Facing My Mortality....

Regina, Saskatchewan
August 8, 2015 11:15am CST
This morning I received a visit from my neighbour whom I never thought to see again as she has been receiving treatment for spinal cancer. She is between treatments and was only home to pick up a few things she needs before returning to the city. I was so shocked at her appearance! She looks 20 years older and 50 pounds lighter. I did some quick calculations in my head, and she is only 6 years older than I am. She has been on my mind consistantly since she got ill and left for the city and as a result the constant headaches I've been having lately are scaring the life out of me wondering if there could be something seriously wrong. After she left I took a good long look at myself in the mirror and, OMG I'm getting old! As we age, we see our bodies change, but our minds seem to stay young. I have to face the fact that my mind is as old as my body and it's time I started really taking care of myself. I've had my ups and downs healthwise over the years, but on the whole I'm a pretty healthy specimen for my age. But age is an insiduous thing. It creeps up on you unawares and before you know it, you are facing your own mortality......
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28 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Aug 15
My sister is undergoing treatment for cancer, and it has taken a toll on her. Our bodies do get older, but as we get older, we look in the mirror less and less. The person we are inside doesn't change, however, and that is what makes it so hard to see those changes in our bodies. We don't feel old inside!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
My thoughts and prayers are with your sister....
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• Pakistan
12 Aug 15
@Rollo1 My best wishes and prayers for your sister. You are right, we don't feel old inside and hence it is difficult to see the mirror and notice white hair, dark circles and wrinkles
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
8 Aug 15
Sparky, i am so happy you got to see her since i know you have been thinking of her so much, and didn't think you'd ever see her again. Sometimes one wonders if you would have been happier to remember her as you last saw her or as you now have seen her?.. I look in the mirror and see my Mother, if i think things, i think young and the mirror reminds me i am not..So tricky how our minds work.. I hope you find that magic pill for youth cause i want one!!!.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 15
You'll be first on my share list sweets! And yes, I rather wish I could remember her as she was. For a born and bred country girl, she had style and a great fashion sense. Now..........it's hard to see her and this mornings image will always overlay my memories of her.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
@TLChimes Yes it is. She asked me to take a plant from her garden and replant it in mine to remember her by........that's when I started to cry.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity They last time I saw my aunt was as she was heading into the final stretch of her second battle with cancer. I much preferred the image of of her when we were children and she was standing in her kitchen. It's hard seeing those we love decline.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
9 Aug 15
Surprise, we have arrived at older age. I have let my health seriously go to pot and so we will all need to be encouraging one another here to behave ourselves.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
11 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity I am sorry about your heart, on that front I am fine. I just weigh too much and sit too much and eat too much.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
Gerty..............BEHAVE YOURSELF! lol I haven't let my health go to pot (more because of good genes I think), but my heart is in bad shape emotionally.....
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Aug 15
Yes - we must do it - be proactive!
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Aug 15
Aging is no fun that is for sure. But it is something we all have to do. There are several ways to keep a youthful appearance. One is to be sure you are exfoliating your skin when you shower. (Don't forget the neck). And then use a good lotion all over. Another way is what we choose to wear. Old fashioned, doudy clothing can only age us. Color that compliment our coloring is a great way to bring life to our faces and take away a few years. This poor woman with spinal cancer must be have quite a time. This type of cancer sounds horrible. My best thoughts go out to her. I wish her well.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity Spinal cancer must be horrible.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
8 Aug 15
I have been thinking myself also. I also have not been feeling too good. I have been feeling somewhat dizzy and lightheaded. I know the allergies cause that and so does the air condition. But I need to see my doctor again. I haven't even been taking care of my diabetes lately either. And that is not good.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
Please promise you will take better care of your diabetes!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Aug 15
@inertia4 Well then, as my Grandfather used to say "Two fingers of whiskey before bed ........." I have to leave off the rest as Grandpa was a rather 'earthy' individual in his expressions! lol
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
10 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity I will, I promise. Actually, just today I had no carbs whatsoever. And I feel better. Also I read online about liquors. That just a small little shot a day has actual health benefits. I was amazed. No, I didn't have any liquor. But I am thinking about finding the right one to use.
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@Dawwriter (246)
• Pakistan
8 Aug 15
Yes, sometimes it is hard to accept that our bodies are getting old. I am nearing 40 but in my mind I still feel very young. It's a great idea to start taking care of your health. For me a healthy life is more important than a very long, but disease ridden life.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Aug 15
I've always eaten healthy, but age catches up after 50 regardless.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
12 Aug 15
I guess it's a blessing that we can still feel young in our minds while our bodies are getting very old.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
9 Aug 15
We aren't old. Hush. I have spoken! Sending healing thoughts for your neighbour!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
9 Aug 15
I am old enough to know better and young enough not to care! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
I bow to your power! And thanks for the healing thoughts. Much appreciated sweets.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
9 Aug 15
I know what you mean! I don't "think" I'm old, but I know I'm old. I just wish the rest of my body was as young as my thinking... Oh, and headaches... I've had them for YEARS... mine turned out to be, at least partially, food allergy related. I've had lots of stuff done to check for problems and there aren't any of the scary ones.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
10 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity I'm one of those who's migraines hurt worse than regular headaches most of the time, but I'm lucky that neither of them tend to last days like some people's.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
@ElicBxn I'm so used to my migraines I get lonely when I don't have one. Seriously.........I feel an absence. They tend to make me sick to my stomach more than actually hurt, though I have to be careful not to move much when I am in full blown migraine mode...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
I've suffered from migraines ever since puberty. I don't have any food allergies and the docs have never really figured out what causes the headaches. When I get a 'regular' headache (yes, I can tell the difference) it actually hurts more than my migraines...weird!
