short memories

May 1, 2013 11:32am CST
Firstly, DON'T respond, this will be deleted! Just wondering how many of this community is blessed with REALLY SHORT memories???? It was just LESS than a couple of months ago...myLot breached our profiles, setting up this new site.....and all of a sudden we were Google searchable! Not an apology...Not a assurance...but we somehow moved on! NOW, a day's notice of earnings suspension! Just wondering how much I can forgive.....DID everyone forget the recent breach? Are we being walked ALL over because of our loyalty???? Sorry, but I feel like I have been beaten and bruised......
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13 responses
@GreenMoo (11833)
1 May 13
It's why I can't see myself hanging around to be honest.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
2 May 13
If you people,get impatient and don't hang around, how do you hope to get in touch with friends who really cared ? Should you not wait for some time before you get ehri contact addresses?
@GreenMoo (11833)
1 May 13
I just feel that we're being taken for mugs somewhat.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
1 May 13
I feel the same way. Totally gutted!
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@suni51 (3429)
• India
1 May 13
Hi Big Sis- I'll be here, earning or no earning. I was not earning, anyway, rather the time I spent hampered my other online activities and earning, no regrets though. I shall be here for my friends as I was until now. I know they should have intimated but the telltale signs were there to see for anyone. I shall always be available for my friends.
4 people like this
• Canada
1 May 13
YOU are one of the blessed souls that have made this experience, so much a jewel in my life......Luv ya...LM, and do not ever want to lose touch! Yes ... I will be here, and just a little wounded. HUGZ
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
1 May 13
I don't care if my response is going to be deleted but let em tell you that this thought about our details being exposed crossed my mind too. Regarding the current development of 'no earnings' I have nothing to say. It was good as long as it lasted and mylot is the best forum I have joined so far.They have decided to stop earnings for their own reasons and I am sure it is because business is down..
3 people like this
• Canada
1 May 13
Be whatever it may, dear no excuse to treat us like livestock going to slaughter for the last few months. I, too, owned a business...and it was always the participants in my business that made it grow and prosper. Sadly, money was made here, off our backs, and now we are tools of their trade. We will stay in touch!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 May 13
They seem not to take into account that without us, their site would not have lasted over 7 years and they would not have been able to 'pay out over one million dollars'. Not only short notice concerning the new changes but also, as I said elsewhere: It is also sad that they seem not to care or consider the fact that, unless we log in, we do NOT see the Alerts. Those Lotters who have offline issues that keep them away right now are completely unaware of what is about to happen and that, in my books, is disrespectful. It was suggested in the past that the Alert should go out to ALL users (just like the notifications) so that no-one is left out when important changes are about to occur. Yet another instance confirming that we, the Lotters, are not that important here after all. Our suggestions count for nothing it appears but as always we have a choice. We don't have to be loyal.
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• Canada
1 May 13
YOU are one of the people whom's comments I truly respect, as you have been such an AMBASSADOR for this site, and here I am feeling sorry for me...and you have been royally rutted. I am sorry, MysD, and I truly DO appreciate all of the good work you have done, keeping this site TOGETHER and under control, with unexplicable kindness..and tolerance. BELIEVE me, so many of us here appreciate.... As usual, you make finer sense than me, as I did not consider the points you have made, (probably just being selfish).... WE have been loyal...and they must have KNOWN this was coming, after that breach...but ONE day's notice is like being FIRED! I don't want to have a choice, I loved this site...what the "H" went wrong?
2 people like this
• United States
1 May 13
I agree Diana, and yet so far the people I was thinking of who I don't see often, have been on today and I am talking to them about it so they know.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 May 13
Perga it does feel like I have wasted a lot of time and energy but I'll get over it (and learn from it too like I usually do when offline I do the same thing and it backfires). Please accept my FR as I have a message to pass on to you Carmela I am not seeing many people and many of them are about to receive a PM from me to get them back here right now, even if only to state their sadness.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 May 13
I don't feel assaulted, it's a cyber site after all, but. I do feel that it has all happened with almost obscene haste. I see nothing on this new site that is in any way an incentive to choose myLot over the alternatives. I may drop in from time to time but I don't see much to keep me here especially if you and others leave. There won't be anyone to play with.
3 people like this
• United States
2 May 13
Obscene haste... that's an extremely accurate description, if you ask me.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
1 May 13
Hello dear Sis Never been here for money. I made some great friends, some great relationships and they are mine. Nothing can take that away from me (and, if I may say, us). True that we will be more exposed and whatever more but still, I am going to be here as long as they dont fill my space with those spammy links, referrals and they dont have "discussions". It is unfortunate that the countdown to the downfall of MyLot has begun and there is nothing much that we can do about it. Many will walk away just because Money is not involved, but those for whom Money plays a spoiler of relationships, I do hope some of them will continue... Never mind the hurt and torture it feels like at the moment, I am sure the bright sunshine is just beyond these clouds and... i do hope with all the proposed changes MyLot might just get better for those who stay back
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• Canada
2 May 13
@thesids MY dearest Brother, you have to make me believe, I cannot find anything about this format I like......PLEASE get your site up and happening...and I truly do PRAY we will family and friends....
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• Canada
1 May 13
I am SOOOO happy to hear from you! YOU would be ONE of the one's I would miss so much, you and lovely wife. I am so proud of the connection I have with you and your my family. Do not discredit your input, dear friend, it was because of people like you, many of US have felt connected! YOU have been the soldier that has kept my feet on the ground, the inspiration that helps me to really care...about my world. Seldom, do you see this kind of anger from me, but I really hate being foiled, mostly because I am such a base person, and myLot was my first walk into the cyber world....and my fingers have been burnt! If each, should wander a long and winding road, I will make a promise to e-mail you at least once a month....agreed?
