Buffy vs Twilight

@sissy15 (12356)
United States
February 24, 2013 3:58am CST
OK, here's the thing I've been a Buffy fan for a very long time now. I have seen the twilight movies as they have came out. I have seen them all one time and that's all I have cared to see them. They are alright, but come on they are not Buffy. Buffy makes Bella look pretty pathetic, and this has been mentioned by many a Buffy fan but come on vampires don't sparkle! I originally saw the first Twilight on a second date with my boyfriend who was very reluctant to see it. I was the one who wanted to see it. The funny thing is we walked out and he loved it and I was all disappointed. I didn't care for it much. He has made me watch the stupid movie enough times since then. So about a year ago I made him sit and watch Buffy with me. I own all of the seasons of Buffy and Angel on DVD. He started watching the first season and told me he didn't care for it. By the time we got to season 2 he was loving it. He was so upset when we finished watching them. He now agrees with me that Buffy is by far better than Twilight. Of course this is just my opinion. I just don't think Twilight has anything on Buffy. At least not Buffy the TV series. The Buffy movie was kind of a let down. Of course it's almost worth the watch just to see the Paul Reubens death scene. That had me laughing fairly hard. So I guess my question here is how many prefer Buffy over Twilight? Or how many people disagree with me and prefer Twilight? I may disagree with Twilight fans, but I will respect your opinion. I will agree to disagree.
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8 responses
@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
24 Feb 13
I agree. I would choose Buffy over Twilight anytime. Buffy was a really good series. I loved her and all the other characters. It had content and not just some romance based novel or movie. Not that Twilight is bad. Twilight I have watched too, but I like Buffy better.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I don't necessarily dislike Twilight. I am just not a huge fan. I have seen each movie once with the exception of the first one which my BF made me watch several times. I still find some irony in that. I just think Buffy is a strong female character unlike Bella who is kind of mopey and depends on her relationship with Edward to give her some form of happiness. Buffy relies on herself and the help of others when needed. She is a stronger role model for young girls. Where Bella really shouldn't be a role model for anyone.
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@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
24 Feb 13
Bella is lot dependent on others and thinks very lowly of herself for sure. I mean first Edward and then when he leaves her then Jacob and she uses them a lot. But Buffy is a strong independent woman, how all woman should be. Bella is shown a strong character towards the end that too when she was completely sure of her relation with her boyfriend.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Yeah, but you shouldn't have to be sure of your relationship with your boyfriend to be strong. You should be strong because you know who you are and what you have to do. Your relationship should only enhance that not make you strong, because relationships come and go you need to be you and not rely on that relationship for all of you strength. A great relationship is a good thing to have, and it should give you MORE strength not all of it. You need to be strong on your own too. Which is the way Buffy was. Sure she loved Angel but when he left she was still OK it sucked and it hurt but she rose above it. Showing girls everywhere that they are where their strength comes from not some guy. Bella was just a little girl relying on a man for happiness and strength. Buffy was a strong girl who relied on others when needed but most importantly relied on herself. She could do both. It's important to know you have people to rely on but it's even more important to know you believe in your own inner strength and know you will be OK if you suddenly find yourself alone even through all of the pain. Just my opinion though.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I have seen one episode of Buffy and thought it was more for the teenage set. I didn't check to see how old you are or the other members who like Buffy but I'm willing to say their in their teens to early twenties. Am I close?
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I'm 26 (or will be in a month might as well get used to saying it now). So mid 20's for me. I do however know many older people that like Buffy. my boyfriend is in his early 30's. I know other people in their late 30's and 40's that love Buffy. It actually has a ton of fans in tons of different age groups. It's Buffy's humor and quick wit along with many other qualities of the show that draw people in. The name Buffy makes people not want to watch it because they think oh yeah just another show for kids. It's so much more. Depending on the season you start on you need to watch more than one episode to really get it. It had a couple of seasons that weren't as good as others.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Forgot to add Twilight is more for the younger generation than Buffy will ever be. I have seen and compared both. Twilight is targeted for young teen girls or tweens. Buffy's target audience is kind of vast. You actually have to be pretty big on your pop culture to get a lot of the jokes. It was very well known for its dialog. The pop culture comes from all different decades. Twilight is more of a romance type of movie. A woman relying on a man for true happiness and strength. Needing a man to give her life meaning. A lot of teen girls are all about that. Buffy is strong and independent and relies on friends only when they are needed. Not to give her any real purpose in her life but to add to what she already has going for her.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Feb 13
In my opinion, there is no contest! For one thing vamps are not supposed to sparkle.I think it was more of a tween sensation. For some people it takes time, and then things finally grow on them. Buffy is much more in depth, and creature filled. If it weren't, it wouldn't have spawned such an awesome spinoff as Angel!