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• United States
8 Aug 15
I hate that my mind is like 16 and my body is... well... 50. I try really hard not to look in a mirror but ya have to clean them sometimes and have to look at yourself ugh!. I'm sorry about your neighbor, Cancer is running through my family and taking them out in leaps and bounds. I figure I'm pretty much doomed at this point.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
There are very easy blood tests now that monitor cancer markers, so if you are worried, see your dr. and get the bloodtest from time to time. If my neighbour had done this, her dr. says they would have caught the cancer sooner..........
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Aug 15
Who is that middle aged woman in the mirror, and what has she done with my body?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Aug 15
I ask myself the same question every day.........
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Aug 15
@cynthiann Are you sure? You look so young, maybe you did a Dorian Gray on me? :-)
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
13 Aug 15
Not me -I didn't do anything! lol
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 Aug 15
i face it all the time. in fact i get up most days thinking this is likely the last one. i know that sounds down and i really should talk with that therapist they gave me but when i get up there are times i don't even feel i can talk straight to anyone. i to know people who are my age in worse shape but i know more who are in so much better shape.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Aug 15
There's a story here I don't know anything about, but I certainly hope you DO find a way to open up to a therapist sweets........
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
8 Aug 15
Sparks, I agree with that totally..,The other day one of relatives was telling me how he cringes each time someone enquires after his health because he is fit and healthy without any major complications or health problems.But people here tend to think or feel that after a certain age it is but natural for everyone to have some ailment...At times I feel the whole society is age conscious and want to slot you even if you have different ideas about yourself ...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
We live in an aging society, and because older people DO think more about their mortality, talking about their aches and pains becomes the predominant topic of conversation...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Aug 15
@bagarad LOL Yep!
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
12 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity As we can see by the length of this discussion.
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@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Aug 15
It's wonderful your neighbor was able to visit you - cancer is a tough bugger these days. We can see how others age, but its sure a wake up call to look at ourselves in the mirror. I think for my age I'm "ok" - for now - but this year in particular I've been trying make those self improvements too - while I can. It's not as easy as even a decade ago - gulp!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
I was at my peak in my forties, looked great in my fifties, but it all caught up to me in my sixties! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
@much2say We will dance together under the stars when we are in our 70's! It's a date!
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@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity I intend to be at my peak in my 70s - hee hee! (wishful thinking for me . . . )
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@allknowing (142710)
• India
9 Aug 15
I do not know whether it is good or bad but mind and body both do not age together. I seem to tilt a bit towards that being good. I wonder what would happen to us if our mind aged too. I am a senior citizen. I am good at my pc and have a whole lot of interests including gardening which as you know needs a strong body too. But my help takes care of the labour part of gardening. I wonder what would have happend if my mind aged too! I do not even want to think about it. Do take care of yourself even though your mind may say you are in the pink of health
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
I think that if my mind and body were on the same page, I would be less shocked when things like this happen....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Aug 15
@allknowing We'll call it The Great MyLot Debate and charge admission! lol
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@allknowing (142710)
• India
11 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity This is an issue for debate. I wonder if there would be many who would want their mind to age along with their body - some other time
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
12 Aug 15
I think she looks emaciated since you said she's undergoing treatment for her spinal cancer.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Aug 15
She's not that bad yet, but she's getting there. It breaks my heart this is happening to her. Cancer was the one thing she was deathly afraid of.......
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Aug 15
@SIMPLYD She watched her two previous husbands die of it........I don't blame her for her fears at all. Both I and my son are also cancer survivors, so I know the feeling of living with the fear of it coming back anytime.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
13 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity It's a natural reaction to be afraid of having cancer .
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
9 Aug 15
Sickness can make us look older. It is not a surprise since our physical body is fighting so hard.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
That's very true. When we are younger and our bodies have to fight off an illness, we usually bounce back pretty quickly. I wish in our later years our bodies had the same ability.
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@DnkHrth (268)
• Sri Lanka
9 Aug 15
I know what you meant about her appearence. I have a grandfather who suffering from cancer. He returned home after three months he went for treatment. When saw him again, I couldn't believe my eyes. He was so changed and so much older than he was three months before. And he couldn't even speak because of treatments he recieved. He is suffering from a mouth cancer. He has to go through all of this because smoking.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Aug 15
@DnkHrth I am definitely not a fan of second hand smoke, especially in small places. I'm glad to hear you are not a smoker...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
Please tell me you are not a smoker! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your grandfather.
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@DnkHrth (268)
• Sri Lanka
13 Aug 15
@sparkofinsanity Thanks! Ofcourse I am not a smoker. I never have done that and I never will. I really don't like that. When people smoke near you, it's so disgusting. Isn't it? I must say that my grandfather still couldn't let that bad habbit go.
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• Mumbai, India
9 Aug 15
Hey...hello... Its happen that we should have to face reality.. But don't lose your mortality since take it as granted..you can have lots of chances in your life to become younger. Plan likewise so that you can not only become younger by mind you can made it by your body structure also..What says..
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Aug 15
I eat healthy and keep active. That's the best I can do in my circumstances. Welcome to mylot.
@jstory07 (142658)
• Roseburg, Oregon
12 Aug 15
Age does catch up with all of us. So we should try and take care of ourselves.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Aug 15
@sofssu (23662)
12 Aug 15
Most of us don't age at heart (mind) yes the body tales its toll. Mortal beings that we are we need to face our mortality. Just imagine what would happen if we are immortal and our bodies go on aging.. that would be a worse predicament.
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