Do you think it is OK to talk about politics on Facebook?
By Brooke
@o2bnocn (2992)
United States
April 20, 2013 2:57pm CST
Recently I have read, heard, and seen a lot of posts on Facebook about politics. I actually had an argument with a friend. We are talking but we just don't talk about politics anymore. I try my best to ignore all the posts, comments, and saying, pictures, and other politics on Facebook. There have been very few times I will like or comment on something political. By the way I generally don't like politics, so I try to ignore and stay out of it.
So do you think it is OK to talk or share about politics on Facebook?
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10 responses
@docdofeshmirtz (58)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Yes it is just like talking to people in person but with typing. I do not see anything different with this.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 13
That's not what she meant. She means is it safe to talk about politics..... no arguments or respect for one another. I say it depends on the person they're talking to.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 13
It would be alright if all parties can respect each other and agree to disagree and leave it at that however politics and religion are two subjects that does cause stupid arguments and loss of friendships because the parties cant respect the other. I mean how are we to learn unless its talked about and over? We don't learn a thing by being argumentative and closed minded so I say yes its ok to talk about politics IF both parties can accept the others point of view and leave it at that.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Apr 13
When you see that on FB or any other place the only thing you can do is tell them to please stop and agree to disagree is in order here so that we'll continue to respect and learn from each other. If they don't heed your intervention then I'd bow out gracefully and not say anything more.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
I agree with you. I almost lost a friend because we had difference of opinions on politics. She even started to say rude comments. We definitely had some words. I’m glad that it is past us, but I have learned my lesson. I will never talk to her about politics again, and I will never post or share or talk about politics on Facebook ever again either.
I also agree that it is important for people to respect each other. Sometimes when people disagree and start to argue, then it becomes disrespectful. I think that people can become very disrespectful when it comes to politics. It doesn’t matter if people agree with me; I just wanted my opinions to be respected. That did not happen in the argument.
It does depend, because if two people agree then they will probably not argue. If two people disagree then there is a higher chance that they will argue. It’s not good to argue with family or friends about an issue such as politics, you may end up saying something you regret or they may become disrespectful about your beliefs and opinions.
I think it is best to be very careful with what you say, who you say it to, and most importantly respect everyone and their opinions. Even if you don’t agree with their opinions, you can still be respectful. Calling people names is very disrespectful, and I have seen this lot with politics in the last couple of months. I try to just ignore it, and not say anything.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
22 Apr 13
That depends on who your employer is. Some employers go snooping around the Facebooks of their employers for dirt, especially those employees who are trouble makers.
My Facebook has my last name misspelled so I cannot be ID'd by that. A wonky last name is imperative.
I personally go in with the mud slinging politically. Then again I have no work place as I'm on disability. Most of those who I am friends with (including family) are the same way.
Facebook, politics, friends, family, employer, job, trouble maker
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
24 Apr 13
I know of a company who snoops around on Facebook to gather information. I’m careful with what I share publicly. I should probably double check to see what people can see on my page even if they are not my friends. You can never be too careful. I’m trying not to share or say anything since I will be looking for a job soon.
Yeah I know people that talk about politics all the time on there. I personally don’t like politics so I try not to get involved. The majority of the time I don’t get involved. There are times it is annoying, but everyone has free speech so I am no one to tell them to stop posting even though I would rather not hear or read about it. I might say a few comments about my opinion, usually if I agree with the person. I never post if I disagree because that can cause arguments.
The biggest problem I have with people posting about politics on Facebook is that it can quickly turn into a political debate, argument, disagreement, or heated debate. I understand that no one is going to agree with everyone, and people are going to disagree but I just rather not get involved. When I see these posts, I do my best to ignore them and go on throughout my day. If I have the option, I will occasionally hide postings that annoy me. Other times I might share something that is what I believe but not directed towards anyone, but that is very rare.
I remember when politics was never talked about on Facebook. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there are people who push their opinion unto other people and that annoy me as well. I would rather not talk, share, or listen about the topic at all…but I know that will never really happen so I deal with it to the best of my ability.
@vexxus (712)
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
I see no problem in talking politics on Facebook, it is a social networking site and this is one of the best place to introduce politician you truly believe, especially those are not getting enough exposure in the national media. As long as there is no bashing and hateful comment, that would be okay.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
The problem with politics on social media websites is that there are a lot of hateful and rude comments. It is really negative. I hate it when I see people talking rude to others. A lot of the times we know those people personally, so we might even take the comment or post personal. There are times in the past when I have read comments and taken them very personal because I felt they were directed at me. I know they were directed at me, I just know. The best thing to do is to stay polite, even if you want to talk about politics you can as long as you stay respectful. There are many people that start to get angry when others don’t agree with them about politics.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
22 Apr 13
I think politics have to be talked about all the time and everywhere. Because thats the only way to keep politicians in line and working in a clean fashion. Once you stop talking about politics you basically give them the opportunity to steal. Corruption has to be addressed and every single one is responsible to do so. One must be aware of what is going on, every single one of us. It is sometimes difficult to bridge the differences in our mindsets, but politics should not be taken personally.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
27 Apr 13
I think that everyone needs to be aware of what is going on. I also agree with you that corruption needs to be addressed. The problem is that people have a difference of opinions, and even that is alright. I have seen people call others names when they don't agree or have a different opinion. I think that is crossing a line, and everyone needs to be respected. I understand why people want to talk about politics, but don't cross a line when you are talking about it.
