This is not a mockery of religion, but I am confused about something....
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
Perth, Australia
June 12, 2016 12:26pm CST
I am not a religious person. I used to believe in God when I was little, then I became an Atheist and now, I like to call myself Agnostic because really, I have no clue whether there is a God or not. I've never seen him before. But then again, I have never seen wind but I know it's there.
I used to sit with Jehovah Witnesses for Bible study because I wanted to learn. They were really nice people and I did learn a bit but, I was having trouble understanding some of the morals and just believing the stories in general.
I can not stress enough that this is NOT a stab at anyone who has faith of any kind. I am just saying that I personally have trouble believing in it.
There are SO many questions that I could ask, but I will just ask this one question for now. Why is it, AND AGAIN, this is just a question, but why do I see and hear so many people thanking God that their loved ones were safe during ( insert dramatic event here ) while many others were injured / killed?
What can be said about the ones who died? I hear God works in mysterious ways and he probably does, I don't know. Never met the dude but why are the people who were saved special enough for God to pull them through and not the rest? What's the answer you have for others being killed then?
Obviously we are all going to pass in one way or another. I think it's fine being thankful for something wonderful happening in your life. And if God is who you want to thank, then awesome. I'm not trying to take that away from anybody. But I just don't understand completely how we thank God for apparently doing something loving, when there is still so much crap going on. Whenever I asked the Jehovah Witnesses about this, they always answered with "It's Satan." or "It's the demons."
I'd really love to hear from more people about my question or even your opinion on what the Jehovah Witnesses told me.
I'm just curious with how the mind works with people who believe in a God.
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34 responses
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
12 Jun 16
I belong to a religion that is independent and based on the basic principle of love and unity. Whatever way you see it those things is always the intention and always the outcome. If we learned anything from the ten Gurus (teachers) we have had and the eleventh eternal Guru (teacher) in the form of our Holy Book, Guru Granth Sahib, is that we are all equal. We are all children of one God.
The definition of God as defined by the founder of Sikhism and the first Guru (teacher), Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the root verse. The Holy Book is the elaboration of that root verse. I think I told you this before in an email perhaps.
Ik Onkaar Satnaam Kartaa Purakh Nirbhau Nirvair Akaal Moorat Ajooni Saibhang Gurprasaad
Meaning in simple words:"There is but one all pervading spirit, and truth is its name! It exists in all creation; it does not fear; it does not hate; it is timeless and universal and self-existent, You will come to know it through seeking knowledge and learning!"
I am about to step on to a mine field saying this...
My religion does not recognize Jesus Christ or any one else as God. They are believed to be prophets not Gods. Because according to our religion, God can never be born. God can never die. God is timeless, endless, limitless. God has no end and no beginning.
BUT we don't have any issues praying and bowing down to Jesus, Allah, etc... We respect them and their followers along with their beliefs. That is included in our religious teachings.
To answer your question about why some are spared and others killed?
Dani, what I have always heard is (not sure how true it is), we are born to fulfill some purpose in this lifetime. We trudge through life lost until we find/realize that purpose. If not in this life then the next.The circle continues until we finally reach enlightenment and are united with God forever.
Every good and bad deeds done are paid for in this lifetime or the next. No one is spared. If a very good person suffers, it is some past life bad deeds. The good you do in this life will be rewarded too.
So maybe there purpose was fulfilled. Maybe they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Everything happens for a reason, they say. We appreciate things more after losing them. Maybe that is the reason.
Much of the crap going on is our own faults as human beings. We brought things upon us. If we want to blame God (if exists) for anything, blame him to give brains to us. It would have been much easy to handle mindless puppets then letting us thinking and contemplating our ways.
Personally, I don't have or have seen any proof of his existence. I just believe in good. But there must be some explanation for unexplained or unnatural things. I can't dismiss them either.
I imagine God as my parent, my friend, or make believe one. He knows everything without having me to tell him. I yell at him at times and call him names too when I am angry and just plain fed up of all bad things happening. I know he doesn't mind.
We humans may not be flexible when it comes to religion but HE is very much flexible and welcoming to all. He doesn't care which religion you practice or none at all.
Whew! That was all for now......... ( I am adding the link because I copy-pasted the root verse from there. Just for rules sake

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@vandana7 (101598)
• India
12 Jun 16
Jesus is not god, he is god's son, like you are god's daughter, and so am I. Mohammed is already known as prophet. If that unified energy did not exist, Shiva would not be praying to it, and Lord Vishnu would get circulatory problems if he perpetually remained on that snake bed lying as he were. Come on a lot of it is interpretation of folks in between and their imagination. LOL
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Jun 16
@Daljinder It's interesting learning about other religions and their views.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
12 Jun 16
I won't usually go near these sort of posts, but as @Daljinder suggested it I will.
I am too pragmatic to believe in a god. I think Karl Marx was right when he said that 'religion is the opium of the people'. That is all I'm prepared to say - I'm absolutely not going to get in any debate or argument about it.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 16
@Daljinder You are welcome. I had actually seen this discussion before you suggested it, and passed on by, but out of courtesy to you I responded
I have read your own response on this with interest and respect your views.

