Importance of fast digesting carbohydrates in training

Fast food
September 9, 2015 7:54am CST
Every once in a while I'm being asked whether to include fast digesting carbs in the diet or not.Fast foods and starchy foods which raises blood insulin levels rapidly are unpopular among bodybuilders.But,in reality their time of consumption can significantly enhance the athletic performance and muscular gains while training. Anybody binging on sugary and starchy food prior and just after the workout can experience better muscular gains and a good pump. Consuming 45 minutes prior to worout fills out glycogen levels completely which helps in providing enormous extra energy in the gym. Post workout,since your glycogen levels are completely depleted and your muscles are in need of a form of carbohydrate which replenishes the glycogen levels for muscle repair and recovery. Conclusively,timing can determine whether you gain something from junk or they consume you :P
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