers or rather treat him like a kid and say no games to you help me with what ever even if it is a small task its not that hard to spend 5 minutes and help out plus it give you both time together doing things as a couple
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Feb 13
Personally I think this is something we can all relate with as we have all been there a time or two. There is probably times I know I have probably done something like this as well as my husband. I am the one always known to still be up at 4 a.m. but that is due to coming home from work at 1, but seriously there are times when maybe you might just want to express your feelings and see how you can get him to want to help around the house a little more.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
21 Feb 13
I think it isn't lying so much as laziness. I remember once when I was a kid, my whole family was sick with the flu. I was so tired that it was hard to keep my head up, and I knew my parents must be feeling the same. But they still made us all soup and sandwiches, encouraged us to eat them, and then washed the dishes. I remember looking at my dad and wondering how he was standing there, drying the dishes, and still asking us to try to drink a bit of juice. I think that's when I realized that parents have to do stuff even when they're tired. As an adult, my husband hadn't learned this lesson. So I stopped doing stuff too. I said, "I'm tired too. I've done _______ all day, it was a lot of work." And then when he got on the computer, I said, "I'm going to bed. Since you're still up, can you load the dishwasher." And he did it. The next day he whined about being really tired, and I just said, yes, it's tiring parenting, isn't it?
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@kourdapya (923)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
They are too tired for the household chores but not with their leisure. I think that's just normal, I feel the same way sometimes. When my husband is too lazy to help me out in the chores, I'd tell him I won't wash his clothes and just throw all them in the waste basket, and tell him that he needed to buy new clothes. Or I'd ask him to choose which chores he prefers to do. If he chose the easy ones, then there's no reason for him not to do it.
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• Greece
21 Feb 13
Obviously your husband prefers his video games to washing the dishes - and I can't blame him. He is addicted however and this may be the real reason why he says he is tired. He is definitely not getting enough sleep because of this late night habit. It is said that we always find time to do the things we want to do, it is true too that we find the energy to do the things we want to do as well. You need to ease him away from the computer and get him to have some early nights, he may then become more aware of what is going on around him.
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• India
22 Feb 13
I think he just like to escape from work and interested for games and sitting on his comfort.
@Adval2013 (436)
21 Feb 13
I am hyperactive. I move around a lot especially in our huge house. There seems to be no end to the day-to-day chores I need to finish each no person would like to work as househelp because I have two huge dogs..inside the house. I have a husband who grew up knowing nothing when it comes to house chores. I can certainly and honestly relate to you. I should be the one complaining of tiredness, instead, he would always express he is tired and yet, he spends the whole night and even the whole day just sitting in front of the computer. Maybe, he gets tired of asking me to bring him his food, some water, etc. Well, in fairness, he mountain bikes, so he gets tired. He cleans the car, so he gets tired. He brings the trash outside the house, so he gets tired. Is he always tired? I don't think so. He just avoids helping me with the chores.