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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
12 Jun 16
@jaboUK That is totally fine. I know what you mean. Even though I am only asking for a little bit of information to try and learn, I still understand that this subject could go all down hill at any moment lol I'm really hoping not but I am still prepared.
Thank you very much for answering! I appreciate any answer I get. 

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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
13 Jun 16
@JaboUK I was already aware that you stay away from posts on religion. I only wished Dani to have views from all sides-believers,non-believers. To make it fair. I felt she would get bombarded by believers and the main question asked will get lost. So, I wanted to even the field?
Like with much of everything else, an individual reserves the right to choose to believe or not to believe in God. A correct choice cannot be made without being properly informed. I know she isn't going to make any choice or anything. But she will have views from both sides at the least.
Nope! I do not wish for you to enter any arguments or debates regarding religion. Your views alone are enough.
Thank you so much for replying and sharing your view! 

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@cacay1 (84458)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
14 Jun 16
@SIMPLYD , me too, and you know we are religious country.If we are not a God-fearing or religious country, our country might already have erased in the map of the world for we always have deadly calamities. We never claim and oppose , but still thankful to God for those who perished in storm is just a few compared to those He saved. Let us praise and rejoice the Lord for that is what He wants us to do so our Father Almighty will be happy for us and bless us.Amen.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
23 Aug 18
@SIMPLYD That's a really sweet answer. Thank you for commenting. 

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@pgiblett (6524)
• Canada
13 Jun 16
I am and always have been a atheist. To my mind religion is the opium of the people, it drives rational people to become idiots in the name of a belief. As an atheist I live by very high moral standards, which doesn't always seem to be the case with some religious people, who break with moral values in defence of their particular faith.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
13 Jun 16
If someone forms a belief about God because they are judging people then it does define what they believe. Everyone believes something. I could say the same about atheists (that they are idiots) but I choose not to.
I do think atheism is a religion of sorts and as a belief does not auto generate high moral standards.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Jun 16
@Bluedoll I completely agree that atheism does not auto generate high moral standards. It doesn't profess to.
I just find it strange when people claim to be Christians but then behave in an extremely judgemental and decidedly un-Christian fashion.
But hey, people are people!
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
13 Jun 16
I was a JW once upon a time @VivaLaDani13 . It's easier for people to believe that 'someone' or 'something' else is in control than placing the responsibility where it belongs; on us. If the End of Days is suppose to happen (Biblically), it should have happened already considering the crappy world we live in. You know what they say about a 'rumor' that is passed along changes with time; the same with religion. How do we know that what Jesus or Moses or anybody else said thousands of years ago, is actually accurate? Was Matthew, Mark, Luke or John reporters and their chapters in the Bible are hand-written, on-site versions? I don't think they had tape recorders back then; so it's easy to say that it could possibly be their 'perceptions' of what took place and what was said. I think as far as Satan is concerned, there IS evil in the world but it is brought about by 'man' and no one else.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
14 Jun 16
I agree and @Daljinder speaks for the entire human race.
We have the power to fix our problems and go on with it. Knowledge of what goes on in heaven @nantette (end of days) may not be important if we can't understand our own problems = human's on earth
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
14 Jun 16
@nanette64 I believe it is Einstein who is credited with saying that there is no darkness, only the absence of light, and there is no cold, only the absence of heat, likewise, there is no evil, only the absence of God. What I think he meant is that evil is what we see in the hearts of people who have forsaken God and put themselves in his place.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jun 16
@nanette64 Exactly! We are responsible for our own actions. We have brains to think, don't we? We just have chosen to waste it rather than put it to good use.
Like @DWDavis gave an example of a drunk driver causing an accident and ending up taking a life. Who was responsible here- God or the driver? lol
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@RichardMeister (5328)
• Otis Orchards, Washington
12 Jun 16
I stay away from talking about religion as much as possible because things can get very heated.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
12 Jun 16
@RichardMeister Yeah I stay away as much as I can but am being just a little bit too curious right now. Kinda stressing a bit that people will misunderstand me. I usually stay away from talking about religion and politics because I know things can get out of hand. Hope nothing negative comes out of this. Just genuinely want to know.
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@RichardMeister (5328)
• Otis Orchards, Washington
12 Jun 16
@VivaLaDani13 It was clear to me that all you are doing is seeking information. I will tell you I am a strong believer that when my time comes, then no matter how I die, it was my time. If I live through a tragic event then it wasn't my time.
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@vandana7 (101598)
• India
13 Jun 16
I believe in god. I pray for 2 to 5 minutes only each day. God is my neglected parent. lol So here I come to fight god's case with you.
As long as we are not hurting anybody, our actions are alright.
That brings me to your specific question. I feel happy my loved one survived, even though others did not.
No..I am not HAPPY...I am RELIEVED. Please check the difference. I thank god, yes, that he took care of my loved one at such time. But thanking god is not saying thank god you chose my loved one over the other! Or better he die than my loved one! Yikes nobody thinks like that. If I thought like that, I would be wrong.
That would be reading too much in that innocent statement.
God does very little. We do so much to ourselves. God has become very lazy because he does not have to do much ..we do his job in hospitals, we do his job in farms, his job in growing fish...he was to provide us fruits and food, we do the farming...he gets to doze.
When we thank him he does get up, good for him. He will get cardiac arrest otherwise. We can't expect him to be responsible for human error in flight, or technical failure in flight. That is just an expression of relief ...thank god. No statement of thanks for giving preference to loved ones over others.
If we know somebody did not make it, we do feel sorry sweetie, and they realize too that there was no ill-will when we thanked god. Effectively, it is not a bad thing. Had the shoe been in the other foot, the same would have happened. We can, at the most, be sensitive towards those around us going through similar stress about loved ones, and underplay our sense of relief. That would be signs of a good human being. It has not been mandated, but empathy is proof of intellect.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@vandana7 I liked your answer on this very much. Thank you for sharing your view on all of this!
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@1creekgirl (43017)
• United States
12 Jun 16
I agree with some of the members, but my view is that because God gave us free will to choose our actions, we've been destroying the earth and each other ever since the beginning of human creation. I do believe God hears our prayers and many times his answer is yes. But it can be "no" or "wait."
I don't understand why some people are rescued and some are not. As children, we trust our earthly parents to do what's best for us. I trust God as my Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity) to take care of me whether I understand or not.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@1creekgirl Thank you very much for your answer. It was interesting to read. 

