Why do people on government assistance appear to have no need for assistance?
By julsbh1
@julsbh1 (5)
United States
September 7, 2006 8:30am CST
I have noticed lately that people receiving food stamps always buy expensive food with their stamps and they always are dressed well, have their hair and nails done and drive nice cars. I am working my butt off and I can't afford to have my hair and nails done and when I grocery shop, I always make my budget stretch, I don't purhcase steak and expensive kid's snacks, etc. I used to work as a grocery clerk and this has always bothered me. Even those who receive WIC are abusing the system while my tax dollars pay for their extravagance.
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9 responses
@RitaS8 (384)
• United States
3 Nov 06
You do know that not everyone pays for what they have. I was on WIC for my two daughters and am considering to try and start up again. My kids dress nice because my husband's mother likes to buy them cute Disney clothes. My husband is in the military and we barely can afford to keep our kitchen stocked. A lot of the time I only make food for our daughters and my husband because I feel so bad about eating food that could go to them. Honestly, you shouldn't make generalized statements like that when you don't know what really goes on.
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@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
7 Jan 07
There are alot of people who receive assistance that abuse it. There are also alot of people who really need it and know how to use it. I have worked for many years now. I have gotten assistance sometimes during my years but I was always working. I get my nails done maybe once or twice a year if possible. I never get my hair done because I simply can't afford it. I am currently working two jobs and still cannot afford it. I have 3 children I don't buy them brand name cloths but I make sure they have cloths. I am the type of person that will go for months and months without buying myself a single per of clothing but will buy my children cloths often.
There are people who have received assistance for most of their lives. (food stamps, AFDC checks, Section 8). I always wondered how can they get their hair and nails done every week and have new cloths all the time and ride around in brand new cars and buy tons of jewlery. It's because they do not use their assistance for what they are suppose to. There are people who rather sell their foodstamps for cash to buy cloths for themselves and not worry about feeding their children. It's horrible. I think these people should be investigated and have their benefits cut off and see what it's like to work for everything they get. They are making it hard for the people who really need it.
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@bsidemyself (160)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Maybe they do their own nails. Maybe they do their own hair, or they sit in their friends house and get their hair done for free or cheap. If they have an expensive car they did not get it with welfare money. How much do you think these people get in assistance? They can't make it hard for people who need assistance They will get help regardless of your so called abusers.
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@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I am a welfare mother (partially) and I work. My daughters each have a whole closet and a few drawers filled with name brand items. This is how I did it:
I bid on lots of clothing on e-bay, anywhere from 10 to 20 items per lot. I bit .99 - $10.00 per lot and that is it! I also pay for shipping. Within two weeks my daughters had the nicest clothes ever. All name brand. When all was said and done, how much do you thimk I paid for each article of clothing......
.....$1.00, and that was including shipping. I then did the same thing for myself, and have never dressed so nicely on a daily basis.
You do not have to pay a lot to look nice.
I have a friend who cuts my hair every few months. If I want it styled fancy, I know how to do that myself.
@browneyes (395)
• United States
7 Sep 06
Because they know how to use the system.. Not all people do. I also work in the grocery business..One store that i worked in had alot of migrant workers.. they would come in with unemplyment checks, paychecks, WIC checks and food stamps.... makes ya wonder about how well are system works in this country. I also work my butt off to make a living.
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@Alohamelly (137)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I agree. Some people really do know how to work the system. I used to be a cashier in a grocery store and made the same observations as you. I tried not to judge because who knows what their life was really like?
@monkeygirl17 (167)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Way too much government assistance is given out to able bodied people who should be fending for themselves like the rest of us. The only people who deserve assistance are those who are disabled either physically or mentally. Think how much lower our taxes (and crime) would be if people took personal responsibility! My family grew up with NOTHING - we were poor immigrants - and we never whined about it. And if you don't have money, quit doing the one thing you know will get you pregnant!
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
25 Jan 07
What about the single parents who work their butts off to support thier kids who still can't afford to feed them and they are not recieving child support? Do they and thier kids deserve to starve? Get a life and get aclue and do some research go to a homeless shelter and see the kids you are denying food to. Go to the womens shelters and tell them they don't deserve to eat. GEEZ
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@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Alot of people do know how to use the system which is sad and it does'nt say much for our government.For one thing if you know your not in a position to take care of a child them stop having them and if you do need help from WIC them don't take advantage of it.They really do need stricter laws for when people apply for assistance.