I try not to take politics personally but when someone calls me a name, it is hard to not take personally. Plus sometimes people get personal and go into detail about others, or talk about your life in a negative way when they are talking about politics. For example, lets say a person receives help to pay for school, or food and others believe they shouldn't, then that person might bring it up when they are talking about politics.
I hope this makes sense. You brought up some very good topics, and I understand why people want to talk about it but sometimes I need a break from hearing about it. I try to stay out of it most of the time.
@liviaslife73 (238)
• United States
20 Apr 13
It depends. If most of your friends on Facebook are into politics then I guess it would be okay, but if you know that your family & friends are not into it & really don't like discussing it then I would say it's best to respect their wishes. Me personally, I hate politics & anything to do with it. My family & friends know this so it is rarely discussed if ever.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
I completely understand. I am the same way as you. I hate politics, don’t enjoy them at all. I would rather never hear about politics if I had the option. I know people that enjoy it and want to talk about it all the time. It drives me nuts.
The argument I had with a friend was a very long disagreement about politics. I thought we would never stop arguing. We couldn't agree on anything about politics. We have very different opinions, and I know not everyone will agree with me but we didn't agree on anything!
I tried to stop arguing but she kept on disagreeing, and kept on arguing with me until I had enough. Then when I got mad, she started to be really rude and asked her to politely never talk to me about politics ever again. I wouldn't have said it but I didn't know what else to do or say. I was almost scared that we wouldn't be friends anymore, luckily we still talk. Now that we have stopped arguing, we don’t talk about politics anymore.
Occasionally she will say something, but I will just ignore it. I am determined not to talk or post, say, or like anything political on Facebook anymore. I just can’t deal with it, and I know she has a different opinion. It’s not that she has a different opinion that bothers me; it’s that she tries to push her opinions unto me and I am not okay with that. I have my opinions, and she has hers.
I have decided to never talk about politics ever again on Facebook, may even delete or stop going on whenever political events happen. I just can’t deal with it, and I know you understand. Some people don’t understand because they enjoy talking about it and want to have discussions, but I would rather not.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
22 Apr 13
I think politics have to be talked about all the time and everywhere. Because thats the only way to keep politicians in line and working in a clean fashion. Once you stop talking about politics you basically give them the opportunity to steal. Corruption has to be addressed and every single one is responsible to do so. One must be aware of what is going on, every single one of us. It is sometimes difficult to bridge the differences in our mindsets, but politics should not be taken personally.
@TrinityDownpour (790)
• Liechtenstein
22 Apr 13
Depends on what you're talking about on the subject of politics. I don't know about America but in Malaysia, if you tried discussing about certain topics in Facebook like why is government spending tax payers money on useless things or talking bad about a politician or the prime minister and etc can lead you to be arrested.
Facebook is a public website, if you say something offensive about the government even if you're joking you will be arrested in Malaysia.
I assume that America has more freedom to question the authority.
@yugocean (9963)
• India
21 Aug 15
Of course you can talk about politics and make your intelligence better. We should not relay on paid news of electronic or print media for political news, social media is our voice.
In fact it is important to use social platform for real news, and give your own opinion on it.
@kboykin24 (31)
• United States
20 Apr 13
I think that talking about politics on facebook is okay, with certain constraints. I feel this way because, many people sometimes go to far and some companies check facebook before hiring employess and your political opinion may cost you a job, but talking about in general is not bad in my opinion.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
21 Apr 13
It would not be good if an employer didn’t hire you because of politics on Facebook. I know people that have liked pages on Facebook that basically tell other people their opinions on Facebook, letting everyone know if they are democratic or republican. I wouldn’t like to hear about this because everyone should be able to get a job regardless of politics. I know that people disagree and have different opinions, but this would not be good news and could potentially harm a person’s chance at getting a decent job.
I have un-liked many things, especially topics regarding politics. There are many people looking for jobs and I don’t think that they should have a reason to not hire someone because of Facebook. It kind of upsets me to think that employers would go to this length to not hire or investigate a person, but I have heard about instances as well. I know that some other employees look for people on Facebook for other reasons than hiring or political. You can never be too careful with online privacy nowadays.
I hate the fact that it is so easy to find out information about people online. I’m trying to be more careful with what I post, and share on Facebook. All of my posts and shares are limited to my friends and family. I occasionally will look at my public information and update, delete, or add information depending on what it says. I am always careful with what I share with whom and never share anything publicly, and if I do then it is done by accident. Usually the posts that are public, I end up deleting sooner or later…only because I didn't know it was public to begin with.
It is scary to think that so many people can find so much information about you, especially social networking such as Facebook!