Does god exist?

March 8, 2013 4:07am CST
I have always had problems with the belief that there is a super intelligent omnipotent presence that governs all life on just does not seem acceptable to me.From the day onwards i had the slightest of understanding i have not been able to make me respect the idea of a god watching over our heads.This inability to believe in a thing that most of the people around me believe often makes me feel guilty but whatever i do i cannot convince myself to accept the presence of God... Can anybody out there help me with this issue??
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20 responses
@danix1982 (593)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
yes we cannot see God but we can feel his presence in our heart, because of faith on him, God is exist in our heart and mind. God will not give problems,challenges in our life if we cannot solve it. God is everywhere watching us in everything we do. The only thing we should do is to accept God in our life as our savior and to have faith in God.
• India
8 Mar 13
Ok if i was to believe that god does not give problems that cannot be solved...then there are people who face such problems which in reality cannot be solved so am i to believe that such problems have not been given by god???
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
10 Mar 13
xanderkage Problems that we face in life and tribulations it is only the tests for us and the power of our faith and we must be patient to win ..
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
i don't think so that God can give problem which is cannot be solve, it is depends on human ability and mind of how human can face the problems, this is the way God's test human, because man created wise by God.
@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
8 Mar 13
Hi, It's true that we can not see God so we can not believe God. But existence of God is like the fragrance of flowers or air which we can not see but we can feel them. thus You can believe God if you feel him. I think no one has seen God. But by experience everyone has some figure in their mind like God. Every religion teaches us to find God. God can come to help us in any form. When you have some experience about it then only you can believe.
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• India
8 Mar 13
Hey thanks for the reply, The thing with me is that i cannot feel God nor do i have any figure of God in my mind... with so many gods around it is quite hard to have a single image of a supreme God.As far as the experiences are concerned the interpretation of such experiences varies from person to person,for example if a person accidentally falls off from a building and survives...a person believing in God would term it as an act of god but the same incident for an athiest might be because the person landed on a softer ground and hence was saved.So it is all a matter of opinion.
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
8 Mar 13
You don't have to feel guilty. There's nothing wrong about not believing in god. Why would you believe in something if there's no evidence for it? Just because majority of people believe in it, doesn't mean it right.
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• Philippines
13 Mar 13
Xander*, on what basis you say there is no god that governs all life on earth? on what grounds you say no god watching over our heads? give me your reasons please, whatever it may be. i'm trying to understand you pal.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
of all you've said, I understood! and I agreed! True and correct. A good and beautiful god is not responsible for a bad and ugly world & people. People create their own god instead of a god created them. Though, I disagree with your very first two words.. "After all...". Sorry. Not "All" things is done, not "all" things is finished. You see, we can still search for god's existence, but we can still reject. We can still find evidences of his existence or his non-existence. Just keep on learning. Perhaps, my God, the God of love will convince you someday by revealing Himself to you.... be ready. :)
• India
13 Mar 13
After all i've heard over here about God being the creator of this beautiful world with all its lovely flowers and stuff...there are atill things in this world that are not so Godly in nature not even human for that matter.If God is the creator of all the great and beautiful things in the world then is he not responsible for the ugly and bad things that take place on the earth. What i think is that most people feel safer thinking that there is a God watching over their heads and looking after them so to satisfy this urge they tend to create Gods of their own.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
15 Mar 13
xanderkage, have you ever seen a durian? have you ever smelled a durian? When I first was shown one I did not want to eat that fruit. Who wants to eat a fruit that looks and smells so bad? Obviously not fit for human consumption? Yet, after I was repeatedly urged to just try it. I, now, love that fruit and wish IO could afford to eat one every day. Maybe, a closer examination and a better understanding of the ugly and the bad might turn out that it is not so bad or ugly as we think? The bad and ugly might turn out later to be good and beautiful, maybe like a caterpillar later turning into a butterfly?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
15 Mar 13
How can God not exist? I have always had a problem with some saying that God does not exist. Can you help me with that?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
19 Mar 13
The earth can provide more than enough food for everyone, so why is that poor mother without any food for her child?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
19 Mar 13
Then why blame God for problems we cause?