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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jun 16
@icreekgirl Exactly! We have free wills which we are using it to create as many issues as we can.
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@akalinus (44141)
• United States
12 Feb 19
@VivaLaDani13 Your welcome. It is a simple truth that many people overlook or discount.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@akalinus Thank you for your answer on this. Much appreciated!

@IreneVincent (15962)
• United States
13 Jun 16
If you want the answer to your question, go to this link.
This is the answer from Jehovah's Witnesses. Their answer is not always that "It's Satan" or "It's the demons."

How did evil begin? Was God’s creation defective? Why so much suffering? The evidence is clear that human rulers have failed. How can we choose God as our Ruler?
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@IreneVincent Thank you very much for the link! Appreciate it!
@cacay1 (84458)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
14 Jun 16
You cannot understand God because He is not in your heart. Better read the bible to enlighten you.Though God said that religion cannot save your soul, but it is according ton our deeds. And that is how God does when He redeems for God owns the earth and everything that's in it.
Without God, we are nothing.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@cacay1 Thank you so much for your interesting input.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jun 16
@cacay1 Without the context, understanding Bible is difficult and the context must be unbiased. To be honest, some of the commands/ orders and texts are actually pretty harsh to read. If not explained properly there literal meaning will definitely scare her.
Like it happened with Jehovah Witnesses. Had they took the time to explain to her properly rather than throwing "It's Satan." or "It's the demons." on her, she wouldn't have lost faith or become confused. I don't blame her for that.
And God may or may not be in her heart, but His essence resides in her because love resides in her heart. She is closer to God than the most "believers" if truth be told.
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@Shiva49 (27009)
• Singapore
13 Jun 16
I have no convincing answers as religion is belief without proof.
There is no proper justice here and so I feel our Creator will ensure ultimate justice in his own way.
Many think of after life, but what about before we came here?
Our system is more of hypocrisy as though all are equal, some are treated more than equal.
I am also more agnostic but believe in an all encompassing Creator.
I try to understand all beliefs.
We come with an inner knowing and I tend to see our Creator in His creations.
When we are able to connect with others seamlessly we honor our Creator.
We should get what we deserve in the end and the journey could well continue - siva
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@JamesHxstatic (29413)
• Eugene, Oregon
13 Jun 16
If there is a "Creator," the idea that a journey of growth will continue, makes the most sense to me.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@Shiva49 Thank you very much for your answer. Very interesting to know your thoughts on this.
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@Shiva49 (27009)
• Singapore
13 Jun 16
@JamesHxstatic We have an inner knowing it will continue.
I also have an awareness/prompts that those who have passed on are still in touch with me - siva
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
13 Jun 16
I have always been curious about why people believe in a God when there is no scientific evidence of it and in fact science has no explanation either. I think we would be a better world without religion. One religion is pitted against the other and there are hundreds of religions. It's the cause of war and discord. I don't get it, but I believe it's just a way people choose to live because of tradition and without having to ask questions
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@RubyHawk Though I still have no answer myself, I am fine with what people believe but sometimes I feel as if God is the adult version of a child's Santa. To be told to be good and then you get rewarded. Though with some religions, it's more like being black mailed. But I know nothing at the end of the day. My opinion doesn't mean truth and vice versa. Who knows.
Thank you so much for your answer!
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jun 16
@RubyHawk Religions were not supposed to rule/ dominate/ control anyone. They were supposed to be a guide. We just manipulated and corrupted it to become like that. Hence the conflicts!
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@goodson_ben (70)
• Abuja, Nigeria
13 Jun 16
