Losing Weight Without Exercise? No Problem!

United States
May 31, 2013 3:06pm CST
No time for exercise? Struggling to lose weight even with exercise? Learn about the basics of what causes weight loss, including calculating your recommended daily caloric intake and methods to determine how quickly you will be able to start shedding pounds.
1 response
@mike05 (156)
31 May 13
I don't believe losing weight without exercise is possible long term. In the short term it's easy, you just don't eat. That won't work in the long term. Also weight isn't an indication of health or fitness. Anorexics are hardly healthy are they? The way to lose weight properly is to take regular exercise and eat a healthy diet, that's the only long term and sustainable way to a healthy lifestyle.
• United States
31 May 13
I would strongly disagree with your first assertion. It's simply a matter of calories in versus calories out, and is sustainable with the right approach (see article). It's a lot different than just "not eating", as well. You're right when you say that weight isn't an indicator of overall health or fitness, but that's not what this is about. Even though weight is not an indicator of overall fitness, losing weight can be both good motivation to start exercising and will help benefit several important health factors, like immediately decreasing risk of heart disease, diabetes, etc.
@mike05 (156)
31 May 13
@yoheb15 losing weight doesn't necessarily help health at all. it's to do with having an overall healthy lifestyle. Calories in versus calories out is a totally crap idea and won't help health at all. Say I sit in my chair all day and do nothing and calculate my calorie intake and output according to that. How's that going to make me healthy.....it ISN"T. Exercise is ESSENTIAL to good health and saying otherwise is just wrong.
• United States
31 May 13
@mike05 Calculating your daily needs will tell you how much you should eat for weight loss, even without exercise. The result of weight loss is alleviation of risk for the health issues I listed above. feel free to visit WebMD or a similar, reputable source for more information. Pretty simple, logical pattern. I exercise every day, and as a personal trainer I am a huge proponent of exercise and agree that it's essential to actually become HEALTHY. But you can still become HEALTHIER via weight loss, regardless of exercise.