What are the Disadvantages of Facebook?

April 18, 2013 10:26am CST
Internet has brought a revolution in human life. Besides, knowledge, information and work, it has turned into our social room. Social media like facebook has crept into our lives too much. So much so, that people even say that "If you dont find me on facebook for 24 hours, call the police". There might be countless advantages of this social interaction, but there are numerous disadvantages as well. all myLotters are most welcome to share their thoughts about the subject. Some may disagree as well. But this discussion should end up in a great conclusion.
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23 responses
@dream_ozn (1752)
• Singapore
18 Apr 13
Hey pekibird, FB is definitley good because it allows us to connect with our love ones. Furthermore, with FB, we are all able to find many long-lost friends. Hwoever, with benefits, there are also disadvantages with FB as well. For instance, many of us are 'addicted' to FB and we have to check it at least once a day. Furthmore, we rely on FB to update us on what is happening to our friends. In the past, we talk to our friends and have face to face contact with them, if not we will chat over the phone. However, with FB, all of us now rely on FB to message each other and therefore we have lost the face contact.
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19 Apr 13
Thanks for a healthy response. There is another major disadvantage of the facebook, which has also been proven by research. That is, using facebook causes a sense of inferiority and complex. It also creates tension. For instance, you might think that what I am talking about. But look, this is a fact that people keep posting such things on their profiles by which they want to show that they are living a very very happy life and have all things they want. Most of the time, it is fake. On the other hand, once a person look at others profiles he gets into complex as he might not be enjoying all that, which he has seen on his FB friend's page. What do you say?
@dream_ozn (1752)
• Singapore
19 Apr 13
Hey pekibird, i totally get what you mean. we are all hiding behind our computer screen and giving our comments and advises that we usually will not do if we are facing that person face-to-face. NOw especially that FB has timeline which allow people to view our life, we are all showing only really ncie photos of ourselves. we post display picture of us having a very good time. we check in when we travel outside of where we live. All these are making people just wnat more and more. You are right, most of the time, it could be fake because we are only getting the infomration from picture. Your friends would not tell you they are having a bad day or anything. waht we usually see on FB are only those occassions where we are having fun which i myself should be ashmaed of too.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
18 Apr 13
Facebook is good to pass time but if you notice the needy people, the ones that love attention are always and constantly on the site updating everything that they do. That is bad because they dont have a life at all, they have a stupid addiction. It is a good theing to show pics, social media and all but there is a limit to what you should share to the whole world as to everything is gonna stay on the net.
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@Pegasus72 (1898)
28 Apr 13
Other then having stalkers or people just checking on your profile for others, and of course the sometimes drama it isn't too bad.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
28 Apr 13
Some people will stalk you, that is the worst part of facebook but as long as they are quite about it I don't care.
• India
19 Apr 13
Hi friend, welcome to mylot. Facebook is having both pros and cons, if we use this site in a good manner, we will get benefits, otherwise we will face some unwanted issues due to it. Facebook is just an online site and the issues and problems are based on the person whoever using it
20 Apr 13
There is no doubt that it has both pros and cons, rather everything has its own goods and bads. But if goods are more then it is good, but if cons are more then it is bad. That is what I am trying to conclude.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
19 Apr 13
• Time consuming Most people find after becoming a Facebook member that interaction tends to become time consuming. If you are hard-pressed for time, it's important to set time limits for yourself or you'll likely find it's highly possible to lose valuable time that could have been more productive elsewhere. The time consuming aspect of Facebook doesn't have to be a problem as long as you don't let it and stay in control. • Facebook addiction Some people find once they've become immersed in the Facebook culture they become addicted. Depending on your perspective, spending too much time on a single website with nothing else to show at the end of the day may be a huge disadvantage.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
23 Apr 13
To some extent it is, but we must realised that facebook form part of the new evolution.
19 Apr 13
Well, besides time consuming and addiction, don't you think that it is ruining our cultural and social ethics and values?
@galileo2008 (1168)
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
Having facebook would lessen the chance to communicate with the other members of the family, friends, and lovers verbally. It's not a good way to spend your day browsing the facebook as if we cannot live without it. One time, my friend posted a shoutout on her wall, and my other friend commented "thank you", and the first guy said "you should have said 'thank you' to me directly. You're just infront of me, you know." I know it's silly but we all know that it's true. We don't communicate like the good old days, but sadly we are now living in a world where most of the people communicate do not effectively through verbal communication.