@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Birth control is not 100%. Even when you are trying not to get pregnant, birth control can fail and you have another baby.
Also, I was told after my first daughter was born, by the doctor, that I could not get pregnant again. The doctor was wrong. So I had another baby.
@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
26 Feb 07
WIC is not necessarily a *welfare program*. WIC is also given for health related reasons. Someone (anyone) in the household may have a reason for receiving WIC. Even those whose income levels are higher.
Wic cannot be abused, either you need it or you don't. It can be very helpful. If someone is allowed to buy a sugary cereal instead of a healthy one, it is a problem with the cahier not the reipient.
People who receve foodstamps get their food from numerous sources, including places where they can get discounts on food. Just because you see someone shop a particular way at the grocery store, does not mean that they aren't also purchasing other things cheaply somewhere else. This helps them to "stretch" their food dollar so that they can purchase convenience items for those days that they work all day then have to run errands.
Not all, or even most, welfare recipients sit around all day doing nothing. Many, many of them (like myself) are working to get themselves off welfare. And some are working and attending college. They are so busy that having convenience foods on hand is a big help. Don't fault them for that.
Also, if they are working the welfare department will ensure that they have dependable transportation. They are given a loan at a very low mileage at a used car place approved by the government. The cars run well, and as a general rule they also look nice. The welfare recipient pays off the car, or it is taken away. The recipient pays for the car on her own.
As far as hair and nails go, there are many things to take into consideration:
* Most likely, these recipients have the skills needed to do their own hair and nails. I did.
* If not, they have a friend or family member who can do these things for them. I did have someone who could do these things. A friend or family member would do these things for free, so most recipients do not even have to pay for these services.
* Many a welfare recipient work as a cosmetologist at a salon, where they get the benefit of having someone do these services for them, either free or at a very deep discount.
* Many a job require you to dress very nicely, and to keep up appearances otherwise. ASPIRE gives you a voucher so you can get 2 or 3 nice outfits and a pair of dress shoes for work. For a lot of girls, these are the only nice clothing items that they own, and you see them stopping into the grocery store after work, so assumptions are made. Ones that shouldn't be made.
* I know of quite a few welfare recipients who buy fabric and such on clearance and then take them home and make designer look clothing for themselves. Kudos to them.
* Good Will sells clothing, very nice, professional clothing, for next to nothing.
* I can find very fancy clothing at the church thriftshop, brand new with tags. I pay $2.00 for a grocery shopping bag filled with such things.
I receive foodstamps and am an expert at getting everything as cheaply as possible from numerous sources, and I know that we have to have other money for food besides foodstamps. You do not get enough foodstamps. I work for the rest of the money needed to support my family. I work hard, and I am thankful some nights for such "convenience foods", because it allows me to spend a few extra minutes with my daughters on my long work days.
"Take all possibilities into consideration before passing judgement, lest someone does the same to you." Said by a very wise man.
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@spangles94 (546)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Wow seem that your topic has opened a bash fest for you ?? poor thing , as for your ? I can see where your coming from and as somone who DOES get food stamps and wic ( wich i dont see how ya can abuse that ) but i see this all the time when i have to apply for assistance of ANY kind , recently i was coming into my appt to recertify our family for food stamps and thi lady drove up in a 06 car dressed all nice and the like and she was comng in for an emergency appt cause she had no $$ for food !! she walked out about 20 min later ( yea i had to waitabout an hour there in the waiting room) with a new food stamp card and medicaide paprs for her kids , i was soooo P****D and of course after i get in there they tell me in 5 min that i qualify BUT ill have to bring about every form of ID check stub etc geesh im suprised they didnt ask for a DNA sample , I hear so much about ppl abusing the system , geesh will somone please tell me how you do this ??
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
i think not all people on government assistance fall into your description. but i must admit, there are indeed some people who are in the program but don't appear to be deserving to benefit from the program. there are those who have been so accustomed to the help the government is extending to them that they have become abusive of it, and are living LUXURIOUS LIVES. this is sad because that kind of abuse is an abusive against the whole tax paying citizens.
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
30 Jan 07
i agree. I worked in a soup kitchen volunteering several times. granted, there were people there that did need food. but when i would see women come in with 4 or more children that had no shoes, or warm coats, and then look at their fingernail! All done and paid for by you and me. how sad it is. Its pathetic. I know that you need to feel good about yourself, but putting you before your childrens needs-that should be against the law.