Do you love fast food?

@Amel94 (1741)
June 9, 2016 4:21pm CST
I think that most of people in the world eat in fast food restaurants these days. A lot of them eat fast food for all three meals, even it is not very healthy to eat it a lot. But it is very delicious and what is the best thing - it is prepared for a couple of minutes! In 21 century people are very busy and everyone looks for faster meal and some instant coffee to drink it on their way to job after a break. But as for me, fast food is great, I love to eat it very much.. Especially chicken fast food meals.. What do you think about fast food? picture from.
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12 responses
@Shreyashi (171)
10 Jun 16
In India, people are not more inclined to burgers or french fries, they would rather love to hang on to their street foods like gol gappa, this is something that no one can resist. The mouthwatering taste gives a refresh mood.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
Looks delicious.. I would like to try it..:)
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@Lucky15 (37376)
• Philippines
10 Jun 16
If i feel going to..i do. Chicken will be my fave
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
Nice, mine too.. :)
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
9 Jun 16
I no longer eat fast food as I gave it up about 4 years ago.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
9 Jun 16
Oh, all right.. Did you ate it often then?
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
12 Jun 16
Hi yes yes I like fast food to .in my case I should not eat it but on the other hand if I am at the fast food place to use the free Wi-Fi I got to buy something
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
13 Jun 16
I never try to use free Wi-Fi in fast food restaurant, I just think about tasty food.. yummy :)
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@quantum2020 (12041)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
9 Jun 16
It´s been so long since I last tasted fast food. I love french fries with a hamburger and a big milk shake.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
9 Jun 16
Yeah i love hamburger with french fries but usually drink coca cola with that.. :)
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@meowch (2220)
• United States
9 Jun 16
I eat fast food once in a while. Fries taste so delicious and burgers too. I like fast food a whole lot.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
9 Jun 16
Yeah, burger with fries, yummy. . :)
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
9 Jun 16
I only eat fast food once in a while.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
Okay, so what do you usually order when you do?
@shubhu3 (36463)
• New Delhi, India
10 Jun 16
Same here.I love fast food a lot and I am kind of addicted to it as well.
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@shubhu3 (36463)
• New Delhi, India
10 Jun 16
@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
I perfectly understand you, I am an addict too.. :)
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@rina110383 (24494)
10 Jun 16
Not a fan of fast foods. I prefer eating rice, veggies, meat/fish homemade meals.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
Good for, it is always better to watch for health.. But someone just can't resist fast food.
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@itsmejing (606)
9 Jun 16
the only place we go if we don't want to cook at home, or jusr hangging out with friends
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
9 Jun 16
Yeah, easiest option for anybody and not expensive too.. :)
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
10 Jun 16
I like it occasionally. My kids love it though. I'd rather eat home cooked meals especially rice which is my comfort food.
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
Smart choice.. Yeah, most of kids like it.. :)
@buzzg3 (230)
10 Jun 16
I love fast food....but I generally keep away from it and only indulge in it when out with friends or addicted to instant noodles which comes handy after a long day at work...I know it isn't healthy...but am wondering why healthy food isn't tasty....
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@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
10 Jun 16
Exactly.. Healthy food is never tasty.. :D