How would you describe your relationship with God ?

Hong Kong
July 5, 2016 3:32am CST
People will have different relationship level with others and same as your relationship with God. What do you think the relationship level can better describe you with God in the bible right now ? Why would you say that ? Please explain and share with us 1. Full of intimacy, always enjoy worship God,, love Him, speak with God and can hear His voice often. Always looking forward to meet with Him like a close friend. 2. Attend church every Sunday and read the bible everyday but can't hear His voice in a clear way. 3. Go to Church once awhile and read the bible once awhile. 4. Pray only when you need help. Otherwise you won't. 5. God is quite distance to you even when you want to get to know Him more. 6. Doesn't bother to meet with God at all. You just live your own life. 7. Other description. (Share with us)
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8 responses
• Calgary, Alberta
5 Jul 16
I am not atheist but my relationship with God is in the rocks. I think I might be dethroning Satan. it is hard for me to live a pure life because sin is delicious. i cant live the lifestyle of a priest or nun.
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• Hong Kong
7 Jul 16
You don't need to live a life like a priest or nun, God only wants human to live like a human according to His will when He first created. The bible stated clear that God said " it is so good." after he created the first man. God always has a good plan in your life that He wants you to fulfilled in your life and you will if you allow Him to help you to do so. ( God's plan will always be better than our own plan in life) Jesus love you anyway.
@Shavkat (137889)
• Philippines
5 Jul 16
He is my best friend.
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
5 Jul 16
Like any relationship, it needs constant effort and work. So every day I do the best that I can. I try to read a portion of the Bible every day, some days it is a small portion and some days a bigger one. I try to meet weekly with fellow believers. I try to talk about Him whenever the occasion is suitable. I pray daily, some times more than others.
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@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
7 Jul 16
@wildlittlefan It is my hope and wish that all of us do the best we can as we are all precious to our Heavenly Father. Matthew 18:12-14 New International Version (NIV) 12 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? 13 And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 14 In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.
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• Hong Kong
5 Jul 16
Good for you and may God's blessing will always be with you.
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• Hong Kong
7 Jul 16
@1hopefulman Very good. Lets exalt Jesus and praise Him together.
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
5 Jul 16
What's your's?
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• Hong Kong
5 Jul 16
I am asking you ? You haven't share with me yet but you are asking me back right now. I will tell you later on if you are willing to share yours first.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
5 Jul 16
@wildlittlefan Why do I have to go first? I'll go with #5 off the list. How's that?
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• Hong Kong
5 Jul 16
@Bluedoll the reason you need to go first being that you are responding to a discussion with a question ? Thank you for your answer anyway. I will say that I am in #1 but sometimes I will be in #2 as well. May God reveal Himself to you much more as you will do what James 4 : 8a said in the Bible. ( Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.) Many people find that God is so distance to them but actually it is not the case. He is always with you and speaking to you all the times as well. However, hearing God's voice needs to be learned. May God bless you and He loves you anyway.
@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
17 Jul 16
Just a friend. And I'm not talking about Jesus, but the old guy who likes to stop by in a dream to chat about the state of the world and the past and such. Three months ago I got the universal system message that I have achieved balance, and I know it is true. I can use the full power of the dark side of the universe without ever losing myself to it. In the past the struggle was always trying to come back from that. Now I don't even have to try. You'd think that someone who is half evil can't be a friend of god, but isn't he also half evil? He's certainly not all righteous!
@aarifa (1210)
• India
8 Jul 16
I love my allah.He is very best friend of me.whenever i was worried He shows the mercy on me and solved that quickly.. I was 20 years old..many things,many people have been changed.but my ALLAh's not change on me...he is most entirely merciful and especially merciful..
@skysnap (20153)
5 Jul 16
Mental peace I guess.
@shivamani10 (11036)
• Hyderabad, India
5 Jul 16
There is no one such as 'good' or 'bad'. He treats everybody equally. He knows only love.