• India
19 Mar 13
Well the earth does not go about equally distributing it's resources to the people of the world...that child is dying because his parents don't have the means to pay for the food
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Mar 13
When I started to question my faith when I was younger, I asked myself some fairly simple questions. I also found it to be a little guilt-inducing, as if I was not shunning religion but rather the people around me. So I asked myself: Why do the people around me believe in it? Did person A grow up all their lives not believing in a god and then one day read the Bible and think, "Oh, this sounds logical and right and nothing at all like stories strewn together and written by people with only knowledge of their time." This was something I found to be rather unlikely. I'm not saying that there hasn't been a person to never believe previously but then managed to find truth in scripture after actually reading it. But I conclude what many conclude: Person A is religious because they grew up that way in that culture and their beliefs were given to them as family tradition. Beliefs are often passed down. And using an example of a few people I know in America, even those who claim to have never believed in a god before somehow found their revelation to be the exact revelation shared by our culture: Jesus and Christianity. If you notice, it's never suddenly waking up to realize that Zeus or Ra are the rulers. But had these revelations taken place in ancient Greece or Egypt respectively, it obviously wouldn't be the Christian God revealed now would it? (The one that, to believers, is the one true God that has always been.) I don't know if you're up to date on the UFO abduction stories. Many people believe they have been abducted and experimented on. But if you pay attention to the UFO stories, the spaceships and the aliens evolve with each new Hollywood release or bestselling novel. Abduction stories of the 70s describe very low-tech details compared to the more sophisticated stories of today. I won't say these people are all liars. But I will say that it certainly seems to have a lot to do with culture. Just like a person in America is more likely to have the Jesus epiphany rather than the Allah epiphany. And nobody's having the Vediovis epiphany. Is it more likely that this is due to this one particular religion out of thousands being accurate, or that this religious story is the most prominent? It's why every big unexplained thing seen in the woods is always Bigfoot. Of course, you could be talking about any one of a number of gods. I'm just relating it to the God I used to believe in and the God which most religious people in my country believe in. But I think the bottom line is that you have to decide for yourself. If you do some soul searching and come to the conclusion that you believe, then more power to you! Personal faith can be a very good thing. But if you come to the opposite conclusion, try not to be fearful of it. There's a lot of pressure to tow the line and act like an obedient sheep. Even on this forum, even saying you're an atheist sets you up for people to say you have no morals, you're going to hell, you're ignorant, you just want to sin, you hate God, and even that you're only pretending to be an atheist so you can talk garbage to people. This is just nonsense. It seems to come from a lack of conviction in faith, or at least a gross lack of compelling evidence to bring someone to their side of the fence. So the tactic is usually to threaten or demean in some way. Another question I asked myself, and it ties in to the first response I read: Is what we perceive to be the majesty of life really a creation of anything other than our imaginations? I had to struggle with this for a while. But now I can't see it that way. When you stare out over a mountaintop with the clear blue sky and gorgeous scenery, you might be tempted to say yes. But then when you look at horrific natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, famine decimating entire countries, etc, you see something that's suddenly not majestic. You see needless suffering that, if designed, must be an overlooked aspect -- which doesn't jibe with a loving, caring, giving omnipresent creator. I think there is no real help for issues of personal faith, at least in terms of tips. Maybe some would try to help, theist and atheist alike, but I think it's best to find your own way, whichever way that may be.
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• United States
10 Mar 13
You are not required to believe in G-d. He is there If you need Him. If you don't believe that is ok. Do not let Anyone make you feel there is something wrong with you. You are fine!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Mar 13
Hi xanderkage, There is certainly nothing for you to feel guilty about, you alone must decide whether you believe in God. There are many different ideas about God, and those ideas keep changing all the time. I don't believe in the idea of a God that is a separate identity, and who is always watching over us. I think that God is life and that we are all one with each other and one with God. As you say, the idea of God as an old man in the sky watching everyone makes no sense at all. It was certainly what I believed as a child, but life seemed very simple then but as an adult I see the complete impossibility of such a thing. I really don't care for the word God because it gives everyone the wrong impression. God to me is a lot of things, the laws that govern the universe is one but God is also in the wind and the rain, in the birds,animals and the flowers and of course within all of us. I don't believe that we are our bodies, because I know that I can leave my body and still be alive. You must decide for yourself what you want to believe but remember to keep an open mind. It is when we think that we have all the answers that we become dangerous to both ourselves and those around us. Blessings.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
11 Mar 13
How do you think that our amazing bodies came to be? Have you thought about how well the eco system worked before man interfered? Do you think these things just happened. If man evolved from apes, from what did they evolve, and why are there still apes?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Mar 13
God is not what religions are teaching. If you base your idea of God on what religion teaches, I understand where your lack of belief comes from. Feeling guilty?? Don't. Believing has never ever been important to God. Want to discover God for yourself? Perhaps a search for God is in order. If you discover God for yourself, beliefs will not be necessary because you will KNOW.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
10 Mar 13
Yes God is exist , can I ask you why you can't accept that He exist? may I can help if you reply
• Greece
8 Mar 13
I would suggest that you take a look at the natural world around you and consider whether nature happened by chance or design. What do you see in a small flower, in the movement of migrating birds, why do roses smell so good? Read a book about human biology, the workings of our bodies all intricately tied together. One of the ways in which God intended us to find Him was in the world He created. Forget about religion, it is a distraction because people are so flawed. God has actually said 'if you seek me you will find me if you search for me with all your heart.'
