'fat shaming'
By Elizabeth
@Poppylicious (11133)
December 1, 2015 6:52am CST
Their organisation name is Overweight Haters Ltd.
Their mission is to hand out cards to larger people on the underground, cards which inform them they're fat, ugly and a waste of the NHS resources.Greedy! they say. Gluttonous! they scream.
Idiots! I say.
How rude. There's a little part of me that wonders if it's just an odd type of jokey thing, simply because it seems so bizarre. The BBC reports that the transport police are urging people to notify them if they receive one of these cards and are classing it as anti-social.
Anti-social? Is it not a hate crime? Bullying people for a particular reason {religion, size, race, colour, disability, etc.} is something we shouldn't tolerate. Hate is something we shouldn't tolerate.
Full stop.
I partly take issue with this group because I used to be 'fat'. Yes, it was because I was greedy, but the issues surrounding the greed are usually deeply rooted. I was {I am} a comfort eater. It's just another form of eating disorder, and food was my constant comfort and companion on the sticky road of 'why does everything go wrong for me?!' Husband was fat because of his kidney failure. He had a doctor at Hospital who informed him he was *just* fat, even though we knew there was some other issue going on.
Hating someone because they are fat is silly. You hate someone for the sins they commit or the devilish actions they enjoy too enthusiastically. You don't hate them for the way they look.
*sigh* »second one of the day.
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40 responses
@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
1 Dec 15
I'm heavily overweight and aware of it without some thug trying to intimidate me over it - I don't know how i'll react to any bigot trying to hand me such a hateful card
15 people like this
@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
1 Dec 15
@jaboUK I would certainly be very tempted yes and if I saw them abusing others I'd intervene there too
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
1 Dec 15
There are better ways to do things then what they are doing.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
@Marcyaz I would hope so. There are better ways to get your message across!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Dec 15
I don't think it's a crime to insult people. But it is a terrible thing to do and hateful. Nowadays, they feel justified in hating fat people because, they say, they are using up health care resources, etc. They use the same reason to hate people who smoke, and soon it will be people who eat meat. It isn't anti-social at all, it is society that is marginalizing people, making up new reasons to hate people . Society is more polarized now than ever before. You have to belong to one of society's approved groups and think in approved ways and say the approved things. Society is now like a huge bully, demanding conformity. Unfortunately, it is not anti-social behavior at all. It's society over individuality and it's only getting worse.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
It's not so much the insult. Everybody gets insulted and we can deal with it. This is nothing but bullying, and bullying of any form should be seen as verging on being criminal, particularly when it's done in such an open way. It's spiteful. It's demeaning. It's the implication that someone is worthless. It's humiliating.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
1 Dec 15
Definitely, this organization has lost it. Do they have a definition of how fat is real fat?
Anyways, such organizations exists just to create a controversy to become popular. They are after nothing else. Good to know that the cops are on the watch now and would be interested to get updates as to what followed after these cards were reported.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
They probably base it on BMI, and we all know how accurate *that* is!
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@xFiacre (13259)
• Ireland
1 Dec 15
@poppylicous That coukd send someone over the edge. More likely to result in the large person going home and stuffing their face in despair.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
1 Dec 15
Thats very rude and shameful
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@inertia4 (27964)
• United States
1 Dec 15
It is all societies fault that people think the way they do. Most people today are fat because of the chemicals in our food. So that is not anyones fault but big business and the american way. I agree, this is a hate crime. They even discriminate against fat people on the airplanes these days. they want them to buy a double fare. So, this goes deep. So does gay bashing and anything else people are afraid of. It is s sad country we live in. I know about be fat and I am not happy about this. I find a lot of this comes from radical religious groups. People who think everyone should look a certain way. Well, that's not how life is. I see it like this, if someone considers someone else ugly, someone else somewhere would consider that same person beautiful. Same thing with being fat. Some people like heavy set people, others don't. So there should be no negative about anyone.
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@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
1 Dec 15
it is down to making everyone just like everyone else with no individualism at all
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
@arthurchappell And won't it be a sad, sad world when everybody is just like everybody else? *sigh*
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@gudheart (12659)
1 Dec 15
I am not fat but love to eat cakes etc. I was chubby as a kid and was when I was a teenager but lost it all due to strict dieting. I am at the point now when I do still control my fat intake but also have days where I let loose.
I think it is really stupid to dislike someone just because they are over weight.
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@akalinus (44122)
• United States
1 Dec 15
There is something seriously lacking in the character of people who do this sort of thing. It is cruel. These people are bullies straight from Junior High.
Most fat people would give anything to be slim. I am an emotional eater too and I have major issues in my life. I got down to an acceptable weight but I really feel for people who are overweight.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
Like you I'm now at a comfortable weight, but I'm very aware that it won't take much for me to gain it back. I know how easy it is to pile the pounds on and how difficult it is to lose them, so I do understand. It's a constant battle!
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@ElizabethWallace (12074)
• United States
1 Dec 15
Hate is such a strong word. They were dolts for what they did and how they did it, but I can understand the reason they think being overweight is a drain on medical services. It is. What they did, however, was not the way to go about encouraging people to become healthy.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
Many things are a drain on health care. Keeping people alive is a drain but we don't let them die. It sounds as though this is a hate group, rather than a group who want to help folk.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
1 Dec 15
My Husband's 'fat' was actually fluid retention! But perfect people in their perfect bodies won't know what this is!
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
19 Feb 17
These people have a serious mental and emotional condition! One would think that we are living in the Stone Age with their backward thinking!
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
19 Feb 17
@arthurchappell I'd hand them their a$$es after I beat them up! 

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@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
26 Feb 17
@allen0187 as much as I'd be tempted I doubt if such violence would help - it might even make them feel like martyrs
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@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
19 Feb 17
someone should hand them a card bearing the words 'you are scum!' and see how they like it
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Dec 15
They are hateful and it should be a crime. It sounds that church that spouts hatred.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
1 Dec 15
I have a real problem with people labeling criminal behavior as "anti social". It is truly disturbing to me.
Anyways.. This over weight haters group is obviously a bunch of trolls who didn't get enough love growing up. They are nothing to worry about and I'd look forward to whenever they get put in their place soon.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
1 Dec 15
@Poppylicious Well, a little venting can be healthy. Just don't let it bother you too much.
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@CaptAlbertWhisker (32745)
• Calgary, Alberta
2 Dec 15
What is your opinion of the song "all about that bass" that teaches fat people to embrace their curves but shames skinny people?
3 people like this
@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
2 Dec 15
@CaptAlbertWhisker a great song and a valuable antidote to the thin is best culture that pushes many people, mostly girls, into anorexia and bulimia style eating disorders
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@ria1606roy (2797)
• Kolkata, India
5 Dec 15
Why do people waste their breath on hating someone they don't even know, based on how they look? It's outrageous. A person can be fat for any amount of reason, but it shouldn't be the judging point for someone. I've seen people thin as sticks who consume five times more food than I do; so shouldn't the haters hate even them due to "greed" and "gluttony", if we go by their twisted sense of belief? This is a shameful act by humanity. How criminal!
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@arthurchappell (44998)
• Preston, England
6 Dec 15
That these fat haters even have the word haters in their title for themselves says everything anyone needs to know about them
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