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
28 Feb 13
As much as I loved episodes of season 1, I think season 2 is usually the one that really brings people in. It does sometimes take time for people to get into it. Twilight is more for teen/tween girls. A lot of adults like it, but it doesn't have any of the same wit that Buffy does. Everyone thinks Buffy is for teens as well until they actually really sit down and watch it. Its title can be a bit misleading. When most people hear the name they think it's just about some dumb girl named Buffy (I mean what intellectual person would name their child Buffy, there may be one or two out there, but it's a name most people relate to dumb blondes) who kills vampires. Albeit Buffy does have her typical teen moments, but she is this amazing, strong female role model for girls. I also agree that Angel is an awesome spin off. I miss them both. Although I wasn't a fan of how Angel ended, it was too much of a cliffhanger for me. Not to mention I about bawled over Wesley lol.
@Orson_Kart (7169)
• United Kingdom
16 Mar 13
Oh......Sarah Michelle Geller Need I say more? I miss Buffy and was hooked when it was on. And not just because of Sarah. I've not really got into the Twilight saga, so I guess it doesn't compare. However, I do love the Christina Perri song - Loved You For a Thousand Years. Very romantic, and I am a romantic fool.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
16 Mar 13
I miss Buffy too. I don't think Twilight will ever compare with Buffy. I know some Buffy fans really got into Twilight, but I think when having to choose between the two the majority will always choose Buffy. Twilight is ok. I just don't see why everyone is so crazy over it. I mean I watched the movies, and I just thought well...that was ok...I guess. Nothing stood out and made me go all crazy over it.
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
Both Buffy and Twilight are really good movies portraying different moments in life although both refer to a supernatural power. I love seeing them both one at a time on my video tapes.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Eh, not really agreeing with Twilight being a good movie, but to each our own. The Buffy movie was definitely not good. It was horrible, but the series just blew me away. Joss said that they didn't really do the movie the way he wanted though, which is why it sucked so much.
• United States
5 Mar 13
Even though I read all the twilight books and saw all the movies......I would have to go with Buffy. I Absolutely love Buffy the vampire slayer and she would totally kick cullens butt! I whached Buffy while it was on the air from 1st to last episode and I have all the seasons....and same with ANGEL ALSO.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
12 Mar 13
I never read the books. I have only seen the movies. I had thought about reading the books, but after seeing the first movie I pretty much decided not to. Buffy would kick Cullens butt! I own all of the seasons of Buffy and Angel as well. I however, was a little late to the Buffy verse. I started watching Buffy around 4th or 5th season. I loved it. I then started watching Angel as well. I was so bummed when they both ended.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Well I can't really draw a comparison since I haven't seen any of the Twilight movies. But I was a big Buffy(TV) fan. I even liked the musical episode even though they did it after Xena had done one and so it was a bit of a copycat to do one. You know Sarah Michele Geller(Buffy) was on All My Children as Erica Cane's daughter for a while. Once upon a time AMC and OLTL had many crossover story lines and now OLTL characters are on GH. I think it would have been funny or interesting if they had brought Sarah Michele Geller on GH for the vampire story to be a slayer. She did make an appearance on AMC as some crazy girl who thought she was Erica's daughter near the end of the show. Anyway I liked all the stars and characters on Buffy. Also, that was were I was introduced to Eliza Dushku who I like a lot; it is too bad that her own several shows have only lasted a session or two since I liked them, too. Back to Twilight, even though I haven't seen it, from the trailers, etc. I don't think I would have liked it as well as Buffy.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I know about SMG on AMC. I also remember seeing her at the end of AMC as the crazy girl. It was interesting. It's just hard to picture her as Kendall since Alicia has been playing the role for so long now. I am loving the OLTL characters on GH. I never actually watched any of Eliza's shows. I do know they didn't last long though. I loved all of the characters on Buffy as well. I also really loved Once More with Feeling the Buffy musical. I have heard about the Xena musical but never saw it. So I guess I never saw the whole copy cat thing. Also if you're a big Buffy fan you probably wouldn't care much for Twilight. I was kind of indifferent. I mean it's interesting in its own way, but I just can't stand how the characters are. I am so use to Buffy being this strong independent woman. Then there's Bella who is just mopey and dependent on her relationships with men. Not really a good role model for young girls. I love how Buffy was always very take charge. She could be your typical teenager and flip out but she got over it and moved on knowing how things had to be. She always got the job done. Bella is like the opposite of Buffy in almost any way imaginable.
@MissBlack (356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I'll take Buffy over Twilight any day. That show was the coolest thing on tv back then. I tried to get into Twilight. I had the book and couldn't make it past the tenth page and the only thing that I actually enjoyed in those movies was the wolf boy (not sure what his name is but he doesn't need to own any shirts ever) Twilight was just too broody and mushy for me. Buffy had her moments with Angel and even Spike but it didn't make me gag..lol
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
24 Feb 13
LOL I think you're referring to Taylor Lautner. I think that's how his name his spelled. I'm not sure. Yeah he is nice to look at. However we had Angel and Spike on Buffy and they were both great to look at too. Well Angel was broody on Buffy but that was OK because not all of the characters were like that. The thing about Twilight is a lot of the characters do seem to be similar. Where on Buffy all of the characters were vastly different. They mixed it up a lot. They all had a few similarities other wise they probably wouldn't have been friends, but it was their differences that added to how great they were as a team. I mean they all brought in their own attributes, which made it great. I don't know that any of Twilights scenes made me want to gag, but that comment still made me laugh lol. Twilight has nothing on Buffy.