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
1 May 13
Agreed! But may I suggest that you like many others stay back for a while to check out how the things are moving on with the newer version of mylot.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
1 May 13
Hey, I commented on lamby's, I'll comment here. We all feel like that, it was wrong, and without a good explanation makes it even harder to swallow.
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• Canada
2 May 13
@carmelanirel Sorry. so long to get back to you....but like you I still work....and AM having a $hite of a time, trying to navigate this new me this is the stuff left behind the bull....I so MISS "myLot" as I knew it....I can't find anything on this horrendous FB like page. I know many of you love FB, it's just not my bag and I find this challenging....probably enough that I will pack my bags....but will miss you, and your acceptance of my friendship, and nefarious comments. You are a special lady to me....and thank you for sharing!
• United States
1 May 13
Pergammano, no apology needed, you warned everyone when you wrote this, I knew what I was getting into and if MyLot has any conscience at all, they will leave all the discussions that go against the guidelines, because people are upset and rightfully so...
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
10 May 13
I didn't know all this was going on. What do we care if it's deleted? I would have liked to have time to make $5, my four and change was just wiped out.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 May 13
hi preganmmano yes I feel hurt and shock and yes anger. They just showed how blasde they are about people who really need momey so kick os where it hurts in the pocket book. shame shame shame. hope it folds up and most members just leave all u s who sae facebook lot no. 2 unfolding and selfish and arrogamt members will love it/ Not I, not at all.
2 people like this
• Canada
1 May 13
My dearest "Ms.H"....FB is NOT for me, nor I know for you! As I said above, you are the matriarch of this forum, and so many of us hurt for you, and if you look for BlueDoll's discussion, you will see. In my REAL world, this would represent "amoral" behaviour! First breaching our privacy and integrity....knowing full well this site would re-launch, and then a day's notice.....NOT a lot of respect in my books! I am going to PM you.....just know your friends here at myLot...really DO CARE, and there is a possibility that a likewise site will be launched soon....Many HUGZ, dear Lady.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
1 May 13
Hello perga, I discovered the alert when I logged in today. Although I was not very active last month -- except with PMs --, I feel sad because I am worrying to lose many of my good friends here. I always considered the earnings here as a bonus, but I know that they are important for many members, and friendship is more important than earnings for me. If most of my friends will not stay here, I suppose I will leave too. When the "breach" happened, I surfed a bit on the site, and I disliked its Twitter look. I appreciate the actual look of myLot, maybe because I am here since 4 years, and I think I am not alone. Well, I will test the new myLot and give it a chance...
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@topffer (42155)
• France
2 May 13
Perga, I also appreciate your sense of humor, your kindness and your great sensibility. You are among friends that I would not like to lose. I am waiting for your PM.
@ajk111 (2495)
1 May 13
After being here practically from the start as alfieklondyke and then xboxboy nothing surprises about anything that happens on mylot. Bottom line for me is the friends i have gathered over the years, people i would never have had the pleasure of knowing or annoying if it was not for mylot. Can't wait to see what stunts they will (and i am almost certain they will) pull with the new site.
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• Canada
1 May 13
WHO.................the "heck" spiked your Pablum?????? Of course, friends are the main constituition of this community....EVEN YOU, I would have a "Scatch" with, and tell a few lies...LOL!!!! But I truly do not want to lose touch with you, and that beautiful wife of your's ... you have made me laugh, when I needed it most, made me cry, when I didn't need it....BUT you have always been you, with a severely limited time frame (ha! ha!) you and your kilt, and your Scatch ways....Shirley
@Orson_Kart (7139)
• United Kingdom
1 May 13
The people in charge of whatever in life can do whatever they want. I prefer brews to bruise, so put the kettle on while you're at it. (Whatever "it" is!)
1 person likes this
• Canada
1 May 13
Heck, Orson_Kart, it is a warm and sultry day, here on the West Coast of you like COLD brew, or a G & T or....Scotch on the rocks! I truly respect what you are I am NOT in charge, only of where I GO and how I dance.....but there is a sorta code of ethics that I follow in my life, which is headed by honesty! Missed ya...where ya been?
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• Canada
2 May 13
@Orson_Kart Hey. you funny person, I was having levity with you, even tho' we have not been friends in the past...often we have shovelled some $hit at each other in make me laugh, which I love.....and you will always be MY Kart behind the horse....Ta da!
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• United Kingdom
1 May 13
I usually like something warm and comforting to hold, but I don't like to get all hot and sweaty, so maybe a COLD one, just this once. Ta. I do believe the site is run by human beings, with human feelings, and if they say they can't sustain the site as was, then I believe them. I always thought the payments system was flawed, so I guess, in my eyes, it's lasted longer than I expected. Better to warn than to just switch the site off? Nice that you've missed me. Unless you were throwing darts at me of course!
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@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
4 May 13
Hi dear pergammano, I wasn't thinking at all to leave the site when they say they're not gonna pay. But I was surprised with its new look! It doesn't have any originality. I don't know but I think this new myLot isn't gonna work for me. I feel sad that I will lose contact and never read any more stories and experiences of the people I've known here... but I guess everything in life ends. And i think one by one we all will leave this site. Not just because they won't pay us anymore. But because I started to lose respect with this site. I guess for me it lost its reputation.