The Word of God should be our reference because it is the mind of God. So the Bible should be our reference, for you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free John 8:32, for your question i will refer you to the same word which said in all things give thanks to God for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you - 1 Thessalonians 5:17, also in Ephesians 5:20 it says always give thanks to God the father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is fact that there is evil in the World because the Bible likened the devil as a thief who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy but Jesus came to give us life more abundantly, the bible told us that the whole world lieth in wickedness but we are the children of God 1 john 5:19, so when you read all this bible verses you will understand better, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior for you to be saved Romans 10:9 -10 shows you how to be born again, when this is done you receive the Holy Spirit to empower you to live a new life in Christ and become a regenerated man, then the old man that is susceptible to the life of sin will give way to a new life in Christ, because it is written and i quote 'if any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away and behold all things have become new' 2 Corinthians 5:17, So my friend you don't know what you are missing if you are not in fellowship with Christ Jesus, the life of struggling continues when you are not operating in the supernatural, when you discover who you are in Christ Jesus you will live as if there is no Devil, i want to ask you a question does the devil exist? when you reply then i can feed you more with Gods word, because you need to feed on the word of God day and night just as you eat natural food, hope from the above summary you have seen reasons to always thank God in all situations, at all times, our duty is always to give God thanks despite the condition and circumstances, Thank you for the privilege to share with you God's Word, remain Blessed.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@goodson_ben Thank you very much for your input! Interesting read!

@ronc510 (479)
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
Yes, I believe there's a God who are our creator since it's really impossible that we got here from nothing. There's a higher being, but people in a religious organization are just milking it out to serve themselves they are using the concept of god to gain power, money and influence.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
13 Jun 16
you wrote something like, “How we thank God for doing something loving when there is so much crap?” and “Why are some people special enough for God to get involved with but not all”
God is indeed loving. Crap happens. Sometimes it is for the best. Others times it just happens. God is not a control freak.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@Bluedoll That is a fair enough answer. Thank you for explaining your thoughts on this!
@LeaPea2417 (37654)
• Toccoa, Georgia
12 Jun 16
As a Christian I have wondered why God spares some in bad events and then other's die in those bad events. It is hard to explain but I really think that God is in control and that there is a reason for all the things that happen good and bad.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@LeaPea2417 Thank you for your answer. And yes it's something that is hard to know the answer to. I'm very curious.
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@shivamani10 (11035)
• Hyderabad, India
13 Jun 16
Have you ever shared a loaf of bread with your neighbours who are starving? You will enjoy the beauty and joy of 'giving' than cosuming for self. Not only you we are not doing it. I am not doing it (sometimes). This is what one has to develop, It does not require you to be rich. It needs one to be rich in his thinking and sharing (good or bad). We are all sinners. God is always great. He bestow his blessings equally on each and everyone. No one is his enemy and no one is his friend. All are equal. A friend will pray for him and takes his name and an enemy rejects him taking his name. Both are taking his name. Both are kept on equa footing. This is the greatness of the God. The moment you think about Him you are absolved of your sins.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@shivamani10 Thank you for sharing your opinion on this! 

@Bhaskarjhborah (735)
• India
13 Jun 16
I beleive in god, actually I think that there must be an invisible energy that controls the all events, like mind controls the whole body. May be it is god or something else. Buy people call it god.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jun 16
@tzwrites I think they need someone to rely on, a crutch, who will never let them down. Like children sometimes have make believe friends.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
9 Feb 19
@tzwrites I'm not sure. It's interesting to me to know why people believe in things. Sometimes I feel it's how @Daljinder put it.