• India
16 Mar 13
How do you say you are exist then if you do not believe in existence of God? we can not see him with eyes, but he is exist everywhere, on eveything. just look at yourself. your finger, sign of each finger is diffrent for another one in the world, who can creat and make such of amazing thing. even we are not able to move our body without that power. there is a really wise creator that with exact calculate and maths has creat everthing from nothing. just to now see him with this eyes, do not mean to ignore that. we do not see electricity as well, but that is exist and work for us. there are so many things to see and think about that, there are sign of God everywhere in everything. just see them and think. that is the only way to understand God is exist.
• Italy
23 Mar 13
Does God exhist? Where are the evidence for it? You might say i feel it in your heart, but thats not proof of anything. You cant say there is a God just cos you feel it. The thing is that nobody can give surtain proof.A beliver in God(or any God , i should say) are the ones with the burden of proof since they claim to know something that a non-beliver dont know. I have heard it many times that the truth is in the bible. The bible is written by men for men. There werent many women at that meeting i can tell you, just read the book. For something to be true , you need evidence. To belive in something based on what your belives are, dont make it fact. I guess you have heard of Christopher Hitchens,Sam Harris, Daniel Dennet and Richard Dawkins. If not then go on youtube and hear what they have to say.
• India
8 Mar 13
God - God is every where
Yes,i believe in God and i strongly feel that there is some mysterious force controlling all our day to day activities and we are all moving according to that force.God is bigger than the biggest (so big the universe is within Him).God is subtler than the smallest thing a human mind could conceive.God resides in the heart of every living being.God is the supreme creator of the universe.he Vedas state in scores of scriptural verses that everything is God. That Divinity is one without a second, beyond all forms, names and qualities. That divinity is an existence that is eternally imperishable and indivisible. Everything is one with God in its essential nature, including you as a soul. There is only one field of absolute Being where all divisions and separations merge into one existence.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
hi xander, you will have your time when you will finally experience the power of God for yourself. You have to know, and realize that it is not something that you should be trying to get to hurriedly. It takes some time, if you want that to happen, you have got to want to feel it, and feel his presence in you, within you, near you, and wherever you go. It is a good thing that you feel guilty and feel that something must be lacking, that there must be something you are not seeing that is why you are not feeling god's presence. At least you are not acting as if you do not care at all, and i see your willingness to get to know God and to know his power and get to know what he truly is. Getting to know him, is a process, you have got to learn and start reading the bible. When you start reading the bible, the time you spend reading the bible, you are giving it to him, and he will see that you are curious about him and wants to know him so I am sure he will slowly reveal himself to you as well.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
8 Mar 13
I believe in god very much. And I love him very much. I believe he loves me very much. My life is the best example of god does exist
@urbandekay (18278)
8 Mar 13
You cannot will yourself to believe, either you will glimpse some aspect of the divine or you will not, that is the start. You can however, seek all the best, urban
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
8 Mar 13
You don`t have to be guilty. Just continue to ask yourself even the silliest questions and try to answer them. Read as much philosophy as you can and use your reason.If you have time also read some theological books or some christian philosophers, or read C.S. Lewis`s book Mere Christianity. As Francis Bacon said "It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion." so don`t be afraid to learn. It`s not a shame to be an atheist, it`s a shame to die an atheist.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
8 Mar 13
Hi xanderkage, You asked for help so I will offer some but I am doing so respectfully and do hope you can show me the same courtesy. I always have problems with this kind of topic because it lacks honesty. This may not be a personal reflection but that of an observation. I hope you understand what I mean by this. It may be true that you consider yourself an atheist and have arguments against the belief of God. If this is the case the you are in actuality not really asking for help but setting the other person up for a heavy debate on the subject. Please consider this truthful observation and then perhaps we can actually have a reasonable discussion.