What is that one trait in you that makes you special ?

@buzzg3 (230)
May 30, 2016 7:24am CST
"Search and you will surely find something good in every kind". I wrote that when I sat down thinking if there was anything lovable in the person who treated me very badly. And surprisingly there were many good things I liked about this person. From that day, everytime a person annoys me I think about the goodthings he or she has done or does and calm down. The one trait in me that makes me special would be my patience with people.(except my husband and children )
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6 responses
@Pankhini (485)
30 May 16
The list of people whomni dont like is nor long... so can jot down their good quality and recall them to calm mydelf when they irritate me... my truthfulness and my helpfulness make me popular...
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@buzzg3 (230)
30 May 16
Both those traits are kinda rare nowadays. Stay that way friend
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@Pankhini (485)
30 May 16
@buzzg3 thank you dear...
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
30 May 16
I think that is my truthfulness and positive approach to life and anyone I met.
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@buzzg3 (230)
31 May 16
Amel good for you....Nice to know that truthfulness is still so much in existence
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
2 Jun 16
I am good at listening and do love listens to people and do like to talk very much and that is the good thing about me.
@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
30 May 16
My wit. Everybody tells me i'm witty, funny, and smart. I've always believed wit = intelligence.
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@buzzg3 (230)
30 May 16
Being humorous can wade you through the roughest of seas. I am a referred witty but sadly i can't call myself intelligent.
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@Macarrosel (7498)
• Philippines
31 May 16
Maybe one of my traits is of being positive in life always.
@buzzg3 (230)
1 Jun 16
positivism is a much wanted trait in today's unpredictable life
@meowch (2220)
• United States
30 May 16
I'm quite determined and I believe some people say that I'm creative.
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@buzzg3 (230)
31 May 16
Creativeness is a gift. Not everybody is born creative. The person who possess it often fails to recognise the strength of it.Be determined to use it to help others. Rock on !