Even Media are Full of Hatred, "FIFTY PERVERTS KILLED" in Orlando - Turkish Media

@ronc510 (479)
June 14, 2016 5:29am CST
The world will get worst with a media like this? instead of promoting peace they promote hatred.... oh Turkey is a NATO country.. "A TURKISH newspaper has sparked outrage with a homophobic headline labelling victims of the Orlando massacre “perverts”. Yeni Akit paper, known for its right-wing stance, used the sick headline: “Death toll rises to 50 in bar where perverted homosexuals go.”
A TURKISH newspaper has sparked outrage with a homophobic headline labelling victims of the Orlando massacre “perverts”. Yeni Akit paper, known for its right-wing stance, used the sick …
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2 responses
@Shavkat (137889)
• Philippines
14 Jun 16
That's sad to hear. I not sure if it is a way of revenge. Since the criminal is a Muslim.
@ronc510 (479)
• Philippines
14 Jun 16
They just full of hate against people that they don't understand
@magnumopus (1644)
• Singapore
7 May 17
That's a very unfair, misleading and insensitive headlines a newspaper could ever have.