@allknowing (142685)
• India
27 Apr 13
I was quite happy being a member there and uploaded several pictures of my life. What I have noticed is that my friends or family do not reveal much of their life. I too have stopped doing it now. Actually that is the place where we should be interacting really.
@dpmathur (55)
• India
19 Apr 13
We can easily make new friends on facebook from any part of world. but some people post anything, there is no privacy. even sometimes we later regret posting pictures or comments that you thought funny at the time.i am fed up accepting friend request from lots of fake profile.be careful when you choose to be freinds with someone you have never met in real life
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
We are in the modern world. It might sound to be hypocrite if the usage of this social network can't bring any good things. The only disadvantage I can see, if you use it in a wrongful way.
19 Apr 13
too much exposure of one's life, I knew some people who tends to pretend to look good in facebook.
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
I can't think of any disadvantages of Facebook for me, but I think it takes up the time of other people. I have friends who are always on fb, and always posts the littlest things that happen in their lives. I think Facebook also gives "Friend" a new meaning.
@bintang9 (196)
• Indonesia
19 Apr 13
There are so many negative side because of facebook. Some teenager especially girls often become victim of raping, kidnapping ,after they make promise with their friend on facebook. They never met before, but they trust to the new friend. They though that the new friend are good person. Even they fall in love before they meet each other directly
• China
19 Apr 13
I think that we can spend our spare time on these social networking sites like facebook.Of course we can make new friends or contact old friends by ues them.Maybe we also can learn some thing.But as we know,things always have two sides,so as the facebook.If we can control ourselves and avoid addicting it.We can benefit from it.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
19 Apr 13
I think most people would spend lots of times in Facebook. I think the disadvantage of facebook is that facebook might make people stay on internet for long periods of time.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
Hi Peki, I used to be addicted to Facebook before.. I can remember checking out the newsfeed every now and then (new photos, new status updates and other things).. But when I became busy with school, my Facebook addiction has lessened. I rarely check my Facebook account when I started working with my thesis.. I had to go to the province to gather data for my study then I also had to survey some business owners and employees. Facebook is not bad at all but you need to know how to balance your time. It can be addictive.. your work/school can be affected/compromised..
• India
19 Apr 13
It was advantages before, now the interference of others are more. Now companies, get the character certificate from FB. Some companies reject a candidate if they dont have FB Id. I am sharing one sour full instance of mine, for some reason I was out of FB for 3weeks, I also felt why is it so important to forcefully come and check and update the status. At that time I missed to see and wish one of my friends birthday, since then we haven't been talking. social binding is important but not in virtual, what is there in a word. suppose someone wakes up at weekend and logs in to FB, and he could see his friends there and the talks go on till dusk. And they say, have saved time and shared information. oh come on is it a profit seeing medium. We are human, must be active not reactive only machines share information. FB makes people so mean. It shouldn't be a day today activity rather once in a while interest.
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
19 Apr 13
I don't think I can give you a comprehensive list but from experience the number one disadvantage is that it's a great place to say something stupid publicly and regret it for a long time. Didn't do it myself but I've seen so many of my friends accidentally humble themselves. I know someone who had trouble finding work because of stuff he put on Facebook. I've read about people doing far worse.
@Adval2013 (436)
19 Apr 13
The great disadvantage of Facebook, at least to me, is that however hard you try to protect your privacy, it will just easily be invaded because there are a lot of people with huge skills to do such a thing. I use Facebook to interact with my friends and relatives especially those who live far away from me. Also, although doing Facebook is not as exciting as it used to be, still, millions of users are still addictive to it. So I would say that another disadvantage of using Facebook despite the fact that it's a boring thing already is that it is addicting.
• United States
18 Apr 13
Facebook has become an important part of peoples life's and can be very useful at times, families and friends can now keep in contact with each through facebook but it has its downsides to. Many people use facebook as a way to be most and many people set themselves up for failure when they post outrageous pictures and statuses, this has cost many people their jobs and relationships. Many people also put their business out there for the whole world to see and that is a disadvantage to facebook as well. In conclusion, the disadvantage of facebook is some of its users they donot know limits when posting things online.